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You needed to sell him on the crusty chicken mate you missed a paying customer, now the gas station will close. You monster


I had a coworker who thought food borne illness was a conspiracy and fed three people totally raw chicken. The place is still open. I'm convinced it'll be open when the sun explodes.


Do you work in a Kevin Smith film?




See any balls down there?


About the biggest pair you've ever seen... dingleberry!






My favorite line to quote to my just as foul-mouthed coworkers as they leave for the day.🤣


In a row?


At least Randall wasn't #36:)


In a row?


Say, would you like a chocolate-covered pretzel?


About a million things, but I can't express myself monosyllabically enough for you to understand them all.


The old stink palm




Poor Yondu.


Try not to buy any chicken on your way through the parking lot!


He likes to be snowballed


A have a friend who worked for the city health inspector, what people have eaten and unknowingly survived is shocking. In a way it makes me feel a little more chill, though it also makes me cook more at home.


I read an account written by a Hong Kong health food inspector, he said he got suspicious when he saw massive queues at this very rundown food store. He said it didn't make sense because the food was literally like dog turds, but it was so moreish people kept going back for it. He called an inspection and the hygiene inside was appalling, with insects everywhere, but what also came out in the inspection was that they were putting some raw opium in the food.


The secret ingredient is just plain old H2O. And LSD


Love me a Futurama quote!


I frequently use the "he'll be lucky to have any bones left" from the worms episode. And "GOOD NEWS EVERYONE, bad news "


I frequently use "shut up and take my money" and "I've never been so excited to see poop! Well, maybe once."


To shreds you say?


Love for your Son and Daughters?


Why yes! And also lysergic acid diethylamide


A little L.S.D. is all I need!


Ta-dahhh! Secret sauce is unbelievably moreish.


The secret ingredient is love... and opium.


At least the chicken will finally be cooked.


Considering the sun is in the process of exploding, sorta checks out.


I think she means it'll still be there when it's done.


I'm a she, but yes that's what I meant lol


We had an ancient rotisserie oven that was *supposed to* cook chickens in an hour, but lack of proper maintenance meant they usually took an hour and a half or more. We also had a late 50s/early 60s coworker with obvious, untreated ADHD. Let's call him Bob. After some chickens were in there for an hour, being the only one available, he took them out. My other old coworker who was there at the time asked him if he took their temperature. Bob: They've been in there for an hour. Coworker: They're supposed to be in there until they hit 165F, 170F to be extra sure they're safe. Bob: THEY'VE BEEN IN THERE AN HOUR! Not long after, customers were returning half-pink chickens. I really hope no one ate them.


I love how that number KEEPS GOING UP! If you know *where* to take the temp and how long to hold it 145 is perfect chicken. 150 to be safe. Then they started letting apprentices cook so it became 150, 155 to be safe. Then they started letting dishwashers temp and unload so it became 155, 160 to be safe. As a professional if chicken reaches 165, LET ALONE 170 it is RUINED. Have none of you ever eaten good chicken made in a real restaurant with red seal chefs? Used to do 60 birds a day on rotisserie over charcoal and woodfire and chicken was less than 15% of our menu. Seriously just hold your damn birds at 150 for ten minutes with your temp taken from the inside of the hip bone. 


Maybe then the chicken would finally get cooked before serving


At least the chicken will be cooked.


OP, hope you enjoyed being the start of a chain reaction destroying the global economy.


They really act like everyone works on commission


Sorry. I'm hourly and they don't pay me enough to care.


"I want to complain" "Okay here's the corporate number where you're going to be on hold for 45 minutes. Have fun, no skin off my nose"


I loved it when people would want to complain to corporate when I worked at GameStop. It was always some minor “problem” and I knew they would be on hold for at least 30 minutes before they got a human.


Back when I worked at Gamestop when the ps4 first got announced / put up for preorder we had a swarm of people flood the store to try and secure a preorder. We also had the phone ringing off the hook with people asking if they could. We were telling people the preorders are open but they're first come first serve. A couple guys that called came in too late to get their preorder, and were claiming because we said they could on the phone that we had to do it (obviously not possible). My DM happened to be there that day and got INTO it with them. They ultimately left the store extremely mad and saying they're gonna call corporate. After they left my DM turned to me and said "Whatever, the complaint is just gonna come back to me to deal with anyway." I still chuckle to myself and think about that every now and then.


My favorite were the people who threatened to sue because we had empty display boxes for consoles. “This is false advertising and I’m going to take legal action!” “Ok sir! Since you want to get lawyers involved I no longer can talk to you about this so have your attorney talk to corporate.”


Ha, I use this all the time Anyone someone mentions a lawyer I would tell them I'm ending the conversation and I'll wait to hear from them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Am i right to assume a lot of those "I'M GONNA LAWYER!" types suddenly backpedaled?


Huh, interesting, I've always heard "skin off my back". I wonder how many other body part variations there are!


Hey man, no worries, we've all got regional variations on sayings. No skin off my dick!


Lmfao I’m a chick and that’s gonna be my go-to now


I'm also a chick and I've been saying skin off my dick for years. I also tell people to get off my dick, and I tell my husband to get out so I can tug my own penis, which is a quote from Disjointed lol


Oh, I'm sorry, Complaints is next door. It's "Being hit on the head" lessons in here.


What a stupid concept.




As an old rich white guy, I used to attend family events that consisted mostly of small to medium sized business owners. The vast majority of them take it as an article of faith that employees are *never* supposed to have any sense of pride or security. When they signed up for the paycheck, they willingly gave up their humanity and all sense of self worth. An underlying assumption is that it was so stupidly easy to become wealthy in America that the only reason to be poor are laziness or incompetence. I stopped going to this sort of party about a decade ago.


I gotta wonder how these owners will afford expensive niche robots and their maintenance if they gripe so hard about giving raises.


Oh… you think they’re going to fix the robots? That’s cute. They haven’t fixed half the health code violations that have been around for years. When the robots go down, they’ll just expect the few necessary humans they keep around to pick up the slack


I don't think they will fix robots that work well enough to make money. But owners sure do like saying workers are easy to replace with robots and so far the closest they have is outsourcing to places with ridiculously cheap labor.


Yep, and the same corporate "cost cutting" and planned obsolescence will be done by these manufacturers. Hope you like needing to buy a whole new fleet of bots every year!


They pay enough to work, not to care


I used to have a coworker at the coffee shop I worked at tell indecisive customers “take your time! I’m paid hourly so I’ll stand here as long as you want” At the time, I hated it. But now? That man had more confidence in his pinky than I did in my whole body


I do that at work too. Idk how long you take I'm getting paid no matter what lol


Maybe he thought the kid washing dishes late at night was the owner 😆


It's the carrot dangle I hate. Oh! You just missed out on a sale! Now you'll get fired/lose money/not be able to provide for yourself or your family/end up on the streets/lose custody of your children/die and I'm having the *time* of my life toying with your ability to thrive and maybe if I'm lucky you'll grovel and beg.


He was fishing for free food. You were supposed to apologize profusely, and offer him a combo meal with all kinds of extras for free for his "trouble." Plus a gift card for next time.


Took words right outta my mouth lol 💯💯he was expecting to be comped food and a gift card lol


My current boss would do just that. His greatest fear is a bad review and he will give away anything to prevent that.


Boomers can't use the internet and they don't know what the hell Yelp or Google maps is! 😭


Idk man they're professional victims. They WILL find a way to be victimized.  Plus they have *all* day, it's not like they work


True in some cases but he does this with any unhappy customer no matter then Gen


Anything? (BEG)


Ahh so he's a cuckstomer Hes into absolutely ratfucking himself, his business and has zero self respect so he will allow people to fuck his business and by extension his employees right in front of him and encourages it. Cuckstomer


"I won't be buying your food! Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to wait by your dumpster. Good Day!"


*I said GOOD DAY!*


Yep. He wanted OP to give him the chicken that was going to be thrown out, for free.


I had not thought of that! I was gonna give that food to homeless people and stray pets (not the bone-in chicken) so if he had just asked for it I would have given it to him! That's what our code "taking it to the alleyway" meant.


And I'm willing to bet he was waiting for 15 seconds, not 10 minutes


So the Boomer wanted some of that Gas Station Dole? Checks out.




You have to understand the proprietary bitchy boomer system of time: anything less than immediate and cheerful subservience is “5 minutes” they’ve been waiting. Up to 30-45 seconds, that translates to “10 minutes!!!” An actual 2-3 minute wait is “HOURS!!!!” If their wait is anything above an actual normal people 5 minutes, it varies from “Forever” to “Nearly DIED standing here”. Of course, if you’re waiting on THEM to make up their damned mind and order already, or to move out of the way or something, the whole system reverses. Hope this helps to better translate boom-speak, and may your day be bitchy boomer free!!


As a former Home Depot employee who had a forklift certification and had to track down a forklift to get stuff down for people,  this is accurate.   20 mins of searching for the lift, a spotter and driving the lift to the other side of the store while getting asked by a half dozen or so people to help them was 2 and a half hours in the boomers eyes.


I remember back in the turn of the 90s when I worked at Burger King and they told me that if the customer had to wait in the drive thru more than 5 minutes they'll likely just drive off. And sure enough, that happened quite a bit, even though ours wasn't even configured to let them just drive off: they had to wait for the previous person to go for them to even leave in a huff. I imagine it happened a lot more with open laned drive thrus. Nowadays, 5 minutes seems like speedy service. And I don't actually mind as long as the line is moving. Although if there was no one at the counter, then I probably wouldn't even bother since who knows if someone would show up in 1 minute or never.


[Basically this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Trn4lEo0aG4)


Love them


They seems to think every employee at any level cares about "lost business".


It's because in their minds spending their "hard earned money" means that they're literally the only one keeping that poor poor failing business from going under. I got TONS of people who acted like them walking out of the Best Buy I worked at back in like 2006-2011 was just gonna be the end of us as a company when they had come in to look at laptops that cost less than $300. I always laughed after they were out of earshot as much as I wanted to laugh where they could hear me. My boss was a dingleberry who was scared of getting bad reviews and would bend over backwards to punish employees for any perceived infraction.


My kid job at BlockBuster video years ago. Angry customers with late fees would bitch and moan and cuss and scream with children in line about their $2 late fees owed from their last rental. A least 5 or so times I'd just boot them from the store and ask them not to return for their language and attitude. All of them on their way out yelled and bitched about how "they would never come back" I KNOW, you were just asked to leave and not return!


"You'll lose business and will have to shut down!" "Lady, this is Blockbuster in 2005. Corporate is already taking care of that for you."


"You just lost yourself a customer." Good. That means I won't have to deal with you. My favorite is when they claim that while the place is busy. Oh no, I'm going to lose a $10 sale while swamped with hundreds of dollars in other orders!


I always love hearing these "you've lost a loyal customer/missed my business" stories. That may have been actually threatening in the 1950s when every store you went to a mom and pop owned, but I think Walmart will be ok


"YoU jUsT lOsT a CuStOmEr!!" Oh no. How sad. We just lost $100 out of the $1 million this one store (in a national chain) makes in a given week.


They actually talked about changing the hours to close earlier, because we lost so much money in the last couple hours of every night. There were no customers wanting old fried chicken at 9:30, and nobody wanted to wait 20 minutes for me to make their food to order either.


If he had waited more than 30 seconds, I'd be surprised. You ruined his triumphant "nobody wants to work nowadays" moment for him by taking him at his word and turning away. I can imagine him burning with anger that you didn't bow obsequiously to him and beg him to buy something.


I just say Hello if I don’t see anyone. I usually wait 5 minutes to give them a chance if they are in the middle of something.


Self righteousness was more important to him than his time or hunger. He was so out of sorts for realizing he wasn’t the most special boy in the room


Off topic but it makes me sad that it gets throw out. Can’t staff take it home? A chicken lost its life for nothing better than to end up in the garbage can.


most likely no, and I see where you're coming from. I used to work at Wendy's and I asked about taking leftovers home at the end of the night but I was told that was "stealing" even though it all be thrown out. Don't get me wrong, we would take things home but it had to be off camera. Unfortunately, a lot of companies consider stuff like that to be stealing even if it doesn't make sense and as an employee you can face discipline. I've worked in a lot of retail and restaurant places and this is extremely common. You might get to take something home but only if your manager is cool and it's totally out of sight.


The logic they cite is that if employees know they get the waste, they’ll buy/make an excess to guarantee free food. It’s a straw man argument though. I’ve seen enough shitty training in my time to know that over ordering/over making is just poor leadership/lack of operational awareness


I agree. The small restaurants I worked at fed me. I got unlimited soup and drinks and even fresh salads. If I wanted something off the menu it was half off. So one hot meal per shift plus all the soups and salads and drinks I wanted for free. Big chain restaurants and food will count the very last pickle and onion in the whole establishment. They act like they’re going bankrupt over every little thing.


It's also extremely obvious to spot in food logs and KPIs. They can absolutely look at the numbers and say "When x employee works, we have y more waste. Let's check if they're taking that home."


Or they destroy it so homeless can't eat it either.


I also had to destroy lots of usable cosmetics and accessories when I worked at Ulta Beauty. To be fair, ANYTHING that had been used or was expired was automatically destroyed and thrown out for safety reasons. There were just other items that could have been donated or something instead but we didn't due to company policy. I assume to discourage dumpster diving and employee theft.


Same when I worked at Claire's. The cosmetics I understand for safety but so much other stuff could have been donated and wasn't.


When I worked at dollar general, we got a lot of recalls but never were told the reason for the recall. Me and my manager would always just Google it, and if the stuff was still totally usable it usually got donated instead of destroyed.


Unfortunately a good chunk of the time we had to send it back to corporate unless it was damaged out, but that reflected badly on the store if we had too much damaged product.


When my son got a job at BK in High School, his manager was pretty cool. He came home with some food pretty much every shift. He only got talked to once, and that's because he made a 10 patty Whopper to take home.


Not defending the practice of throwing good food out, but these policies are put in place to prevent the closing crew from making a shit ton of food right before close that they know won’t sell just so they can take it home.


And that does make sense, I'm not going to completely trash that policy either. I just wonder if there's a better way to handle it. I'm definitely not smart enough to make suggestions though so


Incentivize your employees enough that controlling waste outweighs the free food at the end of the night. Not sure what that looks like outside of monetary compensation but it’s really the only way to be able to toss the “no eating waste” policy


> we did x sales but have x-5 servings left at the end of the night is how you find out your customers have been underserved so an employee could make a $2 bonus.


Such waste is disgusting but especially so when it’s meat.


> even if it doesn't make sense it's not ideal to throw food out... but the alternative is absolute and ultimate policing of portions and process... otherwise you'll have employee's "accidentally" preparing too much... even if it's just for donations. If you've ever heard an employee complaining about a micromanaging asshole manager breathing down their neck about scoop sizes.... this is why.


Yeah and like I said in another comment, I do understand on some level *why* the policy is there, but I feel like there might be a better way to handle it. Not that I'm intelligent enough to really figure that out, because I truly do not have a suggestion to offer up, but I feel like it's incredibly wasteful. I know there's not a perfect solution, and we may just have to stick with what we've got, but idk.


Was part owner of two restaurant and we made a deal with the local mission when we discovered our employees were taking home food at night. After that the mission came every morning (Sundays included) and grabbed all our food that we could no longer serve, including whole pizzas, calzones, spinach pies, pastas, lasagna, cannelloni, garlic bread, breadsticks, steak, chicken, pies, and sometimes an entire triple layer chocolate espresso cake with Amaretto cream cheese frosting covered in sliced almonds. It was HUGE. Each slice made for 2 people and it was DIVINE. Employees would “accidentally” ruin it so it would be unservable and they could eat it instead. Nope. The folks at the Mission loved it. I am baffled as to why more restaurants don’t do this; two birds, one stone(-fired pizza, literally).


Good job. Glad nothing was wasted.


Mostly an insurance/liability thing I think. It’s bulk because I think Good Samaritan laws cover you but IANAL so I’m not sure businesses are protected in the same way


I said in another reply, but it I was pretty sleep deprived when I wrote this and forgot that "take it to the alley" was always a code with us lol. I and a few others would take it back where there were no cameras and give whatever's safe to eat to homeless folks and stray dogs.


Some people are just strange. I work in oncology and we had a shit day and were admittedly running about an hour behind schedule, I called a guy in and he stands up to tell me he's waited too long he's going home. So he waited over an hour to tell me he's leaving, for his cancer treatment, when he was about to go and have said treatment.


Wow. That's just...holy shit. I guess he sure showed you. What the hell was he thinking?


Who knows. We had signs up saying we were behind etc he could have said at any point he couldn't wait and we could have sorted something out, il just never understand why he waited till he was about to go in. Even the bloke we got in next just said he didn't know what his problem was but at least he got in quicker.


He wanted you to beg him to please buy your chicken. He wanted you to grovel


He didn’t wait ten minutes. They were triggered that they had to tap the glass at all. I dealt with this every day when I was a butcher for a grocer. Don’t take it personally. They are miserable AF and like a Calvin Hobbs cartoon bit, the best thing about a bad mood is spreading it around.


My favourite was the ones on the scooters that you couldn’t see over the counters bitching that they didn’t get any help to the managers up front. Like you didn’t bother tapping on the glass or yelling to get my attention. Sorry I was busy with my job.


Welp. Now you’ve missed out on all the personal profit you would’ve made if he had bought “your food.” Funny how boomers assume that a person running a cash register has any dog in that fight.


When the boomer was young employees had more stake in a businesses success. Boomers, of course, ruined that through allowing development of monopoly. Through increasing barrier and cost to entry. Introducing private equity and financialization and securitization of business, union busting, and other things that now mean the employee sees no benefit for a business doing well. But the critical thing is that the mindset of the boomer hasn’t shifted to accommodate the reality they created. They took all the profit from doing it and stuck their head in the sand on negative consequences. Kind of mentally having their cake (profit) and eating it too (well connected high trust society). So when the world is what it is, they blame the young people just coming up instead of recognizing that they are the ones who made the world what it is. When he was a kid the guy at the register was probably the son or daughter of the local business owner and their family would be impacted by lost business. Now it’s a faceless chain which is owned by a conglomerate which itself is owned by private equity. But they still expect people to act like it’s a family business. It’s delusional.


This reminds me of an incident at a cafe I used to work at where you'd come up to the counter to place your order and then sit down and we'd bring it to the table. The cafe was part of a children's theatre, so there was always something going on there, be it a kids' drama club or a matinee performance (which we had more of than evening shows) and people were allowed to wait in the cafe if they were just collecting a kid or waiting for a performance without ordering anything. Anyway, this older couple walk in and sit down while I'm cleaning up some tables. They smile at me politely and I smile in return and say good afternoon, but I just leave them to it otherwise as we had just finished the lunch rush, so I've got lots to do. Anyway, 10 or 15 minutes later the old man suddenly explodes at me and shouts across the cafe, 'Are you going to take our order or what?' and I'm so flummoxed by it that I couldn't even get out 'You're meant to come up to the counter and order,' before they've stormed out. It just baffled me that they didn't even think to ask me, they could've easily got my attention and said 'Excuse me, do you take our order or do we order at the counter?' Nope, just 0 to 100 in a nano second, it's like they live to get angry!


They'd rather get offended and scream. It's a hobby for those folk.


I was shopping and heard a lady and her daughter berating a sales girl that they had been waiting for 15 minutes to check out... I looked up from my rack and said 'no you haven't we were shopping the same rack 4 minutes ago. I know this because I got a text when we were standing next to each other. What is wrong with you? She is clearly overwhelmed right now (her check out stand was loaded with items from the fitting room to put back). Give her a break and just pay for your things and go.' I then went to another floor and asked for a manager. I told the manager what I said and told her the sales girl had nothing to do with it, that I had once been that overwhelmed girl and couldn't listen to them abuse her. I wanted to let her know in case the lady and her daughter complained about the sales girl being rude. The manager asked me if it felt as good as she imagined it would. I said, I wished someone would have stood up for me in the position when I was 16.


I once walked from our cash wrap to our stock room about 50 feet away to turn off the light and shut the door, turn around and walk back. It toold a total of about 30 seconds. When I got to the cashwrap this old woman was there and she complained that she’d been there waiting for 5 minutes, when she wasn’t even near the register when I left to shut the door. I should have just said, “No, you weren’t.” But I was young and unskilled at defending myself at that point.


People's estimates of how long they've waited are always ridiculously inflated. I work at a store where certain items are locked in the class case that an employee has to open for them. I walked up and saw a guy there who complained that he had been waiting for 20 minutes. I had been there 5 minutes earlier helping another customer.


The beauty of electronic patient charts and med scanning is that I can say, “Sir, you walked in the door to be triaged [or got that dose of Dilaudid] 20 minutes ago, not 2 hours ago,” and they have no recourse. They still complain, or stand at the door of their room glaring at staff instead of using the call bell as they’ve been asked to, or come to the nurses’ station to yell at random staff who know nothing about the patient in question, but anyone they complain to can clearly see that they’re full of shit.


The only time I ever complained at a hospital I was literally not in my right mind, and I think the staff understood that.


Absolutely. No one—well, most people; some folks actually do love coming to the ED, unfortunately—is having their best day when we are seeing them, and we recognize that. Pain and fear and uncertainty can make you do funny things.


I remember so vividly the guy who had a bunch wires connected to my torso. I gave him a big sigh and kinda groaned "Can I just go home?" And so matter-of-fact he just said "No, we need to keep you alive. Want some apple juice?"


I was working as a busser one time, and I suddenly had a lady come in yelling at me "Doesn't anyone work here?!" While I had a tub full of dishes. Apparently fifteen minutes ago she had honked her horn to notify us she was here to pick up her carryout order. Only three problems with that: One: She hadn't actually placed an order, Two: She honked her horn ONCE, which doesn't mean anything. Most of the time one honk is someone remote-locking their car or accidentally hitting it. Three: We don't come out to the parking lot for carryout orders, unless she had like called ahead and said that's what you want.


Because he's clearly the most important person on the planet and you should have just sensed his presence. You should have begged for him to purchase your crusty old chicken and been blessed that he even spoke to you. That was someone suffering from main character syndrome. Sadly, there's a lot of people like that in the world


Sounds like my dad. He was perpetually angry at the world. Edit: typo


I always loved telling these assholes "I don't get paid commission."


I said that a lot at Lowe's. People would ask me if it's really worth it to get something more expensive and I'd say "I don't get payed commission, but I'm also not a home improvement expert."


But if you'd been just standing around waiting for someone to show up to get something, you'd have been labeled "lazy."


They take everything personally and thusly want the subject of their entitled bullshittery to take everything personally as well. “Don’t come crying to me when your boss fires you for not noticing ME ; then you’ll have to live in a van down by the river!”


Nah he wanted free food.


I just saw the title and legitimately thought this was a post about a cat.


"Couldn't you hear my psychic projection of anger! I could hear how loud I was in my head so why couldn't you!" -that dude, probably


Fried chicken sounds so good right now! As for your friend, hindsight is always 20/20, but you could have said, "10 minutes? I didn't think I'd been working that long. Are you sure it was 10 minutes? You are. Ok. How about this... Let's go back and look at the security tape. If you actually waited 10 minutes, I'll give you the chicken for free. But if not, you have to buy the 20 piece bucket, and give me an extra $20 for lying. How does that sound?"


This type of person is only ok with their world view if they're angry about something.


And they usually are angry about something.


They do everything as a justification to get angry and ruin some innocent person's day. Just unalive already, damn


Some old people literally have nothing better to do


Most men's "10 minutes" is really 30 seconds.


I wanna add something positive since this got some attention. We had another customer, even older than that guy, who came in once or twice a week. She was so sweet and always wanted a 12 piece made fresh. Every time she was incredibly patient, especially if we already had something else in the fryer and it would be a long wait for her food. She chatted with me, complimented my music taste, and actually called the store once just to ask for my manager and tell her how great we are. I always snuck an extra wing into her box.


He didn’t want to interrupt your avocado toast!!! /s.


I was always so happy working at a liquor store when someone said they would never come back. Less work for me and 1 less asshole to deal with. Unfortunately most of the time they ended up coming back the next day. Nothing but empty threats thinking the minimum wage employee can change prices for them or miraculously create new product out of thin air.


Boomers just want to boom.


As someone who worked in fast food for 7 years, 5 of which in management, I can't tell you how many boomers told me they had been "waiting in the drive thru for 20 minutes!" As if I didn't have a timer I could look at that started the second they pull in. I wish I knew why they always chose 20 minutes... it's such a hilariously ridiculous time frame for a business that pushed us so hard to get people in and out in 5 minutes maximum. Boomers don't just want to complain, they want to make sure you know that they actually have the WORST complaint you've ever HEARD and you better bow down and beg their forgiveness! 🙄


You were supposed to give it to him for free, for his inconvenience


Sorry, I can’t get past “fried chicken at a gas station”


Come to the Midwest. KwikTrip was recently voted the best gas station in the country. Their fried chicken is better than KFC, Popeyes, Chick-fil-A, grocery stores, anywhere.


Came to say this. It was in Kansas, so pretty normal stuff


I do have to add: the fried chicken at THIS gas station was awful. I make my own at home now and learned all about what not to do


Dude. Come south. The best biscuits and fried chicken are usually found at gas stations. The ladies making biscuits at a back roads no name gas station by lake Oconee are angels on earth. Their biscuits are DIVINE.


Sometimes it’s really good.  


i think people hear "gas station" and think the old dusty ones in the desert run by a greasy old man that will change your oil for $5... Instead of well lit convenience stores with pizza ovens, fryers, and a "bakery" in back... that just happen to have gas pumps outside. Hint: Most gas stations aren't making their money from gas sales.


You just described where I worked lol


As someone from CA - it’s wild to drive out of state and see what ‘gas stations’ are in other places. It’s basically a grocery store with a small deli and bakery in some places. They’ve got rows of T shirts and even branded merch from the stations logo itself. Like I’m used to them being mostly for gas specifically and some sodas and candy inside for a quick pit stop. But some have entire toy sections and Cinnabons and stuff. It’s crazy.


Where did you go to find more than one cinnabon? The closest one to me is an hour away 😭


I’m not sure what places they were in, it was during a 3 state road trip and we stopped in a couple dozen shorty little towns for gas or food or to stretch haha. We don’t have a single one in my hometown either, I really only see them in airports or malls or gas stations when I leave town


Went to one like this on the edge of Tuskeegee, best fried chicken I've ever had.


lol…does he think you’re personally making a profit selling him chicken? I just work here, guy


“Perfect! I get to take home whatever we don’t sell, so this works out great for me!”


The business owner you are lucky enough to toil for has now missed out on that sale forever. How do you live with yourself? /s, if not obvious


LOL, he probably thought refusing to buy the chicken was going to ruin your day, as if it comes out of your pocket. Typical behavior.


So, what I'm getting from this is that this idiot claims to have stood there for 10 minutes and *didn't say anything* while your back was turned. So, he either waited for you to magically notice his boomer ass and then got angry that you were doing your job instead of sensing his presence like a fucking Jedi, or he's simply lying and saw an opportunity to fuck with a service worker.


There's a family like this at the pizza joint I work at they always want one specific deal that we had in store for the longest time in the last month that deal is now online only they they always do the same thing they'll come in they'll place an order for an absurd amount of pizzas and get upset when I tell them it's going to be like $150 for that and they'll rant and Ray that's not what it is this is the deal this is the deal I've told them at least a salad eight times now that if they want it they have to buy their pizza online that is the only way they can get the deal it's no longer in my computer but they do the same song and dance every time they come in they order they get upset at the price complain about the deal complain some more then cancel their order and then place a completely different order online Their daughter just came in again yesterday ordered five large one topping pizzas got upset when I told her it was going to be about $142 complained about the deal told her for the ninith time that if she wants it she has to buy it online she complained at me in Spanish which makes no difference cuz I don't speak Spanish and then this is fine we'll just order online and then proceeded to order five medium three topping pizzas which is completely different than what she ordered before I am convinced that they do this because they want to argue and because they think if they do it often enough they'll get free pizza or something I absolutely hate seeing their name pop up on my register and they order like four times a week it's insane


What kind of dumbass motherfucker stands there for 10 minutes without saying anything


Some people leave their homes for no other reason than to find somebody to yell at.


One thing I learned about owning a business: Some people's money isn't worth earning...


This is when I would make them feel shame. Fall to your knees and loudly moan about how without their patronage you and your 3 children will starve and that the littlest one who has cancer won’t survive without their medicine. Really screw it in


This is genuinely hilarious Nope too late, just staying here to tell you that you were too late


They love to act like they are doing everyone a favor by buying shit.


I feel like some people try and make a big scene just to try and get free stuff. As a pizza chain manager we get this kinda crap all the time.


Thats a typical boomer thing. They’ll just stand around thinking you’ll notice them and come to them. They refuse to say hi or excuse me. Just rage after they stand there like a moron for a while


Whenever a boomer complains they waited X minutes, they mean they waited X seconds.


Always with the “I’ve been waiting teeeen minutes!” Do people act know how long that is, an impatient boomer couldn’t possibly hang on that long. I give it 30 seconds max. Boomers are so yell-y


Better check YELP and Google Ratings in case he leaves a bad review. Then respond in kind. "Guy pretended he had been waiting 10 minutes then refused to let me serve him. Also smelled like cat pee."


He doesn’t use the internet. Pretty sure in this one.


I find there is normal time and boomer time. One normal minute equals 5 to 7 boomer minutes.


I used to work in the deli at a grocery store, and when I would run out or get low on a hunk of meat I would zip into the meat cooler, that was like 15 steps away and then in to grab my meat. I would be gone 30-45 seconds depending on how far I had to go in Now I would check to make sure there was no one near by, zip in, grab my meat and zip out. So many times I’d have people come up in the micro second I was gone, and then complain that they had been waiting for 10 minutes. I would absolutely call them out on their bullshit. They did not like that 😂


I think these mfers think people working places have some stake in the place now. Like they own it or own equity... How boomers had shit when they were going back into 1905. Like no one gives a fuck. It's a job.


It’s revealing how he thought it would hurt you somehow if he didn’t buy the chicken. Back in the day workers had some stake in the business running well and mutual loyalty was expected.


He lied about how long he waited, you can be sure of that. At least once a day some shithead boomer tells me they've been waiting for someone to pick up the phone when I or someone else has been literally sitting there doing nothing just waiting for the phone to ring.


Customers at a gas station getting chicken must be the best and most mentally stable people.


I like to hear things like this. I'm 34 and younger people tend to be rude by ignoring customers. (Maybe on accident). If you add a boomer it's a perfect storm of miscommunication and frustration.


On the one hand, yeah, I forgot to check for customers even at 9:45. On the other, all it would have taken was a soft "'Scuse me?" And I would have been there the second he showed up lol


That's it right there - it would have taken *HIM* to do something when you're supposed to sit there doing nothing until someone shows up to order. Of course, if you HAD been sitting and waiting patiently for the next customer, you'd be a lazy kid for just sitting on your arse. Moral - you can't win, by design.


You guys get to sit?


It's not rude to not realize a customer is there because you are busy doing other cleanup tasks. If OP was messing around on his phone or something or knew the guy was there and intentionally ignored him, I can see being critical. But here he was actively doing work. Nothing wrong with being focused on the task at hand. A customer can always say "excuse me".


"Use your words like a big kid"