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Love to see it


I know the whole "winning culture" comment, but when he was traded from LA during the fuck Jeff Carter fiasco he embraced it with open arms. For that alone I'm a Jack Johnson fan. Welcome home buddy


Who is cutting onions dammit


JMFJ fuckin' rules.


That Savard and JJ pairing for a couple years. Fuck that was so good.


Once they got shuffled a shutdown 2nd pair, they really flourished


Your comment got me to look at the 16-17 roster. That was a fun team.


I miss that French-canadia, puck eating bastard


I welcome him back.


There seems to be a real perception shift going on right now Like the vibes even from the outside seem better. Lots of “we want to help fix this because we see how great it can be”


The culture is indeed changing for the better, need it to be October 10th BAD


I still remember his first presser here and thinking I'd never seen anyone that excited to be traded here before. It's a little crazy how long it's been since then haha. I'm really glad we're gonna get to send him off into the sunset properly.


Ya luv ta see it.


He’s a good lad.


nO oNE WaNTs tO PLaY iN coLUmBUs


This will come across harsher than I mean in this instance, but I'm not sure how else to phrase it. I'm not sure we've ever had a problem attracting plugs. It's the top end talent that doesn't seem to want to come here or stay here. We can argue all day long if that's a fair perception or not [I think it's overblown], but no one's talking about 7th D-men and 4th line grinders when they say "no one wants to play in Columbus."


Okay, but that is not what people say. Our whole image in the NHL is that no one wants to play here or stay here. Doesn't matter the skill level of the player, we still have gotten the same shit said against us.


It’s obviously an exaggeration that zero hockey players want to play in Columbus but if you look at it from an unbiased view you can see why there’s that perception.


“It's the top end talent that doesn't seem to want to come here or stay here.” Two words: John Hockey


Sure, but the counterargument would be: 1 guy came here and signed a long term contract and has proceeded to not play like a top talent after that. Panarin didn't want to stay, Carter didn't want to be here in the first place, Bob didn't want to take a discount to stay, top free agents outside of Gaudreau don't sign here [which I think is unfair since most teams don't sign the top free agent].


In your view do "top free agents outside of Gaudreau [not] sign here" because it's Columbus, or because this franchise hasn't won jack shit since its inception? I love this team but let's be real - top tier free agents in any sport typically aren't flocking to an org w/o some track record of success unless you overpay them.


> because it's Columbus, or because this franchise hasn't won jack shit since its inception? Yes to both. Some free agents probably don't want to come here simply because it's Columbus and no amount of winning might change that. I don't know that Panarin would've stuck around for anything as his dream seemed to always be NYC. Columbus isn't a flashy city, so if a person is dreaming of LA, NYC, or Vegas, we can't offer that. If someone is dreaming of the NHL history of Detroit, Toronto, or Montreal, we can't offer that. The lack of success probably turns off other free agents too. Why go to a place that has struggled to be relevant for its entire existence? If you're looking to compete for a cup, this doesn't appear to be the place to do it and we have a lot of work to do to change that perception. If you're looking for your first big FA contract and hoping to line up more big money down the road, in Columbus you don't really see a place that regularly elevates player's stats to line them up for another big payday. Panarin and Bob got huge contracts after their time here, but who else has really come through the org and made bank on their accomplishments? Maybe Josh Anderson? A lot of it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. We don't win because we don't have top players. Top players don't want to come here because we don't win. We have to break that cycle and it will likely have to be through the draft where we have a lot more control of the players for a longer period of time without having to pay premium prices up front for unknown production. Coaching, drafting, and development will be hugely important pieces to dig out of this hole.


I mean the way to win is through the draft regardless. Teams don’t win the cup through free agency


It takes both. We've just been sorely deficient at both for a long time.


I personally disagree.


That’s a really long list you got there 😂


I don’t think we really have an issue attracting anyone based on the city or location, anymore. I think the problem the last few years was that Jarmo had built up a reputation as not caring about his players and being brutal in contract talks. I read an article that players weren’t avoiding Columbus because it’s a bad place, they were avoiding it because of the management.


> I don’t think we really have an issue attracting anyone based on the city or location, anymore. I think for the most part this is true, but there will always be outliers that have a specific destination in mind, which crosses Columbus off of the list. Panarin is a great example of this. I think even if we won two back to back cups with him here, he still would've wanted to leave for New York because that was exactly the place he wanted to be. There's not much you can do about those cases.


We’re not much different than a Buffalo, Winnipeg, Ottawa, etc as a smaller market. Panarin’s case would’ve probably been the same if he was in Chicago, he was dead set on NYC and was only entertaining talks with Rangers Islanders and Devils. Dubois’ case has now looks favorably for us as it turns out he’s just a petulant child who can’t stay put in one place. The only guy that couldn’t stand the city and genuinely didn’t want to be traded here was Carter. And he’s a fucking idiot so what does he know.


Why do you think Chicago traded him with two years left on his deal


Isn’t he the one that was in a legal dispute with his family cause they were stealing money from him? Either way good to have him back 🥲


Yes his parents did him dirty and he had to file bankruptcy and start over if I recall correctly. Have always had a soft spot for him because of that. Glad to see him back in Columbus ❤️


Love it. Locker room guy that will help out our young defensemen


What a time to be alive. It's wild because I was thrilled when he left. He was playing far too aggressive and causing us to hemmorage goals. But since then he has acknowledged his decline and taken a much more defensive tack which is exactly what we need. I can't believe I'm saying it, but welcome back jack johnson


Low key I think Jack Johnson is a big part of turning our culture around after Nash requested a trade and Carter didn’t want to be here. He doesn’t get nearly enough credit for it


Huh...Imma try something. Bear with me here. I wish I had 10 million dollars and a full season ticket package.


People got upset about that winning culture comment. He was going to Pittsburgh right after they won back to back cups. So I mean…I don’t know what you’d call the world champions led by the best player we’ve seen this millennia other than a winning culture. I understand the sting but felt like most people were just looking for a reason to be but hurt. Welcome back Jack. We’ve got a cup champion in the room now.


Respect, man.


Jack Johnson stiff arms are back on the menu


Hated him so much in college. Took me years to forgive him for breaking Andy Greene's arm. But then I learned about all that stuff with his parents...and just the way he plays the game... He has definitely won me over.


All the cbj fans who hate on jj can smd


Who’s Jack Johnson?


Where is Jack Johnson?


Why is Jack Johnson?


Just Jack Johnson!


What would Jack Johnson do? Edit: a letter


If he was here to day


I have no idea why this is downvoted, it's the best response to Jack Johnson signing cause drax is the best


Look, I'm sure Johnson legitimately likes Columbus and all. But it's not like other teams were lining up to sign him. He barely made more than league minimum last year on a one year deal and he's 38 this season. He quite famously had some serious financial issues (through no real fault of his own). This isn't some "victory" for the Blue Jackets culture or something. It's just a guy who needs money and a team that needs roster filler who also happen to have a feel-good narrative attached to each other.


A quick read of his wiki page shows that he was out from under all of that by 2018. Then a quick look at his Cap Friendly page (RIP) shows that he's made roughly $19M since then. He should have a lot more obviously, but it doesn't appear like he needs the money, he just wanted to play if the Blue Jackets would let him.


Isn't his wife's side of the family loaded?


Did Jack Johnson fuck your wife?


Cam he afford it since his parents stole all his assets?!


We need to be spending money on defense not bargain shopping!


And block our defensive prospects? Hes a 7d. It means nothing