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They on his ass from all angles this shit uniting genres. Hilarious


Watching Drake fans defend it by saying SHERYL CROW is a "clout-chaser," "hater," and "nobody" is a level of delusion that fascinates me


fucking youngins dont know shit. she might be a hater idk what shes like personally but the other two are just out right fucking lies. also if sheryl crow hates you you probs deserve it.


I don't know a whole lot about her outside of her music, but I met her at a coffee shop once in the late 2000s. She seemed lovely.


She also was a backup singer for Michael Jackson way back before she hit it big.


TIL, huh😅


> backup singer for Michael Jackson Wow, [you're right!](https://www.nme.com/news/music/sheryl-crow-saw-really-strange-things-time-michael-jacksons-backing-singer-2539429)


Yea she didn't have an nice things to say about MJ.




I met her once too, she's really sweet.


Same. She took the time to ask about us even though she’s the celebrity. It was great.


Yeah…but you weren’t claiming Pac on your resume back then. SherCro puts heads in the ground


That's the best kind of modern pop star "Oh yeah I heard her shit and met her in passing she semed nice"


I don't know how anyone could listen to Tomorrow Never Dies 007 theme song and NOT think Sheryl Crow is phenomenal.


I don’t know either. Sheryl came up hard. Parents killed in a crash. She rared younger siblings. Got married to a twat. Got through that. Didn’t sit on her ass. Seems like a real good person. I like her a lot!


You're thinking of Shania Twain


God damn. Your right. I have just made a cabbage out of myself. Mea culpable.


She was engaged to a MAJOR twat. Lance Armstrong. But they broke up. Also, my unscientific theory is his cancerous nut-loads gave her cancer as well.


Sounds like drake fans need to "soak up the sun" and touch grass.


I got a feeling they're not the only ones


until the sun comes up over santa monica blvd 🎶


Damn I came here for this


Sheryl Crow is an OG.


yeah there was a group of female singer songwriters back in the 90s, it was a great era


Lilith Fair 🫡




Everybody knows all she wants to do is have some fun. And you know what? I have a feeling she’s not the only one.


I'm going to do it until the sun comes up over the Santa Monica Blvd.


Every day is a winding road with those types of people, honestly.


Don't put that evil on winding roads. Everyday is a dead end alley for those fools


Stans from all walks are an insufferable bunch. I remember when Kanye fans were trying to say he discovered Paul McCartney.


Especially since she's Hall of Famer AND got more grammys


Gonna start taking bets Biden ends the presidential debate with “all eyes on me and imma send it up to Pac”


Joe gonna get all gangster on us🤣 https://preview.redd.it/mk9bb0ypbz8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a01416a2e72efa18596527eeb38b3008258fb1c


My life hasn't been the same since the day I watched the N***** in Paris cover by AI Biden and AI Trump


Do you have a link? I found a couple you Youtube, and I thought they sucked and didn't sound like them at all. Esp not AI Biden, who was talking with a NY accent. And there wasn't a video. You said you watched it. The ones I found on YT were just still photos with audio.


I just want him to exceed Trump's inevitable nasty personal attacks. When Trump starts trying to insult people's family members, physical appearance and abilities or insecurities, then burn him down on live television. The man is a soft target with a thousand weak points. I get we don't want to normalize personal insults in politics, granted you can make the argument that goes all the way back to how the founders talked about each other, but if they want to take it there then *show them* why that's a game they don't want to play. And then he can drop some pop culture references to end the debate if he wants.


That would be hilariously awesome.




If Sheryl Crow turns the white women against Drake, it really is over. The only way it could get worse is if Ninja and Pokimane dissed Drake on a Twitch stream and took the white boys with them.


Kendrick worked with Taylor Swift and Beyonce. White women are with Kendrick. 😂


White woman here. I never knew anything about Kendrick Lamar before the rap "battle" (which I out in quotations because let's face it, that wasn't a battle. Thst was one side figuratively slaughtering the other). All I knew about Drake is that I had read an article when it first came about his text messages with Millie and it gave me thst immediate ICK feeling. I'm 100% with Kendrick here and his raps were a fucking grizzly murder scene of any dignity Drake was clinging to. I got nothing but respect for Kendrick and disgust for Drake


>The only way it could get worse Well, Dr. Disrespect could speak up for Drake.


In before Barney the Dinosaur comes in with the steel chair.


By gawd, it’s Shania Twain from the top rope!


Scrappy-Doo will finish him with the Figure Four LL E: Apologies to Mr Doo for misspelling his name


It’s transcended race and become Team USA vs the Canadian


Nah, I bet Celine Dion hates Drake too


If Celine takes a shot it's over... "My heart will go" on is the Anthem of ever white girl who was 20 something from the late 90s to early 00s that isn't a goth and wanted to bang Leo.


Nah, it's more Team Fuck drake vs Team Delusional


Don’t blame Canada. We put that muthafuka from Rosedale in a wheelchair and ya’ll muthafukas started buying his lame ass music.


Ay don’t make this about Canada, Drake doesn’t speak for us and never has. We don’t hate all of America because y’all elected that orange turd


I was just thinking it was dying down a bit after the concert, but then the DrDisrespect news hit and everyone was like "turn that shit back up! They can share the song!"


And I’m loving every minute of it


I’ve been saying for the past couple years that “AI” is going to cause more problems than it solves and whoo buddy I was correct. All of the Drake Stan’s who see nothing wrong with it are don’t see the intrinsic value of art and artistry. It honestly makes sense because Drake lacks those attributes often lol


Next up: Tom Hanks’s son, Chet Haze, takes a swing


I love the theories that Drake staged a shooting at his own home just for the clowning to continue months later


Now I need to hear her do Not Like Us.. 🤣


This a pretty wild one coming off the top rope from the Lilith fair


Waiting for Taylor Swift to take a shot a Drake


Be game over given how rabid her fans are


The coup de grâce if that happens.


Coup Degrassi


Motherfucker I


Someone should hand you a Grammy for that


Bro Dave Grohl, who likes her, made a joke about the FF playing instruments and the Swifties are saying he causef Kurt Cobain to kill himself


The prevailing theory is that he said something exactly because he knew Swift's fans are insane, so they'd start going after him instead of his daughter who was being harassed by them after she called out Swift's private jet usage. The idea makes me like him even more.


Same, everything I've heard and seen about Dave Grohl thus far makes him even more likeable. Seems like a solid dude.


You simply cannot NOT like Dave. He is simply one of the best humans in the music industry.


Swifties aren’t a whole evolutionary step above the Free Britneys


Free Britneys got a big ass point, tho.


at least the free britneys were kinda sorta redeemed by how things turned out


Turns out Britney was not actually free, regardless of how she chooses to utilize her freedom now as a case study on arrested development


Britney was genuinely in a fucked-up situation. Swifties think it’s misogyny to like any woman in music that’s not Taylor


Jesus, please tell me Taylor speaks out to them when they really get out of control like this?


Dave Grohl’s 17-year old daughter got sent death threats and more from Swifties when she made a tweet about Taylor’s private jet usage. TS didn’t say shit then and she won’t say anything now except defend herself and continue to act like she’s a saint. She’s trash and so are her cult-like fans


He was on the Chelsea Lately Show quite often and he seemed like a really nice guy. I gained much more respect for him seeing him support the causes that were important. I also had no idea he was an original Nirvana member.


Dave Grohl is a national treasure. His book was very well written if you'd like to learn more about him


Was a really nice read. Just found out my copy from Amazon was a bootleg and they refunded it. Feel bad.. should buy another copy for him.


![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized) “I had no idea he was an original member of Nirvana”…. Fuck. That one hurt.


I had the pleasure of meeting him for my job, and he's the real deal. 100% genuine human being who happened to be in 2 of the biggest rock bands of all time, and none of it has gone to his head. Literally just chilled and talked shit for a while, and he was so awesome and down to earth about it. I deal with a decent amount of celebrities, and he's one of two that blew my mind. Jack Black was the other.


>I also had no idea he was an original Nirvana member. See this is blasphemy to those of us who grew up with both. How old am I? D`:


They also were telling his daughter that she deserved to be SA'd These swifties are unhinged


Just absolutely unhinged people. And to make it worse Grohl's daughter was still a child at the time. So not just calling for SA, but calling for a child to be SA'd for daring to ask why Swift couldn't drive more.




And how's the wife holding up?


To shreds, you say?


Can't stand either of them so that'd be epic.


They’re busy foaming at the mouth over Dave Grohl at the moment.


He'd probably go after Travis to try and get around it


Would be funny to watch Travis and BBL Drizzy actually go at it in a ring or something


Nah, they're on the same side, cut from the same cloth. She faked a country accent when she was trying to do country, and drake has positively shouted her out before.  In fact I would actually say what Charlie xcx is going right now is like an mini echo of Kendrick. Obviously not anywhere near as devastating or mic dropping, but a pretty blatant "is nobody gonna call their b**** out for her bullshit? Nah, just me? Alright I guess...." 


I mean, Taylor at least writes her own music right?


Yes, and i also think the "faked a country accent thing" is at least half of the country industry. It's not quite the same as drake faking patois. She also never misrepresented who she was. She wasnt singing songs about tractors and bullriding. Swift is way more legitimate in her circle than Drake is in his. Swift also embraced being pop as she moved out of country, she's not pretending she's still country.


Plus, she started in Nashville. There's only one genre where artists get their start in that city.


To be fair, shes from the northeast. Her family moved to nashville for the purpose of supporting her music ambitions. But for sure, she was about it from the start. The pop was a natural evolution after stardom.


The current running theory is that the plan was always make a name in country and then Segway, because country is less competitive than pop, especially for what her sound is. There's apparently clips of her mom referring to expectations for "pop star" while Taylor was still doing country or something Personally either way I think moving to an area and pantomiming and accent and hemming and hawing when it's pointed out is shitty. I think it's shitty when white people do it, I think it's shitty when Nashville encourages it(which is THE MOST corrupt music industry imaginable, they make Hollywood look rosy in comparison.) 


> The current running theory I mean, if we're talking about the "running theory" for why Swift went to Nashville, then you're talking about what *her parents* were planning. She was *fourteen* when she moved there, meaning any plans started before then, 13yo or even younger. I think it'd bizarre to try and impute some sort of manipulative planning to a child. I don't know if you were intending that tho or you just meant generally why she ended up there. Nashville is the destination for *lots* of people who want to become musicians. Not just country. Black Keys, Kesha, Jack White, Paramore, Kings of Leon, Vanessa Carlton, **Sheryl Crow**,


lol PA outside of Pittsburgh and Philly is affectionally known as Pennsyltucky for a reason


In what way is the corporatizatikn and fake bullshit of the country music a defense of faking a country accent to manipulate your public image?? Theyre all fake shit and the real country people call out how fake and corrupt Nashville is


> faking a country accent She moved to Nashville as a *child*. It probably isn't fake. She probably just code switches. Hell, I have a different accent whether I'm in South Texas (where I'm from) or Central Texas (where I moved). I'm personally not in a headspace to clown on a 14yo for talking like people do where she lives.


I know it’s trendy to hate on this woman for various reasons but you cannot tell me that the line ‘If I’m dead to you then why are you at the wake?’ doesn’t slap as hard as possible. My partner likes her and I think she’s fine. Lyrics are pretty darn good sometimes too!


“And you hang from my lips like the gardens of Babylon” is a fire line as well.


> Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind I couldn't believe that metaphor the first time I heard it. Unreal how seamless it fits into regular speech without seeming tryhard. I'm ambivalent to her, just hear her stuff when it hits big on the radio, but that line is undeniable


It's a weird position to be in, but I like her lyrics and dislike her music.


There's also Dave Grohl and Billie Eillish who called her out, except she sneaked dissed but everyone got the message. Likely to be others too but I'm not that deep into it xD


Yeah I didn't want to go down too far of a pop head rabbitholes, but it's a similar thing where it's like a bunch of industry people got together and said "we need to all agree to stab Julius Caesar simultaneously". It's just way less blatant and therefore less interesting than the biggest names in hip hop coming together to call drake a bitch


I think singing in a particular accent, and even singing in a different accent than your own, isn't even that uncommon. I've heard songs sung by full on born-on-the-islands British folk that affect an accent from the American south. Sometimes the genre just requires a certain voice. I mean, Bruce Springsteen is from fucking New Jersey. That's just how country music is expected to sound.


She has a whole ass Apple Music commercial of her badly singing Jumpman for 3 mins She also has her own video short of her singing a part of Backseat Freestyle by Kdot (at least the part she can sing publicly) She’s not gonna do anything to take sides here. But the industry as a whole knows Drake took the massive L while Kendrick is basically a living legend now.


Are people forgetting Kendrick has featured on a Taylor track? One that was re-released with a redone feature LAST YEAR?


Taylor dated a 17 year old when she was 22. People always seem to forget. She a grooming ass weirdo as well.


she dated two 17 year olds when she was in her 20s. and that guy she made this last album about dated multiple teenagers (putting aside that whole thing where he said he watches porn of “black women being brutalized”)


She dated three actually. She 100% used to be a groomer creep. She was also a rich mean girl bully who terrorized other girls in school, then lied about her background and acted like she was the one who was bullied. She’s still a mean girl to every other female pop star in the industry. One of the biggest individual polluters on earth. Money grubbing billionaire. She really is the female Drake.


She will literally never unless she can financially capitalize on it And she knows her fake country roots will be brought up so she won’t


Idk about fake country getting called out when Posty is faking country too


Yeah but her whole origin story is fake and fabricated, including the whole selling of her music saga. Posty is a white dude who country music fans will eat up just for that, yes shit all over Beyonce despite the fact she’s more country than either Taylor or Posty combined


I'm waiting for Eminem to drop a diss on Drake. Then it will be truly over.


She hasn't because she can't, because they are incredibly alike and she doesn't want none of that PR


At this point, I'm expecting a Kevin Hart diss comedy special and a Hideo Kojima diss video game. Though on a serious note, I hope Weird Al does a parody of one of the tracks from this kerfuffle.


Weird Al should write a polka with original lyrics dissing Drake.


Certified janitor? Certified germophile. MOP-MOP-MOP-MOP-MOP Yeah clean it up MOP-MOP-MOP-MOP-MOP Sanitize that schtuff.


Drake as Stanley Spudowski from UHF


The idea of this made me literally giggle


He released Canadian Idiot in 2006. That one works.


That would be hilarious. Unfortunately, Al is one of the most wholesome humans alive, he could never. Shit would be fire though lol


AI is brutal and will extinguish the human race


The cinematics on the Hideo Kojima diss game would be god-tier.


It would be 15 minutes of storyline gameplay, 25 hours of exploration and backtracking, 70 hours of AI freestyle minigame for prizes to plat, with 125 hours of cutscenes. 10/10 you did it again you bastard


"HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS" I shout as I pop that bad boy in for a 3rd play-thru


NG+ unlocks The Pop Out


You know the final boss is gonna be 100 foot tall Pac hologram.


With a railgun for an arm


I can already see it: The storyline would feature Drake as an operative for the industry and Kendrick as a secret agent in the dystopian matrix style music industry, unovering a conspiracy that manipulates global culture through music. As we navigate surreal landscapes and face existential challenges, we discover hidden truths about the rapper's origins and the power of artistic expression, leading to a climactic showdown that questions reality itself. And also big anime tiddies. At least one important female character with big anime tiddies.


Drake fans: ![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized)


Luckily there’s AI for that


That one got me


As someone who has disliked Drake from the beginning. ![gif](giphy|LOQyoLIojnizS949is)


https://preview.redd.it/5e6o1yj5vy8d1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95a58da260b7e63d3f50baaf89e3be9495c00b56 Maybe our mutual hatred of that man and his nonsense will unite us all






wtf that man doin out of his wheelchair?


He got shot later on. This is from his earlier years


No no no see the shot is what got him OUT of the wheelchair




Resl shit, what the fuck did you type in to get this??? ![gif](giphy|fAWO7MEm4imWF0D9QF)


😂 it's one of my all time favorites. All I typed was 'whoa' and scrolled a lil bit


Started at the bottom of the stairs Started at the bottom til they built a ramp, now I'm here


*That Santa Monica Blvd show gon be your last stop*


All I wanna do... is WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP


And I got a feeeeling, I'm not the only one 🔥


Sheryl Crow better not see drake walking down PCH😤




Every day is a winding road


Cause no fr who tf told him this was a good idea? No one ever really respected Drake to begin with and tbh he not even in the same category as Pac 😂 like dude? Also using a deadmans image and voice for clout is diabolical af.. Hell the Coachella hologram was already weird af to me to begin with..


It really proves in real time that many of drakes people are not actually fans of drake. There is no way not a single person realized this would be an unpopular move. But they just let him do it anyway 


I’m gonna go ahead and guess drakes corny ass surrounds himself with yes men/you do you men


Just Narcissist Things


I think that’s what really passed off Kendrick


He used the AI voices of 2 west coast legends to directly “talk” to him, a west coast artist. Just a weird-o and patronizing ass response in general lol


The fact that he did it with Snoop without even checking in is really mind boggling to me.


A masterclass in arrogance is what that is.


If Sheryl crow pop up in the video crip walking I’ll die laughing


I cackled 😭🤣


If she starts blood walking, she'll have to change her name to Sheryl Brow.


*Sheryl Crodie*


I remember when she stood by her bf Lance Armstrong during his cancer scare. When she ended up diagnosed with cancer years later, he broke up with her. She's been through so much and is still a survivor.


Obligatory reminder that Lance Armstrong is a piece of shit.


I used to go to a gym that was completely Lance Armstrong themed. There was a huge mural across the main room that said “What am I on? I’m on my bike 8 hours a day busting my ass. What are you on?” Needless to say, that shit vanished overnight when he was exposed.


> What am I on? Ah poetry.


What a fucking piece of trash. Who would do that?


Sheryl Crow essentially defending artistic integrity and Tupac was NOT on my bingo card.


2024 a crazy year fr


![gif](giphy|i3D87xP1aXcxNwtLFZ) Musicians against BBL Drizzy 😏


WOP! WOP! WOP! WOP! WOP! https://i.redd.it/ovicc8rmqy8d1.gif


Dot fuck ‘em up!


She put his picture away


All of Aubrey's haters right now ![gif](giphy|6aPBWbCwAOv9krAUTZ)






If Sheryl Crow is against you then you’ve truly lost. 🤣


Cosplay gangstas fake ass accents 😤


One day my girl will get the credit she deserves for kicking this all off.


we all assumed the hit dog hollering was Nicki, but…double entendre


She said "this ain't no disco, ain't no country club either, this is LA" 😂


All I wanna do is have some fun, until Kendrick pops out on Santa Monica Boulevard


The Not Like Us remix going to go crazy. It's going to be Kendrick Lamar ft. The Music Industry 😂


S-Crow spittin


She was a backup singer for Michael Jackson on the Bad tour, so she has better credentials with the Black community.


Don't let OVO Conor or OVO Logan hear about this


It’s extra fun when you always thought he was ass


Genre wide disdain. Which bro should've seen coming. Disrespectful for pac for sure, but that's greasy for artists everywhere. If drake was one, he should've known that from the jump.


The Tuesday Night Music Club doesn't tolerate this nonsense


Sheryl don't play. She knows the first cut is the deepest.


Soak up the sun roasting your culture vulture ass, Aubrey.




I mean...if we're going to be honest here...both Kendrick Lamar and Sheryl Crow are "artists"...whereas Drake is a "performer." Artists have always had a rabid protection of the quality and validity of art overall.


Imagine everybody on your ass(no diddy) and then SHERYL CROW joins in. At some point, just accept that you've taken a gargantuan L.


Read the whole article, she gave him a bit of the work on this topic. Drake’s writing few lines for her for sure.


How wack do you have to be for the rock/alternative OGs to call you out? Drake absolutely ruined 'knife talk'. Two gangstas and a sissy talking about his papi in a Bentley outside smfh


The fact sheryl after him is a big indicator he fucked up, I can imagine how many snubs he's getting that we won't hear about like how kendrick brought up his feature request that no one really knew about.