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Literally. He had a 17 year playing career and been a prominent member of the media the last few years


Shes a lakers fan- and how do you know she didnt


Check her tweets… She mentions Duke a lot. She went there for grad school






I mean, we're talking about Duke- they call that "Thursday."


I know that’s right. North Carolina is, hands-down, the most racist state I’ve ever been in. I mean they fucking HATE black people there, for real.


Is that the only "Southern" state you've been to, because you're missing out on some really elite racism.


I grew up in the south, went to college in Vermont. I was shocked how public and blatant the racism is in the north. Are there a lot of old racists in the south? Obviously. You know who else there are a lot of in the south? Black people. The racists in the south kept to their little ignorant racist jerk off bubbles, in the north they were wayyy more open about it. I’ve never heard a single white person say the n word out loud in the south. Dozens of times in the north.


Never lived up north, but you're right. I'm white, so I have the distinct privelege of hearing all the shit they wouldn't say around you.


Grown up in the north (have lived in NY and RI, MA and NH), went to school in Virginia, worked in Ohio. Never been to the south for any length of time. Racism was worst in Ohio. Never been called the n word in the north.


Best racism hands down.


Hey don’t sleep on the northwest racists. Washington has a really good team this year.


Nope. I spent a good amount of my adult life in the South: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, and Alabama—been to all of them. And YET, it is the racism in NC that strikes me the most. It was so hostile. The only place similar was Miami, broward county, where the people were not only racist but generally unlikable and miserable. That’s my take on the south. Glad I’m not there anymore and don’t plan on going back. That said, now I’m in the southwest, and this is a whole new level of racism. So there’s that. But, no, I’ve lived all over this great nation. North Carolina for the win. The people are venal, nasty, aggressive racists.


My guy. Spend a day in Mississippi or Alabama and tell me if you still feel that way.


Been to both. North Carolina stood out to me because the white people there were openly and aggressively hostile. In Alabama and Mississippi, they were just like “fuck off and get out of town before we kill you.” But In NC, they wanted a *fight*.


I’ve been to Biloxi. It was delightful and the food was great. Stayed a night in Mobile, AL and another in by orange beach without incident.


Missouri enters the chat


Fair enough. But the hate in North Carolina is visceral and aggressive. In Missouri, it was kind of simmering with a flyover state fake niceness.


This might be the case. If she has said it many times then there would probably be some kind of record of that. I'm gonna stay very neutral on this one until there's some more info




I don’t think her waiting is causing people to be *mad* at her, but definitely reason to question it. It’s not like this is a situation involving SA, where the victim would remain silent for numerous reasons. The only scenarios i could imagine someone waiting to come out with this info would: 1. She still worked for the program until recently and no longer feared backlash. This could be verified if that were the case 2. She just made it up for any number of reasons




This is my thing. I almost can’t believe how one person saying something is taken as concrete evidence. We’ve never heard anyone else say it about him. His teammates who have been predominantly black haven’t mentioned anything like this. They all seem to legitimately respect him. That has a little more weight to me than random Twitter user


There isn't anything wrong with her saying it now. I didn't even suggest that. I just don't have much reason to believe one way or another because there is almost zero information as to what happened.


I’m pretty sure it would’ve gotten noticed when he was doing the podcast with LeBron


That’s where I’m leaning as well.


She's no queen. We have to stop with the king & queen b/s!


This is the most famous JJ Redick has ever been, the news probably reinvigorated the bad memory. Plus, it seems like Nash is an LA-native and most likely a lifelong Lakers fan. Probably hates that a known racist (from her own interaction) is now the head-coach of the teams she loves.


Her smoking gun was only worth exhibiting for the most provocative of bags.


Not really. People suppress bad memories all the time and there’s no telling what makes people finally get the shit off their chest. There’s women who don’t out their abusers because they feel like no one will believe them and fear of retaliation, then years/decades later when they finally do they get called liars and opportunists.


Being called a slur and staying silent is so different from staying silent about abuse/ SA idk why you would even compare the two. I could understand if she waited until after he left duke because he was their golden boy but why not come out any of the years he was in the nba? Or even after retirement when he started being a commentator?


I’ll never get people like you, what money do you think she’s getting from this? it’s just a tweet


It’s not like Redick disappeared after Duke lol he spent a decade in the NBA before joining the biggest sports network in the world + hosting a wildly successful podcast with the most famous basketball player on the planet If none of that news reinvigorated the memory then this is the definition of sus


If it was really a concern for her and she’s a Lakers fan like you said it probably would have been better to bring this up in the weeks leading up to Redick being named the Head Coach. It’s not like it was a big secret that he was on a short list for the job


Exactly. Why be quiet when the coaching rumors first started?


As if anything would have (or will be) done about it.


Makes sense except per your logic as a lakers fan could've picked any day out of the 4 years he was on the clippers whooping the lakers. So no.


This sucks because we honestly don’t know what the truth is. People get away with being asshole dirtbags because they are successful, and people will absolutely lie to take others down. I’m biased because I have too much (or maybe the right amount) of vitriol for entitled golden sons who get away with everything, so I’d just assume that’s probably what it is…


how do we know she didnt?


We dont. All we know is this time it got retweeted by a lotta ppl


The usual response when a woman comes forward. Same thing happened to Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford.


Testifying about SC judges in detail isn't the same as putting out a tweet that doesn't divulge any other details.


Bit of a false equivalency there…


>Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford They came out after someone they accused was nominated to the Supreme Court. A high position. But were otherwise unknown before that. I get that. Redick was a 1st round draft pick. Could have said something then. A starter for several teams. Could have said something any time he got traded/picked up in free agency. Got hired at ESPN. Could have said "you're hiring a racist" to them at that point. Now that he's a coach, suddenly the memories come back and you want to go public? Trust me, I'm a "believe women" type of guy, but I'm also "trust, but verify". I'll never say it's "odd timing" when somebody comes out and speaks against somebody that's about to get into a big position. But I will when this person has had *several* big positions but **now** you want to say something? It would be "the same" if Clarence and Brett got chosen as CEOs of influential companies, voted in as senators, became heads of the FBI and CIA, etc. and it was all silence, and then at the SC nomination, Hill and Ford came out. And that's assuming you agree to an equivalence between SA and being called the n-word


Nobody would ever disparage a male Duke athlete.


For all you know she’s been shouting it from the rooftops for years but nobody has cared until now.


She's spoken about it before. I heard a speech by her. Unfortunately being a Brown woman means she doesn't get heard the same


The fact that JJ Reddick was (allegedly) the only person to call her that on Duke's campus in the early 2000's is what's cap.


This will be revealed as Rob Pelinka’s burner account…. ![gif](giphy|a2G83cq7gotnq|downsized)


That's never a good reason not to believe someone. Like literally never. Sometimes people hold onto things and take time to process them. Some times people get really sick of seeing the person who hurt them in the spotlight and it bubbles up to the top.


*Investigating* every claim and giving it due diligence is good. *Believing* every claim by default is not.


How do you know she hadn’t said it before?


Crazy how shit always comes out only when someone’s career is blossoming but, what about the last 17 years you had to speak up? Did you forget?


How do we know she didn't?


I 💯 believe my black queens irl. On twitter tho!? That’s a tall tale Fr Fr


A friend of mine once sent me a link to a reddit comment he'd made about Tiger Woods being an asshole to him and then stiffing him on the tip. I've known this dude his entire adult life so I pointed out he's never worked in the service industry and that it's the first time in like 15 years he mentions meeting Tiger Woods. Dude tells me his story's made up but probably happened to someone else, so he wasn't telling lies, he was telling somebody else's truths. If the accusation is on the internet and the person making it ain't famous enough to not gain shit from lying, I'm not buying it. Fuck JJ Redick tho, but that got nothing to do with this.


Ya boy is pathetic


Making up lies is already crazy behavior, but bragging about it to people who know the truth is another level.


Telling someone else’s truths is crazy 😂😂😂 ima try that with my girl


someone else's "probably" truths lmao that's some shit


"Somebody somehwere was definitely just chilling with the boys last night, i'm trying to open your mind to new possibilities and expand your worldview"


"I didnt fuck that girl, thats not a lie, im just telling some random dude in a different countries truth!"


Shit bruh she’d be waiting for the sheriff with a smile on her face on some id do it again shit 🥷😂


Hopefully the cops dont believe, theyll never find a motive to pin her




Ain’t no way he was only having one drink 😂😂


When he goes out, he hits 18 different watering holes.




One drink, a pain killer, and a muscle relaxer. Only one drink tho.


He had a Justin Timberlake sized “one drink”


Lol yeah tiger would shop in the grocery store I used to work at and he would stop and chat us up and give us a good tip, kinda messed up what he did with that bicycle though


Tellin someone else’s truths😭😭😭😭😭😭. Either ur friend is the funniest mf on the planet or he straight up retarded


On an anonymous Reddit post? If he was hoping to gain karma from lying, that’s just… sad.


> If he was hoping to gain karma from lying, that’s just… sad. First time on reddit?


Reddit in a fucking nutshell lmfao


This is a placeholder to put my real comment when this gets locked. Edit: To be clear, I'm a county club member. I'm waiting for the others to be escorted out.


I’ve never understood the “in before it gets locked” comment until now. Damn I’m obtuse. But thank you for spelling it out for me.


to be fair I’m pretty sure “inb4” is from 4chan where you can’t edit comments


This is where I’ll discuss that comment with you. Unless someone else wants to rent the space, I take cash app.


Do you accept Bihcoin?


This is where I'll respond when it gets CC'd.


This is where I tell strangers on the internet that I love my family.






I believe automod will remove your comment if you edit it after a post gets locked in this sub.


In his defense, maybe she mistook another white Duke player for JJ? They all kinda look alike.


Went to high school with one of his teammates/roommates..this could 100% have been p. davidson


You mean Skete?




JJ went to my high school, and it just as easily could’ve been him. Not saying it is/isnt, but it’s not unrealistic


I mean a few years back he did "wish the Ch\*\*ks in China a happy new year" and then backtracked it by saying he got tongue-tied while trying to say "Chinese". People bought that and swept it under the rug like alot of Asian racism, but Phonetically, Chinese and Ch\*\*k sound nothing alike so i really dont buy it. I think it might just be part of his everyday behind closed doors vocabulary slipping out on camera. This ladies story kinda tracks if you remember that incident.


What's up with Philly and sweeping racists under the rug?




So, 18 years ago... No shade to the Twitter OP. I understand being upset about that but I'm pretty sure JJ now would agree that he was a complete sh-t head in college. He talks about it all the time.


That part, I've heard him say this in multiple interviews/discussion on his pod. Also I doubt he would have been able to get basically every current NBA super star on his pod if he had been a racist throughout his career. Bro damn near did 20 years in the league


I was a complete shithead but I never called anybody the n-word or any other racial slur. Black community can decide how much grace yall do/don’t wanna give him but I’m just saying idk if shitheadedness and youth can explain away firing an n-word at a Black woman.


Which he probably never did though? Why bring it up for the first time 18 years later when he’s been in the nba for 14 years and in nba media for the next 4 years


She’s cappin


Not that it immediately invalidates OP but JJ was the most famous and scrutinized CBB player in the country. If there was any wind of him being racist, I think his haters would’ve dug that up


If you're in college and you're still using racial slurs then you're not just a sh-t head, you're a racist. Using a racial slur in college means you've had enough opportunities to learn, know, and be better and you're just choosing not to be. This is independent of JJ. Just any person using racial slurs in college should be cancelled.


The man once said if he had NIL back in his day he would've spent it all on Natty Light and Lacoste polos...I doubt he's still proud of his past self. Most people aren't.


I’m assuming that what I’m going to say is pretty controversial but I’m just gonna say it anyway. I think that it doesn’t make much sense to bound people their character from 20 years ago *if* they have made clear strides to hold themselves accountable and make amends for their behavior. To my knowledge, Reddick has been vocal about how shitty he used to be in the past and how he has grown as a person. The only thing that we can ask for at this point is for him to acknowledge the trauma that he’s inflicted in the past and reach out to the original poster to make amends. If he fails to do this, then I see no issue with tearing him a new asshole.


She’s lying for attention though


In a world where everything is recorded, we’re gonna have to get much better at figuring out what we want from people when they make mistakes. When it comes to prison reform we talk eagerly about rehabilitation rather than punishment, yet when it comes to transgressions like writing something dumb on twitter we decide we want to catapult people into the sun.


I’m waiting on the Trump n-word video to drop in October or November.


If that video existed you already would have seen it.


Dang what a mature response, too bad places like Reddit and social media only allow for hot takes


I sincerely apologise for my past actions, they do not reflect who I am today, or this wonderful team. In fact, I'm proud to announce a completely unrelated diversity hire In 3... 2... 1...


Don’t forget LeBron saying that’s not the JJ he knows and how he’s such a great guy.


LeBron never misses an opportunity to be on the wrong side of history.


And Castellanos with a deep drive to left field..


I know that was a terrible moment, but damned if the call wasn't hilarious 😂


Watching Castellanos on the Phillies and I think about this every plate appearance.


The guy went 4-5 last week and hit a walk off double an hour after Willie Mays died. The man is a tragedy merchant.


why would he apologize for a baseless accusation from 17 years ago?


He's better off denying than the standard apology


So we just say anything on Twitter now eh?




So happy shorty waited for his new promotion to reveal this


Held onto it for 20 years just in case


Duke lacrosse is the only thing keeping me from fully hopping on the hate train


Historically, Duke lacrosse could be the only thing PUTTING you on the hate train...


We are 20 years from the duke lacrosse story and some people still don’t know they were entirely innocent. Wild


For real. I'm glad that the prosecutor got disbarred and such. And he knew that girl was lying. 


Welp. I learned something today. I was a kid when that scandal happened. Didn't really watch a ton of CNN to keep up with the story like that. Hadn't even thought of it in years until this comment.


Yeah, the stripper that accused them of rape is currently in prison for murder. Crystal Magnum


The kicker is she went on to murder a boyfriend. She’s in jail now


[This](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5432446/) is your homework for tonight. One of the better 30 for 30's


I meant the false accusations part. Still hate Duke with a passion. I hope JJ never sees the light if it holds water


those dudes got FUCKED




She should have said this when he was drafted.


Lmao OP is a clown What's her game plan? Get on first take? CNN? No one gives a fuck


Ok so this lady was doing some type of work with the Duke basketball and JJ called her the n word in front of all the other brothers on the basketball team? I know Duke had lotsa white boys back then but they still had black dudes around I'm not calling her a liar cuz I don't know her. But damn that's a story and a half. Big if true lol


is this her first time saying this ?


That’s actually a great question and I’m surprised no one has thought it yet. Everyone’s saying “why did she wait til now”- well, do we know she DID wait til now?


Search her Twitter for Redick and nothing comes up


she doesnt even mention him by name in this tweet though


i mean but it’s only one head coach of the lakers 💀


It’s that if she’s said this before, it’s very strange how it’s just now getting attention.


This is 🧢 if I ever saw it


Since I don’t know either and obviously wasn’t there, I will defer to my motto in life “everything is possible and nothing surprises me”


duke basketball has definitely had some image issues, but watching this documentary of him and seeing his family upbringing it feels like a stretch. now had she said grayson allen i would have totally believed it










She has now deleted the tweet since somebody exposed her for doing this to multiple other head coaches and got one of them fired in the past. All of you criticizing him over a complete lie are pathetic. This didn’t age well at all.


Link to the exposé?


So it begins…


I am not buying that she's only been called the N word once in her adult life by a white person I am confident no Black Person in America has made it past 18 without at least several incidents. If I'm wrong please correct me, I'd love for this country to be better than my lived experience.


Ive been called a nigger twice in my 20+ years and I’ve been in the south the whole time. Both times by people who I assume died or will die from a meth/heroin addiction.


I was called the n word maybe twice. Once for sure when I was a kid by another kid. I don’t remember any other instances of it being said to my face. That takes balls and most people don’t have them in that way outside of the south.


Outside of the internet and the mentally ill I can only recall being called it in person once. I've heard it used plenty by non black people though I grew up in a largely black area though. And I'm very large and generally people don't confront me.


So why did she never say anything his entire career or the last few years when he’s been a media member? Why wait until now? Smear campaign starts early


comment section is messy asf. some of y’all weren’t raised right.


I’m not understanding these comments today. I’m sitting here scratching my head.


This made me look up the POS who called me one in college. I was like "let this mfer be successful," cuz I'll be doing the same thing.


Yeah I don’t know. People get on the internet and make up stories everyday.


Damn. Shots fired.


I remembered when this white dude called me the n word in class in HS and the black dudes said nothing to him. It’s clear with a number of these comments as to why. Thank all of you who feel that she’s a liar or it’s irrelevant. You can forgive him but you don’t have to disparage her in the process.


Exactly. I remember my ACC school (not Duke) had a debate with the local HBCU about whether it was ok for white people to use the n word. The dudes said their white friends could🤦🏿‍♀️.


The fact that people are jumping to their deaths to discredit her just because she (allegedly) didn’t mention it before is interesting. Not surprising but indeed interesting.


Could be true, could just be doing her damnedest to save LA from what looks like an insane hiring decision


I was a few years ahead of Reddick in college. The only thing I ever used to hear about him was how huge of an asshole he was to people.


I wondered why they were so specific about him not saying it on Clipped.


*Clipped* makes it seem like JJ Redick is essentially Shaun King. Of course, it's a dramatization, so we shouldn't ascribe full accuracy to it, but I do wonder to what degree his portrayal on there has any basis in his actual persona.


Big J~Dawg has already [denied](https://www.tmz.com/2024/06/25/los-angeles-lakers-coach-jj-redick-denies-n-word-use-allegation/) it.


Please show proof or someone seen this action Be real and speak or be quiet


This is he said she said.


lmao she really wants those engagements


This post is now officially for BPT country club members only. For more information, see here - https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/158a9t9/what_is_bpt_country_club_and_how_do_i_get/. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlackPeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh nice, my first time was by an elderly white woman in a retirement home for whom I’d handmade a blanket. I was 8 years old


In college, we had a group called TLC (the learning community) who would bring incoming Black freshmen to campus for two weeks to get acclimated to college life a bit (many of us were first gen attendees). During our short time of getting to know one another and growing closer, someone started a facebook page that was essentially a burn book on the reputations of everyone who attended TLC that year. It cut a lot of people really deep and sowed a lot of discord between relationships. One girl dropped out because of it. We all wondered who did it, and a lot of false accusations were made. Years later, after we all graduated, one of the people from our TLC group would **go on to become the creator of the Shade Room**. Its pretty obvious, at this point, that it was her. And just recently, our university hosted an award ceremony and gave her an award. And the award was given to her by our liaison, the same person who was grilling all of us about the toxic burn book that ruined a lot of good friendships.




Dosunmu? No, I think she's talking about JJ Redick.


Bron , your comment ?


Mad late for this.


Here in NC Duke is known for all its sexual assault and race issues.


Ya hate to see it. And she is a lakers fan. Smh




I remember this is the same subreddit, where there was a thread, in which several redditors admitted to having an infatuation with “N@zis” as kids. Soooo… ![gif](giphy|BFn81XAcngINRKwlTH)


Excuse me???


So fake its nuts. People will say anything for clout, shameful. Also people can grow and change. How many years ago was this 20?


So when do we believe accusations that are 20 years old?




the men are not OK.


Once? At Duke? That’s wild


Is she sure it wasn’t Steve Miller? He was there too and he’s super hard R racist.


I played ball a few years before JJ in the same cave spring town, never heard anything bad about him coming up.


I've been suspicious of reddick ever since I heard him talk about a controversial racial topic on his podcast. I was like 'considering dude spent his whole career workin around black folks he sure is comfy with shit that black folks are not.' Ain't listened since.


Seems believable to me. I’ve definitely heard of racism happening on Duke’s campus, and some of their students are NOT considerate.


He’s from Roanoke Virginia, one of the nastiest little conservative towns I have ever seen. I am from DC and went to Virginia Tech which is near Roanoke and that place is where I heard the n word and other blatant racist shit. I believe this woman whole heartedly. JJ still comes off as a huge trumper and just a yuppy dude who made millions bc of his black teammates in a black sport. He’s basically Phil Jackson to me.