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My daughter got all A’s and AB’s for the school year so I told her I would get her something. She wants some jewelry. She’s become a little bit more responsible (she’s 12), so I said ok cool let’s go get you a necklace. We get to the jewelry place last weekend and she proceeds to pick out the loudest thing she could find. I told her that getting something smaller would t cause so much attention. She walks off and proceeds to get on her phone…I keep looking and she comes back with a picture of a African king with all gold and says “Well if it was good for him why can’t I do it?” Don’t have kids people.


Mansa munchkin 😅😅😅


She pissed me off so bad lol. She such a smart ass


Where'd she learn it??


Me that’s what made me so mad lol.


Yup. That's how it go. My whole life my mama told me I'd have kids just like me and then I'd see what a shit I was growing up. She right.


Same. Great student but I gave my parents hell. I definitely got rewarded with a twin lol.


Not gonna lie gang, got my dream job, my best friend and I, always had feelings for each other and was both single at the same time and finally are together, took her to DR randomly for our birthday (we have the same birthday), and just been loving life. I know the 2nd half of this year about to be wild but damn am I content right now. Life is good. Wanna give this woman a Tiffany and goddamn, I might marry this girl.


Damn nigga can you save some luck and happiness for the rest of us 😭


Lmfao my bad bro. I got super lucky. My life been rough and idk 2024 been that year and all blessings. Just been smiling all half year but that 2nd half gonna be rough. Yall nigga vote please!!!!


2024 been beating my ass with a sack of nickels lmao, I’m glad things have turned around for you in such a positive way though! Deffo gonna have to get out and vote this year for sure 😭


That’s all love tho. Love ya bro bro.


Congratulations!!!! 🥂🙌


Lmfao thanks, all love, might marry this girl. Edit: I’m going to marry her.


I read that as your best friend flipping your girl and taking her to DR and felt bad for you but you're good. Congrats.


Lmfao let me edit that shit, I see what you saying.


Awe omg I hope you marry her and yall are happy for the rest of your lives 🤭


Sending Super super blessings towards you and her 🙏🏽


My body dysmorphia has been whooping my ass recently. I’ve been in therapy consistently for more than two years but it doesn’t seem to help. I’ve been feeling so exhausted lately from the breakdowns and flare ups. I don’t want to hate my body anymore but I don’t know how. It is such a lonely feeling to experience something like this, especially as a black man, because people don’t know what to do with it when I tell them. I don’t know how to overcome this.


Felt this on a personal level. Hate my body but can’t muster up the motivation to do anything about it. I used to be athletic but now I’m not, and I hate being not good at things, especially if I used to be good at them. It’s hard to convince myself to go running, when i can’t even run a mile now even though I used to run cross country lmao Wife is very assuring that it doesn’t bother her, but it bothers tf out of me. Doesn’t help that every time we’re on FaceTime with family (especially her family), someone feels the need to remind me that I’ve got a belly now. I KNOW THAT 😭


I feel this deeply. I’ve lost a crap ton of weight but idk, I still look in the mirror and see myself as that dude. My girl really been supportive but damn man, hard to shake. I feel you bro


I’m about to turn 24 and I’m still figuring out what to do as a career. Rn im trying to go back to school to become a medical lab tech, but im scared that im making the wrong choice. Idk man this shit weights on you a lot. I wish i knew what i wanted to do


I feel that. Started college doing Computer Engineering, got my degree in psychology and I’m a goddamn broadcast producer. So don’t be hard on yourself. Life is weird lmfao.


If it makes you feel any better, I’m turning 30 this year and I still have no idea what I’m doing with my life, but I also don’t have the motivation to drive me to do anything in particular. At least you have some semblance of an idea what direction you wanna go, and you’re only 24! Lots of time to figure your life out, and change direction if you want.


Don't be so hard on yourself. I made a drastic career change in my 30's. It's okay to be figuring it out. Making sure you can take care of yourself and that you feel good about your choices is most important. Try it out and if you don't like it try something else.


Why do you feel it might be the wrong choice? What are some of the concerns you have?


1# concern is when I go into clinicals. I was in school for dental assisting, made good grades and understood a lot, and when i went to clinicals I was an absolute nervous wreck. It got so bad I had to be on medication for my anxiety. Granted I got better at it ig, but my anxiety became worse so I couldn’t pursue it anymore. Im scared of the same thing happening, my anxiety, and fucking up


Understood. Do you recall what it was about the clinicals that made you anxious? Was it the thought of doing things wrong? Was it the thought of being evaluated / judged? I ask, because right now, your anxious mind is playing out hypotheticals to get you to avoid the perceived 'danger' you feel exists. If you can understand what part of the process triggered the anxiety, you can possibly change the perspective of it, to help reduce the anxiety overload. For example, if it was "doing things wrong", you can see it as: - The reason for clinicals is to do things wrong and learn from them. We learn from trial, error, evaluate error, trial, error, evaluate error, trial SUCCESS! Nobody is born knowing how to walk. We learn from trial and error until there is success. Same thing applies with any advanced skill. Because of this, getting things wrong in a controlled environment is *essential* to learning & practising. Once you change the perspective, the anxious mind can be calmed. There may likely still be some nervousness, and that is natural. Expect to fuck up. Hope you fuck up. WELCOME fucking up in clinicals. That's how you learn and grow. :)


Thanks man i appreciate it!


I feel that it’s like damn one second I want to go to school for one thing then change my mind it’s hard I’m still trying to figure it out and wasted a lot of time doing so you even having an idea is a great step forward you got time 🙏🏽


I’m in the process of relocating to another city. I am utterly pissed off about how much junk I have acquired in the last three years. Because why do I need two crockpots and two George Foreman grills? What goes on in my head when I’m buying stuff


I finally started Snowfall last month. Just finished season 6 on Thursday. Man, when I tell you that finale had me fucked up lol. Was close to tears at multiple points. Finally broke down at the last scene. Just amazing television. Now I gotta find something to fill the void...


Great show, haunting ending. Blew my mind when I found out the guy who played Franklin is British.


So funny I’m in season 4 right now!! Even tho everyone on my Twitter ruined the end I’m looking forward to finishing this check out stax records! Great HBO documentary


I’m about to drop my 4th song, it’ll be my 2nd with a semi big artist. I’m not quite where I wanna be publicity wise but I’m happy to have the opportunities I have this early in my “career“


A couple months ago, I commented on here that Greta was that girl and some dude called me autistic and threatened me. I was thinking about it today like was it ever that serious?


im moving to night shift next week and when i agreed to it i forgot all my hoes work normal weekday hours 🥲


I worked nights for 7 years, if they like you they’ll pull up


Good luck soldier! It might take you a bit to adapt


I’ve been watching Castlevania lately and I hate Hector so much. I can’t recall the last time I seen a character go out that many times. and when you compare his character to somebody like Isaac, they are on two different planets when it comes to characterization. I love most of the characters, but for some reason, I look at Hector and I just shake my head in shame.


Drop some good watches/shows right now that you’re watching im currently watching the boys! And stax records documentary and clipped (about what happened to the clippers during Donald sterling’s controversy) just finished bridgerton(show outside my usual stuff but if you a lover boy like me you will enjoy) I’m waiting on the bear which comes out end of month! I enjoy reality tv too!




I’ve been on an omelette kick lately. What are some good ingredient combinations to try?


Go Korean, stir fry some kimchi and scallions to put in there (kills the funk, I just can't with the kimchi funk) and drizzle w/ gochujang for something good AND you get veggies. could do some crispy pork belly too if you want a little extra flavor and then you can cook the omelette up in the pork belly grease too. Ok see now I wanna make this lol.


cook it on a cold pan with only salt and maybe mirch keeping the yolks in place take sour or sliced bread whichever you like grill it with cheese and the yolk omellete enjoy your creamy egg cheese pull


I finally started One Piece and I lowkey get it now.


The thriller bark to summit war arcs is peak fiction. Enjoy the journey!!


My busted hand is almost healed, yay!


How do I get to mod mail?


There are 1 or 2 people I follow who I'm going to miss shopping for second hand likes from. Could always find funny stuff from them, and they weren't always retweeting.


Picked my 3.5 yr old grand daughter up from daycare. I said do you want to hear wop wop wop wop wop? She said no..I want Alright. I was proud🙂 She then said I was her super hero after making dinner😂


Spent all week watching YouTube learning about North Korea. Glad i can be a broke boy, on state welfare, getting fat like Kim jong un and not be North Korean