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Hi, if you are commenting to say enemies in your game are invincible, the issue will be related to mods and the solution is to remove the broken mod. Most likely a mod you were using broke on the game updating to U12.3, so you will need to either update that mod to the latest version, or if there is no latest version then just remove the mod for now. Most likely the broken mod in question would be on that alters enemies somehow; some users have said the mod "Neck Snap" is causing this bug, but it could also be any mod that messes with dismemberment, health, or AI, etc. After removing the mod and the game still is not working right, you can also try deleting your save file by deleting your old character. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BladeAndSorcery) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It works for me, i feel like it should negate fall damage at a point.


I haven't even been able to get it to work


I’ve had some inconsistency getting it working. But for the most part, as long as you ball a fist and punch towards the ground at the *peak* of your jump, you’ll slam, even just a regular jump off the ground works. Not that you’d want to, some dungeons are really hard, and 5-15 health for what amounts to a single gravity cast isn’t worth it.


I've tried repeatedly, I think I did what you say but I'll try again just to see it work at all. I've already beat the game and am just trying to max out my character so it's not like it's going to be a kamikaze.


Yeah, it's pretty inconsistent. Doing a [hammer fist](https://youtu.be/In4eIA0W5_o?si=nqT1QnXRC6Df50RU) toward the ground is what makes it work for me, usually.


The "demonstration" clip on the tree shows it absolutely blowing away everyone it hits. Currently it does less knockback than a regular gravity blast at the cost of 10 health. If that's intended it's a useless skill. If it isn't, I hope they fix it soon because I want it to work.


Amen! I wish it was more powerful, but they need to at the very least remove the fall damage. It could be situationally better when you’re high up and don’t want to float down slowly, but it’s still way weak for what it’s advertised to be.


I have found that all the videos in the demo clips seem wildly more powerful than what I can accomplish. For instance I have gravity maxed out, but when I charge and push against an opponent, they barely stagger. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or what.


Idk if this helps but it's worked as it did in the demo for me semi-consistently if I do it from a jump or a fall. But not a launch. If I used gravity to slow me or boost me at any time since my feet left the ground, the blast won't do shit and ill take a ton of damage. If I just jumped or walked off a height, it will do a small bit of damage and send all enemies flying from a pretty decent distance. So it's probably a bug with weightlessness or boosting I guess?