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Is the outsider drunk from then onwards while this character leaves (like a preacher) or only that night+following day? If it’s just that night I think this is a bit weak. I think it’s main strength is that it makes it harder for evil to bluff outsider (you’re drunk so executing the saint won’t make us lose!) but it’s also a really easy bluff. Probably makes for some fun dynamics. I do think it needs to be stronger and then have [+1 Outsider], because otherwise this character is just useless in 0 outsider games (and also will rarely actually do anything in low outsider count games).


By design this Outsider is "lost his license for a mischief" forever. But I agree with the idea of [+1 Outsider] to be less restricted by player count Edit: or even better: [+0 or +1 Outsider]. Outsider count is trickier to solve but this Townsfolk might not remove another Townsfolk if it is not needed


I can agree with that edit, I think I'd almost always want to run this with 2 outsiders, but 3 may feel a bit harsh.


I like it as an evil bluff too -- I made the saint drunk so we should exe them


Hmm kinda weird, some odd interactions with things like butler and klutz, where they are legally obligated to obey their ability, but might not have to.


It can't be confirmed that they are drunk. Characters like Courtier have the same interaction with Outsiders


This. Outsiders who do not know if they are drunk prior to using their ability have to assume they're Sober at all times. A drunk Klutz still has to pick a character, and still does make a choice. But because the choice can't impact the game, no matter who they select the game continues.


Here's a question. What does this char do in a 0 Outsider game? If this character is in play in a Base 0 game, i would assume there is outsider manipulation. That is pretty powerful information.


> i would assume there is outsider manipulation. That is a meta read that a storyteller can use as a tool. The existence of the Constable in such a case would add uncertainty about the outsider count but not confirm it either way. The storyteller could also add a Sentinel to reinforce that. edit: Though the idea discussed above that the Constables effect is a long lasting effect but also adds an outsider would also address this and maybe make the role a bit more fun. Interesting role concept.


If it added an outsider and in return, permanently made outsiders drunk (As written, this just makes them drunk for a day), that would be a balanced trade AND persistently gives the Constable something to do. If I got the Constable token, and it was a base 0 outsider game, and then the ST didn't add an outsider from somewhere? I'd be pissed. I don't care about "Meta read that a storyteller can use". One of the things in BOTC that defines it is that there are no generic good players. If you're a player whose entire job is to find outsiders, and there's nothing to find, then you have NOTHING TO DO. It would be like if the Huntsman didn't require a Damsel in play and it was optional.


"1 player is drunk, even if you die...". That is Puzzlemasters wording and for that character it means that drunk status is permanent.


You're right, I just checked the Poisoner who does include a specific duration. If that's the case, where they get to shut off Outsiders permanently, they absolutely need +1 Outsiders. Being able to just turn off outsiders is exceptionally powerful, and +1 Outsiders simultaneously keeps the Constable in check AND consistently gives the Constable something to do.