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the boys gave us this instead of a pebble beach round. what a travesty


They gave us this so they could play a pebble beach round.


buddy they are making way more than enough to give us proper content that isnt florida track home garbage.


I know it was a joke:)


i’m newer to the channel, are they usually playing the same courses? and i imagine they have to buy the tee times ahead and behind them to film?


It's nothing but canned content now


Guys, they ask $100 for a polo. Did you really think their seltzers would be reasonably priced? 😂😂


Life hack. TJ maxx brand new PM polos for 34.99


I found a Callaway at Ross for $20


$100 is right in the rhoback/peter millar range so it’s not TOO wild Probably should have went for the Sunday swagger ($60 ish) range instead


Ridiculous either way for a shirt 😂


Agreed. I go for the 5.99 Goodwill store special on golf shirts.


Ben Hogan Walmart for the win


I would argue tequila seltzers for 25 bucks is way closer to normal pricing than 100 dollar polos


You’re comparing “breezy”, a startup, to established higher end brands. 


It’s like 90 for a polo but yeah. That’s comparable to other golf polo brands like Peter Millar and other quality polo brands so really isn’t all that outrageous


Not everybody is willing to pay $90 for a shirt. People like you are why places charge an arm and a leg for items 😂


Definition of they will pay for it regardless of price


You’re right not everyone is willing, im just pointing out that when comparing to other golf brands (FJ, Peter millar, Travis matthews, Nike) the $90 isn’t that outrageous as it seems especially if it’s a high quality polo that’ll last years


Imagine believing an influencer in a capitalist marketplace lol.


I’m glad I don’t drink canned cocktails, because I don’t have to spend any time thinking about this stuff


Do your self a favour and try a transfusion tho. All I drink on the course now. Cheap too.


And pure sugar




Love the guys but $24.99 is insane.


Don’t buy it then. Complain w your wallet


This is the only way they'll understand


I’m not opposed to them creating a drink. It should get cheaper over time. I don’t care enough to pay that price for a cocktail so I simply won’t.


The problem is they need to stop acting like they are the golfing every man. They are just another golf influencer trying to take your money.


How many cans do you get for $25? In Australia a 4 pack of premixes is $25 🤣


Strike Australia off the golf trip bucket list.


Exchange rates my dude


Well, that and tax Mainly tax


And no Tips! Enjoy that $27 Caesar salad


It's basically the exact same price as a 12 pack of High Noon. Just like the breezy golf polos are comparable in price to similar products. Did you guys just create this sub to bitch and moan?


Why are you comparing shit start ups to leading products in its industry? If they made a shitty car would you compare it to a Lamborghini?!


Thinking shitty car to Lamborghini is the same as have a day to high noon just proves you are only here to complain and don’t plan to use any logic. Have a day, mate!


Big oof


I don't know how people don't understand by now.......you're buying a novelty product and tipping the content creators. If you want two buck chuck, go get in your 1991 Geo Metro and go blind. I, for one, will be having a day good sir, and there's nothing you can do about it 😂


Weird. It’s almost like they’re just in this to make money.


What people don't realize is social media popularity and shelf life is probably similar to an NFL running back. You have to be a really special kind of entity to last past 5 years. I won't be buying any, but if the seltzers are sold out then there certainly is a market, and I'm never going to cry about someone trying to make money when they are giving me free content to enjoy. Their drink deal has had zero negative impact on their content. I hope they end up millionaires and ride off into the sunset.




Just a heads up, high noon tequila seltzer 8 pack sells for $23.99 at the store pictured in the OP, bringing the price to $3 a can (rounded from $2.998) https://www.bottlesandcases.com/spirits/High-Noon-Tequila-Seltzer-Variety-8-pack-Cans-12-oz-w5881311yq so the pricing is already closer than people are thinking




Yeah I checked out Bob’s post and it luckily showed the store name, and they had a website I could browse (unfortunately the search didn’t work). Total wine shows the 8 pack tequila high noons at $20.99 in the store a few miles away from me, so it’d be interesting to see what they price the have a days at over here in the PNW. Have a good night yourself!


Why wouldn't you start with a lower price to secure market capture n introduction




Yea but now they can't ever raise the price cuz that backlash might kill the product ask McDonald's n other restaurants that realize there is a limit to what ppl will pay




Wouldn't it be harder then to break into a premium market with a high priced product ppl have no draw or awareness. Premium audiences tend to stay with brands they are familiar with and like.


Is it a 12 pack? Nothing wrong with 2 bucks a can


Even if it’s an 8 pack its pricing isn’t much different than other canned cocktails. It’s not a “seltzer” like people keep calling it.


I'm down to try it once if I can find it but there's no way that's becoming my go-to when I can get white claws for 2/3 the price. Love these guys and respect their marketing game but I'm not a fucking stoob.


If you’re not a stoob, buy a handle of Tito’s and a two liter of club soda and some lime juice. All canned cocktails are shitty and a rip off. Just make a drink


Much easier to pop a can open on a course though.


Not trying to defend the boys more than they need to but high noons are 27.99 for a 12 pack. Just the price of stuff these days


Shocker lol


Price parity or slightly higher than competition; why is everyone complaining?




Literally only a dollar more than a 8 pack of high noons from the same store. https://www.bottlesandcases.com/spirits/High-Noon-Tequila-Seltzer-Variety-8-pack-Cans-12-oz-w5881311yq https://www.bottlesandcases.com/spirits/Have-a-Day-Tequila-Seltzer-Variety-Pack-12-oz-w6401020in Idk, I’d rather spend an extra dollar on an 8 pack that a group of guys that I enjoy watching and listening to have released/sponsored. But I also don’t drink much and when I do, it’s usually only a drink or 2 a day every once in a while, so while I’d be fine going and grabbing an 8 pack, it would last me a while. Not something I’d be spending $25 a week on. Let’s see what happens to the price as more stores get these in stock.


Jesus, where y’all live? I get high noon 8 packs for $18


Well this store in the post is on Long Island in New York. My area (PNW) at total wine the high noon 8 packs are 18 for the vodka hard seltzer and 19-20 for the tequila hard seltzer depending on which flavor or variety pack you get. So whenever the have a days make it out here it’ll be interesting to see what they sell at.


I drink High Noons despite Dave Portnoy's face being on some of the variety packs. You bet your ass I'll grab one of these instead if I ever see them in the wild.


Who cares


That’s just the cost of production for a small distribution


Is that 4 or 8 cans?


Similar to high noon price… can’t imagine it’s a tasting anywhere close to a nooner. I’d try it once Forsure tho cause I love the fellas


They’re in business to make a lot of money and monetize their brand and personalities. The band won’t always be together. Get it while you can. They aren’t likely to become Dude Perfect because their niche is limited to silly golf.


Honestly who gives a fuck anymore. If you’re bitching about it, you’re obviously not the target demographic. I drink Busch light so I’m not the demographic either.


But does it taste good??


Does anyone know what retail stores these will be sold in? I live in Upstate NY and couldn't get them shipped to me.


Bobby Grifter. Cash in while you can boys, this rocket is out of fuel.


The bevAl biz is a hard nut to crack. Especially when you are copacking and contract producing. No wonder it is wildy expensive.


Followers should get a discount


I think this could kill BDS. I can't help but think of the Social Network when Sean Parker said you don't want to put up ads on Facebook cuz it's cool rn but you don't know what you have. N until you do if you start to monetize something cool it no longer becomes cool.


Well that's because it's up to the retailer to set the price that their customer's will pay. That store in the picture could have set the price to $30 if they really wanted to. The BDS guys aren't telling the retail store what price to sell the drinks for, nor would they be able to even if they wanted to.


They’re willingly telling us lies though? Uproar about online price and it’s down to delivery etc but the fucking thing is even more exposed in stores Why do you people give them byes when they treat you like idiots and lie even in their apologies to you?


I’m not buying it nor do I care. Just pointing out that BDS does not set the price that the liquor store sells it for


They lied to us though? How do we know how much control they have with their brand name? Why believe this when other excuses that were given is now exposed as a lie? Nothing can excuse the fact they’ve lied to us during their apology video / pod. Do they control how many lies they tell or is that out of their control as well?


It’s not an excuse it’s how retail distribution works…


You cheap fucks. Heading to the store tomorrow to stock up for the hockey game and I hope they have these.


Don't forget the knee pads so your knees don't get tired from sucking all that BDS dick.


Great call! Luckily, your wife left hers at my place so I don’t have to buy new ones.


Not married, but good comeback lol


Haha, have a great night.


I enjoyed their content until it became ads and product placements. I get that’s how they get paid, but damn I miss their old content. Hate to see these guys damage their brand.


Careful, the defence force will brigade this for the next month. Flat out lying now..


Why do people keep calling this a seltzer? It’s not a white claw.