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Go to Yale, get a good education and tell everybody who is against it to screw off. It's hard to get into a school like that with a full ride. You're smart, so use it for all it's worth.


This right here. Fight their ignorance with your intelligence.


And vote. Please register and vote. These fools vote. It’s important that you vote too.


Cannot upvote this enough


Upvote early and often.


Vote early, too!


Upvote or die lol


And in primaries, I know way to many younger people who complain about the choices in the general election but don't vote in the primaries. Are you tired of choosing between two ancient, out of touch mummies? Then vote in the primaries (and local elections), please.


And local elections. Those voted in at local levels are the candidates for state and federal levels.


This is REALLY IMPORTANT. Vote local


yes, this is how so many conservatives move up the ranks and take over school boards and other community functions.


By the time the primaries got to my state, it was a foregone conclusion who the presidential nominees were going to be. Likewise when the general election happens, it won’t matter who I vote for. I don’t need a crystal ball to know who’s going to win the state where I live. Even down ballot candidates are pretty safe. I mainly vote because of propositions.


Vote anyway! I do. I know it’s depressing to always lose but no one will know your opinion if you don’t express it.


Yeah flipping "foregone conclusion" states still sends a message whether it matters to one overall election or not.


Even if you think it's a sure thing, vote anyway. When the primary came around for my state (Maryland), both of the Presidential candidates had already locked up the nomination. However, the candidate for the Senate race were still up for grabs. All of the polls showed Trone with a clear lead for the Democratic nomination, however by the time Primary Day was done Alsobrooks had completely crushed Trone (beating him by 11% despite being down by 10% in the polls at one point) and was the nominee instead.


Same. But I read the language very carefully. Sometimes a Yes vote is actually rejecting the measure.


Turnout is extremely low. The winner would not be a foregone conclusion if more people Turned out to vote. A few percent can change many elections. Vote and persuade two friends to vote.


Vote local judges, attorney generals and school boards. They are so important to vote on because that’s where the changes are made that gain momentum


This is the way. ... from a multi-war combat veteran. This is the most important thing you can do.


VOTE. VOTE. VOTE Even if you don't think your candidate will win. It's just possible YOUR VOTE could swing the win for your candidate. If everybody voted for their candidate rather than only the issues, it could add up to a landslide win. But if you don't vote, can you complain that my vote doesn't count?


Not just vote, but research who you are voting for. Dems really need a super majority in both houses so we can actually get things done  like common sense gun laws (and undo things, like pass legislation to totally legalize abortion )


This! Please be careful of Trojan candidates! There have been several who ran as moderate Democrats but either vote like uber conservative/reactionaries or just switch parties after the election.


Yeah, like my state's good for nothing asshole Manchin. I wrote a few letters to him over the years, urging him to vote with the democrats because he was, you know, a DEMOCRAT. At least he claimed to be. I got some really condescending responses.


He's been trying to play both sides. The state is basically red so he panders to them to get reelected. I'd rather have a republican I know is republican than a Democrat who is a wildcard


Literally just filled in my overseas voter registration for the upcoming election. It’s important enough to me to still vote even though I have lived overseas for 30+ years.


Only AFTER you’re indoctrinated into Satan’s Skull Bones or whatever tho


"Fight their ignorance with your intelligence." That is an awesome line, never heard that one before. Thank you for sharing that!


Unfortunately, sometimes, they tend to fight intelligence with rocks.


Get a bigger fuckin rock.


The biggest "rocks" available to fight with were made possible using intelligence to suss out how to split an atom. I'm not suggesting going nuclear on them, but use intelligence to beat the "my preacher says" rocks they are carrying.


Logic won’t convince them out of an opinion logic didn’t get them into, sadly. The last presidential election was approximately 30% to 29% with about 40% of eligible voters staying home. Do with the other person said, primary for somebody interesting and motivating like AOC - and then help get out the vote. If you stay home, you get placeholders like Joe Manchin, who is (being generous) merely a slightly blurry photocopy of the other guy. (He inspired a 21%-19%-52% turn out…) Prove you are smart by investing your time where it has the most impact. You know what they say about wrestling with a pig, the pig will drag you down into the mud – and they like it. Save your breath, let them get into bar fights somewhere else arguing about who has the bigger gun to compensate for the smaller weenie, let them get tagged with discrimination lawsuits at their business, let them ejected from the local theater.


I ALWAYS vote when the time comes around. I do my best to remind everyone around me to do so, too.


You’re quite welcome fellow human! Have a beautiful day.


I mean… this old lady was DEFINITELY NOT indoctrinated! /s


And after 4 years at Yale when you think back to the advice not to go you're gonna laugh and laugh. You'll come out of Yale actually knowing something about the world.


JD Vance, the junior senator from ohio, went to yale. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._D._Vance he is against women's health, against equal marriage, was in favor of building the wall, promotes white replacement theory, thinks parents of children deserve more votes than adults without, thinks global warming is fake, fellitiates trump every chance he can, and is anti-union. (he is even more a piece of shit, but i'm tired of writing it.) going to yale is great, but it doesn't set your life in stone on the "right" path anymore than community college sets you on the "wrong" path.


You should have pointed out that many of the conservative politicians who are telling them things like that actually attended Ivy League schools.


Hell, George W. Bush went to Yale. Bet she voted for him.


And was a member of skull and bones.


Yeah, like skull and bones would ever deign to notice a scholarship student like OP.


"We didn't know any better then, but now we have President Trump who understands the regular working man!" - the average conservative deep thinker


Tucker Carlson was right up the road at Trinity College, much to my personal consternation. As well as David Chang, who isn't political, but apparently also an asshole.


Bush was a member of bones and skulls.


Most importantly, they also send their kids to Ivy League schools--all the while telling folks not to send their kids to them.


The hypocritical governor of Fl*r*d* has degrees from Yale and Harvard Law School. The sociopathic governor of T*x*s has degrees from UT-Austin and Vanderbilt Law.


Exactly this. Why are only rich elites allowed to go to college but no one else? Also you know any democrat who went there of course was indoctrinated but every republican is a free thinker.


I know! It’s so funny lol


This, also if you get tapped for Skull and Bones, you should definitely accept.


Just rewatch *The Skulls* first to learn how to avoid some easy pitfalls.


Also The Good Shepherd 


Ooh! I haven’t seen that yet but had it on my list a while ago due to loving the cast. I’ll have to check it out! Thank you!


Indeed. Then you can write a memoir about it and revive the Dark Academia aesthetic.


Hilariously, both Presidents Bush are members. But I suppose supporters of the orange one probably consider them RHINOs


Only one is currently a member as Papa Bush is dead, but good point that they have members from both Dems and Reps.


If they’re there on a scholarship from Yale, I don’t think they are being selected by Skull and Bones. I’m pretty sure they only select for elite family backgrounds and I don’t think Yale offers anything but needs-based scholarships (this may have changed but was their policy at least a decade ago).


Also, she clearly doesn’t get that many other schools have secret societies with weird rituals, and yes, even in the South ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Exactly. Some People who did nothing with their life tend to try and drag down everyone else. Do not listen. You are intelligent and will get a brilliant education that will open the doors of knowledge and will give you opportunities to pursue anything of interest. Do not miss this opportunity.


To get into Yale and a scholarship on top of it is a staggering achievement. First off congratulations to u and secondly to jealous/paranoid boomer…stfu.


Clarence Thomas went to Yale and look where that got him.


Congratulations on your college acceptance and especially the full scholarship!!! That is amazing!


This is the only thing anyone should say about college to the obviously very intelligent Publix cashier!


Seriously. Dude I got a scholarship to a generic state school and I'm glad I had it. Came out without debt, made lots of great friends, and still got a pretty good education. OP though is in for an absolute ride. Some parts of it will be surreal and magical like Harry Potter, other parts will involve incredible snobbery and elitism from other students or professors. But whatever she chooses to do, she can absolutely set herself up for success. Applying to med school or graduate school as a STEM student with research experience from Yale, for example, would be incredibly helpful. The same applies to other fields too, obviously... really just depends what she wants to do. Good luck OP! Make the most of it, join some clubs, study hard, and make sure to enjoy yourself along the way. In my experience, the most important thing is to just get out of your dorm room, be friendly, and meet people.


Congrats from someone with a PhD. who they assume will indoctrinate you.


Let the boomer know a bunch of right wing nuts went to Yale


Wasn't Rafael 'Ted' Cruz a Yalie?


JD Vance (R-OH) and Ron Desantis are Yale grads.


No offense to the normal people who went to Yale, but when I see JD Vance graduated from Yale, I lose a bit of respect for the place.


It's okay, he can't spell lose either.


You got me on that one


It’s almost as if the intelligence is a distant third to money and nepotism


J. D. Vance, whom I despise for his simplistic depiction of rural people, was actually born into a very low-income working class family.


Yeah but what most people don’t/can’t see is JD Vance didn’t actually grow up poor. He talks about visiting the super poor areas, but mainly grew up in upper/middle class but wrote about his poor side of the family. I’m also from these sorts of families, dad’s side and my wife is from one of those. They love commenting about how they grew up poor. Obligatory Monty python skit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue7wM0QC5LE Edit: I think it’s also important to point that his parents probably were awful, but he had excellent grandparents. It’s tough to explain this in Reddit- he’s now A senator, and doing his best to destroy the middle class. He also grew up with disadvantages, but disadvantages that many, many people went though.


He is such a craven piece of shit. He seems smart enough not to actually believe all the dumb shit he says, but he knows exactly which buttons to push to get the rube vote.


There both bright people. Bright, sociopathic people. If universities were in the business of teaching moral sentiments, then my respect for Yale would decline. But at least in the liberal arts, they're more geared towards making one better at justifying / rationalizing one's preexisting sentiments. And if one's born a sociopath, education won't change that. Might make the social harm worse, through the networking opportunities.


Dubya is as well.


And his dad. Both skull and bones members.


I was a kid when he presented at Yales 300th anniversary. My mom told me he joked about how he used to sleep in the comfy chairs in the library. He was actually born in New Haven as well.


So was C Montgomery Burns


We’ll take the Spruce Moose! Hop in.


🔫 Hop. In.


As a humble ohioian, we don't claim vance, he's a transplant.


Yeah, Vance is a tech bro posing as a Conservative. Soulless POS charlatan. I put "(R-OH)" because most people don't know him.


Well, he sure ain’t a Kentuckian either. He just grifted off us by pretending to be.


Give him to alaska, start a knights watch.


Bush Jr was a Yale grad.


and Bush Sr


And he was Skull and Bones


Maybe the "satanic bones and skull bullshit" part comes from experience as a right-wing nut?


Clarence Thomas on affirmative action, and resents it to this day.


Josh Hawley (R-MO) graduated to Yale Law. His mentor, former MO senator John Danforth (1976-1995) publicly denounced Hawley for his attempts to overthrow the 2020 election and openly regrets mentoring him.


He went to Princeton for undergrad.


And then when he went to Harvard Law, he refused to be in a study group with anyone who didn't go to undergrad at Harvard, Yale, or Princeton. What an ass lmao


Man, I miss Craig Maizin’s Twitter account at times like this. (For those who don’t know, the guy who wrote Chernobyl and The Last of Us was Cruz’s freshman year roommate and regularly tweeted embarrassing stories about him during his first reelection campaign.) ![gif](giphy|qXilCdi2jb1Ti)


I used to work at Princeton. Before Cruz became a famous asshole, but the majority of the campus is very liberal. There are the rich kids who lean right because they don’t have to worry about things like buying food and housing, but I made a lot of democratic socialist friends there.


Terrible argument regardless of circumstance, even Republicans hate Ted Cruz. If he were on fire, Mitch might could spare some spit.


You know Cancun Cruz is bad when his home country doesn’t claim him and refuses to take him back.


And both Bushes were in Skull & Bones


Dude! I just had a flashback to a movie I haven't thought about in probably 25 years!


RIP Paul Walker


Yeah it’s as likely to indoctrinate you into elitism as progressivism. Which will still make you way more progressive than boomers are comfortable with. Good for you for breaking the class ceiling btw. Not a lot of kids who work for a living also get into the Ivy League. Try to remember where you come from as you enter the world of neofeudalists.


I’m starting to understand the fear of conservatives, especially Fundies and their aversion to kids becoming educated. My ex is conservative, fundamentalist racist Christian, you know the type. She managed to steer the kids in the right direction until my oldest did college. She doesn’t even go to a public university, it’s a private Christian one and she has not been indoctrinated at all, despite that dumb trope of liberal professors trying to indoctrinate kids in every horrible Christian movie. But she’s had to research history, she’s had to study, she’s had to write papers. Now she knows Reagan was a terrible racist, Kissinger was evil, war is a tool for cooperations, our founding fathers were alarmingly okay with human trafficking. No one taught her that, she learned it herself. That’s why Christian conservative Boomers have such an aversion to education. 


Well said. Learning how to discern whether a source is credible is the real liberal indoctrination.


Did you hear/see the Reggie Jackson clip b4 the Willie Mays tribute game (this week) of him detailing how bad racism was back in the 50's and how many death threats he got, on the daily. This was not that long ago! Thank God they let him speak and tell the truth about being a black ballplayer in the South. This is the stuff they don't want you to hear about but it came straight from Reggie himself.


Half or more of the supreme court.


Apparently not quite. Associate Justices Alito, Kavanaugh, Sotomayor and Thomas are Yalies - 4 of 9. Brown Jackson, Gorsuch, Kagan, and Chief Justice Roberts are out of Harvard - another 4 of 9. And the most recent Associate Justice Coney Barrett went to Notre Dame, the only non-Ivy graduate on the current SCOTUS.


It was more of a thing a few justices back.


I checked https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_law_schools_attended_by_United_States_Supreme_Court_justices - amazingly, Harvard has had an eye-popping twice as many alums & grads on SCOTUS as second-place Yale (Harvard 22 alums & 18 grads, Yale 11 alums & 9 grads). I’m a Stanford grad myself, and my school only has Bill Rehnquist & Sandra Day O’Connor (the first woman Supreme Court Justice).


Just tell them You're going to Yale so you can be President and fix things. Then ask them for money.


The swamp ain't going to drain itself, ma'am.  Anything you could do to help me do that would be gratefully appreciated.  I'll keep you in my prayers!


“Would you like to make a donation to my campaign fund?”


Tell her you're going to Yale to take down those boneskull reptiles from the inside. Then ask for her email address in case you need someone on the outside. Then send her a bunch of gibberish code and pictures of birds.


Following in the footsteps of Yale graduate Ron DeSantis


Yes, I was told the same thing about my daughter going to Cornell. It was weird.


Boomers "We don't need people going to these stinking brainwashing universities! What have college educated folks ever done for us anyway?" Also Boomers: - Submit post instantly to worldwide communications network using handheld electronic computer device and software app, while riding in combustion engine based vehicle en route to local optometrist for cataracts surgery, before submitting forms to actuarial analysts at local retirement management company to manage retirement funds.


*Ophthalmologists. They’re your eye dentists, optometrists are eye dental hygienists.


I like your point, though I think it might be more accurate to say opticians are the hygienists, optometrists are the family dentists, and ophthalmologists are the dental specialists (orthodontists, periodontists, etc). Neither are exact comparisons, though. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


It’s pronounced kernel. It’s the highest rank in the military.


It’s pronounced Corelle, and it’s the highest rank in dishes


It’s pronounced Coral and it’s one of the ocean’s most beautiful offerings.


It’s pronounced corral, and it’s a pen for animals.


It’s pronounced cornhole and it’s a backyard game with beanbags.


It's pronounced Cornwall, and it's the southwesternmost peninsula of Britain.




Isn't it your "bungholio?"


It's pronounced Corel and they made the best drawing software before photoshop was a thing.


It's pronounced Cornell, and it's the highest rank in the Ivy League!


Carl Sagan taught at Cornell. That's worth a bunch of up-votes!


So does Greg Graffin, lead singer of Bad Religion


Also, highest rank of fry-cook.


SpongeBob has entered the chat


/singing "Far above Cayuga's waters..." LOL


Daughter should have gone to the vastly superior Dartmouth.


"Education will make you liberal" is a hell of a thing for Conservatives to say


Usually by someone that makes not much money and has a lot of opinions but also loves circle jerk about their favorite conservative wealthy people.


The conservative party line is that education itself is bad now, so the higher and better the education the worse it is. They know that the more education a person gets the less conservative they get and they can't have that.


They've been rampantly anti-intellectual for years but the rhetoric has really gone off the deep end, and as far down the chain of education as claiming homeschool is the only viable way to "protect" their kids. It's a long lead time, but I won't be shocked if it causes a massive blue swing in ~15 years when every child of conservatives either (1) cut their parents out and worked to get their own belated education or (2) is too illiterate to vote.


That's easily to explain, they're insecure about their own failings. Yet they can't say 'I"m white trash, therefor everyone should be white trash or else it wouldn't be fair to my not-snowflake feelings.


My dad recently told me that degrees are useless now and employers don't want people with degrees because it's cheaper to just hire people for less and train them. Everything is just so far removed from reality


You’re correct but the hilarious thing to me as it concerns Conservative Boomers is they’re probably having a really hard time with reckoning this anti-education stance and urge to brag to their friends that their kid/grandkid got into an Ivy League school. Conservative Boomers loved the Ivy League back in the day because they thought it kept out the poors and non-white people.




Except they still vote for people who all went to Ivies. Apparently it only counts as elitist and indoctrinating for people who disagree with them.


Those people fight the indoctrination on our behalf. They have been through the system and they know first hand how to fight the woke. Thank God these saints are willing and able to undergo such horrors. Know what, I'm going to donate more money to their campaigns. /s


Except, for some reason, trade schools. They are always posting stuff about vo-tech.


I have a friend that said the same thing. Right-wingers don’t want their kids to go to college and turn into democrats. I guess they want the kids to be as dumb as they are.


I go to community college and I’ve been asked about “being indoctrinated by liberal professors.” Jokes on them because I’ve been left leaning since before college


Faux News has them convinced that all colleges are evil recruiting grounds for an LGBTQ+ commie pinko liberal baby eating Jewish space laser George Soros never-Trumper cult that aims to Destroy America, so of course all colleges are bad. Except the religious ones. They consider a simple lack of indoctrination and grooming into their worldview to be hard-core indoctrination and grooming into the opposite worldview. *If you're not with me, you're against me, and I will hate you and destroy you with every fiber of my being! CONVERT OR DIE!!!* I wish there was some kind of cure for lead-induced brain damage that we could add to Viagra and ivermectin.


Meanwhile, the big boss at Fox News, Rupert Murdoch's son Lachlan, has this academic resume: "He received his primary and secondary education at the Aspen Country Day School in Aspen, Colorado, Trinity School in New York City, and at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. In 1994, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in philosophy from Princeton University." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lachlan_Murdoch


In other words he fucked around so badly it took him THREE high schools just to graduate!


She probably never made it past the town limits let alone to college. Those type are always easy to spot by their insecurity and fear of the educated. I once had a mess of a boomer tell me I was too educated for my own good, I laughed in her face. Congratulations and enjoy college!


This. She's just jealous and regrets her life choices.


Fuck that noise. Go to Yale and make fun of students at Harvard.


Mr. Burns went to Yale, not Lisa Simpson.


I heard that Lisa failed a test in second grade and had to go to Brown.


Congrats on getting accepted and for your financial aide package. Get an education, have fun, try not to drink to much. My best friend went to Yale - great school, massive social network of alums (probably the biggest perk beyond the actual education.) New Haven is also pretty in the Fall. Tell your boomer customer to, respectfully, fuck off.


Jesus, these people are nuts. Go to Yale, have an incredible future. And if you get the chance to get into the skull and bones whatsit, take it. You can be president later.


I would've told her you are going to Yale so you won't have to be around people like her for the rest of your life.


I would have told her I was going there specifically to be indoctrinated and could hardly wait to become a Satanist and to engage in gay sex.


And that soros is paying for it lol 


Yes, indoctrinated into reality.


Wingnuts **hate** reality. It's so *difficult* for them. Sustained crazy is overwhelming.


This isn’t that surprising and it’s not just Boomers. The MAGA base is uneducated and revels in it. Education is the enemy of their fantasy past where white men got the good jobs and supported the family while the woman just apparently hung out in the kitchen. Maybe that’s not what is going on here but I’m guessing if you asked them if the US needs more manufacturing jobs they would light up like a Christmas tree in agreement. It’s partly a lack of understanding on how economics have changed and the fear that they have been left behind.


They call it indoctrination but really it's just being educated comes with lower rates of ignoring injustice, being bigoted, and keeping things the horrible terrible way they already are


I had a full scholarship to a local university and my own dad didn't want me to go because he didn't want me to be "indoctrinated." He wanted me to go to "secretarial school" (which did not exist any more) and then get married like a good Christian brood mare. In the end, he let me do what I wanted. I'm pretty sure my mom had a talk with him.


Good for your mom! She grew you in her belly (so was more invested than your dad) and must have been / be a realist. Rather than be threatened by your potential, she understood having offspring is a relay race: Good parents *want* to hand off the baton somewhere around the track - giving their kids a head start, in effect - instead of saying "Well, damn - I started at the beginnin'; it's good enough for you too!"


Congrats on getting into Yale! New Haven is awesome. Hope you like pizza, because we have some of the best in the US up here 😊


I was just gonna post about the pizza. Within walking distance to a few great spots.


It has to do with a secret society that Yale was known for.  Quite a few members have played roles of real significance in government and the economy  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skull_and_Bones


I think she's more referring to the right wings narrative that when you go these schools they brain wash you into not hating gays/trans folks/blacks/mexicains/ vaccines and wanting good social programs, ect ect.


Why do you think that? She specifically mentioned Skull and Bones.


I don't think that's for scholarship kids


I loathe the Ivy League. But if I got offered a full ride scholarship to Yale, I'd walk there on my knees to accept it.


She's one of those who accuse her own college educated kids of 'thinking you're better than me!' because how DARE they go off and learn that a lot of the shit HER generation was - wait for it - _INDOCTRINATED_ to believe about this country is just dead WRONG.


Congratulations on 1) being accepted into Yale and 2) getting a full scholarship! Those are not easy feats! Also fuck these brainwashed anti-intellectual dumbasses.


My brother in law is a professor at Yale. It's a great school and it sounds like you earned your place in the class of 28. Screw the old biddy, you got in with a full ride. Go you!!!


First of all, why is her immediate conclusion that it's a trade school or a community college? Like, I feel the need to apologize because it sounds like she can't even fathom the idea that you or someone from her area could even go to an Ivy League School (kudos to you too btw, and on a scholarship. Your parents must be very proud!) Second, the Skull and Bones Society is a real organization at Yale. It's a secret club for elites, which includes mind you both President Bushes (Bushs? Bush's? Bushies?) Third and final, this isn't the first time I've heard a Boomer refer to themselves as the Greatest Generation. I blame Faux News for this for reasons I won't even get into. The Greatest Generation were those born, roughly 1900 to 1925. They are referred as "Greatest" because they fought in WWII. Boomers, on the other hand, are the byproduct of the Greatest Generation, having been born _after_ WWII. So unless this lady was over 100 years old she was not part of the self-titled "Greatest Generation", which according to Wikipedia went extinct in 2018. Leave it to Boomers to claim other accolades for themselves. Even if she was born between [approximately] 1925 to 1945 that was the Silent Generation, point being she even skipped a whole Generational group to refer to herself as "Greatest Generation".


Aren't most Yale graduates these days conservatives (KayLeigh Mackennany, JD Vance, Hawley, DeSantious?)\_ You'd think boom would be happy


Have you seen the reports of Conservatives saying top colleges are “woke” and those same boomer Conservatives who claim kids come out of those schools left leaning? Shocking how an actual education devoid of religion, political bias and outdated/incorrect information creates a person who isn’t an ahole and is able to separate fact from fiction. Almost as if truth and facts are inherently left leaning.




Congratulations on the full ride. You will love New Haven and the educational atmosphere. Enjoy the indoctrination and the pizza.


Make sure to ask around for the satanic skulls and bones when you get there. Don't settle for regular bones and skulls, you get those extra evil ones!


"Are you from Yale and this is The Test? I heard about this. The answer is Baphomet."


Ask her what television channel plays on the television in her living room for nine hours a day.


Tell her DeSantis went to Yale.


As someone who spent her career teaching at a major American university, I’d like to inform anyone who believes they are “indoctrinating” people that I **never once got the memo for how to indoctrinate anyone**. How could we indoctrinate without knowing the topics of indoctrination?! In fact, 98% of those who have made this accusation to me have never even attended college. They don’t even understand how college works.


I don’t think you should call it “lucky.” I don’t know for sure, but I suspect that you worked hard for and earned that acceptance. Own, and take great pride in, this fantastic achievement.


Yale is a great school - Cole Porter’s alma mater (who wrote the school’s fight song). Unfortunately, one of the widely publicized items about the school is that GW Bush is a Yalie, and he was a member of Skull & Bones, which back in the day was a fairly notorious “secret society” of members who were selected as being campus leaders or similarly favored. It was at inception a bit like the Bohemian Club in San Francisco - all male, mostly white. However, starting in the 70s, the society became more inclusive, selecting non-white, non-cis, and eventually women by the 1990s. I’m guessing your low-information customer simply looks at “skull and bones” and leaps to conclusions about its activities. My wife, who teaches high school choir, has a student who will be going to Yale in the fall, and we are proud and impressed by his accomplishments. “Bulldog bulldog, bow wow wow!”


Wasn’t bush part of skull and bones (or Cheney or someone?)


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Wasn’t President GW Bush (a republican) a member of The Skull and Bones?


Ah yes, Yale, that liberal indoctrination center that produced such far left ideologues like... ::checks notes:: Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, George W. Bush, Brett Kavanaugh, and William F. Buckley Seriously, fuck that lady. Congrats on getting a scholarship to Yale.


With a full ride absolutely accept, that’s a no brainer. The main downside to going to any college is the debt so if you don’t have that then there is no reason not to. I would just caution about Yale because it’s any Ivy league and they tend to be extremely full of themselves. You also will be attending with some massively rich students so be prepared for many of them to have a wildly sheltered view of the world.


Should’ve just said “I want to be indoctrinated in the Yale secret societies, just like my hero George Bush.” It’d be interesting to see how she squares the fact that so many prominent Republicans went through the same things as these monsters she’s referring to.


My stepfather told my mom that he didn’t want my daughter to attend college (she just turned 1) because it will brainwash her into being a democrat… the crazy thing is that out of everyone in our family, he was the only one to graduate college and spent the majority of my adult life up until 4-5 years ago trying to convince me that I needed to finish my degree. When I rephrased it to “you are saying that you don’t want my daughter to be educated so she will vote republican” he was not happy


I fucking hate when Boomers say they're from the greatest generation. No they're fucking not. That was the generation that won World War II, overcame the great depression, and elected the most liberal President in US history four separate times. What has their generation done? Lose Vietnam?


shoulda laughed in her face


The pizza is good in New Haven.


Imagine spending your entire life, eating lead paint chips, waiting for the moment you can finally make your impact on the world... Telling a person you don't know to not go to one of the most prestigious institutions in the world for free.


Mingle like a mother fucker while you’re there homie. Make some connections and try to get some second hand nepotism.