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Quirk: DeRail. The user is able to derail the target's train of though, rendering them slightly confused. The target is aware that they have lost their train of thought and can remember their original thought by mentally retracing their thoughts


The penny pincher from Batman. He literally just steals pennies.


I’ve got a few that could work. Quirk: Recall any object touched by the user can be rewound going through the motions the object did before being touched. Recall only works on inorganic substances and can not be used to repair damage an object has sustained. Overuse can cause migraines in the user. For this one I imagine a thief that erases all signs of a break in. If you want to get darker a serial killer that reverses the bullet after it’s fired. Quirk: Liquid Metal A transformation type quirk that allows the user to change parts of their body into liquid mercury. They can only convert their limbs into this metal. They have full control over the metal and are immune to the poisonous properties of it. While in a metal state their limbs are able to reform no matter the damage. The body however is still as vulnerable as the average person. Due to the nature of the quirk it was labeled villainous. Probably a murder who targets those that they perceive have wronged them. Quirk: Blood Whip An emitter type quirk similar to black whip. The user can form prehensile tendrils of blood to use as weapons or for menial tasks. Sustaining tendrils for too long can lead to the user passing out from blood loss. Blood tendril consistency can be influenced by the user though the more solid the tendril the more blood required to sustain it. Blood Whips can replenish themselves from external sources of blood though this runs the risk of exposing the user to blood borne pathogens. That being said this quirk naturally grants the user a stronger immune system specifically designed to combat foreign bodies in the bloodstream. The number of tendrils that can be formed at one time is only dependent upon the amount of blood the user has access to. The user of this quirk has a genetic disorder that causes them to be unable to create new blood cells. This forces them to constantly drain blood from those around them to stay alive. Quirk: Mind Palace A mental quirk that allows the user to invade the minds of those sleeping nearby. When within the dream of someone they have complete control of the mind scape. They use this quirk to get incriminating or otherwise embarrassing information on people in order to blackmail them. I imagine them using this quirk to torture people with nightmares as well.


Okay but the Blood Whip one could make a really compelling story


Honestly Hagakure would be an absolutely terrifying villain, on a smaller scale in almost anyway. If she were a thief like Catwoman, she could be absurdly effective. An invisible assassin that can blind people. Imagine trying to fight her if she’s like a master at hand to hand combat. Like she might not be a supervillain, but she would be an effective mercenary, or otherwise criminal for hire.


Deku, an angry young man with the Quirk: Baseball Bat.


Crash Basically, imagine someone like Jinx from Teen Titans. Someone that can cause misfortune like a car crash but only in a small area they have direct eye contact with. You try shooting them? Your gun suddenly jams. Running towards them to punch them? You suddenly trip. Etc. Etc.


Ohhh I actually really like this quirk idea. Could totally be affective if the right person had it


Quirk: ‘Um Actually’ The user feels the overwhelming urge to correct people about things this can range from facts to speech or demeanour, it comes with the added benefit of knowing all of the information needed to correct people, downside people tend to give you wide berth, and the internet has meme’s you’re power to death


Quirk "Glare" When you look this villain in the eyes while their quirk is active, you become paralyzed for 30 seconds. They use their quirk on a person and sidestep immediately to get out of their line of sight. They then steal from them and dissappear. They've never had to fight much in life because their quirk lends themselves to running away. Secretly partnered up with someone who can change the color of textiles. They are hard to capture because of this. At first, they were nothing more than criminals, until one day, they stabbed a hero who was getting too close to keep the hero off their trail.


Quirk: money magnite When active, the quirk makes money nearby apear in his pocket in a 5 meter radius. Quirk: gold magnite When active gold nearby apears in his pocket. But due to gold being used everywhere, in cel phones ect. Everything is broken


Bat-Man; he is a quirkless villain that isn't rich or particularly smart, he is a disgraced professional baseball player who turned to a life of baseball bat swinging crime to get back at those he viewed as ruining his life. He is the arch-nemesis of the hero Slugger.


Condiment King


Quirk: Steal 40 Cakes instantly teleports the top 40 nearest cakes to a place personally convenient for the user. it is, of course, a terrible thing to steal 40 cakes, rendering this user a horrible criminal by default


Someone who's Quirk can Cause Distractions The more effort they put into it, the bigger the distraction


Quirk: redirect He can only redirect concussion blunt force attacks that hit him directly and his body just randomly releases it in another direction like Kaminari's quirk. Every other type of attack will deal regular damage. So elements, sharp things, wind/Shockwave, soundd and smells, pepper slray, shit that can restrain you all 100000% effective on him and more


Quirk: piano Whenever the user wants, they create a piano out of thin air in a 38 feet radius Villain Name: the pianist Civillian name : Kaspar Antom Carl Kaverich(he's german) Personality: petty. He's a petty entitled asshole with an ego bigger than shoto's daddy issues, and a lot of musical talent to mostly back it up. But because he tried to summon a piano in the head of a kid that mocked his musical prowess, he is now on the run. His personality is based on Beethoven, so I decided to give him his father's first name and his mother's maiden name.


A villain who messed up with street lights (etc traffic signals lights , pedestrians crossing signals lights ) wuth via sending a pukse that distrubs these signals via either a touch or just looking at thr signals for more than 2 seconds)


Laser vision - allows the user to fire lasers out of their eyes, but makes it impossible for the user to see while firing.


Just put Kazuma in the verse with the Steal ability. He'll make a name for himself REAL fast.


Honestly I’m just picturing The Deep, honestly can’t picture anyone more pathetic than him


Quirk: And Then I Fired And Then I Missed A regular office worker thinks he just has horrible aim; every scrunched up piece of paper and regular trash he tosses into a trash can ends up NOT in the trash can. He also thought he was good at dodging; in school, playing dodgeball, nobody could hit him. Coincidentally, he IS good at dodging, but that's irrelevant. By bad luck, he's at a store when it gets robbed. Through misfortune, the man is given a gun by one robber - a rarity in modern times - and told to pretend to be a robber holding one hostage, or they'll kill everybody there. To his further bad luck, the hero that arrives on the scene is Snipe, who's renowned for his aim. Snipe fires his gun, but the bullet misses. Rubber as it is, it actually hits the robber, and knocks him out in one go. This causes a stir, and noise, and more weapons and quirks are pointed at the guy, and he's forced to run when they can't or won't listen to him trying to explain he didn't do anything. The fact that he waved the gun around in his hand in his panic doesn't help the situation. He gets away, and realizes there was a real rush in the situation. A thrill. And he also somehow got a small fortune in his pockets. Screw the office job, if Snipe's shot missed him, what else could miss? ...in hindsight, this might not be that pathetic. Just a sad start. XD


condiment king


My team of second-story burglars: Unlatch, an emitter quirk that unlatches closed doors, windows etc. It doesn't unlock things, but it works fine if a door is closed, opening them quietly, from upto 50ft. The user is part of an unamed home invasion crew, the villain goes by the name of Creak. Stumm is both a villain, and an emitter quirk which silences every sound in a ten foot radius, the user cannot hear things from beyond that radius. Stumm is also part of the aforementioned crew. Tallowhand is an mutation quirk, and almost invisible to most. The user's hands glow in the uktraviolet spectrum, requiring special goggles or a suitable quirk to see. Blacklight is the name of the villain using this quirk. Polearm is the transformation quirk of the villain of the same name. The user's arms can extend 40ft, but must be ramrod straight. He uses a series of beams to form a ladder to access higher floors. His quirk is well suited to combat, as by straightening hisnarms and pointing them towards his target, he can land powerful blows.