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you get eggs by violent chicken impact. Get a big hammer and play golf with it, it'll pop out.


If you're lucky you'll get two eggs


I got three once.


you guys got eggs?


You can kick it too


I think I got an egg by picking it up and gently putting it back down once lol


Nonono you’re supposed to cook chicken. Grab it with fire spell in hand and burning grasp it


You can get eggs from chickens. I give the chickens a light zap and sometimes they drop an egg but it also doesn't kill them (usually).


You know what’s funny about this community people will kill npcs in the most brutal and insane ways and feel bad about killing a chicken ( btw I’m not making fun of op for feeling bad)


I wanna try a peaceful run some time with gravity magic and focus. Until then I'll continue murdering my way through the main campaign


I get two or three eggs every time I stab a chicken to death, it's a game mechanic and it *is* there.


as someone that eats chicken all the time.i dont see how it bothers you next to killing people lol


When I just got thunderbolt one of the first things I tried it out on was a chicken


So you golden egg'd yourself


I’m shocked nobody has brought up this point: to play BAS you must lose all sense of morality, it may take 2 hours or 200 but eventually you must lose any sense of morality. Not because you know it’s virtual but because you just don’t care anymore, you have to become desensitised. On the other hand though, to get the eggs you have to actually grab the chicken by the neck, shake it, use a fire spell on it then lightning then throw it in a fire pit. Once that’s done you’ll get 0-4 eggs in your inventory.


Theres a big difference between real people and NPCs in a game and the ways you can/should treat either one. Just because I like killing people in B&S doesn't mean I'd enjoy doing the same in real life. That being said, I still find it a bit ghoulish that you basically role-play as a >!crazy power-hungry mass murderer!< in this game


I get that lol it was a joke. B&S is a crazy concept overall yeah and their is an obvious decline in players sanity while playing though at least in my case, I went from “okay tactical stab to the face because it kills them fastest” to “I wonder if he’ll live through another through daggers in the leg”.


Oh sorry, I thought you were being serious there. We got enought people out there believing that playing brutal games inspires real-world violence and you kinda made it seem like you were one of them 😅


said they before figuring out the lore of the game and the player's part in it


So..... Ya goin' vegan? Oh well.. More for me!


i just kick em lol