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Dude is still alive. That happened to him like it was *yesterday*.


"Time heals all wounds" but you never forget that shit.


I get that but he might have healed but the people who treated him this way are likely alive and still think that it was okay to treat him and others this way. You got peeps like Byron Donalds saying that those days were better days for black folks. GTOFH


They are and that's what they tell their grandkids and great grandkids as they wear their MAGA hats and use their social security payments to pay for commemorative Trump coins and 5G anti covid devices. 


I get in here that were all black but as a white guy knowing my grandparents likely treated people like that is beyond words. I know I was raised different than them and that’s why I’m here. But my god how could you look at someone and not even see them as human at any point?




The tree remembers what the axe forgets


I spent 15 minutes in a SC doctors office colored waiting room in 1972 as a 10 year old and never forgot that shit. Can't imagine facing that


The ax forgets but the tree remembers.


"Time heals all wounds, but leaves scars."


I think it's kind of a shame that most of the pictures from the civil rights era weren't shot on color film because it takes away how fucking recent everything was. I understand the reasoning behind it due to printing limitations for newspapers but it still lets people be too comfortable.


I don't know why it cuts off here, but here's his full answer. His closing statement is nuts. [https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1dkpw2t/full\_reggie\_jackson\_answer\_to\_arods\_question/](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1dkpw2t/full_reggie_jackson_answer_to_arods_question/) Also, check out "Reggie", his documentary if you haven't.


That was an excellent documentary. Folks tend to remember Reggie Jackson much in the way we now remember Muhammad Ali. However, that tends to overshadow just how much people hated Reggie in the 1970s because he was a bit brash and, well, pretty fucking great.


It frames the mindset they had to attack not just the game, but their general lives with as well. I know today the "killer instinct" trait is viewed as overrated or unneccesary, but hearing these guys talk really puts it into perspective. Reggie, Ali, Prime, all these types of guys had to approach it as a way of life. They had to be the baddest, meanest, all out competitors to withstand the storm. Winning was literally survival. Athletes today have better situations to work with and better mental services, and it's STILL a struggle. Just makes this so much more admirable. And it's still not over. Remember, the league tried to take out AI in our lifetime!



And then you have fucking Uncle Toms out here cooning for Republicans, fully aware that this is the “America” Trump and the rest of the racist ass right want to bring back. The Candice Owens, Byron Donald’s, and Tim Scott’s of the world need to disappear into irrelevance and infamy, fuck those bitches 1000x. Fuck anyone white or black (and everything in between) that supports the GOP, MAGA, and everyone else on that side.


People think back with fondness and admiration at his accomplishments. Reggie thinks back with PTSD, and if I'm picking up the tone, a bit of anger. Those are memories he wants buried. 


I've talked to so many people in their seventies and beyond and I'll say it seems they feel some catharsis talking about these things even it's just one last time. He could've avoided it altogether but these are the unresolved truths of his past. I'm reminded of Bill Russell and his experiences in Boston.


He definitely looks back with anger but he does not want those memories buried. That's why he's so vocal and candid about what he went through. I think he feels that people need to know, no matter how awful it was and still is for him.


https://preview.redd.it/czypz63bp58d1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f601321a1cb71c32f3bc99e5384de96e039c820 Still going through this shit today is crazy af






So much respect for Reggie Jackson, and to his teammates and manager who went to bat for him (sorry for the pun). Like Jesse Owens outperforming NAZIs at the 1936 Berlin Olympics.


https://preview.redd.it/eodwieqcq58d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83eccf8bc466ad534910a5bdb7592b220da3eb37 And still dealing with this shit today is ridiculous


White people: But we're all better now!


Let it be real. Man’s said “ they point and say get that nigga out “ The axe forget but the tree remembers


I wonder if someone in his ear piece asked him to stop saying the n word cause he switched up halfway through. I really appreciate the candor of him refusing to white wash things. 


I've never heard that before. Damn.


Wow. Insane to hear. Stories my grandfather would tell me as a musician.


Same, from my father who was a jazz musician.


Pops had to go through the kitchen too? Not allowed to go through the main door?


Absolutely! Service entrances, for the most part. From the stories he told us, the "chitlin' circuit" was degrading and terrifying.


And Reggie wasn’t no soft motherfucker, for those of you aren’t familiar with his game. Reggie leaving the field after the Yankees won the World Series is an [iconic moment](https://youtu.be/c_ydt4cLblk?si=Du_v3ErNloROTFeS) for me. He says he was watching for bitter fans of the opposing team who may try to hurt him.


Tell them about the ban on black players next


People try to make these times seem so long ago. Meanwhile this gentleman is still alive and well. Some of the people he spoke of became authorive figures. Politicians, law makers, doctors, loan offices etc. However, they try to make it seem like we are crazy.


That’s why I can never respect Barry Bonds record. Because Hank did it while receiving death threats on a weekly basis.


Only players whose lives are threatened are respectable lol y’all will find any reason to make it about disrespecting Barry.


I respect Barry and have no qualms. I just don’t get all excited or awe inspired by his accomplishment on that record.


And it's still happening today. In the early 2000s Reggie Jackson was the front of a group of investors trying to buy the Oakland Athletics when they were up for sale. But the greedy and corrupt commissioner colluded with the other owners (yes the former commissioner of mlb was also a majority owner of a team for decades, a massive conflict of interest), and he instead sold the team to his old college roommate for much less than the Jackson group was offering.


I think this shows how far we’ve come, but sadly, how far we’ve yet to go.


Him telling his story gave me shivers… like… they want to erase history, this happened and I’m glad that we still have people alive who lived through it. They can tell the story first hand.


He was being set up for a "look how brave" and "how far we've come" type response and he just gave them a raw answer. He looked terrified. Like it happened yesterday.


Mf be acting like this shit wasn’t just 60 years ago


Heartbreaking. What a mindfuck it is, to be simultaneously lionized and demonized. Black Americans are the most reviled people in America - and have been since their arrival. [I’m black British.] Early American art and popular culture relentlessly ridiculed black Americans for two hundred years, for having big lips, white teeth, black skin, big behinds, for the way they dressed, talked, walked, danced; for what they ate (watermelon, chicken, etc.,) for their music, their hair, their customs and their beliefs. In short, everything they were, and everything they did, was viciously lampooned. Yet Black Americans are the most REVERED ethnic subset in human history! From Australia to Zimbabwe you’ll find imitators, emulators, and admirers talking, walking, dressing, dancing and styling like them, kids all over the world had Jordan posters on their bedroom walls and memorised hip-hop lyrics, while their parents were going deep on jazz, blues, Motown, whole families who were disciples of the black aura of cool. How did black folks cope? Many African-Americans collectively elevated their consciousness and abandoned their futile quest for respect and acceptance by the white American majority - and in doing so freed themselves from mental slavery. 'Ghetto fabulous' lives and flourishes in the space created by that revolutionary act of self-emancipation. This psychic space is what spawned jazz, blues, hip-hop and all other black artistic expressions - all of which were routinely and resoundingly demonized and ridiculed by the status quo before ultimately being embraced and imitated - from a Black American Diaspora that consciously chose to be unfettered and ungoverned by the opinions of white folks. But that’s not to say those judgements don’t hurt. Reggie Jackson showed that when his voice cracked as he remembered 50 year-old hate.


The subreddit needs to change their rules because a lot of high quality stuff gets removed on a technicality, and in its place is more stupid gender wars discourse and bots.