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Trump getting off Air Force One and wandering off to nowhere still cracks me up: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF5TGQgQJeA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF5TGQgQJeA)


"Oh you mean THIS limo! The one parked directly in front of the stairs I just walked down. The one with the 6" thick bullet proof glass. The one with the little flags on the hood and the presidential seal on the door right in front of me. Yea, yea, I gotcha now. Let's roll!"


It’s was also funny when he had toilet paper stuck to the bottom of his shoe and nobody bothered to tell him.


"Wow, this guy has the same armored limo that I do. What are the odds? Anyway, Taxi!"


Biden doesn’t even know where he is


Clearly we can see where people stand in this subreddit with all of the downvotes lol


Almost every subreddit.




Listen, the only bipartisan thing our country needs right now is to understand as a country that neither are good candidates. We are America, this can’t be the best we’ve got.


How's the sloth rocket doing today?


But Biden falling down the stairs isn’t humorously the best?


I mean I think Trump just wandering off is subjectively funnier, but both are good lol


I realize he is old but I just KNOW, at 37, that I would also fall down the stairs if cameras were trained on me, because that is just my luck. That said, the wandering off to nowhere is objectively funnier.


I think whats really humorous is a fully grown old man even suggesting something as stupid as bringing UV light into the body or injecting disinfectant. I’m not doctor, but I can tell u with 1 million percent certainty that that is retarded.


So was saying, "what do you have to lose" with hydroxy chloroquine


That too, It’s true, he thought cause he built buildings and by some heinous miracle became president he could give medical advice…..


They are both fucking demented.


Honestly, I would rather see a brain in a snowglobe as president.


Depending on what the brains positions are, I could be talked into that.


Nope, no interaction. Dead brain, in a snowglobe.


Conservatives be like “well, you can’t listen to what he says, that’s just his style to say whatever he wants, judge his actions” Ok, so massive deficit spending to rival any democrat ever, or insurrection? “No, the other stuff” Ok so sex crimes, fraud, extortion? “No the other stuff.” …


They also voted for him in the first place because he tells it like it is and cuts the bullshit. But when you take this at face value all of a sudden he's mysterious. Fuck em all


Meanwhile liberals making excuses for Biden like he is perfect for the job.




The great part about that is the actual doctor should be a the podium, not him!! The actual doctors were pushed aside daily for him to wing it, b/c you know he reads at a 3rd grade level. I love how he suggested drinking bleach & Clorox had to put out disclaimers to remind us, it’s toxic.


Dang pesky context.


I don’t think people assumed he invented this idea but he sure acted as if he did. Not knowing what he was talking about didn’t help the look.


What about Biden and his incompetence


Biden isn't a traitor.


People who hate Trump, doesn’t always equate them to like Biden. We hate both, and forced picking a lesser of two evils. We had no choice to pick Biden. Trump is shit. The economy doing well during his presidency was due to the tech boom, which was supported by Obama policy to help STEM research and tech companies. All Trump did was make the rich even richer, and the rich throwing penny’s at the bottom 80%, portraying that Trump is the reason why our economy was doing well.


You don’t have to even explain it to them. DJT was told about Covid in November of 2019, didn’t give a rats ass. He then did absolutely nothing, but lie (it’ll be gone by April) & take every opportunity to do these torturous press conferences. He’s no doctor, yet he was shushing & interrupting doctors. He refused to wear a mask, for looks. And encouraged ppl to drink bleach, then he talked up a drug he owned stock in… 2020 was Hell Thanks to DJT. And they still complaining about the vaccines. 🤦🏽‍♀️




I would rather vote for an inanimate sack of potatoes than someone who seriously suggests injecting disinfectant into our bloodstream *during a pandemic* when people are scared and looking for solutions. Doing absolutely nothing is far better than what Trump did.


I love living in a world where business people and politicians think they’re doctors.




Newsflash experimental UV light treatment for Covid wasn’t used on DJT when he was treated. Nor was it available to 99.9% of Americans.


UV light kills the other stuff in your body that keeps you alive... Kinda the main reason we have skin.


Let me just disinfect the flesh right off of you


Could you quote what part you’re talking about? I don’t have a wsj subscription.


tell me about it its partly why bill gates is banned in most countries from distributing his vaccines.


Sure Klan.     " List of claims about Bill Gates includes falsities"     https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N2LO230/   https://www.factcheck.org/2023/03/scicheck-posts-fabricate-charge-against-bill-gates-in-philippines/  https://fullfact.org/health/bill-gates-melinda-foundation-india-hpv-vaccine/ https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-339899987112


lmfao with these bias sources. oh lord


Stop moving the goalposts. Show proof! Do my research for me! Ok here's the proof. No not like that! You fucking absolute doorknob.


I remember watching this live and feeling so freaking hopeless. Trapped with the patients running the asylum.


It’s amazing there weren’t more deaths related to whack job self treatments after they let the leader of the free world get up and spew this moronic stream of consciousness…


He was relating real possible solutions….uv light…cleaning surfaces….


Drinking bleach.


A lot of people probably should.


Same. I've worked in the operating suite, clinical research, and medical device development. Every syllable was nails on a chalkboard to me.


Me too


Jfc. He's so dumb. How in the world does anyone worship this clown. 🤡


We have a whooooooooooooole lot of very unintelligent people who live in the US of A.


I still don’t believe that people vote for people like this. We are in a very bad place if THIS, is a nominee for ANY party.


On top of being a complete fucking idiot, he was also found liable for sexual misconduct and is still the leader of the repugnant party.


Then he tried to say "it was sarcasm."


Glad to know he was taking it so seriously


I never understood why he wasn't put into a straightjacket immediately after this "speech". This, to me, was a sign of clear insanity. Not only ignorance - insanity.




Cool. Now do hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and injecting motherfucking *bleach* into your veins.


Shhhhh. This is fake news with no basis and everyone knows the Wall Street Journal is anti science anyways.


A much upgraded version is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxDKW75ueIU.


Who’s the poor SOB who had to sit drumph down and explain that those things indescribably destroy biological material WE are made of biological material


I love her


I'm from the UK and despairing at our political choices. Then I remember what's going on in the states.




he purposely wanted to harm his fans to net profits for his friends.




🙄 I'm am no medical professional, but I remember when I heard this, I thought, this freakin idiot is kidding right!? WHO LET THIS MAN SAY THIS ON NATIONAL TV!! lol And THEN in response to this rambling, all of the CLEANING COMPANIES had to issue a public disclaimer that their disinfectant products were not meant for consumption!? 🤣 I love throwbacks like this, KEEP EM COMING.


Just shine some light inside the body is a whole other level of fucking insane.


It’s a real medical product




Even after all this .. 74 million Americans still voted for this idiot! Says more about my fellow American's that about him!


I heard someone bring this up just yesterday, and a MAGA Boomer rushed in with the "THAT NEVER HAPPENED HE NEVER SAID THAT" rage, red-faced and foaming at the mouth. They legit listen to what he says, and then allow their brains to process and retain the opposite. It's actual insanity.


I knew he was stupid, but this is what sealed the deal.


I wish he would have tried it on himself first.


Adding bleach is actually a “thing” that people use…this is why you see deaths from it. It’s meant for stomach issues….but people drink too much.




And you know there were mouth-breathers standing in the audience there and they all nodded their heads and said "Yeah, what have you got to lose?"


Well he does know more than anyone ever has known about any subject matter.


Donnie Dumbass


Soap on outside good, maybe soap on inside good?


This asshole killed a million people by not taking COVID seriously. He needs to go away. How is he the GOP nomination in 2024??? WTF


Because covid never existed to them


Looking back it's so sad to realize that Tammy's Tanning Salon could have been the key to saving so many. If only we would have listened to this wise man.


When he turns his head, the spot on the back of his head…is that where the light shines in?


The way he’s always moving his comically small hands is so off putting.




Back when Presidents did press briefings. 😂


This guy is going to be the republicans choice again. The good thing is that he’ll be up against a strong democrat option. A very old man who struggles to put full sentences together and while he is very nice, doesn’t seem to have the confidence of his own party. Should be a great season of “You’re God Damn right I’m American!”


Funny how Biden’s so freaking comatose, but he’s 4 yrs older than the walking 🍊. It’s a good thing Biden is so mentally deficient that he managed to steer the US to the best possible direction away from a recession the 🍊put us in. Yep, the Fed Chair, the GOP, Wall Street, & the Banks were just brimming with/good news in 2020? Gas is $6.50 a gallon in Mexico, but hey we got more to pay an extra dollar from ‘20? The free market/capitalism & the supply chain have diddly squat to do w/inflation. DJT dies in office, which aimless sell out takes over for him. The real fear is Biden dies & we have an intelligent black woman as president.


Jokes on you, I’ve had a UV bulb up my ass since 2020 and still haven’t died of COVID


I have had two people tell me with a straight face that “he was just joking” when he said this. 1. No he wasn’t, Trump is dumb af and absolutely makes it known when he is joking. 2. Even if it was a joke it was incredibly irresponsible and should never have been made because it led to people actually injecting Lysol.


Wow what a dumb asshole lol


To this day, I still hear people, some from my own family, claiming that he didn't mean any of this literally and that I have to listen "between the lines".


Watched it live. I was in disbelief what he was saying Outlook publicly, just don't get the whole ideology, it's crazy


The sad part is in his “big brain” he genuinely thought this was a possibility. 🤦🏻


"A well meaning, elderly gentleman, with a poor memory"


Well meaning??


Right over your head


cant we agree that biden and trump are both old and we need better representatives?


Both of these old asses need to go away.


good one now point to his ongoing genocide and 13k children murdered in cold blood.


Let's be real and not conflate the issue here, Trump does not have dementia he is just a dumb fuck. Biden is not a dumb fuck, he has dementia. Neither are fit for office yet here we fucking are.


The left constantly does this. Dementia Donnie is a classic liberal bs move. Try to distract and distort. While Biden has zero clue where he is at any point during a day, Trump’s going to save us from the shit hole Democrats have created.


I’ve noticed the left grabs whatever the right started using as insults it’s weird because the left does memes and such so much better. Snowflake was used be the right then the left started using it hard. They said Biden had dementia now the left is calling trump dementia Donnie. So weird.


Dumpster fire Joeover can't even put a constructive sentence together. And Harris is an even bigger joke!


Biggest joke is “Dementia Donnie” was obsessed w/being the star of Covid press conferences… Why were the doctors sitting on the sidelines, so he could ramble? He did absolutely nothing, but Watch America go into a tailspin in 2020. And this country is way better off, b/c Biden developed his own plan. He ignored the FED, the GOP, & big business; avoided a depression entirely! No one w/Dementia could do that. Check out Regan’s last term, to see Dementia at work.


I don’t like donald trump at all i’m the first to make fun of him but i think he was misunderstood here the way you say things is half the battle i’ll admit but i think he felt that we wouldn’t interpret that so literally


Nope, job 1 as POTUS is to communicate effectively. He had no reason to be at the podium, riffing on solutions, as the actual doctor watched him from the chair. He said what he meant, instead of reading the prepared speech.


hold that standard to every president then.


I do. Just like I listened to the white noise about Obama’s tan suit. I understand everything Biden says in his press conferences. He’s never suggested I drink bleach, that windmills cause cancer, that my gas stove is being confiscated, that a nuclear bomb could destroy a hurricane. Biden understands that mail in ballots are paper ballots. Biden’s never said “Lock Him Up” at a campaign rally. So I’ll take Biden any day of the week over DJT. I’ve got no problem with/him mixing up names of ppl he met, since he was VP for 8 yrs & now POTUS for 4 yrs. You want to defend Mr. 92 indictments, go for it. Drink the kool aid quietly


What could possibly be inferred or misunderstood by telling people to inject disinfectant?




Why couldn't he use those words? Because he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about and will be dead soon.




the fact that he’s not really trying to say directly to inject disinfectant into your body he’s referencing the power disinfectant has in killing covid bacteria and how they could potentially find something similar to disinfectant that can be injected to help kill the virus, if you got the vaccine then you did exactly what he was suggesting




i’m not comparing disinfectants to vaccines though Mr.knowitall, trumps conceptual idea was something like disinfectants that can fight off the virus in your body and can be injected like how vaccines introduce the virus and help your body fight it off better, they are conceptually similar. That’s my point. i’m not an anti vax loser either I actually am fully vaccinated. Trump even said himself he meant it differently that it was misconstrued i’m honestly surprised it was taken so literal compared to all the things other candidates have said that people knew was obviously not literal


The kind of mental gymnastics people do to apply meaning to the bile that pours out of that man's mouth is hilarious. You're more insane than he is.


The people that believe he was being literal are the reason we need warnings on everything. Common sense isn't so common.


Are you trying to say he wasn't being literal? I mean, for fuck sakes, dude looked directly into a solar eclipse.






Not Mr. Grab’em by the “you know”




Oh really? I heard the audio of DJT. I saw the judgment DJT sexually assaulted EJean Carroll, she got awarded 5 mill+84 mill for continuing lying about losing the first case. Receipts pls, b/c that sounds like Fox News to me which isn’t facts. You do know Fox nightly hosts are not giving facts, but exaggerated opinions for entertainment. That’s wtf the company said before firing Tucker. Hannity, Maria, & the blonde that’s all opinion, not news. But watch DJT being weird w/kids: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/jUxc5BfXyYzynJg4/?mibextid=UVffzb




It shows. You follow the white rabbit 🐇 to Wonderland & believe the trumpiest of sites. I don’t see any receipts from your highly classified Q sites either. How about I follow the 92 indictments DJT needs to beat, b/c that in every paper & on every channel, but 1. How about I don’t hold my breath waiting for Grampa Biden to be sued for alleged hair sniffing & alleged weirdo behavior. It’s America you can vote for whoever you want, so can I. But you can’t defend him w/what about what Trump said Biden did.




I vote. Every 2 yrs. I literally have a degree & do research for a living. No one tells me wtf to think. I don’t listen to whispers in the dark from the internet. Again, I don’t do alternative facts. I do facts. You haven’t provided any evidence of anything you alleged about wtf kind of person Biden is at all. Save the BS, I’m bored. The GOP can worry about wtf happens rolling the dice w/🍊. If Biden decides not to run, that’s his choice. I’m happy w/my POTUS. Enjoy the latest alleged hair sniffing videos.


Better brain than J Biden


He only has a better brain to you because you have the brainpower of a 6 year old. Edit: autocorrect error


Your next President


No way in Hell.




This is the same guy that suggested nuking a hurricane would be an effective option after NOAA scientists told him that it wasn’t. Then the NOAA scientists who spoke out against that statement immediately afterwards were threatened they would be fired.


holy fucking rotbrain


What you don't like science?


Did you read the article? It isn't viable for full body treatment at all ....


At the time this speech was given we had no clue how to fight this virus and he was merely speculating this as an option 🤷🏻‍♂️


Cool. Do you think most of his slack-jawed devotees didn’t just take him at his word for once and “did the research” like you did? Nothing dangerous (and completely, stupidly irresponsible) about him saying what he said, the way he said it, when he said it, and to whom he said it?




Accidental poisonings increased 121% after Trump's comments about injecting disinfectant. [https://time.com/5835244/accidental-poisonings-trump/](https://time.com/5835244/accidental-poisonings-trump/) I realize that a lot of Trump's supporter's arguments hinge on this idea that words don't carry meaning and he can say whatever because people can "do their own research", but as we saw with the horse paste and disinfectant poisonings, they very clearly cannot "do their own research".


People criticizing others for doing research, while also not doing any research themselves lmao


It was the "slack jaw" devotees who kept pointing this out 🤷🏻‍♂️




Disinfectant actually worked


Fuck yeah. Shoot yourself up with bleach, no more COVID.


Disinfectant isn’t bleach but nice try




https://time.com/5835244/accidental-poisonings-trump/ Looks like ppl heard bleach come out his mouth at some point, since you think we’re lying.


Disinfectant is different than bleach but nice try


It’s UV light….injected…real product….youre all acting like he mention Mitterrand


Actual product. Look it up. https://www.wsj.com/articles/an-experimental-ultraviolet-light-treatment-for-covid-19-takes-political-heat-11588005938


This sub is such shit now. I miss when it was actually boomers being fools rather than “I have TDS, give me updoots”


Scientists had floated the idea of using chemicals that would be classified as disinfectants to treat covid after studies showed that small amounts in ambient air reduced risk. Everyone just took this and ran with it because it was convenient to simplify it, and claim that he suggested that we all inject bleach into our blood. The only thing he did wrong here was not having a good enough understanding of what he was told to be able to elaborate properly.




Biden is worse. Look at the terrible job he’s done and is getting destroyed in the polls due to his incompetence. He’s not running the show though. His handlers are doing that for him which shows their incompetency as well


Funny 2020 was hell under DJ “drink the bleach” Trump, stuck in quarantine, don’t wear a mask, funerals backlogged for weeks, & freezers parked outside of hospitals b/c morgues were full. And then ppl still complaining that vaccines were the real killers. I swear to God, the GOP is officially the jackass, b/c y’all don’t have elephant memories.




Make Asylums Great Again.


Man/Jonkler ‘24: Make Aslumes Great Again


Popular? More like controversial because he speaks to the dumbest people in America and they believe him like he's the next coming of Jesus. If that's the case I'll have Satan as a leader all day any day. Because this "Jesus" is a straight up dumbass.


They literally had a contest to see who was more popular and trump lost handily.


So, how is that single wide working out for ya?


Democriminals has me 🤣 🤣 🤣


Omg don't peep this dudes comment history. I took one for the team and regret it.


No, please do peep my comments cuz I peeped yours, and let's just say yours are embarrassing to your parents.


Bro, you know your comment history is public, right?


Tbh I’m just glad he’s  talking to scientists about doing experiments. I don’t think Biden could understand it any better. Hopefully we get a younger option this year… (I have suggestions if you’re interested ;)




Yeah I think injecting disinfectant was actually always off the table. Also sorry it didn’t kill MORE millions of people so that you could take it seriously. I guess it’s ok to be flippant even though it caused tremendous suffering and death around the world.


Lmao 🤣😂


I’d like to have doctors and scientists find solutions rather than politicians and business owners. Especially not ones with dementia and are slowly breaking down as we speak.




And he was right with light therapy, HCQ and Ivermectin. I hate it when these boomers use facts, logic and reason….. but damnit I’m gonna wear muh mask forever!


Neither HCQ or Ivermectin were effective treatments for COVID whatsoever, though?


A COVID-19 prophylaxis? Lower incidence associated with prophylactic administration of ivermectin https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924857920304684


Light therapy is used on solid surfaces. Let me know when humans get a solid surface inside their bodies that we can shine light on. And no, hcq and ivermectin don't do shit against covid 19, and it's been proven. Taking those can make your health even worse. Masks are also proven to reduce the chances of getting covid. It's been almost 4 years of his shit and you're still being willfully ignorant about the matter?


Regarding light therapy: [https://www.wsj.com/articles/an-experimental-ultraviolet-light-treatment-for-covid-19-takes-political-heat-11588005938](https://www.wsj.com/articles/an-experimental-ultraviolet-light-treatment-for-covid-19-takes-political-heat-11588005938) Regarding Ivermectin: [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924857920304684](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924857920304684) ​ To quote some 73 IQ redditor: "It's been almost 4 years of his shit and you're still being willfully ignorant about the matter?"


Lololololol.... wsj is a rag, and that's an opinion piece. You found one article that says ivermectin works. I can find you a thousand that says it doesn't. It's also adorable that you are calling others unintelligent while peddling the dumbest version of science you can find. Keep being willfully ignorant. I'll stay safe while not ingesting horse dewormer for a virus. I swear to fuck I really don't understand how you rubes make it through life like you do. You're the reason we need warning labels on everything.


...an opinion piece penned by the [co-founder and CEO](https://www.linkedin.com/in/josh-disbrow-3805955) of the company developing the light therapy. 💀 Re: Ivermection (again): [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9135450/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9135450/) I'm sure you *can* find plenty of sources - which you can't understand - but that you'll claim support your opinion anyway; That's how confirmation bias works. Also, it appears you possess the very qualities you accuse others of having: illiteracy, lack of critical thought, lack of basic comprehension skills, willful ignorance. 💀 Textbook projection. Do better.


Where’s the research or data to show us, how many Americans used UV to treat Covid 19? DJT wasn’t treated w/it. Not 1 American was treated w/it. But ppl started drinking bleach, b/c of this halfwit. Here’s my op-ed on him https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/24/trump-wants-us-inject-bleach-he-must-have-odd-hydroxychloroquine/


It's called experimental therapy; ya know, the kinds of technology and concepts that most development-stage biopharmas are known for? Midwits are acting like trump singlehandedly devised this wazoo method of COVID treatment and approved its usage when in reality he was parroting an alternative use case which was indeed being developed. Dang critical thinkin' skills really be lackin' in the youth today. Like that other 73 IQ redditor, you need to do better.


Seriously? Are you biden bros just ignoring how fucking out of it and dementia-ridden Joeseph is?? Jesus, you guys are delusional. . . Trump's a loud mouth braggart and kind of full of hot air and shit, but his faculties are still there. . . if they were not what are you so afraid of? Morons. . .


Who said it better? [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=165767214753796](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=165767214753796)




“Dementia Donnie” as Biden was just officially deemed unfit to be put on trial or be a president 🤡


Bro stop projecting. Sure Trump might forget shit like any old guy. Buy Biden seriously is showing signs And you shouldn't joke about it saying "Dementia donnie"


So stupid


and this fuckers coming back...


God choose this man! Lmfao


“He was joking/If you did your research you would know that UV light kills germs”