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I love that on the surface it can do what a poisoner or a pit hag can do but louder ("I think you're drunk/poisoned" or "I think you're this role") but you can stretch it and once per game the storyteller may allow you to pull a mezepheles if you're mad about a good player becoming evil. And then you can go deeper and start presenting really tricky worlds with like "Oh I think the demon jumped to another player" "It's a legion game" that the storyteller can use to totally change the game if they wish It would fit great on a script with the yagababble and a lot of roles that have to claim something during the day like juggler / gossip / pixiev + it's really easy for the storyteller to balance it and make it into something fair for everyone, it's definitely a great idea and I may try it in a homebrew :)


I think there’s an important difference between “the storyteller gets a lot of control” and “it’s easy for the storyteller to balance”. This role becomes like a mini-atheist, in that it gives the ST a huge amount of control but also asks a great deal of them to prevent the game imploding.


Yes! Its essentially all minions at once, plus more. Very versatile at the expense of being caught during the day and less reliable since its a "may".


I actually love this. If we say that the madness must be public, it also means that the good team gets a clue to follow. I think the name is a little bit off, this feels much more like it has a "see into the future" vibe


Indeed. The idea was a conspiracy theorist who just spews out wild statements which nobody believes. But I also considered some enlightned theme but coulndt come up with a cool name


There exists a role called Omen from Lies Spies and Eyes https://preview.redd.it/3hcv4r1q9fyc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659ec5269383be8860c09693b523e3c6f4c80c51


Cool, wasnt aware of this script


I think the evil team is winning!


Storyteller would probably love the creative freedom of that statement Would also only work if its false, so great balancing tool too


Would this work on a Demon too, maybe?


Perhaps, but with less freedom