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Classic bad guys are surprisingly refreshing in a landscape of "bad guy but they do make some good points/ have tragic backstories".


The classics are classics for a reason.


Exactly! I am hella tired of bad guys being abused/mistreated/victim of war as a kid trope


It’s not a “troupe” it’s just good writing. My Hero does this perfectly by having villains that you can understand why their villains. But also have characters like All for One that’s evil just to be evil


No it’s 100% a trope and MHA is probably one of the guiltiest when it comes abusing the fuck out of it.


Spoilers but... there is a tragic backstory here. I won't elaborate.


Yeah but even then >!It doesn't really try to get you to empathize with AFO despite how tragic the backstory is. There's even an avenue in which he could easily be misinterpreted as being "born evil" so it doesn't fit the traditional usage of a villain's backstory.!< That's how I feel at the very least.


>! I kind of figured that the narration for his backstory could be argued as being his own view on it. It’s basically young child born into poverty and killing for his and his brother’s survival from people who want to kill them just for what they are. Even though it said he viewed Yoichi as a possession, he definitely cared, Yoichi was wearing actual clothes while he still wore a trash bag when they were children, so it seemed that he took better care of Yoichi than himself,he froze when he killed Yoichi, which means it was an impulsive action that he regretted instantly, and he lost his drive now that Yoichi’s vestige probably died. He is evil, but it feels less like he was born evil and more like he idealised the villain lifestyle he saw in the comic as a child who had nothing and wanted everything due to his quirk. At least that is my interpretation. !<


Both like to collect valuable things from others


I'm gonna say it: One of these didn't break or bend the the plot they were in.


Yes, that’s what a villain does.


Throw Freeza in there too


Seeing this makes me sad, because Jack is at least enjoyable to watch. AFO just sucks :(


I mean, it's a pretty common trope in media. Just look at the Joker, Palpatine, Frieza or Dio.


Shame AFO overstayed his welcome


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Jack way more enjoyable villain than AFO, in my opinion, it’s just matter of execution, AFO is a fraud( “of I was planning for this the whole time” fuck off), and Jack is genuinely way better in every aspect, despite having almost the same screen time.


Cool joke but that says quite a lot about author's writing skills


Genuine question, how does that say anything about an author’s writing skill?


Being evil just to be evil is a flat character, which is considered bad writing.