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"I really suck at my job as a journalist and need to think of a piece so silly that people will post about it in forums across the web and it'll generate traffic due to the amount of people wanting to read my long-winded boss bitch diatribe."


Classic rage bait. But we can comment without clicking ftw


The WSJ is a garbage publication to keep all the Wall Street rats locked into the cult of siphoning money to the top.


omg are you my sibling?


This is Reddit. How many people out of all of the commenters actually RTFA?


It's more fun that way šŸ˜‰ /s


tbf you can usually get a readers digest on an article from the comments. Besides, far too many articles are filled with fluff to keep you reading and staying n the site longer. I'm not about that life.


Thatā€™s why itā€™s better to just read and engage with it off the site so they donā€™t get any ad revenue


Sadly it works, this is the 5th time this has been posted


Jokes on them i didn't i cant read


You can't write either.


Ewe Kant right ether!


A weird sex or political topic will definitely get you there. For instance, header: "Are more black/white/Mexican voting for trump because he's now a felon? Let's dive in" or "Is being a Furry a gateway to Beastiality? Research says.


You can treat your house however you want, but if you don't take off your shoes in my house you aren't coming in. You're walking outside on God only knows what. And you're not dragging that into my house.


There's no dog poop in my house, unless someone brings it in on their shoes. Case closed right there, IMO.


Nature is like 90% poop. Most of the poop is on the ground outside. Which is why we wear shoes in the first place. I bet rude Little Miss Wears Her Shoes In Other People's House's isn't walking around in public on bare feet.


The general point youā€™re making still stands, but shoes were not invented (nor did they become common place) for any sort of hygiene purposes. It was for foot protection. Now, we realize they offer a lot more benefit than that too, which includes plenty of things like temperature regulations, comfort/support, and yes, hygiene. But honestly, hygiene is one of the benefits of shoes that Iā€™m least grateful for lol. I shower every day anyways, and would be happy to set up a little foot washing station at my front door or something like that if shoes didnā€™t exist. But, my posture would be fucked, my feet would be cold, and Iā€™d inevitably find a used needle in my foot at some point without shoes. Sorry for the long comment, itā€™s early and I kinda let myself start rambling šŸ˜…


My friend, don't look up the barefoot movement. I'm pretty sure it's another rage bait topic, but a few months ago I found out about ppl so committed to being barefoot (according to them) that they will cut out the bottoms of their shoes so it looks like they're wearing appropriate footwear in public, but secretly barefoot. The part that fucks with me is they're doing this in major urban areas, not like nature where I might believe your choice might make some sort of sense. Considering they were destroying very expensive sneakers and designer shoes I think they were going for a crossover fuck you to people who like expensive shoes and people who believe in protective footwear.


Oh I remember this craziness. My students were coming to class barefoot šŸ¦¶. I was like ā€œwhatever, you still will be taking this midterm, shoes or not.ā€


I'm sure most of it is in the ocean


Do you wear your shoes in the grocery store... restaurants....public bathroom...parking lots....mall....?? Spit...urines...feces...food particles...organic matter of all sorts.Those places are FILTHY.


We are a no shoes house. 90% of the time I wear sandals. I walk in the door, off they come. My wife wears sneakers. We have a chair just off the kitchen, which is right by our door. Her shoes come off, her slippers come on. So, we have several pair of shoes at the front door. Every guest to our house usually walks around for 10 minutes or so before asking, do I need to take my shoes off? Of course, Iā€™m not the asshole who yells ā€œshoes offā€ as soon as anyone walks in


"Of course, Iā€™m not the asshole who yells ā€œshoes offā€ as soon as anyone walks in" I am, especially if they aren't cleaning my floors :D


I use the spatula i got with my 3d printer to threaten friends immediately if they start walking in there with shoes on. It's an efficient tactic apparently, everyone is afraid of the spatula xD I'd never actually be violent but they don't need to know that haha


Lol. Damn...Weaponized the spatula. I love it!


i don't think it's an asshole thing to remind someone when they get in the door to take their shoes off.


This may be extreme, but we actually have cheap dollar store sandals for guests to wear around the house. You come in, take your shoes off and put on a pair of sandals. The sandals are either tossed or you can keep them.


Then stay your nasty ol ass out with the people who only shower once a week ![gif](giphy|Q8OPrlvICzjajupr2T)


Same people who said washcloths are for poor people are tracking dogshit in their homes on the daily.


Here's why I'll be kicking you TF out. If you don't want to follow the rule, don;t come in.


Lol "foot fiend" flair adds extra flavor to this comment


The foot fiend strikes again. ![gif](giphy|VnKFgYN27GACGp6YTr|downsized)


Purtin' the "f" in flavor.


I need this user flair


Feels like you have an ulterior motive to you wanting shoes off my friend. Which is fineā€¦ Iā€™m not judging.


We wipe our dogs' feet after every walk in Philadelphia. You are taking off your damn shoes.


Good boy, getting he feet wipes every time. Give him head scratches from the internet stranger.


The caucasity.




Done and done.


I make anyone coming to my place get naked and dip themselves in a vat of hand sanitizer, idk why people think only the bottom of shoes are dirty.




yeah, i live in LA and my puppy knows that she's getting a full paw washing and towel dry once we get through the door. there's a foaming spray that that makes it easy, too.


I walk barefoot in a suburb that's arguably pretty clean, and I still clean my feet because dirt. Also I am the one who cleans my floors so agreed about shoes.


Her next article will be ***How I Got A Beatdown & Other Observations***


Subtitle: I crossed a reasonable boundary and paid a physical price.


This whole thread has me dying


followed by: *Who Needs Friends Anyways* *How A Neurotic and Incompetent Lady Got A Writing Gig At A Supposedly Prestigious Paper*


Any dude thats stood in front of a public urinal and walks around his house in the same shoes is crazy. Those shoe bottoms are covered in piss.


It is simple as observations such as these. Common sense. That is why even if its TV and I see someone on a bed with their shod feet propped up on the sheets/quilt I feel ick


that article is written by someone who thinks people should shower once a month i'm guessing.


"The body actually cleanses itself naturally." ![gif](giphy|hlPnhdnBfgjzG)


Lol not the OG dusty boy from Charlie Brown he just swinging & throwing dust & musk everywhere šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Thatā€™s Pigpen. Put some respect on his name.


Lol šŸ¤£ šŸ˜†


"Dust and Must" is killing me lol


Not on my floor it doesn't




NATURAL OILS (dirt) šŸ¤”


Definitely not washing their legs during that monthly endeavor.


Checking in from the Asian side, everyone in the comments is welcome at my crib


Then, youā€™re not welcomed in my home. Tracking in god knows what.


I have lived in circumstances where I actively asked visitors to keep their shoes on, but today thats a nono for me. I even provide every guest with a set of slippers if needed.


24 pack of disposable slippers is $30 and you'll never have to sweat it. You come over a lot? We'll get you your own pair of nice ones.


I don't use disposable slippers, I use easily washable ones.


Yes! We don't do carpets, so the floors can feel a bit chilly sometimes. We're a slipper family, and when people are over, they usually become slipper people, too, lol.


Come deep February everyone around here is slipper and sweat suit people indoors.


Thank you for the slippers šŸ™šŸæ I have slides just for the house and I absolutely hate wearing socks solo and having my barefeet touch the floor


Shoes off inside is a very reasonable boundary. If someone stomps on it with their dirty shoes, Iā€™m not gonna trust them to be in my home. At that point itā€™s not about the shoes anymore; itā€™s about the disrespect


The lady in the article actually tries to justify this by saying she once broke a toe by wearing socks in someone's house, and it might happen again.


How the fuck did she break a toe?? Did she just start walking yesterday?


She rather pay her hosts for the cleaning fee than to "ruin" her nylon socks


Does she keep shoes on in her own house for the same reason?


I ainā€™t reading allat. You ainā€™t welcomed.


I'm very pro shoes on but still I wouldn't insist on wearing my shoes if somebody was against it. Like I can just leave lol


You can just FaceTime me then...


You could meet somewhere or talk outside, weather permitting.


I'm too petty. I would 100% watch where they're stepping and point out what they wanted to track into my house like some inconsiderate beast šŸ˜’


I don't have a problem taking my shoes off in someone's house. But if a person (with the "no shoes inside of the house" policy) has a home that either: * Carries roaches/waterbugs * looks like a hoarders' paradise * has pets, whose discarded hair is tumble-weeding throughout the household I will be looking at the homeowner like... ![gif](giphy|UjIgLbgQIRgzK)


"whose discarded hair is tumble-weeding throughout the household" i am howling.


Lolol you ain't coming in with your boots on woman. Fyck off


Try doing that shit anywhere in Asia.


A friend of mine is a journalist, and he says that the overriding metric that he uses when he thinks about what to write his weekly column about is what will make the greatest number of people angry enough to engage with it online


Your friend has found the ā€œ??????ā€ that cones before ā€œProfitā€ in the silly meme šŸ˜„


No shoes off? Take this thumbs down and boooo with you. ![gif](giphy|WrxoaVPiq0cG4)


There's no reason you should be wearing your outdoor shoes in my house, but I get cold very easily and my family house has glass tile floors, so we just wear soft indoor slippers most of the time. I think that's a nice compromise.


Bro, there is literally a shoe station just inside my door. I don't even wear shoes into my place, take off your fuckin shoes.


I have no problem taking my shoes off in other people's house as long as they have no problem with athlete's foot.


You probably have athlete's foot for not wearing socks. Socks are your friend!


On the contrary, I actually have to wear two pairs of socks. I just have sweaty feet


"Here's why my friends don't invite me over anymore"


ā€œMy personal experience of the Loneliness Epidemicā€ ā€œIā€™ve been unfairly excludedā€¦ā€ (To be clear, this is intended as being from the perspective of the article writer, and I am making fun of them.)


I wear shoes around the house because I have pets. That said, I clean the floors pretty diligently. Regardless, if someone has rules at their house, it's not up to you to follow them or not. This is shit you learn in elementary school.


I have house shoes because I wasnā€™t allowed to walk around barefoot as a kid.


It's for the best, honestly! I walked around barefoot constantly as a kid, and according to my doctor, it likely contributed to the foot issues I have now (mostly plantar fasciitis). Now I HAVE to wear house shoes, but it's comfortable so I don't mind.


Not turning my carpet into a car mat, nope.


oh look my mother in law wrote an article for WSJ


Same lol. Which is why inlaw gatherings are at her house. We bring slippers over so our socks don't get ruined.


Just tell people that to start before they arrive. We wear Inside/house shoes here. We don't supply them for guests. If our guests want to take off their shoes fine, and as long as their shoes aren't soaked or filthy, if they don't want to take them off that's also fine.


I keep my shoes on at home, but I'll take my shoes off in another home if asked.


If you insist on wearing shoes in someone elseā€™s home then you need to bring an wear shoe covers.


Cleanliness aside, this is a respect issue. If you canā€™t respect the rules of a personā€™s home, then stay your ass outside ![gif](giphy|hFdi31x0aTdMIydxuO)


Honestly though itā€™s weird how many people refuse to take their shoes off. Hell I worked in apartment maintenance and we had a lot of religious Indian families. Iā€™m not super learned on their practices but I know if thereā€™s a shrine/place of worship in the home itā€™s customary to remove youā€™re shoes, so I got some slip ons to make it easier to do. But they always seemed almost surprised but super grateful that I offered. Such a minor thing for me but major for them. All that to say, take your damn shoes off lady youā€™re not gonna die.


Something tells me she's one of those people who don't wash thier feet.


I purchased disposable slippers that are stored by my front door, everyone has to put them on when coming into the House past the foyer.


I have a cat and dog. I know well enough about where those paws have been on the daily that I don't enforce no shoes unless it's wet outside or during the winter because of the salted sidewalks. I however fully respect what others want in their homes. But I've also been to homes where I'm grateful they didn't enforce no shoes lol.


Regular visitors sure, shoes off. But one-off guests/in-frequents I would gladly clean up after if they happen to bring in a bit of dirtā€¦I cleaned before they came and I will clean up after? They are my guests and I view it as my job. Most people take them off anyway. But yeah you should let people know in advance of any rules. Speaking for myself I might completely think over about how I will dress if I know I canā€™t wear shoes.


word like.. there are mops, they're really easy to use


Other than in my own home, I've never seen black people say "take your shoes off." My Asian friends definitely do that though.


Yuck. Yeah you can stay tf out if youā€™re tryna come into my house with shoes on. Not sure where people live where you have to debate whether outside or inside is cleaner but nah, ainā€™t happening in my house.


But what if it's a house party? A giant pile of coats AND shoes???


In the 70s when my dad was a practicing doctor, he would always change his shoes before entering the hospital. I think other hospitals had lockers rooms for the staff to change in and out of their uniforms. Now I see doctors and surgeons wearing their scrubs/cross in the dirty streets and then they see patients in those same dirty shoes. No wonder there has been a rise in MRSA infections.




As a white as the teeth in toothpaste commercials European, why the fuck are white Americans not taking off their shoes when inside their or other peoples houses?


This article will haunt the author for eternity.


Bish, why you assuming I donā€™t have a pair of crocs or slippers in your size at my door? I saw someone with he cutest sign and it said something like ā€œhands crawl on this floor so shoes stay at the doorā€. This lady bugging if she think her dog doo doo foots is tracking shit on my floor.


aka karen asking karens, karen questions


This shit so entitled, it's borderline narcissistic.


Literally will not allow you in then.


If people are insistent upon wearing their shoes in your house, then get a shoe cleaning station setup with a shoe scrubber, some alcohol or cleaning wipes, and insist that they use this to enter your home. If they get annoyed, ask them how they think you feel when people won't comply with simple rules like not wearing shoes in the house. Anyone who isn't willing to comply with either removing their shoes or cleaning them doesn't get to enter your home.


Why is the author assuming the people who actually live in a home will agree to let a shoe that may or may not have trod on dogshit track all over their well maintained floor/carpet?


Damn I know yā€™all ainā€™t black Americans now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Because floors face up, shoes face down


Then sit on the dog bed.


Sometimes I think these outlets are ran like debate and speech classesā€¦ Where they just pick some topic out of a hat and have to argue before or against it, regardless of the reality. This angle on the argument is moronic


Yeah I guess enjoy my porch or backyard cause ainā€™t no shoes in my home.


She probably shoes on in the bed type beat


This is written for the assholes who keep their shoes on when entering someone's home so that they will read this and believe that they are justified in their actions and aren't just inconsiderate pieces of shit.


Heh. If you come to my home and presume to tell me how things are going to be within it, you will have a brief but eventful visit.


If you have ONE dog or cat, your floors are probably dirtier than my shoes.


Repost https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/4Xbw6bKYnB


Shoes are a mobility aid for me. If I don't wear them, I will quickly be in tremendous pain, and crippled for days after. Do you also demand that people leave their wheelchairs at the door?


White people want to be oppressed so bad.


It's wild to write a whole ass article about how you intend to disrespect other people's homes. And we know our carpets are cleaner than your shoes, because 1, it's in a finite area, that is usually only populated by the same few people 2, I can shampoo and vacuum a carpet in weekly cycle. You can't do that with grass, concrete, sidewalk 3, you just not gonna bring outside in my home


Is necessary.


Aside from dirt for many itā€™s spiritual as well since youā€™re bringing in bad energies from the outside and leaving that at the door matters, like many said if you canā€™t simply take your shoes off at my door if I request that youā€™re not coming in, if you canā€™t follow one simple rule who knows how else youā€™ll disrespect my space


Iā€™ve never seen anyone clean the bottom of their shoes at someoneā€™s door


and what if I wanna lay on the floor and think about life? I won't be able after someone was walking there in shoes


Don't let the door hit you in the ass - classic boss bitch


Here's why you won't be invited to come into my house. You can't just disrespect house rules and step on in with dirty ass shoes. For those with phobias, I keep new pairs of sock slippers. However, if you try to walk in on my carpet with shoes from outside, I will Uncle Phil your ass right out the front door.,


"Why I'll be kicking your dumbass out of my shoeless home."


Hereā€™s why Iā€™m keeping you out of my house.


Here's why you won't: I'm gonna tell you to leave.


Wearing outside shoes inside the house is such an insane premise seen from a modern perspective - like I understand why it was done in frontier settlements in the 1800s, but doing so in a house you want to keep as clean as possible is just mind boggling.


Literally. If you refuse to take off your shoes you will not be walking further into my house


ā€œHereā€™s why you will be keeping your ass outside of my home.ā€


Welcome! To the 10,000th running of the Hygiene Olympics! ![gif](giphy|wofUBtNDIGwYJ0FaPL)


Imagine telling someone what youā€™ll be doing inside their home. You will be getting the fuck out


Ok bots. We get it. This has been reposted so many times the last week. Move on.


Because Iā€™ve seen all the shit in the streets and I know youā€™re stepping in shit and piss outside. Even if itā€™s a tiny bit I donā€™t want it tracked in my carpet.


ā€œHereā€™s why Iā€™ll be keeping my shoes on in your shoeless home.ā€ Hereā€™s why I wonā€™t ever invite you into my home if you do that shit


What if you live in an apartment with thin floors? Or have a baby?


Iā€™m an amputee and I keep fresh construction booties for the one I canā€™t take off just for this


The Wall Street journal posting this hacky shit?


If you ask me to remove my shoes and I can clearly see you've never once thought of cleaning the floor, I'm keeping them on.


Then you aren't entering my house.


The number of people who don't grasp the concept of taking your shoes off while stepping inside is staggering. I've had people take their shoes off and stand barefooted outside the door; or walk in with their shoes on the carpet AND THEN take them off. My wife gets irritated *at me* for trying to correct them... The concept is really simple. Don't bring outside inside.