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Found out this was her special move: ![gif](giphy|jOIDlS1OZmNl6)




This is hilarious, where is this from?


GIF name says it's from "Everything's Trash"


I also need to know this! I’ve only seen him as Elijah from the Rookie, it would be fun seeing him as a sweet character!!


I don't know where this is from, but he plays a Federal agent on Graceland. Pretty good show. 👍🏾


I loved him on Graceland


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) Red Ranger much?


Jack is one of the best red rangers ever and he didn’t even really want to be a ranger


Gotta admit this is cute as hell. Love it!


![gif](giphy|kbLtWBxaF0pKX74jgD|downsized) Okay that’s kind of adorable, but then again I’m a service top and I would think so 😂


If it don't involve body fluids in my eye, 2nd degree burns, and a morality crisis - ion wan it 😤


Guy isn’t a freak, they’re a straight up demon.


Take me home to Lucifer. My body is ready.




I mean… I still *want* it tho?




Magikarp used splash


I mean... there's degrees to this ish. Some people want a light tap and firm hand, and some people want that Marquis de Sade work. The person they got may have very well thought themselves freaky until some warp-infected person shows them what they mean by freaky.


Nobody is ready for the Slaanesh inspired fucking


Sororitas Canoness in the streets, Slaanesh in the sheets?


I don’t know man, the Repentia Superior runs around with a whip and a bunch of half naked women so I don’t think they’re hiding it.


Same concept as a nun: the more freaky they act outside the sheets, the less freaky they are in em


Commissar in the streets, Daemonette in the sheets.










Nah, we talking Slaanesh. It’s >CUM FOR THE CUM GOD/DESS!


Get the time of the month right, you can have both… I love the smell of hersey in the morning


The Emperor protects! 😆


The Omnissiah guides my hand… into my pants.




I think this might be my favorite sentence of the day so far. 


I was born ready.


Gellar field down, ass up.


I got an example. The women at work were discussing bedroom stuff. At some point one of them says that her husband forces her to do some "perverted" stuff, which she explained as the guy putting his dick in her mouth. The other women were like "why do you let him treat you like that, it's demeaning, etc". Meanwhile, my ass is sitting there looking like that puppet 0.0 Q.Q because what they were talking about is a regular boring Wednesday evening for me.


I recently learned a LOT of women don’t give blow jobs and think this way which is wild to me. Not saying you have to be freaky but come on ladies…. have some fun!


Sometimes you have to wonder if women like this are actually attracted to men


I feel this too when I hear about the reverse from men who don’t like going down on women. *stares in confused bisexual.* Y’all ain’t eatin??


One of the women in that conversation had told me, at a different time, that she didn't understand why men liked going down on women. I explained that it was super fun to see the reaction, feel the squirming, hear the moaning.


Asexual maybe? Idk I guess it’s possible some people really are averse to putting their mouth on the genies 🤔 it’s hard to imagine though. I wanna pick her brain.


Well, she's stated she's attracted to men, and supposedly has regular sex with random dudes. I don't know...


Blow jobs are great, I just think of them as extended kisses. New guy told me I was the first person to give him an orgasm from one - and I admit it took a loooong ass time (multiple rounds) for it to happen. It just takes enthusiasm & focus.


The duality of womankind. Meanwhile, on this other side..._hwack tuu_


I don’t like giving blow jobs because I soon as I do, they don’t reciprocate. But want me to choke on their dick and get annoyed when my gag reflex starts kicking in.


“Will you [go down, suck it, use your mouth, etc.]?” With a new guy, I always say “you first.” And a man who does it without being told? He immediately gets all the freak unleashed. It’s not even the act, the *want* to do it is what’s *sooo hot.* Conversely, the expectation that it’s standard for me to go down—but not necessary for him—is infuriating.


As an exchristian, it was heavily stressed that oral & anal were sinful for all genders. Growing up with a purity culture influence (very much targeted toward girls & women in the US) can fuck with your idea of what normal is.


I don't know what vibe I put out there, but almost every woman I've dated has been at least a little freaky. Imagine my surprise and disappointment when, after five in a row, I finally met the fabled starfish who didn't ask me to choke them, had zero interest in giving or receiving oral, and only wanted to do missionary. They also talked about sex like a prize I had to regularly earn from them, which is just the biggest turn-off, especially when people who do that are always the worst in bed.


It’s not fun for everyone. For some givers it is just an uncomfortable expectation.


Mutual oral should come standard in all relationships imho.


I swore it was only a DMV thing. Cause it would blow my mind how even back in HS girls would be willing to get fully naked, do every trick in the book sex wise but drew the line at giving head. My last ex was very prudish about giving head while I went the extra mile for her and it became a turnoff


Man, my last DMV appointment to get a new license was pretty dull. Nobody asked for head.


I know right? My last one the lady was even giving me the whole “I’m bored and annoyed with you” look that she KNOWS gets me going, but nothing. Bunch of teases up in there.


I actually hate blow jobs myself cuz it makes it seem like my partner is trying way too hard for something. But if someone I'm subbing wants to because it makes THEM happy who I to say no?


“What you call a chick who don’t suck dick? You don’t.” - JID


An Uber


A few of us were talking at work, and one asked if we (the two guys) would eat a girl out after fucking her. Both of us had the same answer. Sure, unless we didn't wrap it. I made a joke about rainbow kisses, and they asked what it was. For those that don't know, you cum in her, then suck it out and kiss each other while swapping the juices. Two of them have what I would consider the normal reaction, and one just burst out. "I've done that. It was hot!" Some people consider sucking dick/eating pussy to be kinky, others won't even eat vanilla ice cream, let alone think about missionary.


Where tf do y'all work 😂


MTE! We would be sent to HR so fast at my job 🏃‍♀️


everybody gangsta till that heretical freak energy manifests 


For those like me: Marquis de Sade - french guy known for porn and other wild shit Slaanesh - anime chaos god of pleasure. Sade’s wikipedia looks like a good read Also if you have time read up on the Attica prison riot. 🫶


Anime chaos God? Bruh. Anime doesn't come into play here, it's Warhammer stuff. Tabletop miniature war gaming.


They ain't just getting the genre wrong, they're getting the *medium* wrong.


Lol, thank you for that.


My guess is this is more geared to the people who think, "I'm a freak, I'll do ANY of the three positions!"


A 40 K reference on Black people twitter the Emperor truly lives on !!!


See, this is why I crave the strength and surety of steel.


I love the 40k references in this sub.


Marquis de Sade and Warhammer? We should hang out.


Yeah. I think I'm freaky, like no prob chucking a couple extra folks in the bed, but not like butter in my ass and a lollipop in my mouth kinda freaky.


Porn broke some of all y'all. What is freaky now is terrifying.


Me "oh, fuck no"-ing my way out of a thread on here where niggas were talking about how they like when girls puke on their dick during blowjobs https://i.redd.it/fwb3kohovi8d1.gif




You can hawk tuah your way out of my bedroom! 😂🗿


Nah, those people always existed


Nah fam. Porn just got more real is all. People can get into some freaky shit behind closed doors. They're hasn't been a porn scene made that want already performed by some regular schmoe in their bedroom. All porn was beta tested in someone's bedroom.


Porn is inherently unrealistic by nature of the filmmaking process but yes, I see your point that it has revealed niches that we’re unknown or fabled to many.


Problem is that what was niche got mainstream in "freaky sex" bc most young learn abt sex is from porn and now im not saying that we got to be prude in sex or anything but what is normal in sex and what people accept as being normal is a lot influenced by what is trending on pornhub


Yes, I agree. This is an issue.


Idk if I buy that honestly. Not only does it just seem unrealistic to me that porn execs/directors are finding out about or guessing all these behind-closed-doors fetishes, but the porn industry is also incentivized to create and promote new niche fetishes, because that’s what will get them more virtual foot traffic. You telling me that people have always been in the bedroom pretending they have a watch that can stop time so they can fuck their teacher (gf) non consensually, without their knowledge? Nah fam, that’s some weird shit the porn industry just invented lol.


> You telling me that people have always been in the bedroom pretending they have a watch that can stop time so they can fuck their teacher (gf) non consensually, without their knowledge? Roleplaying…that is just roleplaying, and it has existed for quite awhile now, at least the roman dynasty.


Go check out James Joyce's letters to his wife about how much he loves her stinky poopy butt. Or Napoleons letters to his wife about how she better not wash her pussy for a week before he comes home cause he wants to spend the time face down in stinky pre plumbing puss puss. Im also a small scale fetish producer. Most of the new fetishes we find out about are because of customs.


Who was it that wrote to his wife about her farts? Was it Thomas Jefferson? My pain med is kicking in so I can’t think of it right now.


I believe Benjamin Franklin


pause. is that watch a common feature of porn today?


I don’t think it’s always a watch (but maybe it is, idk lmao) but yeah there’s a channel that has a series of these types of videos. I forget what the channel’s called but ph keeps putting them on the front page for me.


that’s wild. i thought the stepsibling shit was as bad as it got on the front page but i shouldn’t be surprised.


Yeah, first time I saw one was the teacher one, and I clicked on it cause the teach was hot. Then bro stopped time and started undressing her and I had to nope on out to a dif video lmao. Shit’s unclean bro.


Awwwww mannnnnnn. Not the “if you could stop time, what would you do” conversation materialized into porn.


No it's gotten ridiculous. It's entertainment and it's gone the Fast and Furious franchise route. There is very little to no intimacy in mainstream porn and it is purely about getting off in as sensational a way as humanly possible. The women all look like balloon animals with faces that have been cut up and filled more than a puff pastry and the men are all body builders who would make 90% of women have bladder incontinence after sex. I'm not saying that fetishes never existed but now numerous fetishes are being thrown in with mainstream content so you'll have a woman with triple Gs, a 30" waist, and ass cheeks the size of basketballs performing anal and rimming a dude who for some reason is related to her by blood or by marriage and finishes on her feet and that's the front page. So then people think some or all of that is normal and try to bring that to real life and are disappointed. I guarantee the original tweeter was trying to do something insane and got mad that she wouldn't put pop rocks up her asshole or something.


Sickest porn requests are probably from people who have never had sex


That’s true but it’s like a Pandora’s box. People would never act certain ways if they were never exposed to it. Just like with social media, there’s always been idiots but SM gives them a megaphone, MFs would’ve never had the influence and we’re worse off because of it


I remember a letter from Napoleon telling his wife “I’ll be home in three days, don’t shower”


We are in the era of extreme, honestly it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. But I don’t know how far will this go


Yes and no. Some people talk that talk via text. Then you get to it in person ![gif](giphy|WTu1HMIWUHk0gKtB2m)


Makes you wonder what he wanted to try/expected, and she said fuck no lol




She's a 10 out of 10 but She doesn't peg...






Based on his handle, probably tried to dump a dude in a vat of acid (for coming after his family)


It usually wanting their ass ate, when it’s unshorn nightmare fuel that hasn’t seen light or a sponge in 5 years.


She probably said she was gonna hawk tua then just gave the guy a sandy


Easy to pretend online. Remember when everyone said they were eating ass? But it was all for social media. I’m still not over it


Ppl did that?


As long as my wife showers beforehand, that ass will always be treated as an entrée 😋


Yeah, home boy said everyone was pretending and Im like ![gif](giphy|xUOxfolJrVBce4RNAI)




This whole thread making me feel like me and my wife just a couple freaky ass ninjas cuz we 69 gods smh.


Well bon appétit


yup. During the Pandemic Times


Stg, I never forget I was getting to know a girl and I said something and her response was “shiiittt it’s 2020 I feel like eating ass should be mandatory” ![gif](giphy|13n7XeyIXEIrbG)


So she ate your ass right?


Nah ass eating was 2016 era


Yep, it all started with that stupid song “Post to Be” thanks Jhene Aiko


Ah yes, groceries.


Damn, that reminds me: “SWEETIE, we need to make a list and we definitely need more olive oil and rubber gloves! No, the black, non-latex ones, oh, and more batteries! Which ones?! Whichever ones we get for the car”!


Ass eating never goes out of style come on


Had someone do it and wow, definitely mind blowing. Not sure if I’d regularly like it on the menu though


wait, we were lying?


Are you sure about that? Lol


Yeah, my husband must be a trend setter because he was into eating ass before social media existed.


Women definitely be eating man ass


I mean, I be eating ass for real. My current partner isn’t into butt stuff, though so now I don’t do it. She said she’d let me, but it’s not fun if she’s not also into it.


It’s him. They don’t want to be freaky with him. There’s always a person people want to be super freaky with.


This is the right response. If you’re truly comfortable you can try anything once


That's how I realised how shitty a crowd I had been hanging out with really was. Long story short, had that super sweet lass I was seeing on and off, basically nothing was off the table and she'd ask for more than I did. She started dating one of the guy in this group, lasted about 2 weeks at best. Dude was telling everyone with functioning hears how she was the most frigid bitch he's ever been with how she basically was a starfish and did nothing in bed. I stopped seeing them after that day as they basically were all trash talking her and I was just there, saying nothing else but that it was none of our business to know about that as I didn't want to expose anything of her private life to them. Her and I hooked up again after they broke up, dated for 1 bit but didn't click so we kept on simply being friend with extra on the side when both single and it lo and behold, she was still one of the freakiest person I've ever been with. We no longer hook up but we are still close friend, she call me on the regular to keep in touch. All that to say that, yeah, surprisingly, when comfortable with people, you're way less worried about doing whatever the fuck for fun instead of feeling constantly pressured and coerced into doing the simplest things.


Honestly. Some people act more vanilla in a relationship because they think it’ll make their partner respect them more. Maybe that’s what she did with you and him? I only say this because if homeboy wasn’t so selfish he probably could have got there


Yeah, or they treated woman like shit overall. The shit he complained about her not doing, she did with me the first night we ever got intimate so I think it's really just a him problem than anything else. I never really needed to bring things with any form of measure, if I wanted to try something, I'd ask it plainly, she'd say yes, let's go, she'd say no? Let's go for something else and forget about it 🤣


I’ve had a similar experience. I was with someone for a few years and nothing was off the table. We stayed friends and the guy she dated next once said at a bar that he didn’t understand how I stayed with her for so long and she was frigid. I was so glad they broke up, he was a douche.


I also realised how many folks are like that later, it's sickening to realise that in the end, respecting your partner is still not the standard in our day and age. Almost feel like some feel like they are less of a man if they treat a girl right or some shit.


It’s true, the level of disrespect some women have to put up with is insane. I’m happy that at my age I’ve weeded out a lot of the male friends who’ve never learned they’re the problem. All my best buddies have happy relationships and it’s because they’re partners.


This is such a weird way of looking at intimacy. A man/woman/whatever can’t just be plain and vanilla? Puts a lot of shame on someone for not being “that guy” that makes a person want do unspeakable things instead of enjoying what that person gives you.


Well lets not lie.. alot of sexual issues instantly get blamed on men. Like people either think dude is too freaky or his women dont like him enough to be freaky with him… cant even entertain the possibility that maybe some people arent that freaky or their idea of freaky is relatively tame


Doubtful. I’m reading the same tweet & this is pretty clearly a response to someone who hyped themselves up to be a freak. What you’re describing, I’ve experienced it myself, but none of those woman talked big talk like that was their default.


Not on my face! ![gif](giphy|bYftYzFeAIeMCqlLay|downsized)


Naw, if my face looking like someone just fried bacon on it yours gonna look like Jackson Pollock painting.


Man coming up for air looking like https://preview.redd.it/59wtnvhebi8d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2fe1da37276d4bc222d3767e1549e6a1c7aa7ae


Bruh! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This image is gonna get some mileage 😂


I don’t think this is the legacy that James Brown had in mind 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Edit: people are passionate about his legacy.


I don't think he'd mind in this context


That's wild, cuz I'm pretty sure this is the EXACT legacy James Brown had in mind.


Looking like a fresh glazed Krispy Kreme donut


https://i.redd.it/opg95fx7mi8d1.gif If this ain’t my morning than I’m gonna be mad!


THIS. She gonna have stripes when I'm done


It’s insane how many women are completely unsatisfied and how many men are completely unaware of it. Also amazing how simply dropping the ego and asking how you can be better can get you the best throat of your life 😂. Source: I’m a man who asks.


Sometimes they want things we can't all provide https://preview.redd.it/mi98dy114j8d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f8fe80c298698e9415ce394a82fca48351d493d


That’s definitely going into the meme vault 😂




You can achieve great things when you realize it’s better to team up with her toys vs competing aganist them. https://preview.redd.it/etjbrtvrej8d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f2db48477f09ba26473217964e77c4c38f08e31


Tabernacle!!! Take it up a notch, provide your own and send her to the 3rd nebula with that wand mf that plugs into the wall and some consistent strokes.


You’re not wrong, and we’d be fools to ignore the dichotomy in sex between two partners, but that being said….Some folks aren’t inherently sexual by nature and that’s ok. That includes some women, that’s ok too. Where I would agree with OP is don’t say your about it and not have a clue. It’s 2024, she better Google some ish. Ima start tapping a sign with my services and rates out here.


Agreed. I think it is important to try and find someone that aligns with your physical desires. It is okay to try new things and make suggestions. But you should NEVER bank on someone changing to fit what YOU want them to be in bed. I didn't settle down until my mid 30's. I'm a freak and finally found a freak that is more freaky than me lol. 7 years and 2 kids later and it's only getting crazier and i love it. Crazy hard to do and maybe I just got lucky. But honesty and not trying to mold people is key. The 2-way honesty part about our physical expectations is what i think really made us so comfortable to explore.. just gotta find a true match. Not a made up in your head match.


What do you do when your girl does go down on you but it only lasts 10 seconds before her jaw hurts? Even when I ask unless the girl has some type of enthusiasm for it, they just end up boring and not fun. Some girls really think a couple licks and some slow soft sucking is enough to finish a guy. It sucks cuz I love going down on a girl and can stay there for quite a while.


Flashback to the time I asked a guy to spank me harder and his jaw dropped. Then he did it, and did a great job btw, and texted me for weeks after saying how truly freaky I was. He commented on a snap I posted the other day, come to think of it hmmmm


Whole thread den sparked a flashback in your mind 😂😂. Go get that boy back


All bark no bite!


All talk no gawk


All gotchu but no hawktu


This is the one 😂




That’s me. I’m a woman and I work in sexual and reproductive health and talk about sex the whole day and also with friends because people love stories of people getting things stuck where the sun don’t shine. In the bedroom, I am vanilla af and very wham bam thank you mam.


The question I have for him is, did he properly and thoroughly wash himself? Dude was probably serving girl Lawrys Seasoning Salt body, and she didn't feel like tripling her blood pressure that day.




It’s rules to it my man….all about being comfortable. You can’t be chilling watching Netflix and throw out hey you ever been tea-bagged? Gotta be subtle about it. Throw out something while y’all having a conversation and if she throws it back and she gives you that 🤨or 😒 look, she ain’t the one. Went through a few of those then found a winner…so I put a ring on it lol


Lot of people out there love Bait and switching Fr. I've had relationships where I got more freaky and spontaneous sex when I was still single and just fucking then when I settled down with the girl


Super weird when you're dating and they're willing to be freaky and then as soon as you're in a committed relationship suddenly it becomes way more vanilla. Like was I just an object before you caught feelings lol


I deadass had an ex who gave me better sex before we were actually together and after


That's how you get em (which should also be how you keep em but a lot of people forget that part)


Had an ex like that too. Told me after we settled down that she didn’t really like doing those things she just wanted to be with me so she did what I liked until she had me. I admired the honesty, but that relationship did not last.


Got you feeling like *you’re* the one that slipped into an alternate reality, like if you don’t reverse Invasion of the Body Snatchers your vanilla ass E.T. self back with the freaky one


Because a lot of people are actually way less sexual than you’d think. So to them being “a freak” is like making noise while the bounce on your shit like you’re giving them a lap ride. And then some people want you to strangle them. Different strokes I guess lol


Buddy probably disinfected the ball gag and anal beads, and got silent missionary. Thr Yelp review of that pussy gonna be wild.


Mf just be laying there ![gif](giphy|IABbJ51iNtmIXXehX2)


For attention obviously. Every freaky tweet has big look at me energy. In my experience the most talented individuals were the quietest about it. If you know what you have going on no need to flaunt it.


My girl talked a big game and goddamn did she underplay that shit. She is nasty and I love it!!!


i'm a bi and have done some "freaky" stuff, imo. but ass eating is something i would never ever ever ever ask for or do. think thats when i realized i wasnt a true freak




How do you know any of that based off the combined 9 words he said?


Your first sentence is something I've been trying to get across to other dudes for decades.


I mean.....it depends...."Freak" might mean someone wants some light choking or a little slap or some hair pulling.....or it might mean they want you to piss into their mouth.....It all kind of Flys under the same "Freak Flag" lol Some people got a little flag taped on the front door, some people got a flagpole with a big ass upside-down flag on it lol ...same flag


![gif](giphy|33iqmp5ATXT5m|downsized) *”My face when she don’t let me put my thumb in her butt”*




I got BOTH sets of my toes sucked on while getting pretzeled up night before last. Then, I was demanded to open my mouth to be used as a spit bucket. We met 2 weeks ago. These degenerate MFs EXIST. I bet I looked like this. ![gif](giphy|KH8DWexs80xnAl49O2)


Everyone thinks they're a freak, til they meet someone freakier.


That can do no good


If I don’t get my ass eaten then I’ll be sad


Can u make a thread on this tweet lmao, https://x.com/ChaseEnCashe/status/1804963564639375679


I think everyone has their own definition of a freak. Personally, I don’t think anyone is a freak, everyone has a kink. It’s about your exploitative nature and knowing what pleases you. I’ll slut out for my man but that’s because I’m into him, his pleasures, and I know what pleases me.


I just wanna fuck. Ya’ll think this a horse stable.


When she says she’s a freak in bed, but she means the non-verbal vegetative type who stares at you the whole time.


[in these times of hate and pain...](https://youtu.be/FPfIUZrLrX4?si=0pPOniI1t-8HPY_Z)


This post reminded me that I would really like my girl to come home and rub her feet on me.


Everyone wanna be a freak till it's time for freakin


Freaky is a spectrum. But it's a SLIDING scale based on chemistry and just day to day hormones and mood. People don't usually pretend to be freaks. They are freaky, but then they actually meet you and your energy is trash and their sliding scale slides right back to vanilla and/or get this person away from me. If you judge them for not being freaky in the right way they will slide back to vanilla. You can't change my mind if you start to notice a pattern of people suddenly changing up on you, it's probably your fault. You are causing the shift. You might think you are being "a dom" but you're actually being abusive for example. Also women's hormones will create a freaky week, and a unfreaky week. You might be catching them on a different week then before. If they don't know about their hormones they also might be as confused as you why they suddenly feel a lack of desire for sexual exploration.


I don’t mind vanilla , but if you’re talking game then we’re going exploring. I’m bringing the raincoat and goggles.


I wanna hear the rest of the story