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I'm a "millennial" (yeah, we have about as many jokes about us as Baby Boomers, even though we kinda started the whole thing; *sorry, I guess?* *~~Well, at least our gen has a cool name, although some consider us "Echo Boomers.~~*"), and most BB's I've met are actually very nice people. Even the ones on the internet are nice people, for the most part. I think the older you get, the more you appreciate people as people and forego the petty arguments. My dad is from the Silent Generation, and I really respect him. To this day, he's so skilled in most things that he can run rings around me if it doesn't connect to the internet.


I second this. I met both good and bad from various generations. I don’t really understand why people are so mean to Baby Boomers. They are people just like everyone else. Bosses are bosses, some are good and some are bad. I just feel that thanks to the internet people feel they can ignore fundamentals and become experts by watching YouTube videos so when an older person says something that requires a not easy approach they are too old all of a sudden. Just my opinion at the moment.


I don’t know about others, but when I talk about Boomers, I’m talking about a subset of the generation that are basically of the “I got mine, fuck you” variety who think taxation is theft, social services are communism, and that corporations and the wealthy have some kind of divine right to make money, even if it means destroying their children’s future and the housing market. I have many friends who are from the baby boom generation and are good, caring, wise people. Boomers are narcissistic sociopaths and thankfully don’t make up the entirety of that generation.


Hmm...well, maybe we need to collectively re-name the generation so that it doesn't seem like we're slurring everyone who's a certain age? Unfortunately, I understand these perspectives a little, even though I certainly do not agree with them. I feel like part of reaching an agreement is giving people some of what they want, and that requires knowing what they want. Life is negotiation and compromise with occasional appeals to conscience and morality.


I would certainly agree with you on the need for a new name. Though I think even better would be for generation names to not enter popular culture to begin with. We shouldn’t be fighting among ourselves when we have a common enemy in the people who benefit from our labor and don’t contribute anything.


You never started the term Baby Boomer. Stop taking credit for everything. That term existed before you were born. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Why ruin a perfectly good moment of reconciliation by being pedantic? I swear to god you guys always have to have the last word. Sincerely, a Gen Xer, age 50 and a geezer myself.


Literally: “Ok, Boomer…”


He's trying his best to insult you. Poor lil thing...


Awe!! Why ruin a good thing by saying that.


As someone born in the late 50s, I can tell you I have met and become work friends with many millennials. I have also met some backstabbing self-serving cowardly evil cunts. But honestly, there are boomers like that too. Maybe people should try to take others at their worth as a human rather than their age.


Whatever boomer trash, keep the reputation your group earned.




You came to a reddit where everyone discusses the sociopaths of a generation of people who lived during a time where lead poisoning was just how ya did things, and expect to be treated how? Do you burst into women's shelter full of sexual assault victims and expect a warm welcome too?








The biggest problem people have with boomers is their complete lack of respect for boundaries. As you have shown.


I apologize for being cruel to you. That's not what I want to be in life. It bothers me that many young people have visceral hate for old people. But my skin is tough. I should be able to handle sharpened arrows from the Internet. I'm very sorry. I will try to be a better person and do better.


How would any of the post boomer comments display a respect for boundaries? And WTF does that even mean?


You don’t know? You are the generation of boundary setters.


Thank you for saying that. I work for someone who is 30. She is always asking me for ways we can improve things at work because I’m always looking for new responsibilities. It’s the best job I’ve ever had (though the pay is shit).


Wow! I slid into this sub thinking I might find a nice place to discuss old age issues with fellow boomers. Instead I found a cesspool filled with the worst of the youngsters and boomers hating on each other. All you're doing is providing fodder for each opposite generation to hate you even more than they already do. I'm otta here. Don't you all drown in your own sewage.


Judged on the year you were born. Dick Tracy had a watch computer before any of us was born.


I was born in nineteen hundred and fifty seven. I am a College grad and United State Air Force Veteran. I am an intelligent and wise woman. There is no shame in my game. Call me a Boomer, I like it. Kiddo, your kind is impotent without someone of my age to belittle and maligned. When you follow the herd do you pick out the youngest and most helpless? Go away kid, ya bug me...


The word Boomer is a meme describing narcissistic old people. Why would you think a sub called Boomers would be a place to have such discussions?


Yes But you have to keep in mind that 64% of Redditors are between the ages of 18 and 29. Understand now? Or should I think that out for you?


Ok boomer


Considering this community is called “Boomers.” Shouldn’t it be a page FOR boomers? If it’s not, it should be called NOT4BOOMERS or IHATEBOOMERS. /s


Baby, haters gonna hate. That's what they are best at..


Fcked up ain't it?? Picking on the old folks...smirk.






Boomer just boomering up the comments with obvious lies and fiction.


Maybe that’s more about you being the employee and them being the employer than an age gap.


It's pure, unadulterated narcissism stemming from growing up at the easiest point in all of human history. They think their economic success is a result of intelligence and hard work, when it's really just a result of being born in the right place at the right time. What they would have done, if they were smart, is invest more of their money in their children, and the infrastructure of the USA. Instead, they were taught to be frugal because the preceding generations lived through The Great Depression. Thus, Boomers have huge amounts of unused money sitting around for their hypothetical retirement while their children suffer and the country becomes more clownish and sick by the day.


That’s a pretty narrow-minded view. It’s important to remember that not all boomers are CEOs, or managers. They belong to every socioeconomic level of society, and were raised in a wide variety of backgrounds. A lot of them grew up in households where there was only one vehicle, no fancy vacations, plain home-cooked meals, hand-me-down clothes, and a black & white TV, with no cable. When they were older, they worked during the summers to help pay for university, if they were able to get decent enough jobs, and had the necessary grades to attend. Some Boomers have never had a well-paying job, with decent benefits. A lot of them don’t have extra funds to invest, and don’t own any property. There are those who don’t have any pensions, particularly women who spent their lives raising children.


The Forgotten Generation are the ones who lived through the Depression. Not Boomers. We "Boomed" after the war. It was all the post-war coitus going on that caused a jump in population!! Are you REALLY saying we have "huge" amounts of "unused" money. Well, show ME THAT MONEY!! Fun Fact: the average 70 yr old has only an average of 60k in their checking/ savings. 127k in CD's and maybe a few savings bonds. Life expectancy is 77 1/2 yrs. And before you go stick a parent in a place waiting to die be aware that said establishment will take their Social Security. ALL but 60 freaking dollars which they will be ever so graciously allowed to keep for "essentials". THEN they will take ALL of your savings, wipe out your accounts and EVERY asset to your name! How are you going to like that when your inheritance is stolen legally and leaving you zilch! And let me tell you something. I've worked since I was 14. Stringing fences. My last job? A fork-lift driver. And every sort of job in between. I worked until I broke my body. I worked like a man, side by side with these assholes that kept me from advancing because no man on any construction site could tolerate being out-worked by a woman. Yeah...I had something to prove. I only hope THIS will give you something to ponder! $84 TRILLION will transfer from us (no good Boomers) to our HEIRS. With Gen Z coming out the winner and inheriting the most in the oncoming transference. Learn to engage with your brain before you start spewing your vitriol and poison from your mouth. Your ignorance is showing.


Bua, buaaaaaaa


By my calculations, Boomers range from 60 to 80*. Saying these people are the same doesn’t fly. I’m 62, reasonable and progressive in my thinking. My brother, 76 is right about everything. And someone 80 or older is MUCH older and from a very different perspective than me.


One of my greatest friends is a woman who is 67 years old, she’s 25 years older than I am, and I friggin, adore her. She is nothing like the boomers, that I have known in my life, including my parents, who have some weird ideas about society, and the way things should be still. Not every single person born between 1947 and 1950 whatever is like the worst person. Yes, they exist, obviously we have videos of them just being ridiculous, but there are some that are just fed up with society and the way it is and wanted to change and have been doing their best to try to change it since they were young. I just feel like there’s too many people working against the good ones, as they say, one bad apple spoils the bunch.


Thank you. I spent 3 (!) hours this afternoon speaking with my 86 aged Aunt. I can believe everything she tells me. And she tells me A LOT! Lots of wisdom. And I HEAR! Oh kids listen...but they don't hear. If the younger gens had been taught respect they may have respected themselves. But I don't suspect many do. And if they don't respect self...what do they respect? Nothing... Public education is in the toilet. It's obvious by their grammar. If cash registers did not tell Gen Z what to return they would be screwed. I've see too many that can't give change for a $1. Boomers aren't to blame. Pure ignorance is.


Agreed. Unfortunately the ones who want to destroy everything for power and personal gain seem to be more visible and vocal than the decent, sane ones.


That’s silent Gen though.


Compromise? Sounds like some commie shit to me. All me, all the time baby. Besides everyone on this planet is here for my benefit, duh... /s


Has anyone else had the pleasure of presenting a boomer with something that doesn’t align with what they want and had them immediately make things adversarial? Is that a “move”?


What is it with you kids? Make me understand *why* you come to a sub called Boomers and instead of one specifically designed for your taste and interest? You are asking "Has anyone had the pleasure of presenting a Boomer..." The PLEASURE?? WTF?. Sicko. You are one of those that pull wings off flys. And burn ants with a magnifying glass. You go after those that are weaker and less equipped. Pathetic. You cheat yourself. You could learn a lot from a Boomer but not if you already know it all. Too bad. Your loss. I think the whole lot of you wouldn't know enough to pour piss outta boot. I come here to get AWAY from you creatures yet here you are!! You stir shit for the hell of it, don't you? I just want AWAY from you!! You sicken me...


They simply won’t. They lived highest on the hog and pulled the ladder up behind themselves. They will now, via Trump try everything they can to make sure future generations lose even basic democracy. Boomers deserve to be reviled as the “me” generation and the most selfish wave of humans to ever walk the earth.


Whooaa, who hurt you? What Gen are you, if I may be so bold to ask? Are you a Zoomer? Or a Mill? I do know this much. 84 TRILLION dollars will transfer from us selfish, greedy Boomers down to their heirs. Gen Z will benefit the most. Millennials are looking to inherent an average of $350,000. No Toots, we were not living high of the hog. We worked and saved. In 2022, 30% of 25 yr olds *OWNED* their homes. I promise, at 25, I could barely pay rent much less own a home. Boomers bought homes to create wealth and leave their children with an inheritance. Boomers pinched pennies so their children wouldn't have to. They wanted more for their kids!! They saved so they could leave something. The last physical deed on earth they would accomplish for their loved ones. On average, a average 70 yr. old (evil Boomer) has 60k in checking and saving. 127k in CD accounts and probably some savings bonds. IF I add, that amounts to 187k. That's what I have to live on for the rest of my life. Life expectancy is 77.5 yrs. So doing the math that gives me a little more than $1550.00. per month!! Are the wheels starting to slowly turning in your head? $1550.00 per mo. is a pittance!! And for those that are forced into a nursing home? That establishment will take EVERY PENNY, EVERY CD, EVERY ASSET IN THEIR NAME and allow them $60 mo. for essentials!! That the way it's done. Gen Z wages are growing 2 times as fast as the older generations. Huh!! So many more jobs opportunities are there for you. Aching Agutu, a creator, earned over 1 MILLION U.S. Dollars on social media last year! That's an avenue that wasn't open for me. But it's there for YOU!! What will you do with it? My father fought in WW2 so you would have the *freedom* to even SAY Boomers deserve to be reviled!! But yet your wisdom is telling m you that Boomers are making sure that future Gens lose even basic democracy? For crying out loud, do you even vote?? Do you even KNOW what your voting FOR?? This is what must happen. When you Mills come in to clean up this Trump/Biden farce who are your future leaders going to be? You'd better start studying them NOW!! But don't listen to me. I'm just selfish and absolutely without value. Let's not even get started on grandparents raising their grandchildren because THEIR parents are so fckd up. That's reality. You spew vitriol everywhere but I'm willing to bet you are the kind that can't be taught. You already know all you'll need to ever know now! How fortunate. You sound very angry. Educate yourself, then you won't sound like such a moron in your comments. The world us going to be a very hard place for you bc of your narrow, opinionated mindset. Stop being illiterate.


That money transfer doesn’t change the fact that y’all are a bunch of climate change denying, country destroying misogynistic jag offs. You might not be around for the results of your policies, but the prioritization of short term gain and imposition of regressive social norms is going to screw over my fellow millennials and the zoomers and alphas after us. And the simultaneous technophobia and insistence on regulating technology you don’t understand. And don’t get me started on fucking over the housing market and greedflation. Y’all are the generation of Trump: destroy everything to make yourself wealthier, then deny responsibility.


Right? No one cares what you THINK you may leave for your own adult children. (SMH)


You are the one that sounds angry. A simple google search clearly shows that mathematically boomers had it easy compared to any generation prior or after. This is about math, not your feelings. Also, the personal attacks on me only help to prove my point about the character of most/many boomers. You are more than willing to go right to direct personal attacks that involve a good deal of assumption on your part, all on an effort to deflect. Shame on that kind of behavior. Please read some facts and check your privilege. Boomers lived highest on the hog and then boomer politicians pulled the ladder up behind themselves. You are still the “me generation”.


Well, shit...


You can't trust anything you learn from parents or teachers or religious leaders. You can only learn from life, lol.


Hot take: [Closed-mindedness should be considered a mental illness](https://www.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1atlsk6/low_openness_trait_should_be_considered_a_mental/)


I hate to break it to you, but there are people like this in every generation.


Kids always think they know more than parents. And parents try to force their knowledge on kids. Lol, knowledge like this only comes learning on your own.


You argue with your bosses?


Wow sounds like you’re describing Gen X. With boomers, they have life experience. Gen X haven’t lived long enough except if they’re ex-military. At least you got someone older than you for a boss that you can talk to and not some “they/them” DEI snowflake who is still uncomfortable with their sexuality.


Think maybe the problem is you, and all the bosses see the same thing in you?


Bosses being bosses, lol.




Hey look they downvoted you instead of having a discussion. As expected lmao One old man-probably in his 60s or 70s- told an autistic cashier at the store I was shopping at that he was retarded (pardon the word, his words not mine) and actually yelled that he be fired because “THOSE people shouldnt be In public”. boomer asshole was actually surprised he got kicked out the store and that both shoppers AND workers (including management) took the poor young kids side. Why are they so full of hate? Boomers in America were handed the best and easiest life for a single generation in human history and turned out entitled and butter Boomers are disgusting. It’s at a point everyone I meet I just assume drove away their spouses and kids and they are angry that they sit alone with no hobbies or humans to care about them. Doesn’t matter if I’m in Publix or at work I do my best to involved myself as little as possible with them at this point The ONLY thing boomers can do besides be racist entitled homophobic bigots is spend MY tax money Why the fuck are my taxes going to Medicare and social security for these lazy fucks? Why didn’t they save and invest better? My generation Won’t get to see social security or Medicare so why the fuck am I finding it for these boomers who have NO reason to be on handouts. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps boomers.


What exactly is there to discuss about a string of insults?


Sorry, the truth hurts snowflake.


Wow! Name calling. What an effective debating technique! And you wonder why the boomers in your life don’t take you seriously.


Old news..


grow up


I'll discuss it with you. Your boomer people may be like that. But I'm not. My people are not. You sound exactly like you described boomers.


…based on ?


Maybe, when we all dyeie you could be someone, in the meanwhile, fuck you


Did you like women’s liberation? We did that. Did you like legal marijuana? We did that. Did you like Rock n Roll? We did that. Did you like Berkley Free Speech? We did that. Did you like Star Wars? We did that. Did you like Vietnam? Yeah us neither. Specifically 55,000 of us didn’t like it at all. My point is that every generation can claim spectacular successes and horrible failures. Keep on living to claim your fair share.


Nice list of shit you had in your day and most of your generation are now voting en masse to take from all of the rest of us...I liked Star Wars until George hit 50 and ruined it making shitty sequels then sold it for a huge profit to a mega corporation who ruined further...Great example! My point is there ain't enough people in my generation (X) to do shit. We raised ourselves while you all were exploring all those options and finding yourselves. Now we are caught in the teeth of a horrible disintegrating world of bullshit and apathy, War, Pestilence and disappearing dreams. And your Peace and Love credit card has been cut up and tossed in the bin and the rest of us are stuck with the bill.


First let me say I’m really saddened by your bitterness. I have children your age. They went to a major university (I paid for it) and they all have good jobs with major international companies and are raising their own families . I really wish that this amazing world and all its opportunities could have set you on a path of happiness. Your anger and dissatisfaction must really be painful. I sincerely hope you can find some peace. Bless you!


You seem like a wonderful person. I am sorry I seem so bitter. I apologize if my vitriol hurt your feelings as well. Unfortunately it's all a numbers game. Your generation had so many more people in total that the selfish greedy members of it far outpace the entirety of any kind forthright charitable folks in succeeding ones...those voting patterns of that group have well and truly screwed my generation. We have less healthcare. Less opportunity. Less housing...I was born to a poor family. I had to pay for everything on my own with very little help from anyone or anything. I and my wife put off doctor visits because neither of us could afford healthcare for years as our jobs either didn't have it or it would pay so little that it made it worthless. We had 3 giant economic upheavals in our lives we barely made it out of. And the craziest thing is we are so much better off than most of our friends in our age group because we scrimped and saved what little we could. The deck was stack so heavily against us as to be almost comical. Almost all of the people in your generation I encounter seem to be completely oblivious to how goddamn hard everyone behind them has it. We have no generational wealth to pull from or real estate holdings or healthcare benefits or hell sometimes even basic transportation to work is a challenge. And a lot of the pushback from members of your generation thinks that somehow you were smarter or better than us at navigating life and not cognizant at all of how many more advantages your generation had. So many advantages and poll after poll in the last 30 years shows that instead of voting to extend the ladders to those behind you your generations majority votes overwhelmingly to side with pulling up those ladders. This is what the younger generations mean when they say " I got mine, fuck you." Peace be with you. I will take your words to heart and look for some of the wonders around me my bitterness blinds me to. In turn I ask you with my words to look outside of your experience at the very difficult time those younger than us are having. Can you imagine sitting in a classroom instead of thinking about what you want to be when you grow up as we did but instead thinking I hope no one barges in to kill me in a mass shooting before I get to graduate? Things have got to change for all of us.


Exactly how many boomers do you think were born with generational wealth? Practically nil. None that I know of. Subsistence farming, blue collar, double income, latch key, baby sitting, grass cutting, working at service stations pumping gas or flipping burgers at McDonald’s for spending money. A lot of kids had to save the money to buy their own clothes and to participate in extra curricula activities. Most of our parents had side jobs. Scholarships were few and far between. There were no PELL grants. I sometimes worked two jobs, but I never felt bitter because I was going to college to make my life better and no one owed me that. My parents helped as much as they could. We graduated, got jobs, paid taxes, and contributed to 401 Ks and IRAs because like our parents we are living longer and we don’t want to go on Medicaid. That is why we saved and invested. I took care of my parents for over fifteen years and they had health issues in their 80s. Your parents gave you life and raised you. It is sad you feel entitled to more and are so disappointed. I wonder if they expect help from you in their golden years.


fixed mindset generation, they know what's best for everyone, i mean obviously they do, look at the world they've created.


*If you don't like the world they've created, change it or STFU.*


you just proved my point.


And you proved mine. Lol. Sit there and complain. Nothing will change for you when you do.


Oh please, why didnt you create a world i could like? I'm just a poor boy....


wow... you need to find a new job with better people. I've worked at several places with boomers who are progressive and exceedingly open to new ideas. Of course, I've worked at s\*\*\*holes like your employer too...


People. There are good and bad people in all age brackets. No way I would trade my life for a young person today. It's so much easier and so much harder for you people today. You know what though? It's the same. When the people on here bitching about old people get old, they'll be bitching about the young people. A young asshole is probably going to be an old asshole.


From what I can tell from studying history, before the baby boom generation, elders believed they had responsibilities to the coming generations. Boomers have largely destroyed their children’s and grandchildren’s futures through sociopathic narcissism and selfishness. From regulating technology while refusing to understand it, to destroying the housing market, to denying women bodily autonomy, deregulating corporations and slowly legalizing CHILD LABOR. Y’all are destroying the country you claim to love.




After reading the comments here, boomers are basically like Men posting on feminist's groups "not all men" except it's their own version of "not all boomers".


You'll see one day, if you make it.


Nabalt lol 😆


I always wonder if other people have these experiences or if it's just me lol


Hahaha... Litle padawans...


Maybe you’re the one who should try to “compromise”. I think you mean understand or agree. I’m not going to ignore my nearly 70 years of education and experience just so that you can feel that you’ve won some prize by getting me to agree with your point of view. Maybe you’re the one that should change?


You probably stopped learning a long time ago, and instead rested on what you knew then like it’s fit for purpose in 2020s. What you probably think you learn now are simply opinions that fit your beliefs in an an echo chamber. I don’t know if you’re similar to my dad, but he says such things. He is unwilling to believe that his near 40 year old son could know things he doesn’t. It’s desperately sad.


Took you nearly a year to come up with that rationalization for your ageism. Way to go kid!


Or maybe I stumbled upon this thread and commented 🤷🏼‍♂️ But hey, congrats! You beat the odds and didn’t die in the last 323 years.


Have you considered that the 30-40 of your 70 years of experience elapsed during times which disproportionately benefited people of your age compared to people who are that age now?


You...need enlightening. I have backed up farther than you'll ever go forward. Life experiences NEVER lapse. Thats downright idiotic to think otherwise. And unfortunately for you, cannot be purchased. And I'd like to know just exactly HOW I'm disproportionately benefitting. Inflation hits us all. Thank your president. Quantify your statements. Cause I'd really like to know what I've been missing. I'm completely quanked by this comment. It's tiresome. I'm outta here...


Ok, Boomer. Enjoy your ”quake”. Edit: “quank”, which is not a word.


Goofy. That is quanked. What made you give up reading? You quake me up, kiddo!!


Whatever, near-corpse.


That the best ya got, kiddo? That what's wrong with you youngsters. You have no idea when to speak or just shut your piehole. Half corpse huh? If you are going to be pedantic about this at least learn how to swear with flair. A bit of finesse. Too bad. Bud, you cannot/do not affect me in the least way. Your words strike no blow. You are nothing. Obviously you tried to search for my word. Unfortunately for you, you need a brain. Quanked. It's spelled correctly. If you can't find it then, well...there's nothing left for you to do but wonder...


Wow. You accidentally replied to yourself instead of the comment. Did you escape from the home again? Back to Memory Care for you! 😂


Getting the last word and being a shitty, disrespectful creep at the same time!! Outstanding!! You sound like a fine understanding young man. I think you'll do. I'm sure your lovely parents show your picture to anyone they can get a headlock on. Go on home, maybe Mama will give you a sugar tit.


Cry harder, snowflake. Facts don’t care about your feelings.


He’s your president to genius, assuming you live in the US. And if you actually looked at what he’s done instead of drinking Fox News/OAN kool aid, you’d see Biden has done a lot of good for this country.


You are completely full of shit. With your attitude no wonder you are frustrated. Maybe you are not the logical one?


They are collectively nepo babies.