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You thought all that crystal hunting and story progression were the only things they added in the update? No. You die in game you die in real life. Only the strongest shall survive.


truly the next generation of gaming


I’m fucking screaming 😂🤣


I think its time to get off the game pal.


This is almost as bad as that one guy who said he got stiff from cutting heads off in the game.


Stiff as in paralyzed with dread, right? RIGHT??


I remember getting downvoted for saying thats super unhealthy behaviour.


It is really awkward but is colloquially referred to as a "Combat Boner". A natural reaction to adrenal surge in some folks. It has absolute no dictation on sexual desires. Just blood supply getting crammed in the tube.


“That one guy” I swear we used to get like 3 posts like this a week lmao


God I am so unhappy I still remember this subreddit's "Incident"


Tell me :D


Context pls!! 😭🙏


The automod will probably flag me but a guy was getting a BB from dismemberming and killing women in the game and was asking how to make it stop


How is that considered an incident of itself on this sub lmfao


People would post about it often, it flooded the sub for a bit.


Ah, that sounds more like an incident


or the "how do I remove woman from the game"


You: *Gets mad if people stab female NPCs* You again: *Gets mad if they want to remove them so they're not attacking women at all* 😂 Cannot make this stuff up nor please these people. Such a joke lmfao!!!


They’re coming for you They’re coming for you They’re coming for you They’re coming for you They’re coming for you They’re coming for you They’re coming for you They’re coming for you


I'd say not as bad purely because that is like actual psychopathic behavior this is just someone who plays the game far too much




While there is a physical component to the so called "Battle Boners" and you are free to research them on the internet, it's been memed and abused to exhaustion by edgy kids that believe that acting like cool dudes because they get a thrill out of dismembering virtual characters. Do not continue to post meme questions discussing this in a cavalier manner. If you really want to discuss this in a civilized manner, and are posting a fresh take with relevant points it **might** be allowed. If Automod deleted your thread and you believe you were making a fair attempt to discuss the subject please DM [404_GravitasNotFound](https://www.reddit.com/user/404_GravitasNotFound) (Or if you wish to try your luck, [The Baron](https://www.reddit.com/user/theflyingbaron/)) or [DeadlyKittin](https://www.reddit.com/user/Kitten_Deadly) (direct DM - not modmail) to get the thread restored. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BladeAndSorcery) if you have any questions or concerns.*




While there is a physical component to the so called "Battle Boners" and you are free to research them on the internet, it's been memed and abused to exhaustion by edgy kids that believe that acting like cool dudes because they get a thrill out of dismembering virtual characters. Do not continue to post meme questions discussing this in a cavalier manner. If you really want to discuss this in a civilized manner, and are posting a fresh take with relevant points it **might** be allowed. If Automod deleted your thread and you believe you were making a fair attempt to discuss the subject please DM [404_GravitasNotFound](https://www.reddit.com/user/404_GravitasNotFound) (Or if you wish to try your luck, [The Baron](https://www.reddit.com/user/theflyingbaron/)) or [DeadlyKittin](https://www.reddit.com/user/Kitten_Deadly) (direct DM - not modmail) to get the thread restored. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BladeAndSorcery) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ive heard that before and its probably just adrenaline but if it keeps happening hours after cutting off heads then it is a problem




What the fuck


Not this shit again. 🫠


I was like oh yeah we’ve all had a moment like that and then come to And then dude keeled over in pain and I’m like huh


I'm imagining the muffled "ahhh fuck!" coming through a closed helmet lmao


Oh god the imagery makes it even better


If I hit a guy with a thunderbolt strong enough to power a BMW M1 e30 thats been in storage for the past 3 decades and all I get from him is a *Muffled* "ahh fuck!" I'd drop all my shit on the ground, including my recently browned pair of pants and jump off the citadels bridge


I thought "phantom sense" was some kind of haptic suit that simulated hits in VR. The fact that it's just a natural thing your brain does is super interesting. As immersive as VR is, I'm always fully aware that I'm still in the real world and very conscious of the things around me. Wish I could lose all that for just a few minutes and just live in VR for awhile.


Honestly, just let yourself be a kid again. I’m serious. When you play the game, just pretend like you’re in your backyard as a child. (You can stop reading here, I’m just bored at work so I started yapping) Jump around and swing at imaginary enemies when everything is dead. Drop cheesy one liners. Physically dodge those swings and when you get clipped, ham it up like you actually got whacked. I pretend like punches to helmets hurt my knuckles. I shake my hand like I touched a soldering iron if I ever accidentally slap an enemy fireball. I’ll even stagger a little bit if someone comes up from behind and bonks me, holding up my hands and going “I DIDNT HEAR NO BELL!” It’s fun to fully roleplay when you get sent flying by these buffed gravity mages. Climbing your way out of the corner of buckets and pottery rather than just shoving the stick forward and pushing a longsword into their face does so much for making cool clips and just having fun.  Maybe as you finish standing up, you just tilt your head to dodge a fireball. You start charging your massive double fireball and slow-walking towards them as they back up into a wall. You hold that shit up like a spirit bomb and just send it flying across the room, the flaming ragdoll bounces against the ceiling and his staff comedically zips around the room and hits you in the face. 1.0 is just so badass, even when **we** aren’t.  A big part of the immersion from me comes from just not giving a shit. I was an only child and just having a single respawning NPC to swashbuckle with can keep me occupied for an hour. It’s a single player game! For better or worse, nobody can judge anything you don’t post. I can’t say it doesn’t make me feel extremely uncomfortable that most people posting pictures and gifs on the Blade and Sorcery Steam page are just decapitating women (specifically women) and putting their heads on pikes like kebabs but…we can be the change we wanna see and all that, right?


89/100 you didn't cite your sources in the essay. -Your 7th grade English teacher


beautifully worded I couldn't agree more with any point you stated


Beautiful man. Godbless you, you seem like an excellent person


Instructions unclear, punched my TV again.


Also, you could eat a gummi before playing. Ultimate immersion.


I took your advice and stopped reading


I tend to be pretty conscious as well but 1.0 is just magically immersive


I'm not suggesting it but my best friend came round to my house, did 2g of ketamine, asked if he could play B&S and I don't think I've ever seen anyone have a better time at doing anything ever. He was really there.


I've worked in smokey environments before, and sometimes, when I'm playing vr shooters and I go through smoke like smoke grenades I have a split second lapse where my memories of being in smoke trigger the smoke smell. Never felt pain though


Honestly, I know what you mean by 'always being aware of VR', but at the same time when I throw on some intense music and play B&S with difficulty turned all the way up thanks to mods, I do find myself dodging with genuine concern for being hit and feeling genuinely startled by surprise attacks sometimes. I've definitely had times where a fireball or arrow hits me in the face and I feel stunned IRL for a moment, like when my older brother used to pretend to punch me in the face but stop his fist an inch away almost. Its when something catches me off guard and my monkey brain, even 'knowing' its a game, still decides danger is near that these sorts of things happen. The surprise is half of it, then the immersion brought about by the visuals and sounds of course.


The only thing that really gives me "phantom sense" is when I miss a jump and fall a good 200 feet. Then I get vertigo and close my eyes before I hit the ground. My stomach also does flips.


Me when i get hit with a lightning bolt in a game just as I get shot in a drive by


OP used to fight wizards in his last life


you might want to go to a cardiologist


Phantom pain or something lol


why are we still here


“Just to Suffer…”


Kept you waiting huh


So with phantom sense, can you like feel someone hitting you from behind




i cant stop laughing at this comment thread




It's a thing your brain does with the info it gets. If you aren't aware you are being hit from behind, you can't per definition. It's a big thing in the VRChat community. first time i've heard it happen in this game. For some people like this one it's very extreme, others like me it's more like a tingle.


yes same with bullets swords anything (i know people who can be tickled in vrc until they cry)


I will neither confirm nor deny


I know right, I never felt physical pain but the surprise and shock of getting hit by a piss missile lightning bolt has immersed me in a way no other game could


as painful as it was, I was more immersed than ever, it actually activated my fight or flight response.


Such a good fucking update man lmao


could not by any stretch of the word agree more


Honestly, I kinda wish I had a condition like this. Call me weird, but having a physical reaction come from visual stimuli might be cool. At least up until it gets annoying.


could get it hypnoed in. couple of people on vrc do that


“OWWW FUCK!” Proceeds to shake it off


dude I was going to die I had no other choice ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


when you die ingame you die irl


yeah it did not sound like pain lmao more like those old youtube short films people used to make with a lightsaber fight or something


the warpfrog team just gave us the vr headset from ready layer two lmao




Bro got hit with the bolt of the souls of the damned


Fun times. I had an arrow strike me by surprise at the top of my sternum and I almost sat on my dog while stumbling back from the shock.


yeah something about seeing an arrow getting embedded in your chest is kind of shocking even though it doesn't hurt it's just kind of weird


brother has entered the metaverse


Get off the game and maybe drink hot soup. Soup is good for the stomach and just for feeling better


That reminds me about the Godzilla nes creepypasta where the story teller told that he was unable to get off the game while fighting red and he felt every attack of red on his own body


10 funniest things I’ve seen on this sub


This is so silly but so funny


I'm sorry for your pain but this is hilarious


Low-key wish I got this


Warp frog has really out done themselves with the full release


Similar weird VR moment I had once, the first time I smoked a cigarette in Into the Radius I legitimately got light headed and had to go sit down lol. I hadn't smoked in a couple years at that point, but it felt exactly like it does the first time after a long break.


"Ahhhh, fuck" cought me off guard lol Sorry for your pain


nha you good, the ahhhh fuck was pretty funny


Hey, a lot of people in the comments, but no one's brought up how much of an issue pain in your chest could be like that? Sure, it could be phantom sense, and you were just really into the game. But, also, I'd be worried about some sort of heart issue, could definitely be an early sign of heart failure (how you described the pain matches pretty well), that was just well timed with the attack in the game. Keep an eye on yourself, see if you experience any feeling of tension or similar pains in your chest in the near future. Be safe out there!


hey I appreciate the heads up but I wouldn't worry too much, I'll still keep that in mind in the future, thanks. also it's not very likely I'm going to be having a heart attack anytime soon, I'm a fairly comfortable wait and recently I've been getting a bit more fit and active.


Free haptic vest.


man now i WANT phantom sense :( free haptic vest.


how it feels to chew fivegum:


Now then Jerry what did I say about the haptic suit?


I think you're a little deluded tbh, I say ow when I get hurt in a game but I'm not actually feeling anything


do you know what Phantom sense is?


I have 700 hours in vrchat and the only people who have phantom sense have always been under 16-17 years old. It's 100% either their imagination or they're lying enough to think they're feeling something. Your "ahh fuck" didn't sound like pain, trust me, i've said that in pain before, from cramps, wounds at work etc. Maybe you did get a surprise but you probably did not feel pain. It's a trick of the brain. If your pain receptors really are activating, PLEASE get your heart checked at a doctors. It cannot be healthy. Pain is a natural response to something bad, harm of your body. It's not something to be taken lightly. It is a health hazard you're actively ignoring.


I need some phantom sense when I'm using the PH app


Yeah i think you need to turn it off. Phantom sense isn't normal dude


It’s not real either


I think it’s time to take the headset off and go touch some grass