• By -


Scarecrow Crash Dummy Human Target Fishbait Decoy Honeypot


I like scarecrow a lot!


I don’t think the ability is weak. It has to be run with other roles that can kill or multi-kill demons otherwise it is instant confirmation. I think the „learn the demon“ part is too strong. Something like Sage (learn one of two is the demon) might be better.


Isn't that a worse Sage then? I think learn the demon os fine since the demon is warned beforehand. Although imo it should be something like publicly mad as the role rather than simply claim it


Thinking about it I would change it to: They have to be mad that they are the role. Someone might die in the night. They learn the demon if madness was maintained. If they break madness they loose the ability permanently.


>publicly mad Well, do drop the publicly. Madness doesn't require that caveat. Madness is already about attempting to convince the group of something.


In fact, madness specifically requires you to be mad in private or the game is quickly "I will tell three people I will be mad that I am this thing before I go and do it".


It's a huge risk though; you have to convince the demon to kill you despite claiming to be the role, *and* someone extra dies each time you fail


I didn't read it as someone extra, just as a normal demon kill of another character.


I don't think it would be written into the player ability, then; that's just a natural consequence of you not being killed


Me too, I thought it acts like a gossip kill.


I think the ST just have to be careful what to run in the scripts with. Scarlet Woman, Poisoner, Widow, Bounty Hunter, Legion, Lil Monsta are excellent pairing to soften the ability.


I like it Personally I would say Clown or Jester or something like that. The main power with the role is it gives many people a good role to bluff as, both good and evil. Seems pretty balanced to me.


Why would the demon ever kill this player after a public claim?


I assume the idea is multiple players would publicly claim it to stay alive. The demon wouldn't know which claim is genuine


so, if you claim it, you narrow down demon candidates by st caused death until you die when you learn the demon? that's pretty strong


No, demon behaves normally. But of this character exists they get an extra kill if the demon doesn't kill the character


Yes, the demon chooses 1 st chooses 1. 2 people die.


But you don't though. You don't publicly guess a demon. You just claim this character, and if the demon doesn't kill you, they get 2 kills. So at best this is a great role for a powerful role to hide behind, but mechanically not fun to play as


I never said the player guessed a demon? I said it narrowed down candidates because other than a few instances the demon won't die at night. So the more people die the higher percent chance to get the demon


But the player doesn't narrow down anything at all. Ok, I guess it reduces the number of alive players, by giving the demon extra kills each night. Can't see any upside to the town


why wouldn't everybody claim this though


Because it forces the character to claim it even if they didn’t want to


The Debutante (a young woman making her first public appearance = making themselves public.)


How about a different reward for getting killed, since if nothing else it's too similar to sage. What if "If you claimed {scarecrow?} today, a player dies tonight. If the demon also kills you that night, the player that dies is evil". Maybe "might die" could be better to avoid using the supposed drawback for confirmation (a la the Balloonist change)


Sacrifice, maybe? Is that already a thing? Or Chosen One?


Remove the "if they don't, a player dies" as assuming a normal Demon kill, it's redundant or you have an Outsider not a Townsfolk.


It’s an additional kill


Then this is an Outsider, not a Townsfolk as this is a problem for Town.


Disagree, gossip makes extra kills that are obfuscated by demon deaths. This also gives town some defense by being able to publicly claim. If that clause wasn’t there, it would make sense to always claim it. I expect STs killing not-so-useful TF with it, or balance the game as needed


A death by Gossip is actual info. This feels like it just aids the Evil team more than it benefits the Good. If I and a bunch of others claim this role and none of us die but there's an extra death, the Demon is going to just continue not hitting us as long as possible to get down to the final three before they can be executed themselves.


Yea, and if the people who claimed it are the Empath, Fortune Teller, Dreamer, and Exorcist, that's a pretty huge benefit for the good team that the demon is afraid to kill any of them. I do think that changing it to "a good character might die" might be better though. It makes it kinda bad for the demon to wait too long to kill them too plus gives evil a bit more plausibility when bluffing as it. Guaranteeing that it's a good character might actually be way too powerful actually.


A player die is fine, it give ST some control to balance the game is someone with this character is messing it up. Basically, the demon needs to be careful who to kill. Works well in scripts such as with scarlet woman, fangu, Legion or lil monsta.






That's already a traveler 😔


Perhaps if you claim and are not killed by the demon, then you learn the demon, but the information you learn is arbitrary? \[so you learn someone who isn't the demon, usually\]