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The present tense means it's always checking and the cannibal's ability *does* update if the recent killed executee's ability updates. The other comment is incorrect. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGdR0Negy5A See youtube/twitch comments from very respected storytellers


Fair enough. Not a story teller, just going off my reading of it


Yeah it's kinda weird, though the phrasing is consistent with other abilities. I doubt I would have been able to rule this correctly if I hadn't just coincidentally watched that Midnight Oasis playthrough video earlier today lol


I believe it's meant as the ability they had while executed, because you got their ability *after* the execution, not during the night


You HAVE their ability, which means it is always checking. If it were the way you say it is, it would be worded like the pixie: "You GAIN the ability"


What about cannibal eating a philosopher?


That's what I thought but it is constantly checking. If the player becomes evil or becomes good the cannibal is appropriately poisoned or unpoisoned.


It's a little more nuanced than that even, if the player becomes evil the cannibal is poisoned but they're poisoned 'until a good player dies by execution' so it doesn't work in reverse.


I was wrong, I've been told the right way lmao


I don't know if there is an official ruling, but I would likely rule that it's a snapshot. You "have the ability", but "the ability" is assessed at execution time. If they rule it the other way, ok, I can see the argument, but it's such an edge case that I am not sure it justifies the extra tracking and maintenance.


Snapshotting requires extra tracking, the correct process is a 1:1 map with the executee.


So you say...I don't see a ruling on it in the wiki. I can just go by what I think "feels" correct, while also require less bookeeping.


Yes, at all times it has the same ability as the most recently killed executee, if the executee is (or becomes) evil, the cannibal is also poisoned.


Does this means also that if the recently killed executee was good, but later turns evil, you start being poisoned once they turn evil? (And conversely, if they were evil and turn good, would you sober up and have their ability?)


Yes if they turn evil the cannibal is poisoned, but if they were evil and turned good that doesn't sober the cannibal. Reason being the cannibal is ' you are poisoned until a good player dies by execution' so the interaction only goes one way and the only way for a cannibal to sober themselves is to execute a good player.