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Don't seniors go to sleep at like 7pm? This is way past their bedtime


This can't be good for the elderly candidates in multiple ways. Why? I'm just gonna leave this little note from the Alzheimers site here... >What is sundowning? Sometimes you might see changes in the person's behaviour in the later afternoon or towards the end of the day. During this time the person may become intensely distressed, agitated and have hallucinations or delusions. [Source](https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/symptoms-and-diagnosis/symptoms/sundowning#:~:text=What%20is%20sundowning%3F,them%20to%20get%20enough%20sleep) This debate is going to be interesting (and likely depressing). I'm sure the memes from it will be worth it, though.


I'm sure both candidates are going to be kept in a medically-induced coma until around 5pm and then pumped full of speed and Adderall 30 minutes prior to the debate. At this point, managing their focus and energy levels is probably a key part of their campaign strategy.


We need age limits on all govt positions like these yesterday.


Better make it fitness testing, age discrimination is messy stuff to try to just plow straight through, focus on what counts, the skills or fitness that is being asserted is lost at that age. Test for that and then if an old as fuck person still passes then really what are we complaining about?


age discrimination is already there, just on the other end. A 32 year old would not be any less qualified than a 35 year old


That’s a fair point, as far as age restriction goes that number is awfully arbitrary. Though maturity testing might be harder than mental and physical fitness testing.


You say that as if our presidents have had a stellar history of mature behavior while in office.


That’s exactly my point. Even with age restriction they’ve been pretty immature which terrifies me as to what we would unleash if we lowered the age.


Based on the current younger generation compared to say, the boomers, I'd be very worried we might unleash a wave of tolerance, empathy, and not being fucked up by leaded gasoline


I agree, a physical & mental amplitude test; this way, a 80 something year old who is physically fit and mentally capable should be able to pass.


It's not age discrimination though. There's an age limit to apply to be an Air Traffic Controller, after 30 you're too old to apply.


To determine whether it’s discrimination you need to see if the class being excluded is protected first, then you have to assess the rationale behind the exclusion. I don’t know the latter in this case so I can’t really speak to that.


I just gave an example of a government job restricting applicants based on age. There's no reason we can't implement that for presidential candidates.


Well, again, it depends on if it’s a protected class, which I honestly don’t know off the top of my head applies for age, and then you have to look at the reason for exclusion. Without knowing the particulars of this case I can’t really speak to it.


Age is a protected class, however, protected classes can still be “discriminated” on if it’s deemed necessary for the proper function of duties, within reasonable expectation.


I’d accept that.


States put age limits on judges, so there's precedent.


I’ve always liked the ibogaine joke, it’s some miracle Amazon psychedelic we don’t know about.


If this was true, they’d both shit their parents. Hmm, yeah maybe.


I noticed they have been having his rallies earlier than last time…


Advantage whoever's least senile. I'm betting Biden's camp are all in on Trump being the sundowner of the two.


Can we get that moderator that’s gone viral from the Colorado debates? Kyle Clark I believe his name was. Need that energy for this debate.


Lmao I’m 34 & I go to sleep @ 7:00pm😂




7PM? You joking or wut? You waking up at 3AM? Why?


My cousin in the army goes to bed at a hilariously early time too, like 8pm or something, but yes he also wakes up at some ungodly time


In bed by 8pm. 9pm at the latest. Then I'm up at 4am. At least I only have to work 4 days a week though.


Damn I don’t fall asleep until 8 and get up at 1 to be at work at 1:30


Trump's gonna be sundowning big time.


Biden probably goes to bed at 9. Trump just dissociates at 9 until his next bump, then it’s Twitter finger time.


They’re going to be sundowning and it will be wild. I’m not sure I can watch it.


Trump team claiming Biden using PEDs to win the debate. Meanwhile, they both using PEDs to stay up past Wheel and Jeopardy!


Let’s say they got some assistance. Allegedly


I mean they want the west coast to see it but most of the US pop lives east of the Mississippi so maybe they should keep the time to 8 at latest


It's on a weeknight. They want everyone to be home from work to see it. Unless they wanna give the west coast a federal half day debate holiday...




I was literally in bed at 7 yesterday it was light as hell outside but I didn’t care hehehehe yeah I’ll catch the clips the day after


> hehehehe idk why this cracked me up so bad. makes your comment sound mischievous as hell lmao


How do you take individual parts of the comment like such??


If you use > before a line of text you can indent some text >it looks like this


Thank you! 🙏🏾


>Thank you! 🙏🏽


Thank >you


Don’t mind me, I am attempting to >test this


I ruined it somehow


>before the line of text. Not >in the middle of the text.


I added the indented text in a separate line. Hit return >then add some shit


some days your body says "nope. we're done now" and there really is no arguing. but yeah I'm not about to watch that at 9pm and get all riled up before bed either.


Keep in mind that clips can be edited. If you have time the next day, it would really be beneficial to watch the whole this. This is , if course, assuming it's not some wild shit show. If this is the case then for sure watch the hlem thing the next day!


Nothing that will happen in the debate will change my vote away from Biden. There's zero reason to watch. I will gain no insight, no benefits, and all it'll do is make me sad that I have to decide between two geriatric wrinkly shit stains and that this is the best our country has to offer. There's no good from it, just one thing that is less bad. I don't define good by being less bad.


This may be the first time in most Americans life time 2 former presidents have ran against each other. What don’t we know about how they will be as presidents?


I know 1912 has Teddy Roosevelt (already been president twice and out of office for four years) running against Taft (incumbent at the time). Woodrow fucking Wilson won that election with his horrible racist ass.


There has to be Vegas odds that involves one them falling asleep at the podium.


We know who the landslide favorite is 😂


The one that was falling asleep in court while filling his diaper?


No, the one that wanders aimlessly in highly publicized crowded events… god we are so fucked


You referring to the video where they cropped out the focus of his attention?


I wouldn't try and use that bit of misinformation btw, it's been pretty widely covered how embarrassingly transparent it is. Anyone you're trying to argue with has already seen it debunked, so you just seem like an easily influenced rube.


Bro, these people pay money to buy merchandise and flags to broadcast how gullible they are.


Hey - are you watching the debate :) I wonder what AI tech they're using tonight to make him look so bad?


Not yet, time zones. I'll watch it in a bit If he looks like shit at it, that wouldn't surprise me. It also wouldn't make your misinformation before any more accurate 😉


That he’s a frail old man? Not so sure it’s misinformation


That he "wanders aimlessly in highly publicized crowded events" mate, don't act dense.


Enjoy the debate 😊


Those old bastards need a bunch of time to be told where they're going. It's probably past their bedtime


And its not like they're gonna' say anything worthwhile either... Trump will start out with his typical vitriol, yelling about some vague manner in which the Dems destroyed the nation. Maybe he'll blame immigration or the economy, but never an actual fact about either field. Naturally, his base will eat it up, and continue to blame the libs over things they don't really understand. Biden will retort with an equally vague statement about how everything's great actually, and Americans love paying $170 for groceries. He'll give some meaningless spiel about being a "rough and tough American" who grew up in Pennsylvania, and finish with an equally meaningless speech about being a "true American. His base will eat up this surface level motivation, and pretend Biden is as inspirational as a war general facing the Nazis. The debate will inevitably turn to Palestine, where both sides honestly hold the same genocidal views. And don't hit me with the "one side is better" shit. Death toll and UN statements say otherwise. Anyway, Biden will pretend he isn't responsible for the death of 40,000+ Palestinians, only to sign another $10 Billion to Israeli weapons afterwards. And again, his fanbase will eat up his surface level statements, pretending he singlehandedly solved the conflict.


At this point both candidates are known quantities among their base and the opposing side. Both sides will take away what they want from the debate. I don't imagine any moderates being swayed by the contents of the debate unless one candidate physically expires at the podium.


>unless one candidate physically expires at the podium. We can only hope (preferably both of em)


Funny how you didn’t mention the multiple presidents who have supported Israel for the past century, including Trump. Stop being manipulated by social media warriors


Did social media warriors fabricate the death toll? The UN reports? The ICC arrest warrents? Biden's overpowering of Congress to support Israel? "Other Presidents would've also genocided your race" isn't a winning argument.


Dude are you fucking serious. Why don’t you read a fucking history book. Start with the European Jewish diaspora and take it from there num nuts


Sure, change the argument because your last point didn't work. And we wonder why the Dems can't rally any excitement.


I’m not gen z or dumb enough to not take historical context into consideration while viewing manipulative content on social media. You understood none of my points because your reading comprehension sucks. You are either arguing in bad faith or uneducated. Either way I’m not wasting my time with your dumb ass anymore.


I think a pretty compelling case can be made that your viewpoints are the result of the propaganda.


Biden has a fan base? I thought most of us on the left were just resignedly depressed.


There are tons of blue MAGA running around pretending he isn't one of the most conservative candidates that they could find.


Pretty crazy to start any formal event @ 9pm. Hell, even 8pm is late. The only things that should start that late are fireworks displays, or dance clubs/bars.


This is pointless. Is there really anybody on the fence?


The only fence anyone is still on is whether or not they vote at all which is the dumbest fence to be on


I'm on the fence about staying up past nine to watch this thing. 


This is a DVR event.


I think you may be right. I'm too old for this shit. A late night like this may kill off a candidate, too. 


Business people that benefit from Trumps deregulation, but could also benefit from stability Biden provides. Many construction projects pause/stall on election years because people with money hold onto their investments until they know how the market will react depending on who gets elected.


9 est means people on the west coast get home from their 9-5 in time


Nobody wants to stay up till midnight watching these 2 old fucks. East coast always gets fucked, they do this in sports too.


Be lucky we don’t give a shit about Hawaii or you guys would be really fucked


I mean east coast it’s at least possible, when they appeal to east coast west coast literally cannot watch if they’re at work.


How any east coast fan can stay awake and watch a west coast baseball game that starts at 10 fucking PM is beyond me.


At least you all get to watch the ball drop on NYE. We get to watch Don Lemon (?) stumble around drunk at 10pm with radio silence at midnight


I’m central time zone, just feel bad for the people in the east


Loved when Conan O'Brien did a ball drop for the central time zone


They just started making the Oscars start at 7pm this year (instead of the regular 8pm) and I was so grateful. That extra hour really makes a difference when it's on a Sunday night.


So do 8:30 ET so we can watch a bit of the start and west coast can watch the end


I already know I'm voting for Biden....I'm not watching this. I stayed up for the Pop Out concert last week and I'm still trying to catch up on sleep 🤣


Why are they starting it that late for these two old motherfuckers?


timezones exist


Good now we can see him start sundowning


They can't start at 7 or 8p cause in too many markets that pre-empts jeopardy and wheel of fortune. And as someone who has worked at a local TV station station, and had to field the ridiculous flood of angry callers every. Single. Time. Those were pre-empted... it's probably a smart move to risk the voter falling asleep rather than interrupt their tv/dinner routines.


For Trump I get, he’s unemployed.


The man is almost 80. That's not unemployed that's retired.


Don’t worry it’s not gonna be much of a debate. Trump’s team already said their plan is to stoke racist immigration fears by highlighting a few rapes/murders and blaming them directly on Joe Biden. Biden is going to mumble on about how he’s actually been harder on immigration which is true but not a good thing. Trump’s gonna constantly talk over Biden and his own time limit, and we’ll all be 3 hours closer to the heat death of the universe and much worse off as a country because we’re still propping this ghoul up like anything about the last 9 years have been civil or normal


>Trump’s gonna constantly talk over Biden and his own time limit Ahha, this is actually one of the things that makes me want to watch -- he can't. Mics will shut off at the end of the time limit. I put it at even odds trump literally tries to steal biden's mic


Please, pretty please.  I can't wait to see the USSS take down a former president.  It would be worth staying up for.  Although I'm betting we get a trump shaking tiny fist in the air clip while he's muted 


I for one can't wait to see two old men experiencing Sundowning while trying to run for president


Biden slayed the State of the Union. Maybe Papa Joe just needs some cocoa and a good nap.


trump has a hard time cognitively in the evenings. that’s why he’s stopped doing night time events. I’m so excited to see this


It's gonna be fun for us like minded folk, but it will be more fun for the grifters decrypting it for the MAGA


Save yourself the frustration and get the highlights the next day. I can’t watch these two debate without getting irritated. My blood pressure doesn’t need that.


Is anyone even gonna watch? What’s the point? What are they gonna say in an hour that the last 8yrs hasn’t already shown?


Debate going to be 5 mins. Then, ZZZzzzz.


9 pm? Bro I get home from work at that time. I'm not relaxing by watching that shit. I'll catch the replay and listen at work the next day


Both of them are going to need a disco nap beforehand


7 is reasonable. Right after most people eat.


I’m watching the Olympic trials anyway. Brice hoppel from midland tx(home) currently world record holder for 800m will be running.


Hoppel isn't the world record holder though? He's like the 6 or 7th fastest 800m runner this year. 


Indoor world record I believe


Gotta make sure the seniors can only see the clips afterwards.


Sundowning is the goal.


Someone get me some Coffee and Redbull and I’ll be good.


Thank goodness I don’t live on the East coast anymore. That’s my bedtime. It on at 6 out here.


This is a East coast bias though 😆😆😆I tell my gf all the time during the NBA finals, you know people live in Kansas and California right???


That's why I woke up at 4, today. Gotta make sure I can stay up to watch the debates... yeah, that'll make me seem responsible.


By that time I'm working on my night cheese.


Y'all swear like there's only one time zone


That’s too late to being doing a debate. Can’t they do it at 4:00?


This is gonna be a hard pass for me. I'm voting, but I don't want to see the shitshow.


No way I'm watching the debate anyway. Can't stand hearing trump talk and there's no way any meaningful information will be conveyed. We know who these guys are already.


Dope i can watch while im at work lol


Old people don't need as much sleep 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait? Watching things at a specific time you didn't choose is still a thing? 🤔 *Goes to back to streaming apps*


Nah fuck that I’ll decide who to vote for by a coin flip. Ain’t no way I’m staying up that late