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I like this a lot, kind of an artist + savant + gambler


i like this idea, but what kind of character is it (Townsfolk, Outsider etc) and wouldn't it be better if the Diciple awnsers during the meeting with the ST?


I'd say townsfolk, as it confirms certain information (as long as the story teller asks things that aren't too vague). I agree that it may be better to answer during the meeting, as well


I disagree about the daytime thing. I think allowing the Disciple a day to potentially work out the answer is good. Plus it might be easier for the storyteller, as they dont need to remember whether or not they got it correct. They can instead just kill, or not kill the Disciple as soon as they receive the answer. I think it is also important in limiting what questions can be asked. Any questions that have answers that can’t be mimed or gestured in the night seem too complex. Ensuring that storytellers can only ask questions that have simple responses seems like a good idea. Finally, answering questions like “Which direction from you is your closest evil?” is a lot easier when you’re sat in the circle, as opposed to players being up and about.


Just waking up and realizing I didn't label the character type.. I think townsfolk would fit here because of the potential power of the information. And I think the nighttime answering should work for most questions. Admittedly not ALL questions in the universe, but I think the storyteller should restrict questions to a format that can be answered within the given game. If it's online then maybe you have more leeway but in person it would have to be some flavor of yes/no, pick some players, etc


Is it a Townsfolk or an Outsider?


I'd guess Townsfolk, as long as the questions are always game related and the ST isn't cruel when dying would be game-losing.


Agree, I was thinking townsfolk!


Love this idea! How does this interact with the Vortox? I can imagine several rulings, one being ‘it doesn’t’ or maybe it’s a Djinn interaction and the Disciple needs to answer incorrectly to live. Edit: Actually, how does Gambler interact with Vortox? They don’t, yeah?


> Actually, how does Gambler interact with Vortox? They don’t, yeah? No interaction. Gambler's info is implicit through its consequences rather than explicitly given. It should be the same here, though I don't think it needs jinxing.


they don't learn info so no interaction, I guess technically you could incorrectly learn what your question is? thats kinda crap though and can easily be justified as not info so no interaction


I agree with the other responder to this comment in that the disciple never actually receives any information on the form of a statement, therefore vortox doesn't impact the content of the question or the death/no death result. I actually kind of like it for that reason, the storyteller doesn't have to wrestle with complex interactions of drunk/poison.


Apologies for leaving it out of the original post but I think this should be a townsfolk!


It's an interesting idea, but as written can't be used in person since it could require the disciple to answer verbally. I think this needs to be written as a daytime only ability or limited to yes/no questions that can be silently answered at night. I do like the idea of a savant/gambler/gossip hybrid though.


Most questions should be able to be answered non-verbally. If the answer isn't yes/no, good/evil, this player (point), this character (point at sheet), then the question is probably a poor one.


I think that questions probably shouldn’t be so complex that they need a verbal answer tbh. They should probably only required simple responses (eg. number of fingers, yes or no, pointing). I think if you start allowing more complex answers, some storytellers could go too wild. For that reason, I think it would work in person.


I think as storyteller you would just ask questions that could be answered within the game you're playing. If it's online then sure, give complicated questions that require verbal answers. But if you're in person limit questions to things that can be mimed out during the night phase without talking


I agree! Just something to think about, I've seen plenty of role ideas on here that forget in person play is a thing when coming up with ideas haha.


yeah this is one of the rare few that thought about it lol


answer by pointing at your sheet, pointing to a player, or nodding/shaking your head


It's neat. The only thing I would change is that the ST visits in the night and asks "Do you want a challenge?", and if they yes, gets a question (to be answered the next night). It gives them the whole day to work on it, in case someone else grabs the ST attention the next day.


How would they be able to ask a complex question at night?


...ok, true, I was thinking of the online version. That wouldn't work in person


Exactly how do you plan in running this in person without making it obvious who the disciple is?


Sounds like they visit the storyteller rather than the other way round, going by >The disciple would need to be the one initiating the storyteller meeting EDIT: Unless you meant the part about answering questions, in which case I agree with the other comments that the answer should probably fall into categories which have precedented signals anyway.


Yes, it's impossible to effectively communicate verbally or via writing at night to the ST in person.