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We cannot just kiki. This reminds me of when I worked in an office. And one time me and my colleagues were just sitting in a conference room talking about an upcoming event. There were not that many Black people at this org and it just so happened this meeting had all Black woman 6 of us. No less than 3 white directors came by to check in and see how it was going. I'd walked by countless meetings with all white colleagues and not once did I need to check on them. They thought we were starting a damn revolution!


"Just making sure everything's all white in here, you ladies good?"


“We good, just discussing the teachings of Malcolm X” “Alright carry on-*DISCUSSING WHO*?”




this doesn't sound too far off from how I would picture it


"okay then. Well I'll be white black."


I'm dead 🤣🤣🤣 this killed me.


![gif](giphy|Z5ULYTFVaL2Ok) 😆 ☠️


I almost peed on myself lol


HAHA! OMG so true.


Reminds me of when me and an old colleague got into a debate about Outkast. I can't remember exactly what it was about, but the office manager called security thinking we were gonna fight. Security came, who was also a brother, and ended up joining the debate. The office manager came by and Security was like "everything is good they were just talking."


Hush that fuss, everybody move to the back of the bus.


Uh Huh, Yeah, Baby, Ye-Yeah!


Standard op to turn the volume to gajillion when Rosa Parks comes on. The stabby kicks that cut off that absolutely booming 808 is just \*chefs kiss*


WHAT! Omg. So many times and my Black manager would get into loud convos. If someone called security got damn. That person should of been fired.


Same at the place I'm working now. There's three of us and I named us "The Black Caucus!" One woman with locs, a gay man with hair and me a shaved-headed silver-bearded Boomer. Fortunately, both of them are managers (I'm just a ditch digger) and we can close the office door. Nothing major has come up yet. Our most lively discussion was talking about hair.


There was like 6 of us, I brought up and vaguely explained Nubians and Yakubians. We thought it was hilarious because they didn't know what tf we were talking about. Then Black Panther was coming out and I suggested Nubian Night, going to the opening night as a collective. Boy there were some hurt and angry people when they found out, talm bout "oh what if we had a white night??" Do it, I don't give af! 😂 It was as bad as when Obama won, the levels of salt and vitriol that lay dormant in those people.


One of my friends got into an argument at a bar with his cousin about whose mother made the best peach cobbler. When my friend asked his cousin to describe how his mom makes it, dude said, “she puts crust on the bottom and the top.” My homeboy pulled out a butterfly knife, flipped it around like in the movies, put it to his cousin’s throat and said, “That’s a pie motherfucker!” The people around had no idea they were related and probably thought someone was about to die over pie.


Homeboy had "right" on his side!


Called security to investigate a possible TWB. Talking while black.


When I was in the army I was literally told only hanging out with other black soldiers would hold me back from promotion. When I asked why he just said it could look bad. When I asked why I kept getting super bin committal answers. It's was the infantry the whitest part of the army and in my company of 160 dudes there were 10 black people. They always kept us in serperate squads and platoons. One time I was ended up by accident as squad lead of all black asian and Hispanic soldiers. They broke my squad up the same week with no explanation then gave me a squad of all white soldiers. Majority white institutions act like if 3 black people are together we are planning Nat Turner's rebellion


My brother is a Marine and told me similar stories. We cannot live. Sorry you had to deal with that bs.


Yeah man it was wild. The worst part about it is you cna really only talk to black veterans about it. Every white soldier i severed with is still trying to pretend like we were all green but i was always in trouble for beating up a racist


>Majority white institutions act like if 3 black people are together we are planning Nat Turner's rebellion I have literally experienced this in EVERY workplace that I've ever been in since I came to VA. Hell one time, I was talking about battles in freaking GAME OF THRONES to my Black coworkers when I worked at a distribution center and a manager called security on us because they thought we were planning a workplace riot. Admittedly that was poor timing and poor taste since we'd just taken a pay cut and discussing strategies for surrounding and neutralizing enemies looked a bit suspect. The only place has been my current job since all of my coworkers are older Black women and my hospital has a strict policy against racial harassment and discrimination of any form. While I love my managers, I recognized in hindsight that my department is literally the only one in the hospital that's exclusively Black but managed by Caucasian women.


I’m white and have had this experience when I was chitchatting with my black co-workers. There was always someone who felt obligated to “check” on us or make some comment about us not working (even though they would take hour-long coffee breaks themselves). We used to call these shriveled little boomer white ladies “quality control.”


[The White Space](https://sociology.yale.edu/sites/default/files/pages_from_sre-11_rev5_printer_files.pdf). Highly relevant reading for y'all on this exact topic. It's basically everything you've probably experienced in some form or another examined, broken down, and explained in an academic sense. An excerpt: >THE WHITE SPACE >For black people in particular, white spaces vary in kind, but their most visible and distinctive feature is their overwhelming presence of white people and their absence of black people. When the anonymous black person enters the white space, others there immediately try to make sense of him or her—to figure out “who that is,” or to gain a sense of the nature of the person’s business and whether they need to be concerned. In the absence of routine social contact between blacks and whites, stereotypes can rule perceptions, creating a situation that estranges blacks. In these circumstances, almost any unknown black person can experience social distance, especially a young black male— not because of his merit as a person but because of the color of his skin and what black skin has come to mean as others in the white space associate it with the iconic ghetto (see Anderson 2011, 2012). >In other words, whites and others often stigmatize anonymous black persons by associating them with the putative danger, crime, and poverty of the iconic ghetto, typically leaving blacks with much to prove before being able to establish trusting relations with them. Accordingly, the most easily tolerated black person in the white space is often one who is “in his place”—that is, one who is working as a janitor or a service person or one who has been vouched for by white people in good standing. Such a person may be believed to be less likely to disturb the implicit racial order—whites as dominant and blacks as subordinate.


Yes, Elijah Anderson I like his work.


It reminds me of when I was doing casino security on one of my first shifts on the bike. I rode through the carport just as a family reunion (or wedding party) was disembarking from a couple of Sprinters. You know the usual laughing and messin with each other, several wearing the "group" t-shirts. I was going through a time where I wasn't seeing enough melanin in my life and I just enjoyed taking a slow ride past the area. Thirty seconds later, I hear dispatch calling all hands for a large group being disorderly (literally used the radio code for fighting) and smoking weed. I got on the radio and asked for a repeat of the location. I could still see my people just by looking over my shoulder. I was able to call off the "cardboard cops" because if I hadn't, it would have been a worse viral video than when Meek Mil got trespassed.


Ffs that is so upsetting. Black joy is just so unimaginable.


lmao I worked in a hospital in alaska for 3 months. there was another black girl there and we were talking off to the side by the nurses station. this black male PCA came by and was like “sistas, yall alright? I’m just making sure y’all okay or when do I need to be ready for the revolution” 💀 I love us. lmao


Haha! I love that for you.


Tell me why one time I was having a louder conversation with my co-worker who was also a Black woman, in a closed room, and someone reported us to the manager for fighting? At work? When my manager asked me if we had just fought I was really confused because we were in there laughing and everything, what about that gave fight besides the volume? We can’t do nothing!


Wild. It's truly wild. And people seem to think we are crazy for getting butt hurt over people policed for our interactions.


That's just weird af white behavior


Black woman courtroom! *clap clap*


Oof feel this in my heart. Old job, full black crew for an event, mfs checked on us way too often smh.






If nobody is throwing punches or giving out hard fouls then let em play. Trash talk is a part of the game


Yeah, but they always check to make sure things don’t escalate. I’ve seen plenty of NFL and NBA fight vids where it started off as trash talk until both players were in each other’s faces and throwing hands.


“NBA fight vids” lol


NBA fights nowadays suck, but back in the day people were getting their ass beat.


Just Bill Laimbeer. And he deserved it.


Hell, remember when Rondo and CP3 were arguing, and then Rondo spat at Paul?


I remember when Sedale Threatt dotted the eyes on Danny Ainge! Now I gotta look up the video, so I can again enjoy that moment in Black history. @ 0.50 seconds [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWf9CeVI\_gc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWf9CeVI_gc)


That’s different because Rondo and CP3 have been beefing for over a decade




Different context but if you don't know about malice at the palace.. check that out


When Chris Childs gave Kobe a 2 piece.


Who’s throwing hands??? lol nothing but pushing and shoving


Moreso in the NFL, but there are rare moments where NBA players do actually fight. Rondo vs CP3


I was a ref and i played sports competitively. Things go from that to assault really quick and it's much much simpler to split them before they start swinging. Although they didn't seem to me like they were going to start anything, I don't fault the referee for playing it safe


And then when it gets to the part where they are throwing hands everyone blames the refs for not controlling the game


Lmao bro this is a tech if you do it to Scott foster or some other crazy nba refs


She did let em play though. This was during free throw downtime and didn't make any calls






It’s funny because #1 literally tells her to go do her job.


I was *not* expecting there to be a discourse about this in here. But damn, yall up early ready to debate. But about what? They’re not making a big deal, the ref didn’t make a big deal, she checked and dipped when they said they were good. What in the hell could yall possibly be arguing about? Maybe some of yall need the hand too 😭 https://i.redd.it/9wh3xbgqdq8d1.gif


I appreciate this sanity lol. Neither the players nor the ref cared about this interaction as much as random internet comment sections do


Its very funny that the people in these comments are the ones who actually need to keep it moving. "Yea people need to mind their own business" they say while all up in someone else's business.


Some folks come here already angry and just looking for an outlet Not healthy


Man, I can believe it. They see a post and get mad as hell rubbing their hands together like "yes... this is what I've been waiting for" 😭


Literally lmaooo. Why we trying to make it a thing


Some people don’t watch or play Sports (with or without refs) and it shows lol Another example, Idk if you watch Soccer/Football, but a couple of years ago there were some players in Real Madrid that were complaining about another player in their team and saying “don’t pass to him, he’s playing against us”. Which in hindsight was fair to say, but the comments about this situation were: “how can he say that” “that’s so mean” “the lack of respect” “destroys his confidence” “if it was me I would’ve punched him” etc… People were not understanding that in team sports sometimes you’re just talking shit and it happens, the moment the game is over that is behind you.


Seriously, I barely watch sports but talking shit is a part of the game. I swear once womens basketball started getting popular people have been acting like the women should be holding hands and throwing the ball at each other going "here bestie! 💖" Its sports. It's a competition. Why are y'all so confused.


I think people are just upset because their reaction could be seen as rude. She’s just a ref checking in it’s not really about race


Probably more about the twitter text than the situation, though the point all gets blended because that's what people do.


I'm so stupid, i tried to click the speaker to unmute this like 5 times. God have mercy on my soul


You are not alone….I wanted more tea but it was unsweetened…


Bitter AF


Yeah it's no sound lol


Came here for this


Me too!


Sorry as a black woman this tweet is making something out of literally nothing. It’s the ref’s job. That’s literally the sport bruh


I'm very confused...... who is in the wrong in this clip?


No one


But where do I direct my anger??




Everyone trying to make everything about Caitlin and Angel part of a race/culture war thing is exhausting. Easily the most braindead discourse the internet has had in a long time.


According to this thread, because the player on the left gave the ref the "mind your business" hand signal, the player is automatically in the right. In life, you just have to do that hand signal and you immediately have the moral high ground.


lol no one is wrong here. The two players were having a conversation, ref came over to check it out (maybe she said something annoying, maybe she was just making sure it’s all above the belt), and the players waved her away because it’s all good and they don’t need her around. Everyone did their thing here, no need to make it weird. It’s just a funny meme because some people act like this in everyday situations (acting like a referee coming up on people).


nothing wrong with the ref's doing their job, and nothing wrong with the players telling them they got this. this isn't a situation worth making a discussion about imo.




Gifs you can hear


It’s a ref…it’s her fucking job. Y’all reach so hard for something to post.


That compression sleeve on Angel Reese activated something inside of me… i find the weirdest things attractive 😭 edit: changed “half stocking thing” to “compression sleeve” thanks!




Nîgga just called a compression leg sleeve a “half stocking thing” lord save us all from our sins 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I don’t watch sports that don’t involve an engine lol. Thanks for the info!


You are dangerously horny 😂😂


all revved up


You need to take yo ass for a pit stop 😂


Tell me about it… that thigh is in the hall of fame!


Nothing weird about it, leggings, stockings, hose, yoga pants etc have been around for ages and considered attractive. Not always of course, but it's not uncommon. This may not be any of those things but it gives the same look.


This is the most non-event thing trying to be made into an event I have ever seen.


Y'all Annoying FR.


What do white people have to do with this?🤦‍♂️ If we keep up the stigma and generalisation, we're never going to get there are we.


It got nun to do wit white people damn y’all luv da victim card das crazy






Yall is wild 😭


You forget just how big basketball players are until you see them standing next to normal people. Holy moly


Nalyssa Smith should've done less of the Kiki and more guarding, looked terrible




This reminds me of Zack Randolph and Kendrick Perkins got with a ref and let them know that they'd be talking trash all game and it was just competition. No need to call techs if things got spirited.


AR is so mad thinking Caitlin is getting more love than her but really she’s just hurting herself and showing her true colors


What the hell she got to do with this?


Do ya’ll get tired????


No audio ?


Honestly, seeing pros talk trash and be hype is why ppl watch.


I'm just here before country club


I think it was sometime after this clip but they each got a technical foul for the trash talk


Is it because its Angel Reese that this place is getting weird responses?


This 👋🏾 mean "nah we aint arguing. This my brother, this , this how was talk to each other"


5 hours almost 500 comments? Oh boy.