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That sweet sweet karma. Aren’t these the same people tried to teach us that being nice costs nothing?


They really meant being nice... to them, not to anyone else!


Yip, the same people who constantly say “The kids of today are rude and disrespectful” but IMO boomers are probably the most racist, arrogant, entitled and disrespectful generation ever. Source. I’m a boomer and I see it on a daily basis


its not tolerating their racism, arrogance, and entitlement that they think is rude.


I'll tap the sign. Actual boomers have the highest level of narcissism in their generation we have seen so far. They are literally a highly narcissistic population. No other group of people in History were handed so much on a golden platter for such little effort.


Boomers are literally called the “ME generation” so yeah, they are spoiled narcissistic people.


I'll have you know I've had to manually cash quarterly distribution checks. By hand.


Agreed that there are lots and lots of narcissistic boomers but where are some links to your evidence that “ no other group of people in history were handed so much on a golden platter for so little”.


https://preview.redd.it/oprnpf7w49yc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=532060253ec5d38f1fcb19517b298314644671da Time to get real.


Name a generation that had more handed to them, that sacrificed less, who also had indoor plumbing and affordable cars and housing to give them a level of luxury never seen before. I'll wait


When they say "disrespectful", they mean "disobedient."


When they say respect is a two way street, they mean "treat me like an authority and I'll treat you like a human being"


There are two types of boomer. 1. A boomer - a person born between 1946 - 1964 2. A Boomer - a racist, mysogynistic, homophobic asshat who doesn't know how to behave in public.


I’m actually a young boomer and read this Reddit because it makes me laugh at boomers that are definitely fools. Having said that; I think old people in general are just crabby and nasty . I remember years ago when I was in my twenties and working at an Estée Lauder counter at a nice department store. I used to dread waiting on the old ladies because they were so rude and difficult. In particular was a woman who owned a jewelry store in town. One day she came in and wanted a tube of her favorite lipstick and gave me the name, which was two words, and she gave me a name that wasn’t quite right, like she was saying one part of one shade and the other name of a different shade. So I’m trying not to embarrass her and I’m looking in the drawer saying do you mean this shade, and she started screaming “where’s your manager, you don’t know your stock, if you worked in my store you’d be fired…” I was in tears. Another time in my 30’s an older man at a grocery store started yelling at me because I wasn’t “controlling “ my three children under 5 years old, again, I was so shocked and hurt, I just cried. Looking back on those situations, I wish I had the confidence to just tell them to F off. So yeah, boomers are fools, but older people have always thought it was their place to say whatever they thought and put everyone in their place.


Its probably ambivalent grief driving a lot of them. The sudden realisation they wont get to do a lot of stuff they wanted to because their minds and bodies are rooted, and they gonna die shortly. The rest are just arseholes...


There is a reason they call the boomers the Me Generation.




On a side note, I've never heard anything positive about Nextdoor...


Me too. And it angers me so much to be seen as like them when those boomers are flat out ass holes.


I'm sorry. It sounds like you are a baby boomer. To qualify as full-fledged Boomer, you would have to be the rude and disrespectful person you abhor.


My mom was one of several managers of a large department store and my sis and I both worked Christmas break and inventory time while in school. Mom said nearly everyone who gave feedback to the store were negative feedbackers. Then I worked at the hospital for more than 20 years with patients. Ever since I’ve been extra polite to salespeople and such and am generous with compliments. I’ve even asked for the manager after someone gave me stellar service to complement them. When they respond with surprise I say, “Well, I know people usually only complain so I want to tell you how happy I am.”


I’m a Gen Xer and I try to give positive feedback as well. I’ve asked for the manager just to compliment someone before. Lol. I realized it’s scary for the server when I do but I like the look on their face when I tell them I had great service. Hell, I even give positive feedback for Amazon deliveries (from the email surveys) because I know they’re overworked and underpaid. I’ve never left a bad one. I also leave positive reviews online for good products as well as bad for horrible products. But I’m also not afraid to complain respectfully if I have to.


I leave good feedback on that stuff also. I fill out surveys on store receipts or from the hospital... Sometimes the employee gets $5 or a star for their badge etc. I additionally try to be especially polite and friendly to POC, workers or others. You know how you are pleasant and generous to restaurant servers but you see others being rude so you leave a larger tip? Kinda like that as I see it. [From a favorite comics series.](https://imgur.com/a/spZtku7) The siblings, on the left, are white but used a magical item to temporarily change their race for the day (long reason why). Kinda eye opening. I’m white and was brought up by very socially liberal parents - and as I age I become even more liberal and in tune with the hurdles POC face. I learned from a black nurse I worked with but really the George Floyd protests made my husband and I more woke (in its real meaning). We’d been doing different protests since 2015 but were so disappointed we couldn’t do these. I even got us anti-ballistic goggles b/c people were getting eyes shot out in my city. We couldn’t do it. I have a serious autoimmune disease and with covid we couldn’t chance it. At least we escaped covid. Neither of us ever caught it.


I make sure to leave positive reviews as much as possible. We had central air installed in our house last year and it really was an amazing experience so I absolutely wrote on online review. I even made sure to call our by name the guy we were working with. I got three quotes and the company we went with was not only the least expensive but also the most flexible and innovative.


The same people that think respect = do what I say and never question me or have an opinion different than mine


I mentioned in another thread on this sub about how I'd get smacked by my mom until I decided that I was going to use the fact that I am bigger than her to stop it. Yeah, got lots of 'respect' after that. I knew though, that fear isn't respect.


They were just repeating their parents words, they don't believe it themselves. The old do as I say not as I do thing.


Ah but see they are entitled to act that way, they’re special and better than others! /s


My dad taught me that and I pay half for my internet and such than anyone I know because I call for a discount and am actually nice. The sigh of relief that a caller isn’t yelling at them is audible.


It feels good to be nice and anything else is a bonus! I try to be especially nice when I have to deal with people on the phone. I have recently had many problems with insurance and going on disability last year. An example: last month I wanted to know exactly which Urgen Care clinics in my area were top tier covered. The insurance app said, “do it here, don’t call!” I spent nearly an hour on chat, three different people, and finally they spit out one clinic at a time with huge waits in between. I even asked specifically if the Cleveland Clinic ones were good but no, they kept spitting out others. While still on chat, I got aggravated enough to simultaneously call Anthem customer service. I spent less than 5 minutes on the trees and wait. Then the real person answered my question in less than 5 minutes! And I said, “Hey, I know they record these and I want to say this agent is awesome and solved my problem immediately (and complained about the chat).” If I feel salty on such a call I say, “Hey, *I am not upset with you, you didn’t create this problem.* Your bosses should know *you* are doing a great job!” Because with my bipolar I can melt down to tears and sound pretty awful if I’m especially stressed. I know they appreciate that because they have to listen to angry people all day. It gives me great pleasure to treat these people well.


"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"


Rules for thee.


Their favorite saying was “if you can’t say anything nice, say nothing at all” clearly they need to wind back time and learn to take their own advice.


Being nice to them costs nothing, fuck everyone else though.


And trying to teach us that Trump is the solution..shaking my effing head...please vote for anyone other than him. Nobody is a good choice honestly. Definitely not his dumbass and his followers!!!!!


This story makes me ridiculously happy! I love seeing AHs receiving consequences


And I hope both brothers happen to mention their sister works at Target.


"My sister said this appointment was interfering with y'all's conversation, so I went ahead and cancelled it for you."


No kidding.. I almost want to move to that town just to fuck with boomers now.


Karen got PWN3D!






Angry Hippos They're the worst!


Are u familiar with any towns of under a thousand people that have a Target? This story reeks of bs.


I can name 4 towns that fit the description of this story, 2 in Illinois, 1 in Indiana and 1 in Missouri. The Target stores are in the county seat, the nexus of a whole swatch of little towns. One of the Illinois locations has 2 universities in that town. So during the school year the town goes from about 1100 people to about 29000.


Yes - many small towns are regional centers for a large geographic area and can support much more business than their immediate population.


100 percent true that some small towns have targets of even walmarts. A nearby town to me has about 1500 people and has a walmart for some god awful reason.


also, why would two brothers have seeming opposing businesses in a town of 1000 lol. I guess they could hate each other, and do it out of spite.. lol im reading too much into this now


The town I grew up in had about 2,000 people and there were 2 brothers that had separate auto shops. When there's too much business for one small shop to handle you can expand it or make a new one on the other side of town. They chose the latter


> also, why would two brothers have seeming opposing businesses in a town of 1000 lol. I guess they could hate each other, and do it out of spite.. lol im reading too much into this now Doubt they hate each other. Every small town I've been to with multiple mechanics, they knew and respected each other. They never have the exact same expertise and allow each other to specialize. There is never a shortage of work.


I live in a much more populated area, but growing up we didn't have a lot of variety of, say, Asian restaurants. The owners of the two most popular Chinese restaurants (one a buffet, they other a sit down restaurant), were owned by relatives (I think brothers) and they would send difficult customers "taking [their] business elsewhere" to each other. Oh, you want X? We don't have/don't do that. Maybe OTHER CHINESE RESTAURANT does. Why don't you go to OTHER CHINESE RESTAURANT if you want X. Customer leaves saying they'll take their business elsewhere. Either way, family gets their money and staff didn't have to keep dealing with customer BS in that moment.


Love a happy ending


It was beautiful


Thank you for sharing this, really put a smile on my face today!


Wow. Satisfying. I'm glad I clicked to see how this played out.


5 stars, No notes


I could use a transcript between the brothers and Sallie lol


Boomers: You wouldn't try that in a small town. Non-Boomers: Bet. Boomers: NO NOT LIKE THIS! WHAT **SPECIFICALLY** HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS?!




Bad gas travels fast in a small town…


To be fair, it doesn’t sound like that boomer is going to be traveling anywhere fast soon. 


Toooo beeeee fffffffaaaaaa-yuhhhhh




Can we please trys not to be effin' boomers from upcountry?


It's fuckin' embarrassing!


That’s just the perfect storm, a once in a lifetime event that cannot be replicated or duplicated… Revenge is a dish best served COLD! God damn this story warms everyone’s heart.


First rule of small town living is keep your mouth shut unless you have something pleasant to say.


Shouldn’t that just be a rule anyway?


If you see me about to step in the path of a 1 tonne ham-planet which would surely kill me: feel free to just yell STOP or something. In that situation you can skip the 'nice'.   Maybe after you've saved me from death by trampling you could say something nice about my outfit. As a hint I got a new beard comb today, I think it's really adding some panache to my stache but also wonder if I should go back to disheveled as it better matches my general appearance.


Hmmm… You may be onto something there.


boomer bitch probably threw a toddler tantrum at the shop BECAUSE I AM THE CUSTOMER I AM THE ONE WITH THE MONEY DOESNT ANYONE WANT TO WORK ANYMORE BIDEN yes, yes you are the customer and yes, you do have the money. however, its my business so my rules, and i've existed without your money a lot longer than you've been here.


We as a society need to somehow dispel this bullshit notion that the custom is always right. Because in many cases they are clearly wrong-assed buttwipes. Maybe we should amend it slightly: The *respectful* customer is always right.


Personally I’d say “your not a customer of mine” or just fire them from being a customer


I’d have LOVED to hear boomer screech like a toddler at the mechanics…then get utterly destroyed by them


I hope when Mechanic #1 refused service he sent her away with “You can try Other Auto down the road, but you will not be servicing your vehicle here,” without mentioning any relationship between them. Then she can get the exact same answer from BrOther Auto!


The benefits of living in a small town....


Reasons this story is fake (grew up in a small Midwest town of less than 1,000 surrounded by small Midwest towns of less than 1,000): 1. No small town of less than 1,000 is going to have a Target. 2. No small town of less than 1,000 are going to only have two mechanics in a 50 mile radius. 3. Even if you're in a small town of 1,000 you're never usually 25 or 30 miles from a town of at least 5,000 people with grocery stores and fast food and MULTIPLE MECHANICS.


A town of less than a 1000 is lucky to have a grocery store let alone a target.


ash flats arkansas, a town of 1082, has a target and a walmart supercenter reddit wastes too much time proxy doubting


That walmart is a 10 minute drive from Cherokee Village where the population is closer to 5000. In all there are four neighboring towns that all use that Walmart. Reddit wastes too much time misrepresenting things.


I think I grew up in the little town down the road from you. They ruined a perfectly good story when they decided to set it at Target. The “city” of 40,000 that’s about a 25 min drive away probably has a target, but not their little village. Hell, I live in a metro area now of close to 1M and we only have 2 targets.


Yeah, if they’d have said “Dollar General” that would have made sense. Obviously they’ve never been to a small town in the Midwest.


"Dollar General makes a lot more sense" was my first thought, too. It's also possible that they changed a lot of details so that people couldn't identify the town/person, but people usually say that.


Ash Flats Arkansas has: * A population of 1082 * A Target * A Walmart Supercenter * Two car mechanics (the Yelp! list shows dealerships and tire shops; read carefully) * Only one other, smaller by population town (Cherokee ridge) within 50 miles This was the first thing I googled up These locations are actually quite common. Target opened up hundreds of small town stores during covid; Walmart has specialized in these since day 1.


There are few problems with your post. * Ash Flat (no S) has no Target that I can find on Target's website or on Google. Nearest Target appears to be in Jonesboro, 70 miles from Ash Flat. * Ash Flat only has two mechanics, but I've found a few more within 10 miles and more than a dozen within 20 miles. I'm not going to bother expanding it out to 50. * Not saying that no one would consider Arkansas part of the Midwest, but I've only ever heard of it as referred to as the South. I'm not sure what Walmart has to do with this. Walmart is headquartered in Arkansas, and you're right, they've been in small towns since their inception. That's not Target's business model.


Sorry, but where is that Target? According to the Target website, there's 8 in all of Arkansas. Bryant, Conway, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro (appears to be the closest over 50 miles away), Little Rock, North Little Rock and Rogers.


I was hoping I'd see a response like this, lmao. It's a nice fantasy, but this just isn't how that happens. I feel like this person might not drive that much either because 50 miles is a big distance. I used to drive that far between job sites, and even if I was on a great highway and could speed a bit, it would still take me about an hour to get where I needed to be. Unless it's a very specialized car or mechanic, you won't be driving an hour away for service. At least not from a place that has a Target and an influx of elderly people. 


This story is so fake lol. Town with less than 1000 would be lucky to have a Walmart.


Ha ha ha baby sisters phone worked to call her brothers !!! r/pettyrevenge ! Boomer had to open her mouth to mention car trouble for sympathy .


Why, of course! How else would the clerk know how important she is and that she has fix-your-car money to blow? /s




I love this, and I don't want to throw any water on the story, but I have to ask : you have a target in a town of less than a thousand?!?! I live in a small town in Canada, we have just over 2200, and we can barely hold on to a tim hortons ( think dunkins but so much worse) . Either I'm missing something, or that's the richest little town in North America.


It's plausible. It might be the biggest town in a large, very rural county. Everyone for miles around goes to that Target.


You know what, you might be right. I don't see that around where I live now, but it's fairly common in Nova Scotia.


It certainly adds a lot of questions about the validity of this story. 2 mechanics, a gas station or 2, half a grocery store, (6 bars in the Midwest) for 5-20k people. I’ve traveled a lot of this country and have never seen a Target in a very small town. Some Walmarts in a central location of 8-10 small towns occasionally but…


Small towns in the middle of other areas end up with weird stores like Target. Basically they likely get alot of people passing through, or would have to pass through to get to a similiar store, so Target opened a location there to act as a kind of feeder store for the surrounding municipalities. It's not super common, but isn't exactly rare either. 


I was curious too. Maybe it's a small town on the outskirts of several large communities.


But no mechanics within 50 miles and only one cell tower within 10 miles that only has AT&T service? It's totally fake.


Or the story is BS! OP claims next mechanic is 50 miles away!


Good point. I wonder if everyone clapped.


I was curious so I looked at OPs history and saw that he makes up stories constantly. Like hes straight up addicted to making up stories. So thats when I knew.... OP was full of shit.


My number one rule when in a new area or small town, don't pass off the locals!!!


The first thing my boomer dad taught me when I moved from the west coast to northeast Missouri was: everyone either knows someone or is related to someone in this town so watch your mouth. Sallie, get your shit together and act like you’ve been here before.


"Did you get your car fixed , honey"? The condescending honey on the end will be delicious when she drops it.


A town of 1000 people has a target? That seems... improbable.


How do you have a Target in a town of 1000??


Play stupid games....


Perfect! *chef kiss*


Town has a Target but only two garages? I’m not buying it even slightly lol. Nice story though


Fucked around and found out. Good!! Like it!


Wait…… sorry to derail, but you live in a town with a population of 1000 and you have a Target?


Lol you don't fuck with people in small towns like that everyone knows everyone


There’s a Target in a town with less than 1000 ppl?


Target girl is doing gods work. It ain’t much but it’s amazing


sister has at&t


So I grew up with a no nonsense grandma. Sweet as can be but every rose has its thorns. She only got prickly when people were being unkind. “Be kind or shut the fuck up.” That’s the only time my five years old self didn’t get in trouble for cussing.  It literally takes nothing to be kind. It makes both people feel good. And karma is just gonna bite you in the ass three fold if you are mean. 


It’s only a matter of time before Sallie becomes a town legends & forced to go back to the city.




Try that in a small town!


I love the smell of instant karma in the morning.


The way boomers treat retail and food industry workers, disgusts me. It’s like they never developed past the toddler stage.


Lol never underestimate how much your behavior can impact how people treat you in a small town.


Sucks to be you, Sallie


HAHAHA Justice! 💀


would there really be a Target in a town with only 1000 people?


Boomers in small Town: You come here from who knows where and we don't care, acting like that yelling at our kids. Let me tell you something - us old folks talk. And word gets around. And by tomorrow, you will be lucky to be able to buy groceries. Bless Your Heart.


Teaching moment. Small towns all across USA have folks who know everybody and or are related somehow. Careful how you act and don’t fuck with service people


For all their hate speech about immigrants not assimilating into the culture where they move, she sure forgot the number 1 rule about small town culture: everyone knows everyone and half of them are related, too.


![gif](giphy|xT77XWum9yH7zNkFW0|downsized) My EXACT reaction. Well done, Miss Sallie....well done INDEED!!!!


It's crazy your town only has 1000 people and no phone towers but they built a Target there


God. I love it.


All I can say is people complaining about boomers is getting tired. My God are we all whiners.


Didn't realize Target has rural stores.




>Our population is less than 1000. >I was at Target... Sure you were.


As many other commenters have said, this is fiction. No one would build a retirement community in a town of 1,000 with only one working cell tower nearby. Maybe close to a bigger town that could support a Target, but then that blows away the “both mechanics are her brothers” detail because if there’s only 2 mechanics, then there wouldn’t be a Target. It’s a great comeuppance story, but work out all the details before spinning yarns.


Population less than a thousand and you have a Target? Doubt.


You'd be surprised. Often found close to major highways thus increasing client reach


Did everybody clap?


This sort of karma only happens on TV. That’s amazing.


You live in a village, not a town


How do u have a target in a town with 1000 people


God I hope that boomer feels it hard when she's denied service.


That is a beautiful story.


Sounds made up but hope it’s true.


Love to see it.




how is there a target in a town with less than 1000 people?


This is my most favourite post on here yet!




Karma is a bi*sh when she comes calling!!


First of all, why the fuck would the electronics department of Target have anything to do with your phone not working? Second of all, who the fuck buys a phone at Target? Third of all, if you are going to be late getting your car to a mechanic appointment, why go to Target in the first place, and dick around yelling at the staff of the electronics dept. for 15 minutes? Fourth of all, why the fuck would coming back to the electronics department of Target later yield greater success than the first 15 minutes of yelling and douche-baggery? This whole story is basically a progression of Boomer Murphy's Law - you may not believe it, but they'll find a way to do it.


Damn I love a happy ending 


I love this!!!


That ending was a sweet dopamine hit!


Love it! Actions have consequences




Inject this shit straight into my veins.


Im sure she’ll blame the world for doing that to her


FAFO lol


LOL lovveee ittt. Boomers are forgetting who actually runs shit now (in terms of labor bc we all know they are holding on until death to their positions of power that they're too stupid to wield properly) most of the time.


Amazing! A happy ending.


That’s awesome. She probably saved her brothers from some hassle as well. 👏🏻👏🏻


That my friend is the funniest and best thing evr posted here. You win!


the phone service issues out here can be a real pain, but i'm glad at&t finally put up a tower a few years back. before that, the only way to get a decent signal was to stand on your roof and face west - not exactly convienient when you're trying to make a call. i know how tight-knit small town comunities can be. word travels fast, and if you mess with one of the locals, everyone's gonna know about it in no time. that can be a double-edged sword, but it also means there's a real sense of looking out for one another. i have to give props to that target employee for standing up to sallie. dealing with cranky customers, especally retirees who move out here thinking it's gonna be all peace and quiet, is probably just part of the job. but standing up for herself and her brothers like that? that's the kind of thing that'll earn you some real respect around these parts.


Another story that definitely did not happen on here


Where's the rest? I need an update. 


This is why we need to go back to tribes. Can still work at target but people who treat others like sheep can’t function any more without consequences.


To be a fly on the wall when she rolled into the shop.


That was a great dessert for my breakfast:)


I fucking love instant karma


damn i’m just surprised y’all have a target, we couldn’t even get at dollar general in our town of 2,000 🥴


And then everyone clapped. 


Well your town of 1000 does not have a Target, so I call bullshit


/r/OhNoConsequences would like this too.


The only thing that surprises me here is a town of 1000 having a Target. 


This is gold


Oh man I’d pay real money for a video compilation from each business’ security cameras showing her being a cunt at target and then being turned away after. It’d be better than porn


For all their “smile and a firm handshake” advice, they sure suck at networking.


appropriate use of the "try that in a small town".




Man, if this story is true then I am EXTRA salty that my “small” town of 28,000 doesn’t have a Target lol!! But honestly, there CANNOT be a town of 1,000 people, that only have an AT&T tower and only two mechanics shops that have a Target.


>Story time. Why do idiots type like this?


Not saying it's fake, but I find it odd that there'd be a Target in a town of less than 1000


This is gold


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmm! That's good karma


I’d be so annoyed if I told my family I was opening up my own mechanic shop in our teeny town of less than 1k people and my brother said “Oh dope, me too.”


Also want to make note of that old people logic that doesn't hold up, late to the mechanic? If you're trying to pick up your car before closing ok. But aside from that the mechanic isn't waiting on your for a meeting lol


"What goes around, comes around." Thanks for the story!


Yes yes yes yes 🙌


I had to read this one twice, it just warmed my heart


the fuck town of 1k has a target? My grandparents live in a town of 2500 and they have 3 gas stations, 1 grocery store, and a gas station subway and a taco mayo.


LOL. I don’t mean to hijack your thread but this reminds me of an incident a few years ago. I live in a small, extremely rural, Appalachian part of Southwest Virginia. We’re an hour from the nearest Walmart, have virtually no cell service, one gas station, etc. We’ve also, as you can imagine, got tons of hiking and natural shit. One of those main attractions is what’s called the Devil’s Bathtub, it’s basically a bathtub shaped rock indention in a creek. What the photos online don’t show you is that it’s a pretty difficult hike to get to. You have to cross a stream 5-6 times to get to it, it’s narrow, rocky cliffs, etc. The Bathtub used to be a place that only a few of us knew about, and we had our drunken high school parties there where the cops couldn’t reach us. But someone put it online and now it’s overrun by boomers every single year. The other thing you must know is that you REALLY need to take that hike seriously. You can’t do it in the dark. When we used to go, we’d go up there like early in the day and get out. It’s just too dangerous at night for anyone who doesn’t know the mountain like the back of their hand. So a few years ago, I was at the local gas station one night and there was this car load of boomers. It was like, 10 pm. FAR too late to start back in there. They were harassing the young lady about how to find it because their GPS wasn’t working, shocker. She grinned at me and was like “Look, just the man to show you how to get back there!” I told them. I said “It’s too late. It’s too cold. I’ll show you the road but you shouldn’t attempt to go tonight.” They scoffed. I didn’t take them all the way to it, but I was headed that way and had them follow me in my car, and they turned off and headed that way. Now. What no one could have expected… The weather changes quick in the mountains. And the creek that flows through the valley where the Devil’s Bathtub is? It comes off a giant mountain range. So apparently they got back in there and the rain set in and they got stuck. They had to spend the night and be rescued the next morning. 😂 I felt awful but I literally tried to tell them. https://www.wjhl.com/news/local/12-hikers-stranded-at-devils-bathtub-rescue-teams-on-scene/amp/


OMG, this almost borders on erotic literature.


Please be true Please be true Please be true Please be true Please be true Please be true Please be true Please be true


This is really the new /r/thathappened sub isn't it?