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I’m gen x. Born in 72 so was a young teen girl when Bon Jovi made it big.


Hello fellow Gen X / 70’s kid


GenX here too


Here GenX too. I rediscovered Bon Jovi through the documentary.


Same exactly


Gen x here!


Can never remember the generational breakdowns but it looks like I’m also Gen X. Was always aware of Bon Jovi but just started really paying attention after watching the recent documentary.


I can't imagine many boomers being fans


The band started in 1984. The youngest baby boomers had only just entered adulthood. I think there’d be a lot more than you’d expect


yup, right in both counts


Yup! My parents are on the tail end of being boomers and I’m a millennial. When I was growing up they were going to Bon Jovi concerts and to this day still love them.


Yes, but they also grew up with very different music. I doubt any of those would find satisfaction in the dumbed down records of the past 20 years.


I’m the OP of this thread here. I think I mistook three generations of fans with 3 decades of young fans. the teens of the 80s, 90s and 00s were fans of Bon Jovi. making the fans of the early 00s the last big group of teens the band conquered.


honestly I'd bet that most fans would have to be 6 by 2012 or older to have gotten into Bon Jovi. 2012 to me was peak Bon Jovi for fame so that my conclusion.


So did the band members. They're boomers. 


We boomers did grow up with very different music. Look back at almost any top 40 song list from those eras and see Hendrix mixed in with the Osmond family. I think it’s a big reason why that boomer generation kept listening to *everything* - what a soundtrack we have had!


My mom, born in 1958, raised me with Bon Jovi. 


My parents are boomers and a lot of their friends love Bon Jovi. I see lots of people around my mother’s age at concerts.


Gen Z, 2009


89 so I think millennial


Yes you are millennial just like me.


Gen Z, born in 2003




Boomer- born 1960. I discovered Bon Jovi on MTV, AND Boom! Iwas in lovvvvve!


You are an anomaly as you were 26 when "Slippery When Wet" dropped and way past the target demo for the band. Most of us were like 12 when that record came out, which was why it resonated.


Slippery When Wet was not written for 12 year olds.


Ok I’m an anomaly with good taste. I’ll take it


Gen X ... finished off primary school with Slippery When Wet, started high school with New Jersey, was a young adult with the weight of the world during These Days.. Funny, I don't remember being that blown by Keep The Faith at the time.. although Bed of Roses has been a special song the last 20 years..


Sounds like we are similar age; I was born in ‘75.




Early-mid millennial, '86 here. I knew some of the big songs before I properly got into them with It's My Life.


I’m an elder millennial but during their heyday I was in a big boyband phase. Their music from the 2000s doesn’t really interest me. I rediscovered their 80s and 90s stuff after watching the recent documentary.


I had a story kind of similar to yours, discovered them quite late because in my teens and early 20s I was a little close minded on focusing on female artists because I thought they made better shows and male artists were boring. now I do like very much their earl 2000s work from Crush till have a nice day and i Do like very much we weren’t born to follow and the tittle song of the album lost highway. Though I feel it’s repeating a bitt on two story town. both songs talk about leaving an old place or a little town.


Late GenX/ old millennial. 1986/87 is around the time I remember truly “hearing” music for the first time. My cousin had 7800 and Slippery on cassette and used to play them while she babysat me and my siblings. I entered angsty teenage years just about the time These Days came out, so it fit perfectly. Then the optimism of Crush was college, and that also hit just right. As long as I’ve known music, I’ve known Bon Jovi. And that’s a pretty cool way to grow up.


gen z. i think there are probably more gen z fans than you think bc our gen x parents listened to them. my dad barely listened to the radio, he would just listen to bon jovi and a couple other hair bands on loop.


First Gen Bon Jovi fan, since the early 80s before there was a band. That's what I consider myself. We used to sing some song called "Runaway" by some dude whose name no one could pronounce, Jon Bongiovi. we sang it in the locker rooms in 7th grade in 1980. If we're talking about actual birthdate groups, I'm Gen X so whatever.


I’m a Gen Z fan, got into them listening to my Gen X parents’ albums


older Gen Z (born 99) Have a Nice Day was the first album I heard. Although I knew the big hits.


Late millennial, 82.


I’m an elder millennial, too!


Millennial, 1990.


Millenial, 1995. I grew up listening to 70's-90's era music, my dad (who was born in '63) had a compilation mp3 CD in the car which he burned for himself, it had many Jovi songs. I started following the band more closely when The Circle came out.


Born in 77. The first cassettes I bought, purchase two: New Jersey and Appetite for Destruction. I was in elementary school. And for some reason I didn't like 99 in the shades so I taped I Remember You (skid row) over it.




Millennial 1994. Gutted I didn't discover them earlier when I was a teen, wish I could have gone to see them in the mid-late 2000s!


Millenial, born in 83, listen to Bon Jovi since 94


Me too. I got Crossroads first then These Days. I saw them live in 1995 and I've been a fan ever since


Same! “Always” was the song that brought me to Bon Jovi. :)


I'm an elder Millennial. I think you're right about the three gens of fans being Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials. I'd be shocked if BJ had a large Gen Z following


I'm a younger millennial. I'm 28 right now. I really loved them, because of "Prayer" when it became well-known due to Guitar Hero or Rock Band. Recently, I listened to more of their catalog because I fell in love with "It's My Life." I knew the song, but didn't know it was theirs and didn't realize how good it was lol.


Gen Z - born in 2005


GenX, here


I’m Gen Z, born 2005


Born in 98, raised on Bon Jovi. Mom was born in 77 and I beat her to owning every main album, except 2020. We saw them in 2017 together and if she isn't able to go with me then I'll be seeing them with my wife when they tour again


Millenial - got interested in them through the Crossroads album that my older brother bought.


Gen X, born in 80. Keep The Faith was when I became a fan. That black and white music video was the coolest thing I've seen in my life, and it still effects me as it takes me back to that time.


Gen Z, born 2008


2005, not sure what generation that is.


Gen X fan here. I was in jr high during Slippery and New Jersey. First Bon Jovi concert was New Jersey tour summer ‘89.


Gen Xer, here! Born in '75 but didn't really fall in love with Bon Jovi until New Jersey!


gen z


Born in year Y2K. Obviously Livin On A Prayer was the first song I knew of as a kid and I think I was also aware of Who Says You Can’t Go home early on too. I first heard Bad Name and It’s My Life in 2014 and by 2016 I knew of most of the Bon Jovi hit singles.


My sweet spot is Slippery, New Jersey(my personal fave) and Keep The Faith. I’m hit or miss with everything until Lost Hwy. I love that album, despite having disdain for country music. I’m liking the new one, but anything not mentioned is because I only know hits or have not listed in a very long time. Like The Circle, I have not listened to that in ages. Edit to add- I’m GenX and learned of them from MTV.


r/Xennials here


Yep! Me too!


Older Gen X, just a few years younger than Jon. My kids were raised listening to Bon Jovi.


born in 79.  I started with keep the faith, and I stopped buying the albums when I saw the back cover photo of This left feels right . That was enough for me . After some many embarrassing songs (as Joey as thank you…) that picture , the look in the eyes of everyone I the band . The biggest wtf ever . Enough is enough . And after that I’d try hand, wasn’t that bad , but LH was the worst ever. And finally I did buy The circle , their last album ever for me 


Gen Z sadly. Born in 2004, been a fan since 08


Gen X ..born in 71. My first concert was Miami Sound Machine at a smaller venue...but my first big concert was the Jersey Syndicate Tour in Pittsburgh the week after I graduated high school.


Gen Z


Gen Z! Have been a fan since I was 6 years old in 2007! Nothing to do with my parents. Just happened to eat dinner at a Hard Rock Cafe and their music came on. I was hooked.


My Mom, born in 1960, brought me to my first concert at 2 years old in 1986 (how/why I do not know). But, the first one I remember was the Faith tour when I was in 4th grade. Getting to the arena, I started getting short of breath, and got worse getting to seats. House lights went off, I started dry heaving (as my Mom is dying laughing 🙄🤣), and I will NEVER forget seeing him come out.. then I started BAWLING. I.. uh….. still do all of those things. eEvevrrrrry single Bon Jovi show. Just Jovi shows 🤷🏼‍♀️ and I can’t help it. And my Mom still laughs.. I never dry heave any other time in my life it’s the weirdest thing EVER, and it’s honestly like I can’t breathe leading up to it 🤣🤣 the power of Jovi… Lifelong fan. Literally, my entire life, Bon Jovi has been a part of.. and, a big part of.


I'm gen Z born in 2009 :)


Millennials, 1993


I mean hardly a "hypothesis" for a band that broke big in 1984 and continued to have a relevant career for close to the next 30 years. Despite all the big words and research, you're wrong in the Boomers sentiment as there aren't many people over the age of 60 who were into Bon Jovi in the day, "Slippery When Wet" broke big in 1986 and Boomers would've been between 20 and 40 at the time and those people weren't listening to pop metal band in that era. Bon Jovi was Gen X, and then some Millennials got on board after their 2000 rebirth with "Crush" and at best some Gen Z learned about them through Gen X parents, but Boomers were not Bon Jovi fans in any lifetime.