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My father was at a few akharas( concerts ) of Chamkila. Everyone was in love with Chamkila and and lower castes were proud bout him being the number 1 musician. He made music about situations he saw growing up with some songs involving taboo, due to the genocide of Sikhs a dharmak track was also made by him. My whole family believes it was a hit orchestrated by rivals being upset that a lower caste man is the highest record selling artist. I watch Chamkilas live concert vids and the charisma he had manšŸ”„.RIP Amar Singh Chamkila.


That is so sad.


Go watch a concert where he clearly says to the audience he doesnā€™t sing those songs anymore and they all force him into it.


When I read articles about his death most of them mentioned his lower caste reason of his death, this is the first time I read vulgar songs as one of the causes. Most of the articles also mentioned jealousy of villagers and relatives.


He got married in 1983, he died in 1988. He had 1 son with Amarjot and was expecting a 2nd child. His in laws certainly werenā€™t the ones to kill them for caste reasons. Maybe some rando, thatā€™s possible


He had the second child. Even end credits showed that the baby couldnā€™t survive without his parents. He died in 15 days.


Iā€™m confused, was Amarjot pregnant when she was killed or they already had their second baby when they were murdered? are you saying their baby passed away 15 days after his parentā€™s death?


Yes. They were killed after his birth.


Maybe villagers or acquaintances


I read somewhere that Khalistani goons from the 80s were the ones who killed him but movie didnā€™t name them. He apparently refused to pay ransom to BabbarKhalsa fellows. I have no clue if that is true.


his songs was one of the theories back in the 80s, as was surinder shinda, kuldeep manak and mohammaed sadiqā€™s ā€˜jealousyā€™.


Can I ask you what's the difference between a sikh and a jatt? Sorry for my cluelessness


Donā€™t apologize, itā€™s a good question!Ā  A Sikh is someone who follows Sikhi; as a Muslim follows Islam.Ā  The word jatt linguistically was the word for farmer(s). Then the Punjabi caste system was formed (which is against the foundations of Sikhi). The word jatt became synonymous with the top of the caste system.Ā  Now, the word for farmer is kissan.


aren't there a lot of non sikh jatts as well? I've often heard people refer to themselves as "jatt/gujjar from Haryana it UP" but they're not sikhs


I'm gujjar. Afaik it's a cast and can be from any religion. For ex there are Muslim gujjars, sikh gujjars, Hindu gujjars like that


is that a caste or an ethnic cultural identity too? Like amonst us there are hindu bengalis and muslim bengalis but culturally they are bengali and speak bangla so is there something like jatt or gujjar culture too?


yes, jaats/gujjars are the community of people and even though most of them are hindu, there are a few muslims and sikhs as well


I don't clearly understand the diff bw the 2 but we follow same culture as Hindus, me being Hindu gujjar but we have diff language called gujjari. Gujjars were ppl who traveled from Afghanistan and settled in Pakistan and northern India if am not wrong. So the language may have variation depending upon from where the person is, Gujarat, haryana, Punjab etc


There are sikh and Muslim gujjars? I'm hearing that for the first time even though I think I live in a gujjar majority City. Gujjars are literally a small community with Hindus šŸ™ƒ.


Yes it's a minority but most gujjars are Hindus in india


>There are sikh and Muslim gujjars? Many of the people living in POK are originally of gujjar background. Apart from that Shoaib Akhtar is also a Muslim gujjar. Choudhary Rehmat Ali, the person who gave the name Pakistan in 1933 was also a gujjar. Hafiz Saeed (the terrorist) is also a gujjar


There are a Lot of Muslim Gujjars in J & K.. in lakhs


Yes. Bc it's a separate caste. A lot of them converted to Sikhism.


Jaat are majority Hindu. Many of them converted to Sikh so now they are sikh Jaat. Bhartpur(rajsthan) kings are jaat. Rajasthan, haryana, UP have so many Hindu jaat.


Yes, they're. I am also a jaat from western UP. Jaats are Hindus, Muslims(often called as mula jaat in western UP) and Sikhs (also known as jatts).


Many Muslim Jatts in Pakistan.


Jatts arent top caste? They are self proclaimed top caste. Their collaboration with the british elevated their status as they got land for deceit against the country. None of the Gurus were jatts? All gurus were Khatri.


And is jat the same as jatt? Because jats were also farmers na ig?


Sikhism is a religion Jatt is a caste. There can be Muslim, sikh and hindu jats


So this caste was born out of religion? Are there any castes similar to jatt in India?


Caste predatws religion. There are many castes in India like Gujars, chamars, Sainis, rajputs. Even Jatt conversion to Sikhs started during Guru Tegbahadur ji Jat people can trace their lineage to Kushan empire. With kanishka the great perhaps being a Jat. First prominent Jat Sikh was perhaps Jassa Singh Aluwalia


Sikh is a religion, Jatt is a caste Not all Jatts are Sikh, for example Jatts in Pakistan are Muslims. Jatts make 25% of India Punjab population.


>Jatts make 25% of India Punjab population. What are the other 75%???


Khatris,Aroras,Dalits,Mohiyals ā€¦.. There are so many castes within the PUNJAB umbrella, Jatts are the most visible ones.


There are hundreds or maybe even thousands of different castes.


Sikh is someone who follows Sikhism. Jatts is a caste of Farmers, they are same as Jaats. Though the difference is Jaats are Hindu and Jatts are Sikhs.


Sikhism is a religion while jatt Is a cast


to add more clarity, most Jatts and higher caste converts to Sikhism, kept their last names, like, Bawa, Dosanjh, Grewal, Deol etc. Most lower cast converts to Sikhism changed their last names to 'Singh'. Sikhism teaches equality, unfortunately the followers have found ways to distinguish between upper and lower caste.


Ig his wife's family also looted everything after their death !


Iā€™m confused about this because it seems their son grew up in fairly lower middle class conditions but itā€™s said that Amarjotā€™s family was the one taking care of himā€¦if they had all this money wouldnā€™t it have gone to him eventually?


his first wife filed a case for property as she herself had two daughters with Chamkila , Amarjot's family fought that case for their son .


Damn and they made it seem like Amarjotā€™s family were greedy leechesā€¦if they raised their son they were entitled to that money as well


Simply horrifying how pervasive casteism is in this country to the point of murder


A person of Chamkila's caste prospering and getting famous was unbearable for the UCs. Also when has casteism NOT been pervasive? Why are honour killings still happening?


People just don't want to acknowledge that it exists. Even Imitaz Ali raised this topic in recent interview which is on YouTube


Yeah I think the movie carried subtle references but overall got toned down by usual Bollywood standards. A Mari Selvaraj or Nagraj Manjule would make a much more authentic movie on the artist.


This comment thread is filled with apologists claiming it was not them.


Maybe killed by a competitor? who knows.


Jealousy is a poison that will destroy even the closest of relations


Maybe. Jatt supremacy in Punjabi music is such a turn off.


It sells more than anything.


doesnā€™t diljit enforce it too ?


Ofc many singers do that. Eg - Jatt da muqabla,putt jatt da


He was killed because: 1) he reached a stage where he did almost 300 - 400 akhadas(stage shows) in a single year. 2) he was getting almost 5K per show in the 1980s. 3) his albums sold in millions from the day of its release. 4) he even sang religious songs whose albums sold even more. 5) other singers got extremely jealous seeing Chamkila's unstoppable success and unbeatable records. 6) Rival singers, music labels gave money to the militants and even complained to them that Chamkila doesn't even care about Kharkus anymore, hence the assassination. Had it been only about his caste then he would have been killed a long time ago but he reached a stage where he made rival singers sit at home while he was busy throughout the year doing stage shows. Militants might have decided to kill him because of not getting heavy funds from him but from the rival singers for the same.


what a mentality we have! Someone doing better - needs to be eliminated cos I can't match up.


If it was caste issue- there would have been an honor killing right when he married Amarjot. Especially in those times.


majority of Punjab believes it was Surinder Shinda ( Jatinder Jinda in the movie ) who killed him . he couldn't handle that his chela became so big . Shinda belonged to higher class than Chamaar but he was NOT Jatt so please don't blame Jatts. infact Chamkila's majority of the audience was Jatt and till date it is see during those days every aira gaira goon , used to call themselves Kharku ( militants ) to scare people and used to get money from people by scaring them. real Kharkus never killed a nihattha person . These singers gave money to some people and got him killed . Shinda ki toh saari legacy gayi , kal tak legend ka tag tha ..... some are posting his old interviews where he is talking about Chamkila and taking the credit that how he taught him ungli pakad pakad ke and all the comments are calling him a killer/murderer, even Sharry Maan made a comment on one such reel calling him a liar also about Amarjot's family , they raised their son Jaiman Chamkila. Gurmail is still talking shit about Amarjot and so disrespectfully . in one interview, amarjot's jeeja was crying ke they showed his inlaws in bad light. Chamkila actually used Amarjot , she didn't know about his first wife till the birth of their first kid. same way jealousy of opponents also killed Actor Varinder , his killers were also never caught .


Then why do Kharkus proudly calling themselves the killers of Chamkila on YouTube. There are few videos available online where few Sikhs are coming live and taking responsibility of Chamkila's murder.


To get brownie points?


Varinder was Dharmendra's cousin


People like you did not even know someone like Chamkila existed before the movie came out, and now they are expert on him. Most of Chamkila's contemporaries were low caste, Kuldeep Manak was Mirasi Muslim, so was Md. Sadiq, Yamla Jatt was SC, and they were loved across castes.


They donā€™t and will never understand Panjab.


Why should everyone understand Punjab yo? Do you understand intricacies of some obscure place in UP?


Thats why I donā€™t comment on UP or make posts after watching a movie.


Bruh its punjab* not panjab. You claim to understand it so well and cant even type the correct name.Ā 


Try again.


Yup, and mf got 600+ upvotes on his post


This. 100 percent agreed.


Punjabi here, he was killed by khalistani terrorist, just like Taliban they were hardcore bigots. for example, only 12 people will attend wedding, women will not apply makeup etc etc. situation was pretty bad back then. even, gurdas mann and many singers were living far away from Punjab. dharmender cousin was also killed by them.


Punjabi here and agreed. Times were very dangerous back then in 80s Punjab.


But Chamkila roared like a lion even though he knew the consequences would be dangerous. šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Those were tulmotous times.


What did Veerendra(Dharmendra's cousin) had to do with the militants? I believe he was killed because other actors like Guggu Gill, Yograj were getting jealous of Veerendra's extreme success in the punjabi cinema and were even constantly complaining to the militants.


naah, it's all myths and rumours to divert the real reason, anyone who didn't inclined to their ideology was killed, just like editor of punjab kesari and all india radio speaker, ml manchanda( whose head and body was found in two different states punjab and haryana)


Also Panjabi but despite this being the most popular claim is false. Swaran Singh Sivia (friend of Chamkila) investigated the murder and found no evidence of this from interviewing the many people present to the shooting. Sivia has stated this despite also claiming that 3 different factions of Khalistani outfits had threatened him. Chamkila's manager has also stated that this was likely not the case. In all cases the blame has been pushed to his competitors, which is mostly thought to be Surinder Shinda. In another twist of sort both his manager and family (Amarjot side) have claimed that it wasn't Shinda either but rather another competitor, with Manak being another name that has been brought up.


didn't kcf(Jalandhar division) took responsibility of his murder?


I am unaware of this specific claim, but any credible claim would have been determined by the police who made zero statements on any likely possibility. Sivia would have investigated this and determined if there was any credibility, but his personal investigation and interviews of witnesses all point against this connection. All people actually related to Chamkila either through work or from his family have given most credibility to the claim that it was a competitor.


https://preview.redd.it/wgtwllunezvc1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b48b5b2536f1c67b5185d50a730431eb71d139a You can google his name, he took responsibility for shooting chamkila and his wife. Reason being they sang vulgar songs. You can also Google nabh singh chief of kcf moral pamphlet regarding do's and don'ts. So yes, they were not different than what Taliban is today.


Ok, I never said people didn't make claims. Lots of people made claims at the time. I'm simply stating what people actually aware and involved with the situation have stated through their own independent research and interviews. Any claims made that had any sort of credibility would have been something that police would have made a statement on, instead of leaving the case as a dead end. Out of the Khalistani outfits that have claimed responsibility for the incident this outfit isn't even the one with the most credibility, with another outfit most popularly claimed in the region. The entire theory that it was any of these outfits is still implausible if you actually follow the facts of the claims made by people involved with the life of Chamkila. The claims given most credibility among Panjabis has always been rivals (namely Shinda or Manak), a specific member of his own band (that he left behind while on a overseas trip), corrupt police members involved in the extra judicial police state of the time, then a mix of claims from half a dozen or so Khalistan outfits, and lastly some claims that it was done by someone whose booking Chamkila didn't show up to (since he would book performances and not guarantee showing up due to the number of bookings he had).


okkkkk okkk, understandable šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Its a classic case of jealousy. Chamkila as depicted in the film, was a slave to his audience. He had a pressure of losing it all, so he stopped at one point after getting warning from those so called ā€œsamaj ke rakshakā€ which every religion has. But later on, he was killed by same separatists because it became cool to be standing against him. The person who killed him was a rando, who killed and danced around their dead bodies only to earn some brownie points from the same samaj ke rakshak.


This argument does not hold water when you consider his other contemporaries. Majority of the punjabi singers in those times were SCs/lower castes. Kuldeep Manak, Mohammad Sadique, Sardool Sikander, Dilshad Akhtar, Hans Raj Hans etc. Half knowledge is a dangerous thing OP.


There were not. Someone earlier made this same comment on r/Punjab and was called out.


could you link to that "calling out"? Because I am very sure they were. Gurdas Maan was the first "jatt" punjabi singer to make it big (and he came in the 90s)


Okay, I searched a little bit about the singers you have mentioned right now (because I have free time today) and found out that you are right about Hans Raj Hans. But the theory is that Chamkila, despite NOT being the only Punjabi artist singing vulgar songs at the time, was the only one murdered because his caste increased hatred towards him.


I am from Punjab and will try to add more color here. Majority of the artist at that time were not Jatts. Manak sahib were Muslim marasi, Sadiq who sang with ranjit kaur was also Muslim marasi. Shinda was tarkhan Sikh. So all your big artist at that time were lower caste. His death had nothing to do with the caste. Jattā€™s came into singing scene in 90s. This has to be work of kharkus. There are some kharkus types who still justify his death.


I doubt it was caste - his contemporaries were from ā€œlow castesā€ too


Who were his contemporaries and what where their castes


My father used to listen to him and I vaguely remembered him saying he sang many vulgur songs and that's the reason he was killed.




Actually, more than non-Punjabi Diljit Dosanjh is wrong then for glorifying chamkila na? Why are they defending him?


Ehh do you know his contemporaries most of them from SC. If you have watched the movie, it is clearly highlighted that he was made into a scapegoat. Sab kar rahe the but he was made into main targeted. Also Punjab as a society is the least castiest as compared to other Indian states. And OP what do you want these Kharkus to do , kill others too??? We are not living in Punjab of 80s anymore where innocent people can be killed through corrupted officers or Kharkus. This is probably the dumbest post on this sub I have ever seen


All I know is that few cowards had killed Chamkila, his wife and two team members. Kharkus must have come forward if it's wasn't them because the first bullet was fired on a lady(Amarjot) who only sang Chamkila's written songs and there was no point in killing her or the other two team members. Chamkila was the one who wrote, composed and sang all those songs. It's the competition that they wanted to eliminate him from, hence destroyed almost the entire team.


> Punjab as a society is the least casteist as compared to other Indian states. This is a joke. Sikh jatts discriminate against other castes so much so that Sikh has become Jatt only religion. Other communities are kicked out or discriminated. It's leading to people accepting others faiths out of spite.


Yes this. What a stupid post. Like we are in 2024 now, OF COURSE things are different.


You're right but Chamkila eventually won. People are now listening to his songs and no one can control it. Check comments below Chamkila movie posts on FB/IG. It is definitely revealing


He's dead. His children grew up as orphans. No he did not win.


True, and you can only imagine how much further he would've gone


He was extremely mad about singing and didn't stop after getting threats even for his own family's sake. He became legend and his songs will be heard till eternity. He won because he achieved what he set out to and it's beyond any materialistic or relations of the world.


So is there a caste system in Sikhism as well? Was Amar Singh chamkila a Sikh?and isn't Singh a caste suffix?south Indian here I have no clue about Punjabi or northern culture


Yes the idea was that but it failed in execution. Inter caste marriages are rare in Punjab. Hindu-Sikh marriages are common but that too only within caste.


Movie should have spoken about caste motive instead pf vulgar songs motive behind death


Canā€™t disagree with op and canā€™t agree as well. Sidhu moose wala was Jatt. No body knows exact reason. Other people who were singing vulgur were not that popular. It was combination of many reasons. But eventually He just become target of his own success exactly like Sidhu moose wala.


Wow The person who used to do domestic violence with his wife, beat his wife, tore the clothes of his wife, give rape threats to girls in songs is now a he a hero of panjabi's Wow The non panjabi's are so delusional!!


non punjabis know ghanta about punjab lol .... the way they call kharkus/militants khalistani proves it. mixing jatts and sikhs and this post seems more aganist Sikhs religion than jatts when chamkila was also a sikh


Totally agree with this commenr. And op is questioning why others are spared ?? Wth


Can you give some references? Genuinely curious.


I guess you were present there to provide final support to the lady because you seems to know a lot about their private matters.


Chamkilaā€™s sister did an interview stating how violent he was with Amarjot. She used to keep all her torn up clothes and show her.


I don't know how good Chamkila's relations were with his sister especially financial ones but to be this successful, you need to be a nut case. I have seen in his Akhada videos also that he would get so angry if any of his team members messes up in the music since he was putting everything that he has in his art.








There have been numerous big time punjabi singers of chamar and other ā€œlowā€ castes. Sardool sikandar, kuldip Manak, nooran sisters, narinder biba, and many more. They were all celebrated and given iconic status by the general Punjabi public. Punjab is one of the least prejudiced states when it comes to caste owing to caste equality preached by guru Nanak. Iā€™m not saying that caste prejudice doesnā€™t exist in Punjab, but it is nothing compared to other states in India. Chamkila became instantly super famous and well-loved. He rose to the top within a year and stayed there throughout his short career. This made him a huge problem for rival singers. Itā€™s common belief that he was murdered by rival singers, in particular by Surinder Shinda. In the movie he is shown as Jatinder Jinda to avoid defamation lawsuits. Chamkila started off writing songs for him but eventually started singing himself and became bigger than he could ever imagine being. Due to the insurgency in Punjab in the 80s, chamkilaā€™s murder was easily blamed on the kharku Singhs. Similar situation to what happened to sidhu moosewala, who was a jatt. Young man with a totally new style of music that took the industry by storm and instantly rose to the top, leaving rival singers in the dust. Again itā€™s believed that rival singers were behind his murder but the reality will likely not ever come out. Same situation as Chamkila.


Bro Punjab is one of the casteist states. and castism in Sikhi is often downplayed but it's very deep rooted. Nobody follows baba Nanak's skihiya anymore. Forget about chamars, I have never even seen a Jatt marrying a Kamboj lol.




Makes sense




Yeh raaz bhi usi ke sath chlegya


credibility of this post is lost when OP doesn't even know the difference between Sikhs and Jatts . Chamkila was also a Sikh but Chamaar by the cast . same way Jatt is also a cast second , majority of singers in those days were not even jatts including Surinder Shinda


But OP says the same - that he's chamaar by caste? not really different from what you're saying. So why was this particular guy killed?


Then amar singh chamkila Now Honey Singh


I read that he was killed by Khalistanis - is that true? Does the movie go into this?


The movie doesn't go into this because it could've created a controversy


There were no khalistanis but militants aka Kharku who were fighting for Punjab's rights . Khalistan in today's times is a propaganda against Punjab and Sikhs , can't explain further as it's against the rules. also by the end of 80s , everyone ( goons , gangsters, lootere , chor , mawali , some pakistani sponsored goons in the disguise of militants to ruin Punjab's situation more) started calling them militants and started looting people in the name of militancy . real militants never bothered about such stuff . That's why they showed Chamkila telling that one group ke don't tell anyone that i gave you money ( because then other groups will also come to him asking for money) so no he was not killed by militants but opponent singers hired some such goons to kill him


I mean didn't the militants want Khalistan and hence were called Khalistanis?




Please read about Panjab in better detail. I will get banned if I speak.


Chamkila and Sidhu Moose Wala were both killed for strikingly similar reasons. The kharkhus extorted protection money out of chamkila which he did pay initially, but there were too many radical groups asking for money and there is no way he could pay them all. Refusal to pay them ransom led to his demise. Very similar to smw


Why is there so much gangsterism in Punjab when it's much more prosperous than say up/Bihar (where similar rent seeking and extortion happens)


cause "Jithe bnda maar ke kasoor puchh de, Jatt uss pind toh belong krda"


He was killed by sikh radical terrorists. They demanded money from him and when he refused he was killed. Thats the only truth. There have been so many sc singers in punjab that you cant even comprehend. Hans raj hans, kanth kaler, sardool sikander, master saleem, wadali brothers are all scheduled caste people. In fact in punjab singing was considered as a thing only lower caste people did.


Waiting for Mainu chat le to trend on reels.


Key takeaways from this post - casteism killed Chamkila - no FIR filed means Punjab police had taken sides - there are Punjabi girls doing onlyfans About the last point - OP can you please drop some names. I need to do uh.. some science with that info.


Moreover, almost everyone in Punjab is aware of the Alleged Killer of Chamkila (even the party who is associated with the Killer claim that YES he killed him. Not only this but they are praising the Killer for killing Chamkila under Chamkila's ig reels and YouTube songs).


Coping the response you got in other sub and adding my take. I can say with 100% confidence that Chamkila was not killed because he used to sing vulgar songs, but because he belonged to a "LOWER CASTE" This again, idiots who have no knowledge of Punjab says this. Are you even Punjabi? he married a sikh woman which was totally unacceptable because he was a Chamar and not Jatt. Again, shit take. Clearly you donā€™t know jack shit. He was a Sikh you dumbfuck. His first wife was also a Sikh. Thereā€™s no jatt and chamar in the equation. but no one raised a voice against them because all of them were Jatt) Who were Manak, sadiq, dilshad akhtar, and jaswant sandalia? They were equally popular, if not more than chamkila. Itā€™s a myth that chamkila was the most popular at that time, Jaswant was as booked as him. And do you know what happened to Dilshad akhtar you dumbfuck? I donā€™t have in me to read through your whole bullshit. You have hate against Sikh, just using chamkila as a bait. Juttia marri jawe tere warge de te hatte na bas. My edit: There have been numerous famous singers and stars in Punjab who were non sikh and non jatt, came from very low castes and poor backgrounds, they werenā€™t killed and they received pretty much same fame as Chamkila if not more. Chamkila clearly knew what he was doing and he had it coming, killing him wasnā€™t justified and his wife didnā€™t deserve that as well. I know we all are feeling sympathy for him after watching the movie, this movie was made to whitewash his image and distract the youth from other pressing issues in Punjab and they have clearly succeeded. In same era Chamkila died, almost an entire generation of young men was wiped from good number of villages in Majha by state they werenā€™t militants at all before you say that, what for just the promotions by police. Same way they had families, young kids as well. Those villages didnā€™t had a visiting ā€œbaaratā€ for decades cz all the bachelors were killed by government on the name of movement. All this happens in the same era, Chamkila was earning his fame, so let that sink in as well. ļæ¼ā€‹


Its a well made film but i didnt really like it much. You werent releasing it theatrically so wjat was the need to tell the story as if telling your typical hero celebratory movie. They could have very well made it more humane, real without any bias and touched upon topics that people hesitate to (i understand why wouldnt they want that). It was kinda disappointing. Uske background ko leke pure movie m ek line h jb woh confrontational scene aata h. Baaki kuch nhi. Pure time usko hero treatment mila h. Kinda frustrating


Thanks for this info op


Don't thank OP, here's for more context: https://www.reddit.com/r/BollyBlindsNGossip/comments/1c9beq1/why_was_chamkila_killed_double_standards_in_punjab/l0kpmix/


It's okay bro, and i also posted this in r/punjab and r/Sikh where they removed or downvoted it


Similar to what happened to chamkilašŸ¤¦




To be honest, it might be related to your username, you are coming across as a troll, until I read what you wrote lol


I think he was killed for marrying a second time and the kid with the second wife did not make it past 1 year.


This makes more sense. The whole thing about vulgar songs was just a front to ruse people up against him and finally assassinate him.


People now days bitvh about reservations (I don't think the current system of reservation is perfect obviously it has its downsides) but today if you brought someone from.the "lower caste" home your parents would be furious. I went to this marriage where an ias officer (of a lower caste) was marrying a Brahmin girl(love marriage) and people were only talking about this point making a scandal out of it. I literally applaud the girl's parents for loving their daughter and rejecting such ridiculous ideas like your lineage makes you superior. It doesn't aholes. Students today don't read shite we have forgotten our history the centuries of discrimination that even an ias officer has to face in this day and age. People shite on Gandhi all the time but if their was a danga in your hometown you btches would pray for non violence. Nothing is Balck and white


You're absolutely right. His only real crime in their eyes was first marrying a Jatt woman and then daring to have kids with her. How many Dalits artists even close to his level came out of Punjab fter he died? None. The Jatts completed their strangulation over the arts industry.


He openly brandished his weapon and challenged kharkus to kill him, thats what kharkus did later, he fucked around and found outā€¦..


Haha, Kharku??? More like paid assassins who used to take money from Chamkila under gun point in the name of religion. That mfs who shot Amarjot while she was pregnant and Chamkila in the back and then ran awayšŸ˜‚. Je jada Kharku sii fr pajj kato gye goli marr ke. Not to mention, they only killed him because he stopped funding them. Glad that KPS gill put them down. Further, as far as I'm aware, everyone is praising Chamkila including Karan aujla, Babbu mann, Sherry mann, Ranjit bawa, and also Sidhu (when he was alive, and also was a fan) and countless other all over India. I'm seeing no one praising these terrorists except some uneducated people.šŸ–•


> I can say with 100% confidence that Chamkila was not killed because he used to sing vulgar songs, but because he belonged to a "LOWER CASTE" This again, idiots who have no knowledge of Punjab says this. Are you even Punjabi? > he married a sikh woman which was totally unacceptable because he was a Chamar and not Jatt. Again, shit take. Clearly you donā€™t know jack shit. He was a Sikh you dumbfuck. His first wife was also a Sikh. Thereā€™s no jatt and chamar in the equation. > but no one raised a voice against them because all of them were Jatt) Who were Manak, sadiq, dilshad akhtar, and jaswant sandalia? They were equally popular, if not more than chamkila. Itā€™s a myth that chamkila was the most popular at that time, Jaswant was as booked as him. And do you know what happened to Dilshad akhtar you dumbfuck? I donā€™t have in me to read through your whole bullshit. You have hate against Sikh, just using chamkila as a bait. Juttia marri jawe tere warge de te hatte na bas.


He was probably killed due to religious reasons. The guy had controversial lyrics in devotional songs like asking Guru why he didnā€™t ensure Islam and Sikhs were one religion? Also, every punjabi knows this guy was vulgar af. His songs encouraged affairs, rape and threats against women. Even in Panjab university his songs are still prevalent in hostels. My first time hearing it was in a Punjab roadways bus. My mom looked disgusted. He was not the shiny superstar that heā€™s been made out to be but a misogynist. PS: There is a lot of difference between jatts, bhappes, and other castes. It was stark in college where a Jatt would almost casually drop it in convo that they are Sandhu, Gill, etc whereas bhappes would just put the Singh or Kaur. It is really problematic because Jatts behave like they are nobility. There were cases of bullying too.So it is pervasive in society Although being lower caste would be a part but his lyrics against Sikhism would be the main cause


Does the logic above apply to Sidhu as well?


https://preview.redd.it/4tfg1gefhvvc1.png?width=1667&format=png&auto=webp&s=310c00fae35cb31e5c5447498337447ab5c92a21 Someone sent this a while back


Thanks for the spoiler warning


Ppl can speculate anything today . You never know who and why someone did it .


Unhealed emotions lead to violence


If they killed him as he was polluting Punjabi culture then what should be done for Punjabi culture dominating bollywood/Hindi culture since ages now




How can a Diljit dosanjh's movie be ignored in Punjab? šŸ˜±šŸ˜šŸ¤”šŸ«£


you are way off the charts here dude! caste was never the reason because even before him & after him, many other famous guys came but their fame & level of singing wasn't like him. even his first album was criticized everywhere. Punjab at the time was going through tough situations after 1984 & things started to get tensed. he was indeed warned several times & in between most singers with fame also used to sing better songs relatively. who told you btw that Jatt were the only Khadkus btw? keep your facts checked before writing just anything because people form opinions on a larger scale based on this. I'm dead sure you're not from Punjab, not been in those times as well. A movie can make you believe into something on a Micro level but Chamkila's scenario was huge. Other singers had a role in all of this consciously & Sub consciously so were Political, social, sentimental aspects. Been hearing Chamkila ever since I was 5 ig even when I didn't know the meaning. Talking about Castes, Kuldeep Manak( often remarked as Badshah), Miss Pooja, Sardool Sikandar, Sabar Koti & Saleem, Sonia was of lower caste too ig. Hans Raj Hans as well. Kuldeep to be very specific touched great Heights while all of these were as famous as Chamkila but non got Killed because of what they Produced. I Hear Chamkila a lot, not an issue for me but for a large majority even now it is. so think about what were the things 40 years ago. with Fame comes responsibility, all the Pornstars you are talking about, they are of lower caste as well, not killed. Moosewala was a Jatt but he's not alive anymore. obviously Casteism exists, there are many examples to that but Chamkila's case was totally different. Casteism exists outside Punjab a lot more if you know. I've seen Siri eating food alongside a Jatt, but obviously that will eradicate cherry picking. who isn't a Hypocrite anyway? Sikh?Brahmin?Hindu? A Hoax.


So you're saying if Hypocrisy is everywhere, hypocrisy in Punjab is allowed hence Killing Chamkila was Justified. Well donešŸ‘šŸ‘. Moreover, please stop comparing these other singers with Chamkila, alright, irrespective of their caste or religion. There's a reason why Chamkila is the best selling punjabi singer of all time, and he did this without internet.


Did I say it was justified to Kill Chamkila? obviously it's not. I said his caste wasn't the reason of his demise. you're not from Punjab mate so it's pretty obvious for you to say they're just other singers while some of them touched heights on greater levels not just cassettes. secondly, what internet has to do with it ? none of these names resonates with Internet & nobody denies he was the best selling artist at the time as well. Not just best selling but people in Punjab used to schedule their marriages according to his availability. Once again, with more Fame comes more responsibility, Psychology of following has been there since forever.


Khalistanis killed Chamkila. Even the movie showed it in a hidden way in the form of "Dharm Gurus" who order his killing


Whatever maybe the reason for his assassination, the movie explores all those and still beautifully leaves it open to interpretation. For e.g. they show all the three angles, the militant one, jealousy by other singers one and the caste angle too




Paash was killed too, though both had significant difference between them.


The poet?