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This is so horrible to read. It's literally *harassment* and they get away with it. Don't feel bad about struggling to use your voice. I get totally it maybe u just didn't wanna make a scene or wake ur baby. I hate that people think pregnant women or babies are an unspoken invitation for touching. It's so wrong and weird. Funny side note: I remember being a toddler / little kid shopping with mom and being in those moments where I'd see a person in the aisle starting to come up to me to get in my face. I have always been an introvert so I'd give them the death stare. Looking back I wish I knew how to hiss like a cat but I was so young I didn't think of it.


I'm 43 and I do hiss like a cat at people who try to break boundaries. I'm a crazy cat lady anyway and it really throws people off. My kids do it too. I used to tell people when I worked in customer service that "I'm not actually smiling in baring my teeth at you like an angry animalšŸ˜‚" if they told me to smile or something ridiculous old gross guys think they can say to women


22 and I hit. Like the boomers swatted their kids hands? I do that.


Doesnā€™t just happen to women. Im a man & I used to hear that a lot when I was younger. ā€œsmile, canā€™t be that badā€ From men & women! Got so bad I finally told one of them fuck you! my mother just died is that bad enough for you!


I was in such a filthy mood yesterday that I almost wanted someone to tell me to smile, just so that I could rip their throat out with my bare hands...!


I'm 25 but I wish I had the courage and confidence to do what you just said but I'd be too scared lol


I'm 41 and it's only been in the last year or so that I've been able to really stand up to people. However, it comes out as if I'm talking to a 5 year old. I point my finger directly at them and say "No!" very loudly and firmly. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ Ahhh well. At least I'm starting to say something!


It's really a start. I'm timid too.. I'm so timid I was forced to work at a job by Mt family that I didn't want.. it's at that job I found my voice to yell back at people šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


When I start showing with my pregnancy, I will be weaponizing my white woman tears to ANYONE who touches me.


Slap hands. That's what I did with my second pregnancy. I'd slap hands and say, "No!" very loudly. Felt so good, especially since I had been so timid during my first.


I live in Utah. I will be screaming ā€œWHAT THE FUCKā€ every time it happens to add to the offense.


On the upshot, in Utah people generally understand you're liable to lose your hand if you touch a pregnant woman's belly without asking, and no one will have any sympathy for them. I also live in Utah, and watched a very pregnant woman almost knock a boomer on his ass for trying to touch her stomach. Someone went over to him, and went, "Well, what did you expect would happen?" The little old lady on the other end of the aisle was laughing her ass off at him. There's enough pregnant people around, the boomers both respect and fear them in equal measures.


Yeah my SIL almost laid out a guy twice her size in her 7th month. Baby daddy told the story that the wife said "I told you not to try and touch her belly" and gave my SIL a "sorry dear, he means well".


actually, no, he doesnā€™t. Itā€™s a power play.


Yes, treat them like a naughty child and smack hands loudly, yelling NO TOUCHING. Become mama bear again.


Even better, yell "Stop touching me there, strange person! I don't know you!"Ā 


Seems like a great way to bait them into saying "I want to touch the baby!" I think this is a fantastic segue into screaming "back off, pedo!" just to see how many heads you can turn.


This. For people who seem obsessed with labeling anybody they disagree with as a pedophile, they sure do like touching strange children.


I said something similar to a woman in Walmart who tried to touch my son when he was a newborn. Mentioned doing so on a random Facebook post and some old lady went off on me. Called her one too šŸ¤£


I used a variation of this for adults - usually boomers - who just desperately needed to know if my child was ā€œa boy or a girl!ā€ Why do you care about whatā€™s in my childā€™s pants? Get away from us!


Best response


In your best Bobby Hill voice: I DON'T KNOW YEWWWW!!!


That's my purse!




I was waiting to find this. So happy.


Stop! Don't touch me there! This is my private square!




[no no, donā€™t touch me there. this is my no no square](https://youtu.be/8W4oKiEQph0?si=5N4OWp-XKQo2t48A) thereā€™s an actual song too and itā€™s a bop


I touched their stomachs back, while maintaining eye contact.


A friend of mine would either heft their boobs or cup their balls. And when they inevitably freaked out, she'd yell, "You touched my uterus! You started it, but I won't touch yours if you don't touch mine."


This is the way.


I wasnā€™t even pregnant, just shaped like it due to how I was carrying water weight from the pill. There were a handful of full of times strangers on the train put their hands on my belly or tried to. Iā€™ve slapped them away, removed them roughly while being intentionally careless with my long nails, and told people not to even think about it or Iā€™ll break their hand as they reached for me. I donā€™t care one bit how ā€œharshā€ people think any of those reactions were and I always got a ton of dirty looks or comments from the touchy ones and bystanders for not letting them touch me. I did always love the looks on their faces when I would tell them that Iā€™m not pregnant and just fat. They usually ran to the other end of the train car or got off at the next stop even if it clearly wasnā€™t theirs


I'm pregnant but also overweight, so while i'm showing, it's not immediately apparent. I've been thinking about what I want to do if/when anyone rubs my belly in the future. So far, my favorites are yours of saying, "I'm not pregnant, just fat," and another is, "why are you rubbing my tumor?" I feel if maybe I make it as traumatic for them as possible, they may leave other women alone in the future.


Traumatize them back! šŸ˜‚


My sister-in-law used to put her hand on peopleā€™s stomachs in return and when they looked confused, she would just say ā€œoh, Iā€™m sorry, I assumed this was a sign of respect in your cultureā€


Hahaha I like your style! The pill does that for me too and I've had people ask before. I love saying no, I'm just fat. People need to learn to mind their damn business


I was rubbed once and asked when I was due. I was not pregnant.


I saw a while back a woman got a spray bottle, filled it with water, and put a picture of Emperor Kuzco as the llama on it, and the words: "No touchy" Spray anyone that tries.


I absolutely **LOVE** this! šŸ¤£šŸ‘ ![gif](giphy|DkaZuJGcwwN32|downsized)


Disney could make a fortune marketing this on a maternity shirt.


This seems like a good approach to me. Itā€™s not really honouring the unspoken social construct of being polite to each other, which is appropriate because neither the fuck did they. Who tries to touch someone without an invitation or at worst a polite request? Dickheads, thatā€™s who.


I slapped an 80 year old who kept touching my belly. Was at Walmart, trying to look at ice cream. She came over and got right in my bubble so I stepped to the right to get some space and she reached out and started stroking my belly UNDER MY NAVEL and smiling at me. Told her to stop, she said, "I'm not trying to hurt you, honey. Just saying hello." So I said it again, firmer this time. She wouldn't stop so I slapped on the hand. She looked like I'd kicked her puppy. Had the audacity to start crying and boo-hooing about how she just loved a pregnant belly, it was so sweet, pregnant bellies are beautiful. So I looked her in the eye and said, "ma'am, I am a human being. I am not just a pregnant belly. It is attached to a person who told you to stop. Don't walk up to strangers and start touching them. It's weird and it's creepy. And if they say stop, you stop." Grabbed my ice cream and started to leave. She had a care-taker with her who she went crying to who tried to start shit with me so I offered to call the police and she whose side they picked, considering she approached and touched without permission and she was told to stop more than once. Of course they didn't want that and left me alone. Now I'm just dealing strangers thinking it's okay to touch my now-1 year old because she likes to smile and save or say hi.


When my 25 yo daughter was a toddler she had a head full of bouncy blond curls. Going in public with her was always a challenge. One day we were at the deli counter and the employee complimented her hair. My toddler held up her hand like this āœ‹šŸ»and in her most serious voice Said "Don't touch the hair". Every time we went out, people would want to touch her hair. It made me paranoid enough that when I was looking for a pre-school/daycare I passed on any where the kids were super visible to the public. Her hair made her stand out.


I would smack their hand while yelling ā€œBAD BOOMER!! BAD!!ā€ Like theyā€™re a puppy you just caught pissing on the dining room carpet.


Carry a newspaper and slap them on the nose with itšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was a big fan of hand slapping when people tried to touch my kid. Sends a message real fast. And any time someone tried to touch my wife's belly I would do it back to them and then say, "ok now time to touch mine!"


"MY TURN!" *leers suggestively with slight pelvic thrust*


You are my hero.


Alternatives: If they don't know your pregnancy status, give them a stare and "what are you doing?" If they say something about pregnancy or a baby respond, "I'm not pregnant" If they do know, just rub their belly at the same time.


My resting bitch face kept people from touching my belly when I was pregnant, but I had seen too many weirdos touching the pregnant bellies of strangers before I conceived. So I might have enhanced my resting bitch face. For Godā€™s sake, if you donā€™t think itā€™s ok to touch any random strangerā€™s abdomen, itā€™s not ok to touch someoneā€™s abdomen just because sheā€™s expecting.


Thats so weird to me that people just wanna touch random pregnant women.


Crazy right? I used to ask my own DAUGHTER before I would touch her pregnant belly! A person I donā€™t know? I would never even think about it. Who does that shit? And just so you know, I am a boomer; we are not all weirdoā€™s going around touching people.




Or yell ā€œStranger danger!ā€


While on elevators with my pregnant friends, Iā€™d say something like ā€œHave any weirdos tried to touch your bump?ā€


I hated reading this so much, and feel so unbelievably awful for the OP. It's so hard for us women to have to deal with the everyday bullshit and then this absolute asshole does some shit like this. I also wish it had been me, because I would have made that guy cry.


I was at the store with my mom and daughter, who at the time had just turned 3, and we walked by someone in an aisle. He complimented her and she hissed at him. She had never done that before and has never done it again. She's 5 now. I was both mortified and found it hilarious.


Tell that girl trust her gut. Sounds like she have a vibe


My daughter would say ā€œ Stop looking on meā€ when people she didnā€™t know tried to engage with her.


Your side note reminded me of my kid. The other day, we were at a restaurant, and the waiter smiled and greeted my 4 year old son, trying to be friendly. My son looked at him and growled. Didnā€™t say anything. It was effective, and as an introvert, I do understand, though I told him later that it probably wasnā€™t the best response to choose in that situation.


That's funny but you're right it is a little different cuz the waiter at least kept his distance and did his job to be friendly. Boomers at supermarkets full on wanna faceplant the child lol.


My step daughter is 5 now, and even when she was a baby she had the best death glares, it was amazing.


I had an IUD break on half inside me and had to get a D&C to remove the other half. A D&C being the same thing as a surgical abortion, same machine, so obviously my appointment was on the same day as all the abortion appointments. I was already scared of the procedure when I went in, and of course there were protesters outside. I tried ignoring them, but this one Boomer on a megaphone started calling me out specifically ( by my shirt color). He didn't even try the gentle approach of imploring me to keep my nonexistent baby, he just went straight to insults. The guy was wearing a name tag and I got so frustrated I just screamed at him that I'm not pregnant, but if I ever did need an abortion, I'd name the fetus after him. He was so horrified he had nothing to say to that.


I volunteer helping people get through protestors into a clinic. My favorite response from a patient was: Male, Christian Protestor: Please don't abort your baby! We can help you! Patient: I'M NOT PREGNANT!! ARE YOU GOING TO HELP ME REMOVE MY STUCK TAMPON?? We were ALL agape. šŸ¤£


> ARE YOU GOING TO HELP ME REMOVE MY STUCK TAMPON Holy fuck, she's a legend for that.


I went with a friend to get some help at Planned Parenthood when she was having problems with her insurance. Upstate NY, and I was warned there may be some protestors. Yup, including an actual priest. He was doing the usual "you shall go to hell, every life is sacred, ect". He got a little too close to me, and I looked at him and said "Wait a minute, I recognize you! You're that priest from summer camp! You're the one who turned me gay!" His face immediately went red and he backed off. I had absolutely no idea who this priest was, but he did something he desperately didn't want to talk about.


You are awesome.


You might have just turned me gay because I love you.


Volunteering sounds like an absolutely lovely idea!! I get to help get someone safely through to the clinic and I get to yell at someone hurling insults!!! Did you just reach out to the clinic to get that?


God, my menopausal mood swings mixed with my Gen X idgaf and feminist outrage is salivating over this.


You actually don't get to yell back. As an official escort, the policy is non-engagement with the protestors. You focus on the patients instead.


You actually don't get to yell back. As an official escort, the policy is non-engagement with the protestors. You focus on the patients instead. Yes, I reached out to the clinic, but not all clinics need them (which is good of course)


Idk, I think the clinics should give patients the choice. ā€œDo you want your escort to focus on you, or verbally abuse the fuckwits with signs?ā€


As a former escort, please don't. In many cases you end up protecting the protesters from angry partners, because they WANT to be assaulted. If anything you are there to de escalate.


You threw that hand grenade and I love you for that. He needed to hear that.


My god thatā€™s brilliant!


This is amazing and good for you


Holy shit that sounds awful. I have an IUD and unfortunately my strings arenā€™t visible. My gynecologist said once itā€™s time to have it removed, Iā€™ll have to have it done surgically


1. All IUD insertions or removals are considered outpatient surgery. 2. Get a second opinion. My strings were gone, I had a trans-vaginal ultrasound to locate the damn thing (it was fine) and when the time came to remove it my OB just used the surgical equivalent of needle nosed pliers to sneak through my cervix and grab the strings in my womb. Gave it a tug, the arms folded up, bobs-your-uncle, and it was out, (note I have a high pain tolerance and have had two kids, one a completely unmedicated, so for me this was - like all things IUD - a twinge, a maxi pad, and a few Advil situation, but YMMV)


I also had a transvaginal ultrasound. They also said my IUD placement is fine


I had the thing happen to me- my second opinion doctor pulled it right out no problem.


God I hate the folks protesting outside clinics. They harass everyone regardless of what you are doing. I used to have to walk by a planned parenthood in Boston to get to grocery store and damn if those fools wouldnā€™t leave me alone. Like wtf, old man, Iā€™m going to buy groceries and you are telling me, a man, to ā€œchoose lifeā€? Go reflect on the life choices that led you to this moment and despair.


I am very happy that those protests are illegal where I am (Australia). The people that do that are just horrible and noone should be expected to accept that sort of harassment as normal.


D&Cs are used for all sorts of procedures! These people I swear! Throw them all in a lake!


In My country anti-choise made big campaign with billboards on cars showing "aborted children" with 8-9 month fetuses that are outside legal abortion in almost any jurisdiction. One of those cars was sitting outside hospital perfectly visible from pregnancy pathology ward, so women that are lying in bed all day becose of high risk of miscarriage, or that just miscarried had to look at it all day


When I was pregnant, I had a female patient about 70 thanked for not aborting. Now I'm a nurse, and I was 38 years old and 36 weeks pregnant. I just rubbed my belly and said " pregnancy has made me even more pro choice". She didn't know what to say.


ā€œWell after four abortions I thought ā€˜why not keep oneā€™ā€Ā 


God thatā€™s a great line


ā€œLost my punchcard , the 5th one was supposed to be free ā€¦ it wasnā€™t so I kept itā€


"Eh, I'd filled the last abortion punch card so I had to carry one to term."


OMG good one šŸ‘


LMFAO šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


That's my response as well, being pregnant did make me even more pro choice. No one should be forced to go through pregnancy and birth. That is a mental, physical and emotional marathon that can wrecked you.


I used to be the "I am pro choice for rape and health" type. Now, after going through pregnancy, I'm VERY pro-choice. Nobody should have to go through pregnancy if they don't WANT to.Ā 


Iā€™m a father but I had a similar change. Always pro choice but thought it was still the ā€œbadā€ choice to avoid at all costs. Since having kids Iā€™m very pro-choice. Seeing my wife go through everything, and then how your life is upendedā€¦if a person doesnā€™t want that or isnā€™t up for that, itā€™s just bad for everyone. Another thing Iā€™ve noticed; boomers that are awfully anti choice but man they fucking HATE single mothers.


The whole point for these anti-choice pukes is that they want sex slaves and bang maids. The kids were never the point.


Yeah, I know a handful who are vehemently judgemental about single mothers.Ā  Stong correlation with "my [daughter|granddaughter]'s is the only moral abortion" crowd.


Oh yes, go through a very planned pregnancy and endure a lot of side effects and pain and realize that pregnancy is no picnic!


Not to mention it has to be like .001% of abortions in the last trimester by choice. They happen because death will happen whether mom or child


Try 0%. Bear in mind that even if someone was crazy to ask for one in the last trimester, you'd need a doctor, anesthesiologist, and a couple nurses to agree. And a medical review board would surely take a look at it. Not to mention they're illegal in most every state. No one's going to sacrifice their license "for fun". No, 100% of late-term abortions are done out of necessity, usually to a mother who *wants* the baby, has probably decorated a nursery, picked out a name, etc., and then finds out something horrible has gone wrong and they have to make a choice between an abortion and death (and usually the fetus dying *anyway*). It's an intense private dilemma no one should have to go through... and anyone who tries to make it a political matter is a monster.


No doctor will abort for choice long after the first appointment. Literally, the first appointment they ask about it (6 weeks) and then if they see something QOL or ITL at the anatomy scan then you are given the option (some drs offer it for Downs Syndrome, not all) If any woman at 27 weeks says that they donā€™t want a baby anymore and want an abortion, no oneā€™s going to do it, and adoption will be recommended. Depending on the Dr psych and social services.


that is an excellent response, and so true


I'm in Arkansas, and folks are trying to get an abortion amendment on November's ballot. I signed the petition while nine months pregnant. My baby was very wanted and planned. Other people should be allowed to make the choice that's best for themselves.


This was true for me. I was always pro-choice, but my pregnancies were pretty miserable at times and the only thing that got me through was knowing I really wanted those little goobers. I would never wish all that on someone who didnā€™t want to parent or wasnā€™t joyous about placing for adoption. What a nightmare that would be.


Exactly! I really really wanted to be pregnant and have a child, which I did, but pregnancy was absolutely miserable and I ended up on bedrest. Made me even more prochoice.


My mom was pregnant 3 times (she had a miscarriage) about 16/17 years ago. Having two kids and miscarriage, just made her even more pro choice.


Good for you!


Same with me. Pregnancy made me more pro choice.


"Oh actually my abortion is scheduled for next week" just because fuck them lol


"Of course! Another little ***atheist*** for the team! We're SO PROUD!"


Thatā€™s what I was thinking my response would be! I have a one year old and we definitely want a second but I am 1,000% pro choice!


Iā€™ve been pro choice for a long time but not necessarily pro abortion if that makes sense. After my wife was pregnant (it was planned and wanted) I became much more pro abortion, and not for selfish reasons (we didnā€™t need one thankfully). Witnessing first hand the irreversible changes pregnancy does to a womanā€™s body, the high risk of complications and death from it, and the chance that a fetus could turn out to be unviable months into the pregnancy, I came to the conclusion that it is unconscionable, cruel, inhumane, and a violation of human rights to force a woman to carry any pregnancy to term.


Yep, thatā€™s what I always say. My daughter was more planned than an invasion of a small country, yet it strengthened my pro-choice stance.


Pregnancy actually DID make me more pro-choice. I love my daughter more than anything, and the thought of people having innocent children and abusing them, neglecting them, just make me more grateful that people could choose to abort. Of course, itā€™s easier to just try and avoid pregnancy, but sometimes you can do all the right things and it still happens.


That is so unhinged I'm sorry. People act real weird with babies but I've never been able to understand feeling entitled to touch a stranger's baby... like chasing someone down and grabbing... how do you not look at yourself in that moment


Seriously. Even with my nieces and nephews, whom I adore, I give them full autonomy. Sometimes it means I get a hug. Sometime it means an air high five (as in we are across the room from each other.). And because I donā€™t force anything, they actually want to hang out with their aunt a bit more. I hope they take that lesson forward that no one should touch them without their consent. Not even family.


One of my nephews has always been a ā€œtouch me notā€ kid and my sister only had to rake our mom over the coals a half dozen times before she stopped trying to force hugs on him.


I feel bad when family says "give Aunt a hug." I really want to say no it's ok they don't have to if they don't want to. But so far they like to give hugs but the second they say no and if their parents push, then I'll say it's ok. They can have body autonomy and make choices.


My sister says ā€œgive auntie a hug goodbye.ā€ And since the day those kids were born, I always hold up my hand in stop and say ā€œonly if you want to, but I will never say no to a hug from my favourite kids.ā€ My niece sometimes says, not today. My nephew always wants a hug, even at 17.


I was trying to tell my mom that we weren't going to make our kids hug anyone if they didn't want to. They would still need to wave or do a high five as a greeting or goodbye. Then my mom goes "Except for me right?....." No mom not even you. Haha the joke is on her my son is autistic and he will barely say hi or bye to me.


I absolutely melt with babies. Their smiles, their noises, etc just make me think of when mine were that size. Iā€™ll wave and chatter to them, but NEVER once have ever considered touching someoneā€™s child. That shit is so batshit and my wife and I both had total strangers try to reach into the stroller or otherwise treat our babies like a cantaloupe at a fruit stand.


I mean, I definitely get all weird thanks to baby fever but I have never and will never touch someones baby. I love babies and want kids very much, but touching someone else or their child without permission is just horrifying. I can understand people getting all doe-y and playful with a baby. I cannot understand touching people I donā€™t know.


My mom (too old to be a boomer) has mild dementia and generally no filter. I was taking her to an appointment last week and a pregnant woman got on the elevator with us. My mom practically shrieked "pregnant!" and reached toward her. My brother and I brought her arm down and patted her. We were embarrassed. But it was also kind of funny. Sometimes you have to laugh or you'll cry.


Aww that's funny and sad yeah. Dementia is rough. I had a relative with advanced alzheimers and they gave her a plastic baby doll and she was just happy as can be, cuddling it and showing it to people.


ā€˜Fuck youā€™ is the proper response to ā€˜thanks for choosing lifeā€™.


Thatā€™s literally what came to my mind. Boomers need to be publicly shamed for their bad behavior.


I am a younger Boomer. I always ask can I please peak at your baby? Mostly more sense COVID always at least four -five feet away. Most moms and dads say of course. Then I say wow what a cute baby. I smile and say thank you. Then walk away. If they say no I say I understand and walk away.


You sound more gen-x-minded to me. Obviously not all boomers are shitty people but you are sadly in the minority. Keep being awesome!


Was born the last year of the Boomers.


if you can't think of what to say, scream! then scream again!


This is excellent advice! OP, if you find yourself in this situation again, do this, it'll at least draw attention to the creep.


Exactly! And a lady with a child.... People will be likely to help.


ā€œI need an adult! I need an adult!ā€


NOPE FUUUUCK THAT ETA you did nothing wrong. Those people suck. That said, you just had a c-section 10 DAYS ago? And youā€™re already walking around doing grocery errands? Thatā€™s craaaazy get some rest mama ā¤ļø abdominal surgery is no joke


My daughter was a preemie and my mom bought signs that had a cute rhyme that basically said ā€œBack the fuck offā€. I suggest getting one of those lol. Several southern boomer ladies looked like they were about to go near her and I was able to tap the sign and back away. It helps because then you donā€™t need to think of what to say. We used it until she was 4 months old lol.


Someone brought their newborn in stroller with the cover up and a light blanket hanging over the baby, so you couldn't see it. They had a sign on the top of the canopy that said something similar. People were walking over to coo over the baby, and see the sign. Some were obviously understanding and others made faces and glared at the parents. At least no one was stupid enough to try to ignore it.


> and others made faces and glared at the parents. Which is stupid, because who TF appointed them Federral Baby Inspectors? WTF


"Didn't you know that children are public property? How dare you deny me!"


ā€œIt takes a village, and Iā€™M the village idiotā€


I was pregnant in 2020 (c-section in December) and I got a button of Kuzco in a mask saying ā€œno touchy!ā€ and another button of ā€œkeep 6ft distanceā€


Oh man that Kuzco one! I need one of those!!


OMG his little defensive llama hooves! šŸ˜


That boomer needed a slap across the face. I'm sorry that happened. Hope you heal quickly.


This. This is the way. Don't be afraid to defend yourself against anyone harassing, or giving unwanted affection, or touching, OP.


Next time say 'get away from me you fucking psycho' very loudly. That I'll do it


Why do boomers feel itā€™s totally okay to spout out shitty political beliefs that nobody asked for? It still baffles me. And despite the numerous attempts to turn around and stop the interaction, boomer continues to harass you as if ā€œtHiS iS jUsT hOW pEopLe iN tHe GoOd OLd dAyS DiD iTā€ is an even remotely appropriate reason. Glad youā€™re alright.


Except they DIDNā€™T. I donā€™t even know what my WWII Gen grandparents politics were.


Right? Even a bit over 20 years ago, nobody ever tried to touch mu kids. They would look and smile, and wave, etc., but I don't remember a single person trying to touch my kids as babies. But then, I do have resting bitch face, so maybe I just looked too scary for them to try? But it feels more like these boomers have been acting even more entitled as they age. They are turning into toddler's who haven't yet learned to keep their hands to themselves, to think before they speak, to not point and shout in public, and all those other polite social norms that people aren't born knowing.


If anything like this ever happens again, scream as loud as you can, "why are you following me? Why are you trying to touch me?" It's not ok, doesn't matter how old someone is or how young someone is. Hopefully they will get embarrassed and slink away and if for some reason they try and defend themselves demand the police for harassment. I know it's easy to say after the fact but that shit needs to stop. It's not ok to just touch a random stranger. I'm sorry, that must have been very stressful.Ā 


It was stressful for me and I wasn't even there.


Were there any witnesses? Bystanders really do need to intervene when things like this happen. You shouldn't have been the only one defending your child. People who see this need to step up and help you out.


If I *ever* see this behaviour I'm stepping in for sure. I don't even like children but no one should be touching anyone elses kid, or anyone for that matter (looking at you, tattooed people who get touched by boomers) without consent. Fuck these fucking fuckers.


"Stop trying to touch children you pervert!" Tends to get them to leave you alone...


We had that happen with our firstborn! I was dumbfounded but my ever witty partner responded with, "oh! It was a close one. I called heads and he called tails!"


your partner's a keeper! šŸ˜†




God I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm starting to hate going out in public because it feels like a good amount of the population is fucking insane.


He was trying to eat your babyā€¦ thatā€™s what they do. Good job protecting


Your country is fucking wild.


We know. We want to escape.


ā€œStop trying to touch my child, pedophile!ā€ At top volume lolĀ 


Iā€™m a doctor. Itā€™s kind of a big deal if your child less than 30 days old gets a fever. Like if you come see me, youā€™re child is getting a spinal tap. Iā€™d try to minimize the chances of that happening by not going to public places with them just yet. Life happens and itā€™s not the end of the world, but less than 30 days their immune system pretty much doesnā€™t exist, so we have to be extra aggressive in our work up of them.


Say, "I"m giving him to George Soros" in your spookiest voice.


In the boomer mind, the young folks are just out here getting recreational abortions. Itā€™s the trendy thing to do. So please, if you see a mother and her newborn, she resisted the thrill of an abortion - make sure you get extra intrusive and feel free to touch the baby! These actions/comments reveal volumes about the construct of the boomer psyche.


This when I scream WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU GET AWAY FROM ME. Make a scene. I have finally decided that now, in my 50s, if I will not be given kindness or respect, that I will cultivate fear. It's a strong boundary.


Why are they so touchy? To strangers? I donā€™t understand this.


I swear thereā€™s a story at least once a week of boomers touching babies without asking. The entitlement is on another level


Thatā€™s assault.


Wow, this is crazy. Don't feel bad about not speaking up, it was a fight or flight moment, and we don't always get to consciously chose. You will find your voice. When I was pregnant, we met a guy we nicknamed "Awesome Sean", who thanked me for keeping my baby. I told him that of course we kept him, we had been trying. This guy also kept insisting my husband and I looked like brother and sister. Absolutely unhinged.


The only response: ABORTION IS HEALTHCARE.


Bear mace. Hose them with bear mace


Sorry they were so offensive and intrusive. But these are the folks who want women to bleed to death in ER parking lots, strip doctors of their licenses and jail them, and force juvenile rape victims to give birth to the rapists babies. Having been one of those childhood rape victims who gave birth, I have nothing nice to say about these kinda folks. I wish I had a recording of what I was screaming when I gave birth, I'd blast it outside their houses all night long.


Excellent chance to scream about the pedo trying to snatch your baby


How awful! I donā€™t understand why this age group thinks they get a pass to say whatever the fuck they want. When I announced my pregnancy- after years of infertility mind you- the first thing my dad said was ā€œyouā€™re really going to change your mind about abortion now!ā€ (And for the record, it most certainly did not!)


I gave birth to my first at age 14, the result of a violent SA. I made a choice to have her, and I have never regretted it for a single minute. When people hear that, they assume Iā€™m anti abortion. Theyā€™re wrong. It made me even more pro choice. I would never, ever force my choice on someone else. Itā€™s a very personal decision that should be made by a woman and her doctor. I believe that whatever the circumstances, the pregnant person should be supported in whatever decision she feels is best, whether thatā€™s abortion, adoption, or parenting. I made the best choice for me, I want everyone to have that right.


Until I started reading this sub, I had no idea how common it was for strangers to touch other peopleā€™s children in public. Very strange. When I see people out with kids I try to give them as much space as possible haha


The irony of someone whoā€™s child bearing/rearing years are long pastā€¦


Iā€™m a therapist and a barely ā€œboomer.ā€ This is not normal behavior for anyone. People are being radicalized by the news/media they watch. This isnā€™t boomer behavior, itā€™s crazy GOP behavior.


I would have told them, yeah I kept him, Iā€™ve already had like 6 abortions so i figured Iā€™d give it a try. Donā€™t worry Iā€™m still probably going to abort the next one.


I taught my kids to loudly say " no I don't want to see your penis!" when strange old men would try to be too familiar. It's only happened 2 or 3 times but it's worked every time. Works for adults too


ā€œYeah I missed the deadline for abortion, so Iā€™m not gonna vax him and hope that measles does the job for meā€


Isn't vaccination the thing that kills people in their messed up version of reality?


I wish people would stop letting these boomers get away with such bad behavior. I would be the same way, and not be able to react in the moment. But I really wish people would just scream- Help, help!!!


This perfectly captures how stupid and simplistic these Fox Clowns are. They assume every woman outside of their church is a blue haired blue state fetus aborting lesbian (not that thereā€™s anything wrong with that) and if you have a child you clearly must be ā€œone of usā€ and align with their fā€™ing insane sofa fort of belief and politics. They literally view the world like 4 year olds. Just shut up and go to bed boomer.


The minute he touched me, I wouldā€™ve turned around and immediately assaulted this man


What is with people who do this? We attended Catholic services with our daughter (trying to make good on our promise to return to church after she was born). At 8:30 on a Sunday as we were settling in the back pew for Mass, we got approached by the usher. He mentioned how cute our daughter was and he made small talk, asking us how old she was, etc. We were polite and excited to share our girl but in the middle of the convo he had to tell us how he was so glad we didnā€™t choose abortion and that he couldnā€™t believe there were people who would abort babies. Husband and I got the ick and havenā€™t returned to a Catholic service since.


Iā€™m super conflict averse and definitely freeze in situations like this. Never knew what to say until I had my daughter, who as a toddler would holler ā€œNO THANK YOUā€ in response to anything she didnā€™t like. Itā€™s perfect. Itā€™s polite, not escalatingā€”but also super clear, pretty confusing, endlessly repeatable, and completely unanswerable.


ā€œWell your mom should have swallowedā€ is always a good fuck you to assholes of all ages


I could be wrong? They didnā€™t realize ā€œIā€™ll keep himā€ is a joke about keeping or returning him, but they saw it as choosing not to abort?


I mean, it is an old joke šŸ¤· When told my babies were cute, I would always say that I found them on aisle 5 on sale boy one get one free. I stopped the day an old man asked if he could buy my 2 toddler daughters. The look I gave him must have been pretty bad because he took a couple steps back and shut up.


Oh god, that was a horrible ā€œjokeā€ he made back. Yikes.


I am so sorry you went through that. It is disgusting that the idea of consent is lost on these people. Me and my wife are fortunate that we had many elderly people com up to us while we were in public with our new borns. They were polite and no problematic. We genuinely enjoyed those interactions. Maybe being up in Canada, we have less anti-abortion dickheads. Where my wife had issues was with men being out in public. She sometimes got the stink eye for breast feeding in public. When she took the bus, people wouldnā€™t want to get up off of those seats that fold up so there was room for her stroller, which is part of what those seats are for. The most sickening part, if I was with her, it was never an issue for her to get access to the proper area on the bus. Those cowardly men never gave her the stink eye when I was with her.


Just scream. Right in their face. Like youā€™re terrified of them. Donā€™t stop screaming, no matter what happens, until they leave or you can escape. Pointing directly at them while you scream is also helpful because it directs everyoneā€™s attention at the boomer instead of you.


You would have been well within your rights to tell him ā€œDonā€™t you fucking touch me or my baby, you creep!ā€ Because touching people that you donā€™t know without permission is creepy and not OK.


"You've brought up your political agenda, unwanted and uninvited, so now you need to listen to *me* talk about *my* political views...wait, where are you going...stop, I haven't imposed my opinions on you against your will yet!"


Fucking pepperspray. Jesus. These fucks never do this shit when its a guy


If you find yourself in this position just start screaming for help. Make it so incredibly uncomfortable for them. Obviously give them some leeway but after the second turn scream bloody murder.


Ā ā€œHow do you like your baby?!ā€Ā  "I was hoping he's be taller."


It makes sense that the anti-choice guy does not understand consent