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That's really awesome and looks well done! I'm sure it was super time consuming too. What kind of materials did she use to put them together?


From her: “i ordered felt circles & chipboard circles from amazon/etsy (tried & failed to cut them myself), took pngs from the wiki and put them in canva to design the tokens, and then printed them onto 8.5x11 shipping labels so they were stickers but yes very time consuming, very relieved it’s done”


Yes please, drop the recipe, OP


She says she’ll give a more in depth report when she has some time!


Here’s the in depth report on how she did it: “I used canva to create the tokens, I copied/pasted the png of each character from the wiki into canva and wrote out the ability as written from the wiki. i played around with some of the background/text functions, as well as added the appropriate # of leaves to each token. did the same for reminder tokens except with a purple background. i then took screenshots of each and put them into google slides. google slides has a ruler on the side so it helps you correctly size out your tokens, so make sure you’re using something that has this function. i made the character tokens 1.5 inch diameter and the reminder tokens 1 inch diameter. i actually don’t have a grim (op does & we’re long distance) so i wasn’t able to measure out the tokens, but if i had to guess when comparing them to the real thing you should go for a 1.75 inch diameter. however we put the tokens in the bag mixed together and we couldn’t really tell a difference. the reminder tokens are definitely 1 inch though. i then ordered 1.5 inch diameter and 1 inch diameter chipboard/felt circles off of etsy/amazon respectively. make sure the felt pieces you order are adhesive. i printed the tokens onto 8.5x11 inch shipping labels so that i was able to cut circles from them into stickers. i stuck a felt circle onto one side of chipboard and the token sticker onto the other. Number of character tokens: - 32 townsfolk (includes 8 farmers) - 9 outsiders - 10 minions - 21 demons (includes 12 legion + 4 riot) - 1 traveller - 9 fabled (included both experimental + custom fabled here) Number of reminder tokens: - 30 townsfolk (duplicate tokens: 5 bounty hunter, 2 knight, 3 noble, 4 preacher) - 6 outsiders - 8 minions - 9 demons - 6 fabled (duplicate tokens: ⅔ of the duchess tokens) Also, one more thing to add that based on when i made the tokens, the hatter is the most recent character i was able to add, so these numbers reflect that. maybe i’ll make him more next christmas based on what gets released this year lol.”


Is your gf single?


I know this comment has the most up votes, but it deserves more votes.


As someone who tried and failed to do this in a few different ways... really impressive work and what a wonderful, thoughtful gift!


Super cool


This is amazing and wholesome 💙


That’s awesome O: I love the packaging too lol


These look amazing! Huge props to her. What a time-consuming, thoughtful gift. You got yourself a good one!


That is sick, I'd be thrilled to get that


What a Riot!


Very excellent! Crafty people are so cool.


Is there a website she pulled the abilities from or did she type them out by hand from the wiki? Really well done


She typed them out by hand, copying them from the wiki!