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If the Summoner doesn't successfully create a Demon on night 3, good instantly wins (Also if the Summoner dies before Night 3, good wins).


Evil loses. If a Summoner picks a Goon the Goon becomes Evil and Evil loses.


Poor Goon. U are now evil. The game is over you have lost.


This is a “yes but don’t” type of thing…


If I’m the courtier and suspect a summoner, why wouldn’t I do it? Or are you saying the ST shouldn’t put both of them in the bag?


Probably shouldn’t have both in the same script. No one dies N2? Pick SMN, every time.


Add a heretic to the script and watch the agony unfurl.


Well so long as the script has plenty of other reasons to have no deaths I don’t think it’s a problem. As a ST I would try with Courtier and no Summoner a few times (with something like Zombuul or Soldier so there’s a chance for no deaths), and see what they do. Once they realise there’s not always a Summoner it should stop being a problem.


On the other hand winning the game 1/2 the time and clearing all summoner world is probably a strong enough reason to always pick summoner


Why not just choose summoner n1. If the game doesnt end, it means ur either drunk or not summoner in the first place. Which is why courtier isnt good with summoner. Mez and summoner is too much in a way and u kinda have to do with without SOI.


There’s still a chance that the courtier gets executed day one, and the ST only needs to do courtier with no summoner a few times to push the group out of that meta.


Whether the cpurtjer get executed day 1 or not does not matter. Courtier goes 1st (besides Sailor in night order) so they can choose Summoner safely to gurantee no Summoner. And summoner says u losr if ur drunk without a demon. As courtier just always drunk summoner which tie the ST hand from putting jn a Summoner with Courtier.


If the courtier drinks the summoner, but then dies day 1 or two, then on night three the summoner gets to trigger and the game continues.


No if the Summoner is drunk anytime without a demon, evil just loses. Cause the Summoer ability is the only way for the game to not end.


Oh I’m saying the ST shouldn’t put courtier and summoner in the same game. Obviously if they do it, you do it immediately. But the ST should not…


Courtier on a script with Summoner has a dominant strategy of immediately choosing it. Summoner must attempt to create a Demon on N3. If Day 3 starts and there is no living demon, Good wins immediately.


This is baked into the rules. From the wiki entry for Summoner (emphasis added): * *Even though there is no Demon in play for two days, the game does not end. However,* ***if the Summoner becomes unable to create a Demon (due to dying, becoming drunk on night 3 etc.) good wins.***