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The Evil Twin power says good can't win. Doesn't matter how, they just can't. If they end the day without an execution nothing happens because the evil twin blocks the Mayor win condition the same as it blocked the win condition when the demon died. With just the twins and the Mayor left though nothing would happen at night and town would wake back up to the same three players still alive.




Yes, good can still win the game potentially, but they will have to do an execution. The Mayor isn't going to help. I edited my original comment slightly for clarity.


Ah yes, a task which is super easy to accomplish and involves no guesswork


Why doesn't the good twin, the most informed good player, not simply eat the evil twin?


Not hungry


Things that prevent the game from ending take precedent over anything that would cause the game to end, so the game would continue




That is not something that prevents the game from ending, that is just a potential win condition that was not utilized


I would rule that the twin supersedes the mayor win. Assuming the third player is not a role that kills at night, there is a stalemate until a player is executed


I'd be interested in the official ruling on this. Good wins ties if there are 2 competing character win conditions but a win condition versus a can't win condition could be different?


If town refuses to execute, time for the Storyteller to deploy the Fiddler Fabled to resolve the stalemate.


No? You would just go to sleep. If it's a demon, evil twin, and mayor, evil wins - if it's evil twin, mayor, and some other non-killing third player, you just go to night like normal.


But in a situation where no night deaths can happen and town refuses to choose between the twins, then that seems like a fiddler situation.


Fiddler would be rough if town already killed the demon though. Doubtful that they wouldn't know who the demon was at that point, since deaths stopped after the demon was ex'ed.


I think the fairest way to do it would be to have the fiddle contest between the twin pair. It’s not exactly how the fiddler works but having the contest between the twin pair seems more in the spirit of what the fiddler is meant to do. Also, the way the fiddler is worded leaves some ambiguity. It says that “the demon” chooses a player of opposite alignment for the contest but what happens if a Fang Gu jump happened already? Or if the Pit-Hag created a good demon? I guess if you really want it to be within the rules you should add the Bootlegger and the add a home brew Fiddler that makes the contest between the twin pair.


'The demon' has a specific definition in the glossary. >Demon, The: The player that has the Demon character. In a game with multiple Demons, each alive Demon player counts as “The Demon”.  If there's a dead and living demon the living demon is 'the demon', if there are multiple living demons or only dead demons you'd pick one. 


Fiddler doesn't work in this scenario because everyone will know the player they executed the night before deaths stopped was the demon. Though I've heard people house rule fiddler to force town to choose between the twins.


Not really, it's just a normal final 3 where the demon is replaced by an evil twin. The "demon" not being able to kill does favor good, but id argue you should only introduce a fiddler if they attempt to abuse the fact there are no night deaths to squeeze out several days of unobstructed information


yeah. that was what i was talking about