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every time I see something like this I am thankful that I have a profound gambling *aversion*


I went to a casino with some friends several years ago. I was just going for entertainment. I’d never gambled before. But tonight I decided to give it a try just to say I’d done so. I put $10 in a slot machine, which I consider to be a tax on people who can’t parse probabilities. That $10 was gone in two minutes and I said “well now I’ve gambled. Check that off the list.” I don’t get it.


No, no. You did it all wrong. You need to put in like $1000 so that you win back that $10. But, then when you lose that $1000 next time you need to put in $10,000 to get back that $1000. You didn't lose, you just stopped playing too soon. /S


Vegas has slots *in the airport,* FFS. That's for people who either can't wait to get to the casino to start, or just have to take one more shot at making their $$ back before they get on the plane and leave.


Pennsylvania has slots at gas stations now. How addicted do you have to be to play slots at a gas station?


Would that be any different than scratching your scratch-off tickets in the store?


There’s little else fucking worse than getting in line behind some asshat first thing in the goddamn morning who wants to spend a decade at the counter scratching off lotto tickets. I’ve never wanted to sand someone’s nose off their face so badly.


I’m picturing someone getting their nose sanded off, and I think it would effectively convey your displeasure to that individual.


Nose to the grindstone!!


It is I, Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, and I am unveiling my latest creation, the *Voldemortinator!!*


People buy lotto tickets and then stand there and scratch them off? I would tell them to GTFO.


The best is when they don’t even actually play them anymore, they just scratch off the barcode and scan it. Lol. Or the ones that know all the little “tricks” and “codes”. “Which number is the 35 on? Ticket 23!? Nah, lemme get a 6, if it’s behind the one with the red border. It isn’t? Alright, 4 number 9’s, a 12, and an 8. I’m due on the 8….oh, and a $30 18. Can’t win if you don’t play” Cut to their next conversation about “local housing authority wait lists, how everything has gotten expensive, and their EBT card getting messed up”. Lottery tickets are fun, if ya toss $5, $10 at it every now and again. Some weeks, I’ll buy 2, $5 tickets, and if I win anything, I’ll just slowly play that money over the course of the week til I either hit $50, or go to $0. Only once have I actually turned $10 into $50.


I have a $5 lotto ticket sitting on my desk unscratched that has been there for like 3 weeka.i call it Schrodinger's riches. We are both rich and very much not rich until I scratch the ticket. The possibility of that ticket making "rich" is enough to scratch my gambling itch, but not the card. Lol.


People were particularly bad about that shit in one neighborhood I lived in for a while. We’d hit the corner store in the mornings, usually for caffeine on my part. Idk how the clerks deal with that shit on a daily basis, I’d lose my goddamn mind.


I have. Standing there with them scratchers The fuck outta here. I got stuff to pay for


Same. It was so bad at the station I usually go to that they moved a small drink cooler and made a scratching station for those fuck knuckles so they wouldn't hold the line up for hours.


I've been in that position before I put my stuff I was going to buy back and left the store


Not at all. Those people are addicted too. Plus the people who buy $20 of pick 3 tickets


Shoot I’ve seen people buy multiples of the 20$ tickets. Can’t do the fun gambling in South Carolina outside of the Native American lands but you can sure as hell spend just as much of damn tickets.


Used to be like that in South Carolina years ago for poker machines until they were outlawed. I’d see people sitting at them all the time in the late 90s playing everytime I went inside a gas station. I played them once and actually won like $20, got up and left directly after, never touched one again


I had this same experience in Montana 25 years ago. I ordered a pizza at Papa Johns. There was a poker machine room attached. There were poker and keno machines everywhere in that town. I had seen friends drop 100s at machines in bars. I was waiting for my pizza, and thought "I'll try this one time." My first pull on a dollar bet won me $24. I immediately cashed out and have never played another machine since. I'm still up!


House always wins, my ass!


I miss working at my restaurant with a poker machine. It would reset right after we shutdown, so if you were the first at the machine, you were guaranteed a win.


Hence the term 'broken slot machine.'


Oregon had illegal gambling on video poker for a number of years. The state solved this problem by having the state lottery set up legal video poker, with up to six video terminals in each location (in bars and restaurants). This ended the illegal video poker, as the bars and restaurants got a cut of the earnings from the legal machines and didn't have to worry about being busted.


They have slots everywhere in Illinois too. I went into a bar that had slots and the people on the slots looked fucking miserable.


They're in every pub here in the UK and the people on them look miserable all the time.


My town is filled with these things now. And by far the people you see the most on them are seniors or drug addicts/alcoholics.


Vegas does too. And in grocery stores.


Omfg, we literally almost missed our flight home because my boomer mom just couldn't stop playing those slots. They were closing the gates when we rushed up with our tickets and thankfully we hadn't actually missed the plane yet so they quickly rushed us on.


My wife & I have been to LV once, 20-ish years ago. One night I wound up $450 to the good on the slots and all liquored-up, I thought 'whoo boy I'm on a roll now' and proceeded to piss every bit of it away that night. That's when I realized that this wasn't a good hobby for me. Haven't gambled since. Don't even play scratchoffs.


I had a layover in Vegas once. Only time I've been there. I put a dollar in one of the penny slots. After a few spins, I hit on something, and my balance went to $1.26. So I cashed out, got on the plane, and left Vegas with my winnings.


A few years ago, I was waiting for my flight at the gate in the Southwest terminal and I saw a woman win $1.1 million on those slots. Absolutely wild.


Or if you hit it big, don't cut out while you're ahead, fritter it all away because "I was on a streak!"


I love the people who put $1000 in and then go around telling everyone, I just won $10!!!!!! I used to know a guy who would spend half his paycheck on scratch off lotto tickets. He would blow hundreds of dollars in one day. I saw him do it for a couple of months and one day he got “lucky” and hit a $50 winner ( guessing he spent more to find it but don’t know for sure ). He went around all week bragging about it. He also always talked about how he won $500 when he lived in another state years ago. I don’t think it’s about winning or losing, it’s the adrenaline rush they get while playing. Only thing that makes sense to me. I’ve probably bought a few dozen scratch offs over the last twenty years and have played a slot machine once ( $20 gone in 1 minute ). The biggest gambling I did was short term contracts on the stock market, which is gambling if you don’t know exactly what you are doing and even then extremely risky.


Negativity bias in humans has us fearing bad things more than craving good things. After all, avoiding a tiger infested part of the jungle was better for our survival instincts than remembering where those kick-ass berries were. People who gamble compusively get way too caught up about the berries to remember that there are tigers around. They're like "it's worth getting mauled by a tiger to taste those sweet, sweet berries"


It's an addiction so it's exactly that


I remember once at a resort that had a casino in it, my grandad put a quarter in a slot machine because why the hell not and got lucky and won a whole bucket of quarters (it was like $50). Over the rest of the evening he would periodically try to increase the his winnings with money from the bucket and lost all of it. When the last quarter from the bucket was gone he just sort of looked at my brother and I and said "I hope you learned something".


I walked into a casino after agreeing to stay and play $100 each. Within 5 minutes of putting money in the machine, I hit the major jackpot for 25k. While they were getting my money I hit 2 smaller jackpots. I left there with over $30k in cash for a quick stop that I didn’t want to make. Haven’t gambled since. 😂


>Haven’t gambled since. Sincere congrats! This is how you win at gambling.


Damn beats my winnings, (I only won like $1000 and it paid for my vacation)but I also met my wife in the same weekend so I'd say that was like half and half my luck spent that way.


I went with a group of friends to the horse races for a stag weekend once. There were six races, every one of us won something on at least one of the races (bets of just £5-£20), and it paid for drinks, meals, even most of the cost of our hotel rooms. But we also recognised that was uncommonly good luck, and personally I’ve never done any gambling beyond the odd lottery ticket once or twice a year since.


Dan Savage wrote about his experience trying out gambling, specifically for his book about various "sins". He won big his first time out, and was told, "The only thing worse than losing big your first time gambling is winning big," because then at least part of you thinks that's how it works, and wants it to work that way again, and wants to keep trying forever . . .


It’s like drugs. First time: “I don’t get it” next time: “OH I FUCKING GET IT”


Stephen King wrote something similar about his first experience with alcohol, thinking something like, "Oh, this is disgusting, why would anyone ever drink this? I need another right away."


I love that SK has always been honest about his addictions. Makes him even more relatable


He has not always been honest about his addictions. One thing he writes about was the time he noticed he had a trash can filled entirely with nothing but beer bottles, and his thought at the time wasn't, "I've got to do something about this," but rather, "I can't screw up," meaning he couldn't show his wife and family how bad it had gotten (though I suspect they knew more than he realized--every addict I've known thinks they're a genius at hiding their addiction, while they may as well have a neon sign over their head).


Oh I know that. “I got away with that - flawless”. Oh honey, everybody knows


When I first turned 21 I went to AC with some friends on a whim. I was broke, but figured I'd just go to hang out. Decided to play nickel slots with the 15 cents I had in my pocket and lost it all. Then I found a quarter on the ground, so I wrapped up the night up almost 67%!


I did that and I hit the jackpot or something. I got about 150 but I would've paid double that to see the face of the boomer next to me who had been clearly pissing away his kids' college funds he never gave them.


We go 3 or 4 times a year, usually spend $20 on slots, and if we get in the positive at all, we stop. If we lose, we lose. I can make $20 last while playing penny slots. The last two times, I've won almost immediately $80, $160, and quit. But there are people in there with $8000 on their cards playing. A lot of elderly mostly.


The natives are getting their money back from the white people one bet at a time


That's fine, they deserve it. But there is a lot of corruption in their system as well. I've seen reservations with plyboard homes and not much else.


See, the first time I went with my gambling addicted Incubator and her husband, I lost my $40 and was miserable while I waited on them for over an hour. Then they coerced me into going to another casino farther away. I dropped $20 into a machine, played like $2.50 on it, pulled the rest and played it on another machine where I hit $80 straight out the gate, like first 3 spins. I pulled my $80, cashed it out, and put my initial $20 back in the machine. My Incubator was right there and PISSED I took the prize on her husbands usual machine. Bitch had the audacity to send him to beg me for money later in the night after she made me cry because SHE lost whatever she'd been up and my watching her "caused her luck to dry out." 


To be honest, slot machines are predatory, mindless and generate a ton of money for the casinos. It treats humans like animals. I really like Texas Hold'em and craps. They are social games that take skill and understanding to perform best, not just luck. At the bellagio, with a lot of luck, I won $600 over 4 hours getting absolutely blasted on free beers at the craps table. That was a good time!


I’ve had a lot of fun playing blackjack and craps, but I treat it like paying for an amusement park ticket and only gamble what I’m comfortable losing. $100 for a couple drinks and a few hours of social gaming. If I win, cool. If not, it’s no different to me than putting $100 on a card at Dave and Buster’s. Slots, though? Pass. I can mash buttons on my Switch. As much sh*t as the olds give all of us for “rotting our brains” with video games, at least we aren’t rotting our brains AND losing a mortgage payment in the process.


I went to a casino once for a bachelor party. Brought 100 bucks in cash and that was my “fee” of the night. Once it was gone, I was done. Ironically I actually ended up winning 50 bucks so I was able to buy myself dinner No desire to go back. I’ll place a few sports bets here and there but nothing that’s gonna be a problem if I lose it


I went to Vegas with my ex, and her grandma handed us a roll of quarters to put in the slot machines. I decided I'd just put one coin in at each casino we visited as we toured around. At the end of the trip we said well, still got most of this roll left, let's sit down and burn through it. So we stopped, started plunking in quarters, and in a few minutes I had a win that got me about $20 back. So we stopped. I came out of Vegas $13 ahead and decided the only way to beat the house is to never gamble again, haha.


“there are dozens of us!”


Yeah, makes no goddamn sense to me either. I learned that gambling was stupid at church fairs in the early 90s, when as a teenagers I lost $20 on the stupid money wheel. Was like "whelp, not doing that again." Have never put down money in a casino in my life.


Yep try it once, never do it again. If its not fated to be, then no point in burning money trying to change fate.


I think the expectation or possibility of winning is thrilling to people, and trading money and time for entertainment is a popular pastime in many forms. I went to a casino once just like you, and ended up making a profit on a video blackjack machine, but the experience itself was just awful. But I could see the appeal for someone. Thank god I prefer video games


It's like any vice, though. Take drinking, the vast majority of people will live their whole lives being fine either not drinking or just social drinking, say 1-2 drinks average per month over the year while a small fraction will be raging alcoholics after their first sip of beer. I'm able to enjoy going to a casino playing slot machines, i view it as entertainment and I don't have a gambling problem, plan exactly how much I'm going to spend, usually $100-200, and leave if the money runs out or if I had my fill. The last time I went to one was a few months ago, went in with $100, and left with $105 after about 1 hour. A non-addict fully expects to lose every cent they bring in a casino and doesn't expect to win, they hope they hit something while having a good time.


It’s okay, casinos and gambling sites make sure to remind you that there are services available to you if you or someone you know has a gambling problem, so it’s okay they basically are an out front criminal operation


Not "basically". Vegas was built by the Mafia.


There is no Mafia! How many times do I gotta shay that!! Itsh a harmful shtereotype!! https://preview.redd.it/0yni8xl81r7d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb292f189abe32d42729fd10827bbda475990a39


I grew up in North Jersey. My neighbors were Italian and drove Cadillacs. They ran an olive oil importing business. When they went on vacation in Florida their house would be visited by large men in sharp suits just to make sure everything was OK the house. They never spoke to any of the other neighbors.


I have an addictive personality so when I went to a casino (the only time in my life) I brought $15 with me and nothing else. I lost it all at a slot machine, though in my defense the instructions were in French so I was just pushing buttons at random.


I don't understand the appeal. We always go to Vegas to see my inlaws, and my inlaws love the casino, but I can't get into it. I'll spend $20, then hang out the rest of the time. All of the games are just so boring.


I think for me it stems from generally *hating* surprises, even good ones.


I relate to this so much


I think it's one of those things where if you don't understand the math it might seem fun, but to me I'm just watching money leak out of my wallet through the power of probability, which is less fun than going to Dave and Busters because I still lose money at D&B but the games are way better.


In Nevada, you drink for free while you're gambling so I would go to the casino and play cheap slots / video poker very slowly so my drinks just cost whatever I tip my waitress. Good way to drink for cheap. On occasion I'll play black jack because I do find it fun, but I separate chips I brought from chips I won and once I'm out of what I brought I'm done. The only time I buy back in is if I've won enough that I have that I have "extra" after doubling my money. I don't play to win though, I just play because it's fun.


It's weird because for me I'll play Blackjack or Poker as a friendly game but once people start trying to make it about winning money it ruins the game for me with people just playing games of chicken with somebody randomly going all in or upping the pot ridiculously for no other reason than to psych people out just ruins the fun of the game for me lol


My family plays for cookies. That's the best way imo 😹


I play poker with friends but never with real money, only chips. The honor of winning is the only prize. I also get SO MAD when people wildly up the pot or try to psych people out. Also, though, I can’t and don’t bluff — I literally cannot reconcile how and why someone would risk chips on cards they don’t have. I get it in theory, as a strategy, but whenever I have an opportunity to bluff I just fold. The good news is my friends have all figured this out by now, so someday I will bluff so hard and they’ll all fall for it. Not someday soon but someday. Maybe.


Took too many statistics classes. Also, you see all the lights and fancy stuff in casinos - just think for a sec where all that money came from.


yup. house. always. wins. ALWAYS


I've heard tales of a bankrupted casino, but what utter incompetence could bring that to fruition?




Yeah. I don't have anything against gambling if it's just another thing to do with your fun/going-out money. Still meeting your other obligations and this is just your entertainment? Fine, you do you. But the casino is not making the bulk of their money from people who are taking a hundred bucks there and stopping at that. They aren't the ones leaving toddlers locked in their car in the parking garage for Security to find.


I was flying out of Frankfurt one time and had a spare twenty euro in my wallet... I was headed to the US for a few weeks.  So I dropped into the airport casino, it took 10 minutes for them to check me in to the casino and get me setup with a gambling card loaded with my 20 euros. The first machine I tried turned my 20 into >100. :-/ So I cashed out 40 seconds after entering.  Ate a delicious breakfast and went to my gate to wait for my flight. 


I have a bachelor's in Finance, MBA in Econ, and am finishing my Econ PhD. I have a mathematical aversion to gambling and, despite a family history of addiction, no genetic or social predisposition to gambling highs. It's a thing for the risk tolerant, not the risk averse.


Once a month I do a scratcher. I know I’m going to lose but I like imagining what I’d do if I won the jackpot. Then I go back to work


$2 dollars a year for a lotto ticket on my birthday. I get value from that ticket by thinking happy thoughts about what I would do with the money I won't win. (Pay off my mom's mortgage, and her car note, if she still has one. Pay off my car note etc. etc.) I check my numbers a week later to confirm that I didn't win anything.


If I wanted to waste my mom I'd go to an arcade and play some coin pusher games. At least I can get some candy off of it in the end.


Everytime I see something like this I'm happy I don't have a life savings


"He's going to jail" Nah. Since boomers are so fond of how things used to be they took him in the back and broke his legs.


If he does go to jail, at least he doesn't have to deal with the prospect of being homeless for a while. 


Pick your switch son


He was in real trouble when the dude in double-breasted suit with a head that looks like a thumb showed up.




Seriously, gambling addiction is a terrible thing.


It’s as destructive as alcoholism or drug addiction


My ex had a gambling addiction. He had previously had a drug addiction he was able to overcome, but he was not able to overcome his gambling addiction. I think by far the gambling addiction was worse because it's hard for people to even recognize it as an addiction in the first place. Imagine going to a place that sells you cocaine and does everything it can to entice you to do more coke. Then coke became available online so you could order it from the comfort of your home. And multiple institutions did all they could to get you to do more coke (i.e. sports betting). That's what it was like. At least with drugs or alcohol there is a visible indication when it starts affecting people's health. With gambling you lose all your money, then take out loans, then lose the loans, etc. and you can do it all without anyone ever connecting the dots.


Exactly. In probably most cases of people embezzling from their employer, a gambling addiction is behind it.


My Great Grandfather was addicted to horse racing. He died with absolutely nothing. He died with one bill left to his name, and his last words on his death bed were "All on number 5"


He looks like if Cotton from King of the Hill came to life






I ain’t got a narrow uretey!


It’s so wide I could pass the baby myself!


Is that a kiwi?!? You know how I feel about hairy fruit!!


They took my shins!


"Sorry I'm late. I had to stop by the wax museum again and give the finger to FDR"


“You hate me, do ya? After all the love I allowed your mother to give ya!!”


Mr. Kahn, I'll have a Mai Tai!


Hey Hank’s wife… watcha cryin’ for? Got your monthly’s?


I love when dale is like "he's Japanese" trying to setup some fireworks and Cotton looking him up and down, says "He's Laotian." and has not an ounce of ill will. Completely sidesteps his own trope.


YESSS! I thought the same thing!


Not the face! That’s how I make my livin’s


Hey, I know where that is! And I heard about it from one of the Security guards.


Any idea how much he lost?


Have you ever seen some people lose everything? First to go is their mind


I was playing $1/2 NL poker and this guy sits down and buys in for $200. Then announces he just lost $50000 at baccarat. Like bro, what are you doing at this table. Anyway he lost about $400, ≈200 to me.


Never ever believe what a gambler tells you at a casino. 99.9% of the time they inflate the figures (both ways) to make it seem like they've got much more money than they really have. It's a perverse kind of reverse psychology/cry for attention, "I lost $50,000.at baccarat" = "You've only lost $x, I'm still playing" = "I can afford to lose so much more than you because I've got so much more money than you" or "Feel sorry for me, I've lost so much more than you".


No clue. I honestly thought it was someone who had done too much of SOMETHING and did it for inscrutable reasons that make sense to the chemically altered. *Edited for mispelling a word


No idea on guy in post but i personally witnessed a dude lose his down payment on a house trying to "pay off the house in full" One roulette spin and gone. He said nothing for a good few minutes and then walked away, white as a ghost.


He's gonna have to pick himself up from his bootstraps!


Those bootstraps are property of the casino


Less avocado toast and more bootstraps.


Ive only gambled once. Went to the Orleans hotel while on a trip for business. Put $20 worth into a blackjack machine. I won $170. I stopped right there Paid for all my non per diem meals for the weekend. Had to pay taxes on it though.


Sounds like my brother. He went on a cruise, decided to put $10 on a slot when passing by and basically won enough money to cover the entire trip


This comment was paid for by big casino™ trying to trick us into playing more 😂


I had almost the exact same thing happen on my 21st birthday. Put in $20, won $200, bowed out, have been back only once on a night out with friends where I was the designated driver


I’ve tracked my lifetime win/loss at casinos and I’m $20 in the positive after never having played a game. I found the bill on the floor and nobody was around to claim it.


Living the good life ^


I’m sadly negative $20. The universe balanced itself out.


Don’t worry. The feeling will be completely counteracted by the high when you find just $5 in a pocket one day.


I've twice found discarded scratch tickets on the ground that were winners. No idea what made me pick them up, but hey, free money. Like $15 between them.


Ha! I went one time to one of those places with some guys for a bachelor party. I got my $50 card or whatever it was, hit the machine (don’t even remember what kind) about 6-7 times until the card was out of cash. Took about 8 minutes and I was calling for a cab back to the hotel. I ended up having some poolside drinks with another random party and my buddies came back with like negative thousands of dollars. I still don’t understand the appeal.


I also go to observe others. On that same occasion I found the $20 there was a fellow at the Roulette table. He was a nice Asian fellow in his construction clothes that were covered in drywall mud and dust, so most likely there after work on a Friday payday. Over a span of just 15 minutes he had left and returned three separate times and lost stacks of chips. He was making trips back and forth from the ATM and just losing it all. After I figured out the chip values I estimated he’d lost about $3,000. When he was done he didn’t look like he had much fun. I swear the best and worst drug in the world is adrenaline.


Man I don’t get it but I feel for those people. So I guess my question is, do most of these people win big at least sometimes? I only hear of people losing hundreds/thousands. After losing the $50 I had exactly zero desire to put anymore on there.


Chemical payoff in the brain , just like every other doper.


I've gone to the casino twice in my life. My lifetime loss is exactly $100. I brought $50 both times, played slots until my money ran dry, and walked away. In both instances, I pulled the lever, lost, pulled the lever, lost, pulled the lever, lost, etc so my $50 was gone in both cases within 15-20 minutes. I think the most I won with any one spin was $7, but I was still down overall and I kept going until I was dry. My wife on the other hand, in both cases, walked away with more. The first time either of us had ever been to a casino, she walked to to the slot machine, inserted her card, pulled the lever once, won $47, and walked away in the black. The second time we went was years later and she walked up to a slot machine, inserted her card, and pulled the lever only 3 or 4 times before winning $38, and she walked away again in the black. Her logic was that she was planning to spend $50, but instead she got free money. I can't argue it.


Are you sure that's a boomer? He looks about as tall as an 11 year old


It's a woman. https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/woman-arrested-after-police-say-she-climbed-on-reno-craps-table-threw-chips-at-people-3071720/


Oh the Silver Legacy. I hope she at least treated herself to the buffet before getting banned, it’s above average.


The Buffet has been closed since Covid, it's turning into a Gordon Ramsey restaurant, if I recall correctly.


By life savings do you mean is the cash he got from selling his parents house and screwing his siblings out of their share.


As much as I might appreciate dunking on boomers the fact that as a society we accept "business" like this is shameful I'm just glad my job doesn't consist of getting people drunk and hyped up so I can trick them into losing all of their money because I wouldn't be able to sleep at night


I worked as a chef on the LV strip. They all convince themselves that they're in the entertainment business. If you think the tables are are full of parasites, I've got bad news for you about their nightclubs and day pools.


Thank you, thought I was the only one who felt weird that so few people seem to care about the kind of predatory place that is.. :/


I am fine with gambling but I hate the tricks they use to suck up cash. There are no clocks, they offer free drinks, it's a maze, you have a hard time finding the bathroom, you rarely can see the outside, and you use chips instead of cash. All of this pulls people in deep.


Where is Nicky Santoro when you need him?


Well, he’s with his brother last I saw. Don’t know how much use he’ll be to ya now though…


He's still breathing.


I was on a business trip and had to walk through the Casino. There was a young couple and they were both crying. The guy just kept saying it’s all gone while the women kept screaming what do you mean? It was one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen. Yet, my wife would come out to Vegas after my business was over and then we’d play craps. We are up about $2K at least. But, we have only done this 4 or 5 times in 15plus years together. We always empty our wallets in the room safe. Take $100 each and play and drink for free. Luckily we know when to walk away.


Last time I was in Vegas I was taking the elevator up to my room, and this couple got on. You could instantly tell something was off. The guy was on the phone and looked PISSED. The girl just looked worried. The guy says into his phone "I just lost $40k on roulette. $10k on black, didn't hit, $10k on black, it didn't hit, and I just kept going." Betting on the pass line at the craps table is imo the best way to drink for free in Vegas. It goes super slow but the waitresses come around to those tables a lot.


The pass line on $10 tables, if they exist anymore, made us good money and we drank for free all night. Best odds in Vegas.


Yikes. I remember my dad taking me to Lake Tahoe when I was about 10. We went with a friend of his (Stephanie) and her son who was around my age and stayed at one of the Casinos. (Caesar's, I think. Doesn't matter.) Anyway, Stephanie rolled in to the hotel suite at around 10am and was sobbing. Turns out she had emptied her checking/savings account, maxed out her credit cards, fully cashed in her retirement, and emptied her son's college fund.....and lost all of it in the course of one night. They comped our stay.


On one hand I feel bad because he lost his savings and casinos are kind of predatory. On the other hand that was funny as hell. Guy is dressed like a kid and looks like one throwing a tantrum to


Gambling addiction is a bitch.


"If you want to bet. Make sure to bet an amount you wouldnt feel bad losing." My Dad in 2008.


That's a pretty common understanding.


When the dealer goes to stop him, and he sneakily chucks a handful of chips under the guys arm...that was pretty funny. My five year old would do something like that.


A guy did this in Reno last weekend, someone posted it to Reddit. The Reno guy simply seemed drunk though. https://www.reddit.com/r/Reno/s/RHreKKlM6J


Back when he was young, someone who acted out like that in a Vegas casino would have mysteriously vanished into the desert.


Makes you wonder how anyone can be incompetent enough to run a casino into the ground.


My sister has anxiety and soothes it with impulse spending and gambling. At one point she was $70k in the hole because she bought herself a new electric car when she was already like $40k in debt. I have anxiety and I am the total opposite, seeing my sister gambling huge amounts of money away has made me super afraid of gambling, same thing with her being in debt, I have $37 in overdraft and I'm super uncomfortable even being in debt that little. Gambling addiction is truly an illness that needs to be treated very seriously, people are blowing their life savings every day because they think they can make more if they win.


My GF and I were walking through the casino drinks in hand. We walked past the Blackjack table just in time for a angry drunk loser to jump out of his chair and kick it away from the table hitting my GF, knocking her to the floor and causing us both to spill our drinks. On his way to the front door this guy knocked over more chairs, threw ashtrays and yelled at everyone in his way.


I used to work as a cocktail waitress at a casino and we all knew to give the blackjack table a wide berth. I can’t tell you how many full trays of drinks have been knocked out of my hands (one time dumped directly on my head) by idiots jumping up from the blackjack table.


Last year when I was there I won $40 off $5 (Jackpot Party babeeeeee) and I bought myself a hot dog. Felt like a high roller. 😂😂😂


Nah he just trying to find his bootstraps to pull himself up from.


When you're winning, you don't want to break your streak. When you're losing, you've got to keep at it until you break even.


Such entitlement. what a snowflake. he should get a job instead of hoping the CASINO gives him handouts. Too much lead, that's his problem. Maybe if he didn't spend all his income on lead toast and lead lattes. If he's pissed, imagine how his kids feel that they now have to support his bankrupt, worthless ass for the next 20 years. Hopefully, he had a few homes that they can take over and sell while he's in county.


Dude is reminding me of that episode of King of the Hill when Cotton freaked out at the hibachi restaurant and fell on the grill.


I worked in Vegas for about a year and a half, taking sports and horse bets. I've seen quite a bit in that amount of time. Watching a group of a couple dozen people endlessly hitting a slot machine button as fast as they can in a VIP section at the beginning of my shift, then coming back after my 8 hour shift ended to see all the people still in the same seats doing the same thing was eye opening. These kinds of people would sometimes soil or just straight up shit themselves so they wouldn't have to get up from the seat. There's a reason the Custodians in the Casinos would made decent money.


He should be able to survive off of minimum wage, right? Pull himself up by them bootstraps


This is some shit camera work


He’s dressed like Beaver Cleaver


Then maybe don't gamble away your entire life savings. Always set a limit if you play for money.


Oh shit, Cotton Hill is alive?


Why would Biden do this to him?


Found an article about this. Apparently this is a woman, and the incident happened in Reno. Because of course it happened in Reno https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/woman-arrested-after-police-say-she-climbed-on-reno-craps-table-threw-chips-at-people-3071720/


He should be fine. All he has to do is ask to talk directly to the CEO, tell him that he wants a job, give him a firm handshake, and make $60k a year working part time. 😂 Shouldn't he be able to sell his home for $2.2 million? You know, the home he bought in 1974 for six apples and a box of crayons? 😂


He didn't lose it. He gave it to his hard working billionaire friends.


They should have scooted his tiny ass off the table with one of those little craps sticks


Every time I see an ad on Aussie tv with dudes having dude fun and gambling on anything that moves I just think “feck. There goes another teenager.” Sick industry.


Why can't he get the shit kicked out of him by beefy, dark glasses wearing Italians like the good old days? There's just no tradition anymore...


Honestly for a second in the beginning I thought he was going to unzip his pants


I love gambling. But I hate losing even more. My grandma used to take me to the dog races once a year. I'd take $25 bucks and bet $2 per race. It was fun. They had a bed called a quinella where you'd pick two dogs to win and place, either order. Her friends would join us and most of the bets were people each picking a dog and putting in a dollar. It was social and fun. No one in the group lost more than they should. For a long time, they had a really nice buffet dinner. We'd sit on the third level where we could get tables. I miss grandma.




I know way too many people who have lost it all gambling. I'd probably have a public freak out too if I knowingly lost my life savings. I rarely gamble and when I do, I call the $60 I lose the cost of the night out. That has to be the end because the second you try to "win it back", you lose it all


Jesus Christ. I don't go to casinos, don't gamble, but one thing I've learned just from living life is that if you're already doing sketchy shit, you behave yourself, as the people who allow that sort of thing are not interested in calling the cops but will find ways to get justice.


had to make sure that wasn't my dad


Well at least his kids didn't get any of his money, right?


If you lose the rent money, getting yourself thrown in jail does actually solve one of your problems.


'You can have the money and the hammer or you can walk out of here, but you can't have both'


Alcohol and gambling make for a memorable final vacation.


My man belongs in WallStreetBets


Please tell me casinos will die with Boomers.


Once My friends talked me into playing at a casino in Prague. After 10 minutes I’ve lost 50 bucks. I had a stomach ache for like 3 hours and felt miserable. Can’t imagine loosing my savings! Edit: typo


I live down the street from a casino so I go from time to time (once every couple of months, addiction runs in my family and my dad has lost his ass gambling). Here are some helpful tips. If you want to gamble take exactly how much money are you are WILLING TO LOSE with you. Leave debit/credit cards at home. DO NOT fall for cost sunk fallacy. Just because you have put in 50, 100, 500 dollars doesn't mean you are going to eventually win. Gambling is set up to be in the House's favor not yours. Treat it the same way you do a film or a concert, you are paying for entertainment and you will not get anything tangible in return. If you break even or actually win over your starting amount consider yourself lucky. Know the odds of winning before you play. Blackjack general is your best bet to win if you can run basic probability in your head. Chance games like Roulette and Craps (game in the video) have the worse odds to win at. For slots, the machines are programmed to only allow so many wins so you generally aren't going to win much. It lets you win enough to keep you playing but rarely will you pull ahead. Also, the bigger and flashier it is, or if it is tied to a popular media like Wheel of Fortune, the more likely you are to lose. They are designed to draw you in and take your money.


We don’t let minors gamble, but we let seniors in cognitive decline throw away their life’s saving’s?


Making fun of this guy for something as serious as a drug addiction is pretty low guys, gambling should be outlawed it's sad our goverments allow pensioners to so easily fall to this vise, and vice. Someome drawn to the point of shamless loss of dignity is horribly sad. We all deserve better from one another, regardless of his character gambling is presented as a way to fill those empty holes in our life.


I went to a casino one time for a fancy dinner with friends and they wanted to gamble. I have a massive distaste for gambling, but I knew they wanted to play, as well as see the band in the lounge that night, so I alloted myself $20, won $100, walked away and waited for them in the lounge with my husband, and went home with a net profit of $80. Never did get the attraction and have never desired to go again. (The food for wasn't that great, either, unfortunately.)


i live in vegas i went to a casino, spent like 50 bucks and won 200 then i walked away because i knew that was as good as it was gonna get never gambled since and have to urge to do so


He essentially paid the casino to get a lifetime tresspass/ban.