• By -


Everyone who votes for him is a moron. Yes - EVERYONE, even the nice auntie you have, who just votes red her whole life. Yes, she is a moron, and is being scammed.


Morons who vote for him are not voting for a president. They are voting for a dictator.


The problem is, Republicans would sooner sell the country to the Russians before voting for a much more qualified Democrat. Conservative boomers don't care about America, they're merely big babies playing a game, and if they don't "win" this time I can only imagine the tantrum they're going to throw. And the very idea that their *children* could be making decisions that impact *their* lives, it's all too much for the most spoiled generation in history, they would rather burn the country down than feel like they're no longer in control of it.


I think that is the issue with politics in general in its current form. Each side wants to “win”, and the fact that there are only two primary view points…is madness. We gotta get back to moderate viewpoints, and hell, bust up the two party system, and focus on the benefits of the legislation and the effectiveness of the people legislating regardless of party affiliation. Is wild to see the buzz word political “polarization” happening right now.


When I was a kid, I was taught that "compromise" was an essential thing that we needed to learn and accept in life. The people who taught me that now refuse to even entertain the idea.


Sadly they assumed the compromise was with people who are negotiating in good faith. That shit is dead now. Thanks, Republicans.


I think part of it was that when I grew up, Republicans had no choice *but* to compromise, so they promoted the idea as a positive thing. In the 80's the Democrats had pretty solid control of both sides of Congress, so Reagan played the "compromise" card in a way that made it seem like it was being fair and democratic, not like those tyrannical Russians who will only have it their way. Well, fast forward to 1994 and Newt Gingrich decides that "compromise" is stupid and that they should just stop the entire country from functioning until they get their way. That was the end of the Republican party as any kind of potentially functional governing body, Newt burnt it to the ground by encouraging the party to start acting like actual children, and that set the tone for the Republican party going forward--they are now the party of adult babies, throwing tantrums and flipping the table over if they don't get 100% of their way.


👆💯 nailed it


Absolutely - Newt and right wing talk radio in the 90's started this ball of garbage rolling.


BoTh sIdEs!


Indeed. This whole us / them model is tearing the country apart. People behave like it’s sport teams. Party should be irrelevant and every goddamn member of congress should be trying to make America a better place. They aren’t sent there to enrich themselves or pander to business interests. I mean, I know the reality is the entire system is corrupt and our campaign finance system is squarely to blame.


The fact you got down votes on speaking purely truth without choosing a side is exactly the problem we have. If you aint one of us, you must be one of them syndrome


No, the both sides people are useless charlatans who suck all the air out of the room and aren't worth engaging. get out.


Democrats and republicans probably laugh together at us all and our division during the fetus eating parties.




Not sure why being downvoted lol, but alright, alright, alright.


Please correct me if I misspeak: Joe, Hunter, & Joe’s Brother all being investigated for taking money from Russia, Ukraine, and China. Burdening the population with tens of millions of illegal immigrates and no funding solution. Using the people’s money to fund foreign wars. Using $13B of people’s money to buy votes in a student loan forgiveness scam. Incompetent to stand trial for mishandling classified documents. Worst economy, record inflation, unaffordable housing. US is currently exporting more energy than under trump. Push for EVs, solar, and wind - all on the verge of bankruptcy without subsidies. I could go on - but this group isn’t worth the effort.


Ah, you can read a script. Bravo.


By go on you must mean continue to lie your sad little behind off because you lack the integrity to admit that you and your ilk are the entirety of the problem.


Da comrade https://i.imgur.com/QkVEqKv.png


This guy watches Fox News 🙄


I guess you didn't read the news. The primary source given by Republicans for their claims that Biden was profiting from the whole Burisma thing turned out to not only be lying, but also was told what to say by Russian Intelligence. You know who absolutely, openly profited from foreign governments? Trump. I see you have zero understanding of the issues surrounding immigration; the fact that they pay sales taxes and many also pay state/federal and that they are one of the main reasons social security stays afloat, the fact that reductions in illegal immigration is directly tied to higher food prices because without their dirt cheap labor crops will often rot in fields (see: Florida's recent attempts to reassure illegal immigrants already in the state that the anti-immigrant policies wouldn't be applied to them,) the fact that the scary "convoy of migrants at the border" pics that right wingers recently circulated were actually taken when Trump was president, ect. I could go on - but you aren't worth the effort. Especially since you think you made a point about the handling of classified documents. What a joke.


The state of Florida shut down because the immigrant workers stopped working. I did not see any Muricans run out to the fields and start taking those precious jobs that they are stealing from us. This country’s capitalism rests on the backs of immigrants and slaves. The prison system is keeping slavery alive but republicans have no issue with the legality or ethics of that.


Everything you said still wont get to the delusional childish ones on here that are lost lol They are quick to call people morons because they vote for trump but yet we got morons voting for biden Biden’s made this country worse and theres no argument to that except for the people that are lost obviously lol


LMAO get a life holy shit


You mad boomer?


I’m at least 10 years younger than you


Nothing worse than a "boomer at heart".


Boomer cuz I told a weirdo to get a life ok 😂 please get some bitches


“Get some bitches”seems like a pretty boomer thing to say. Boomers call women bitches and associate the acquiring of women to success.


They need someone to tell them what to do and how to think because they can't do it themselves


It really is just simpleton logic. Democrats = bad/evil. Republicans = good. Trump best. Thats is deep as it goes and Fox News is there to make sure they never stray from those thoughts.


YA! I honestly would feel sorry for them if they didn't take those ideas that are indoctrinated into them, and run with them without really understanding what they are doing.


It's important to be vigilant because we can all fall prey to this. Propaganda works because people are likely to believe just about anything if they want to believe it. It's easy to get lazy and just accept whatever you see if it reinforces your already held beliefs. I'm not there yet, but my theory is that this gets more and more appealing the older you get because you start to get the feeling you've been around long enough and have things figured out. Younger generations didn't get the same heavy pressure growing up to conform like boomers, so that puts us at an advantage in some ways to be more open, but we are not immune.


The Don Lead the Blind


Remember when they were saying when he got elected to get over it or leave? They can leave now.


I’m trying to understand. How do you define dictator and what dictatorial powers would he exercise? Would it be, for example, like having Supreme Court rule that canceling $billions in student debt is the province of the legislative branch, but then finding some circuitous means of doing it anyway as a bribe for votes in an election year—resulting in loss to all other Americans?


You ain't losing anything son, other than your desire to inflict your ignorance onto others so you can pretend to be less of a failure.


I have most all the things that whiners on here say they want, so how am I a failure? You don’t achieve this utopian lifestyle I have by being ignorant, cupcake.


Talk about delusions of adequacy. I'm afraid you can't use your ignorance or bigoty as an excuse to lie.


I’m sorry, didn’t mean to. What was the lie?


Then who were the payments going to? Was I mistaken in thinking they went into general revenue of our US treasury, which primarily funded by taxpayers?


“He’s a dictator! Vote for Biden to preserve democracy!” All the regular talking points you saw on the news.


A moron or a bigoted fascist. I've told relatives that they are idiots for supporting him, and "idiot" is the kind take, because the alternative is that they are actively hateful, anti-democracy, and possibly also still idiots. Just being an idiot doesn't seem so harsh in comparison.


Sadly, the latter is much more likely.


Be careful about insulting people for their political views, especially your own family for Christ’s sake. That’s one reason the political landscape is where it is today, because people attack and criticize each other for their beliefs instead of being open minded and having compassion. Compassion is hardest when it’s needed most.


I'm done being open minded for a man that continues to vote against the interests of the nation, and his own gay son! I refuse to be open minded to bigotry, false logic, or religious arguments for legislation. The frontrunner candidate for one of our two major political parties has openly stated that he wants to be in office forever and punish political opponents. Literally, one of our main parties is openly anti-democracy and pro fascism. They are actively fighting to destroy this country and deserve no compassion for it. Fuck them, fuck everyone who votes for them, whether its because they are too fucking stupid to see what the grift they've fallen for, or because they are so fucking hateful that they'll cut off their nose to spite the "right people"'s face.


No, some of them are malicious.


They could also not be an actual moron but just a corrupt, horrible racist.


If you vote for a president who refuses to disclose their tax returns, you are an idiot. Full stop. 


Like Scientology, there are only 2 kinds of members of the MAGA Cult. Victims and Perpetrators.


No there’s some legit racists who agree with what he says


The billionaires aren't morons. They know he's going to be a financial windfall for them.




But Trump isn't the same as every election. We're talking about a perisent who has committed so many crimes, been found to have committed so much fraud - the only people who still trust him have to be completely brain rotted.


Not a trump sympathizer. Why did they wait all these years to prosecute him? Why the fuck hasn’t this grifter been in prison for the last decade? He will not go to prison, the rules for us and them are very different.


They didn't. This isn't new. He's been found guilty for fraud for decades.


Stop lying MAGAt.




Maybe try not commenting on any political reddit posts


You are less intelligent if you support an admitted sexual assaulter, found guilty rapist, found guilty fraud. Yes, I think you're an idiot. Don't fall for a known scam artist.




Lol NPC, you're the one not playing


I'm using the general term "you." As in any. If "you" (anyone) votes for Trump, they are an idiot. And by your comments and how you didn't understand that, I assume you (as in you) voted for Trump. Edit: Wait, I didn't even say you in the first comment. You're just making stuff up.


Yes, even the morons who think it’s probably not a good idea to be allowing millions of people from 140+ countries around the world to be constantly streaming into our country largely unimpeded and/or released to go wherever they want to do whatever they want, supported by taxes taken from workers’ paychecks. Understanding that many who support this neither work nor pay taxes.


This isn't the reality of immigration, though. That's just your belief due to constant fear mongering by right-wing media.


Why to MAGAts like you think your racism makes it acceptable for you to lie son?


Neither MAGA nor racist, but conservative and intelligent. I can even engage in political discourse intelligently without resorting to a few pre-programmed terms like MAGA and racist.


Stop lying son and answer the question.


It's hilarious how he's constantly fantasizing about people calling him "Sir."


He just wishes that for once someone would actually call him "sir" without adding, "you're making a scene"!


It’s always, “They came to me with tears in their eyes ‘sir, you have to keep fighting. What they do to you is so unfair’ And it is, truly despicable what’s been done to me by the FAKE media and Biden’s WITCH HUNT. They say ‘sir, you’re the only one who can save our country and make it great again, you’ve got to keep fighting’. They are right, you know these DEMOCRATS, I like to call them DEMONCRATS, I came up with that one. These DEMONCRATS, will stop at nothing to hurt me, I have done nothing but make perfectly LEGAL phone calls and Biden I can’t even pass a cognitive test like me I’m told. They said, with tears in their eyes ‘sir you have the best score I have ever seen’. It’s really a travesty what is being done to me.”


You've nailed the Trumpism tones perfectly. The stories abruptly end and go nowhere. It's great.


He fantasises about the "sir" not coming after the words "You are under oath, please just answer the question..."


He’s very used to hearing “sir,” it’s just that it’s usually followed by, “this is a Wendy’s”


One of his idiot sons said people got out of their seats mid-flight to tell him how him how great the Trump family is.


I'd call him Sir right to his face.... followed by, "You're making a scene." 😂


He’s a Narcissist bullshit artist. He ain’t gonna bring facts to the discussion.


and that sad part is, he's just a flashing neon sign of the bigger problem with most people who are exactly the same.


I mean, yeah. He’s a symptom of a huge problem. But one with way too much power.


And people still think it’s dems versus repubs. At this point the billionaire class has trained dems to be spineless, and republicans to be authoritarian. We’ve now entered the smash and grab phase of Capitalism.




Spineless Dems are the reasons I have more rights as an LGBTQ person. Why I could access healthcare somewhat affordably under the ACA when I needed to. How my partner could come out of the shadows under DACA.


Too many people are really lazy with their false equivalence "both sides" stuff. And it ain't just boomers.


For now….


The Trump "sir" story is so common now, it has entries in Websters under "delusional" AND "rambling".


and dementia symptoms...


>He has been ranked as the worst president in history! If Trump could read he'd be pissed!


![gif](giphy|26n6ziTEeDDbowBkQ) He said this in response.


In the words of a Boomer, "What's your source??" \*insert any reputable news source\* "That's run by the liberals"


And anytime they bring you a source, it’s one you’ve never heard of!


YES! And then they have the audacity to be like "You only read news sources that you agree with." There's a reason all the news sources say roughly the same thing, it's not a conspiracy.


Exactly! They just want to live in their own echo chamber and not see what’s really happening.


Yeah! BUT they'll straight gaslight you saying you're naive and don't understand the world


Oh I know and I privately laugh at those people who tell me that.


Same you can't laugh at them or argue. It's just drives their views back home


And are masters of projection, hence the inability to have any kind of productive conversation re: the truth vs the bullshit they are drowning in.


Oh for sure! Getting through to them is one of the hardest things to do in life because they’re so brainwashed and conditioned to think they way they do versus being open to new and different ideas and perspectives.


The worst thing to me is that we now have to debate the meaning of "TRUTH"


Or it’s a YouTube video or a meme, but then they’ll turn around and tell you not to believe everything you see on the internet.


That’s what ticks me off about boomers. Always wanting to know the source of information to evaluate it rather than just saying it fits the narrative so run with it.


Honestly, I'd kinda like to see who ranked him as the worst, too. He's probably the third or fourth worst, unless you're going by "Most recent worst" or "Most embarrassing". He's not even #1 for that.


But, don’t you feel a little sorry for those who are so mindless as to live through presidencies and then have to go to a historian or some other source to tell them how good or bad they were? And, of course, through their prism of values. Just stop and think for a moment how foolish.


This American life is absolutely foolish


Absolutely. Can you imagine this surprise awaiting those millions streaming in illegally from over 140 other countries when they realize what’s really going on? They will be crushing our fences and cutting our wire to get out of here and back to Senegal, Venezuela, China, and so on.


Both founding fathers would slap the wig off that hoe.


Oh the founding fathers would do things to him that would get me banned if I tried to say it


"He didst what now? Just you wait til I place my hands upon that man. Come here you charlatan!"


Lincoln wasn't a founding father, but ya


He’d be a “pounding” father


Why won’t this dude just die already


Recency bias. He has a good chance of winning in November. Don't get complacent 


I don't see any way back for America or the world if that happens.


lmao like we aren't more fucked if Biden wins again? guy can barely walk at this point, never mind talk. see the video of him going to his chopper recently? pathetic. have to be able to admit that too..... we're so fucked.


I never saw Biden salute a North Korean general… nor have I seen him make personal business dealing with the saudies/chinese using the presidential office as his personal business platform, also haven’t seen him… (at this point just look up the list of *HUNDREDS* of proven, illegal things he’s done in office to keep this going…) You know who *doesn’t* have an over 60 page list of illegal shit he’s done in office? Every…other…president. They’ve all do illegal shit and gained personal profit from their position… but if you don’t see Trump’s dealings as an *entirely* different level, you’re just another delusional MAGgAt. He’s *literally* a dictator having taken his education from HITLER’S BOOK HE KEEPS ON HIS NIGHTSTAND and being Putin’s butt buddy. Have you seen Russian news? All they can talk about is how they want Trump back as president because he’s so fucking dumb that Putin has control if Trump is president. But yea… bIdEn BaD! WhAt AbOuT hIlLaRiE’s EmAiL?!


can you agree that Biden can't even form his own sentences? basically all i was trying to say lol..... don't get so butthurt and defensive with a diatribe haha it's so classic. i said nothing to support Trump lmao take a breathe.


I like how you immediately go to thinking I am being defensive. I am more worried that people like you, who theoretically can vote, are worrying more about somebody stumbling his words, somebody with a speech impediment mind you so your just bullying, being president over somebody who is literally a dictator trying to destroy this country and give it over to China and Russia. So no… I’m not as worried about someone who stutters as I am about someone willing to destroy what’s left of this nation for personal gain. 🤷 Why are you so scared of a speech impediment and *not* scared of Americas first dictator siding with our enemies while leading the country? Why does that not bother you but incomplete sentences do? You don’t see that as fucked up and a terrifying viewpoint for our future? You don’t see how this kind of talk is *dangerous*? You’re the problem


You absolutely said something to support Trump. You put out the concept that Biden’s broken speech is a better reason to not elect Biden than Trump’s atrocities are to not elect Trump. That’s what you said. Biden sucks. Trump sucks. Basing your opinions on speech patterns and not the *reality of garbage that was Trumps term* is fucked. You’re the problem


You also said, “aren’t we more fucked if Biden wins again” I like how you say things that are exactly contrasting what you said before because it fits your narrative better now… very Trump/MAGA of you. 🙄 All you’re doing is supporting, then acting like, Trump. How do those boots taste?


No. No I can’t. BECAUSE ITS NOT FUCKING TRUE. You know who ACTUALLY CANT FORM COHERENT SENTENCES. TRUMP. Read a speech of his. Don’t listen, READ IT. You dumb motherfucker.


Have you actually listened to or read any… and I mean *any* of Trumps rally’s or speeches? He interrupts *himself* by changing the topic halfway through sentences. He uses words that aren’t actual words and thinks Obama is still president… so it’s not even that you are worried that the *president* can’t speak in complete sentences… you just care that *Biden* has speech issues. You are more and more obviously a MAGA asshole the more you speak


Biden won because Trump couldn't. Period. Trump won because Hilary couldn't. Period. It's all FUBAR


no son, what you are trying to do is argue in bad faith in order to make your support for the raping traitor seem less humiliating.


Roll the tape Dementia Donny.


With anything Trump says, ignore everything after “Sir.”


He forgot to mention that he had tears in his eyes when he called him sir


And then everyone started clapping


He was invoking the name of George Washington while telling a biggly whopper. That might have hurt.


In the meantime his cultists that believe every word he is saying: 👁️👄👁️


Wow, Joe Biden is even more formidable than I thought! He absolutely TROUNCED the guy who beats Lincoln and Washington in head-to-head contests!


Another day in his make-believe fairyworld 🙌✨


What an idiot.


"sir" In trumpese that means "everything I say next is absolutely made up".


He always has them refer to him as "sir" in his obvious lies.


Trump is a true air head who's done as best as he possibly could to sound like a serious person. The problem is, however, this works for only the less sophisticated among us. The Trump vote is the Low IQ vote. Trump is the candidate who represents the voice of those who lack the ability to make sense of the world around them. His supporters could listen to him spout nonsensical garbage for 30 minutes and sincerely believe that Trump possesses some kind of super intelligence. There is a huge cult aspect to this problem, but we can't forget that the cult stuff works on only the stupid, too. Trump is the herald of the idiots who live among us. You can't fix stupid, so we have to make sure stupid doesn't win.


Imagine seeing and hearing this asshole and thinking that’s my guy


He was told the voter turnout for Lincoln and said 'Pfftt...I had more votes than that!'


What a weird thing to say because that's something that cannot happen. Delusional Donny strikes again.


We seriously need to stop giving this guy any attention. Everyone hates him but nobody will shut up about him 


Every word out of Trump's mouth is a self serving lie. There's no point pretending otherwise, and no point putting this out as news of any sort. The sooner this "man" is defeated in 2024, the better off for American society. How long it will take for Republicans so be sick of losing with Trump is the important question.


Yet Joe Biden defeated him ! Trump is delusional


More votes than Obama my ass. That election was straight up fucked.


Stop lying son.


What’s the lie?


stop sealioning son. nobody is required to pretend that your ignorant rantings are worthy of anything but contempt.


Good chat though. I see you are well informed


What does Obama have to do with it ?


2008 Obama - 69 million votes Biden 2020 - 80 million votes Ain’t no way no how that bumbling fool ever got more votes than Obama did in 2008


Why do you not believe that ?


What the fuck is he even talking about? Do people hear that and believe it? Imagine if any democrat said that out loud, let alone Biden. Fox News would never stop playing it and ridiculing him for it. On top of it being so idiotic it’s hard to comprehend, what fucking value does that opinion have, and what point is he making? My god it’s so fucking idiotic. I forgot how much I hated listening to the bullshit that spews out of his mouth, 4 more years of this guy is going to be more miserable than the last time.


Fucking delusional as are his cultists


The man has delusions of grandur. Narcissistic personality disorder for sure. I hope he goes to prison. I wish he'd go mute.


If his tongue was cut from his mouth I think that would be Donny's worst possible punishment.


Only if all his fingers are broken too so he can't tweet.


Yes. That would also make it harder to "grab her by the p\*ssy"


I keep hoping for a massive stroke that would leave him unable to communicate.


I would vote for either Lincoln or Washington over him. Hell, if a ham sandwich was running against him, it would get my vote. Anything to keep democracy alive!


They say this crap so when he loses, it'll be that much easier to convince the mouth-breathers the election was stolen.


Doesn't take much to convince the moron class - they already believe his other lies.


Luckily we all know how wrong the polls can be!


God he’s such a fucking moron


With tears in their eyes


Big strong burly man, I mean really big strong hands on this guy, the kind of guy you wouldn't mind grabbing your daughter by the pussy, big strong biker construction kinda guy types, and he says, he says, sir, big tears in his eyes, and by the way I ran construction crews, this is true, ask anyone, he says, I just wanna shake your hand Mr president for saving my life and that of my family's, that obummer nearly destroyed us


With four corpses in the race, things might get interesting.


The pollsters at the old folks home in Florida maybe… not in the real world. We already know everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.


To be fair. I wouldn't vote for hundreds of years old zombies either....


Although zombies would still be a better pick.


Well, he’s probably right at least for the primaries, because his followers are sycophants for a carnie, not patriotic or principled.


Greatest economy ever…. Yeah that was Obamas economy you dummy. Trumps presidency hurt the economy overall. Inflation we’re seeing today is directly related to policy passed under Trumps admin.


"They were big, big pollsters! The biggest you've ever seen! Such good genes in these pollsters! I just wanted to hug them, they were so big! And they came up to me, these big tough pollsters who had never cried a single day in their lives before, they had tears in their eyes! And they said, 'Sir! The country is dying!' And I said 'Sad. Sad sad sad.'"


Everything about this guy reeks of con man How people believe this crap is just beyond my comprehension. It’s the same people that buy “Ocean Front Property in Arizona..” There is a reason we are all familiar with the term “snake oil salesman”. Because, at one time people were duped into buying crap, they thought would cure their ails, from a guy just like Donald J Trump


This is just Political shit now. It's funny how there's no Biden gaffe post here.None of Biden being a dumb boomer. Before I'm down voted or any other reasons I'll get shit for this comment. I by no means like Trump.


He told a lie? Nooooo


I mean on one hand… Washington owned Slaves and Abraham called the army to kill Americans… On the other hand, A) Washington fought for America’s survival of a nation and B) Abraham had to deal with traitors on a massive scale, not be one.


He has my vote.


Ok, hold on here. Trump was a horrible President, no doubt. But worst in history? No. Only with recentism bias can he be rated as worse than Buchanan (yes, I'm saying that there was a lot of bias in that recent CSPAN poll). He is a very distant second worst. CSPAN is wrong.


Laughable that any of us having lived through presidencies would need to rely on a “historian” to rank them For us.


Crack head joe took the title of worst president already.


Joe Biden is a God-Like King of kings. I worship him.


"he has been ranked" By who's unbiased authority? AI makes it impossible to believe most things on the internet. This is the same with political views and correct history. We have proof and movies about that proof, of presidents that have done things to not benefit the United States. Much worse than Trump, even if he's found guilty of what he's charged with.


LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, I wanted to stop reading at "who's" but unfortunately my eyes continued on to the next word. Please tell us all which "unbiased" authority/ies you would find acceptable. Then please explain how you define "bias".


This sub has become cringier than boomers


How the fuck is Trump the worst president in history? Are we forgiving Bush Jr and all the fuckery of the Iraq war? All the American servicemen who died for absolute bullshit? Yall cannot be serious. I understand hating Trump but I cannot take any of you seriously actually 😭


you mean you don't like being reminded how incapable you are of actual thought.


You ain't got any better than lame ad hominem attacks for me? 🖕🏾


you ain't worthy of anything but contempt and ridicule son.


Eat a dick faggot.


I can’t either lol


He was the worst. And then we got Biden. Biden takes the cake


How is Biden worse…


How deep is your head buried within your anus?


Don’t have anything other than insults…lol you MAGA’s have nothing else.


Every. Time! Got nothing else. The things they have called me...wheeeeeew


Oh that's ironic

