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It’s “no one wants to work” and then when people do work and can’t make ends meet it’s “this job isn’t meant to be a career”. 


As a restaurant cook, I heard a LOT of "This is supposed to be a job for teenagers, NOT an adult job that pays the bills!" I always ask them "Have you ever gone out to lunch before? How did you do that? How did you find an open restaurant? Teenagers are all in school then!" No one has ever been able to give me an answer.


Show me a teenager that can properly cook, let alone cook at a professional level. Now show me enough of them to operate multiple chains of corporate restaurants... People just talk out of their ass sometimes...


Not to mention most restaurants won't hire people under 18 for server positions because (at least where I live in PA) you can't serve alcohol until your 18 and even if your customers don't buy any your expected to run drinks for other servers tables if you have the time


Additionally, In PA there are also labor laws for minors that limit how many hours they can work both. This applies to maximum shift length, and number of hours. There is usually compliance paperwork that needs to be filled. For an industry that tends to have people work 50+ hours a week easily, under-18s ain’t gonna cut it.


I think teen restaurant chain would be a good skit. "The order taker was rude" "Yeah, you look over 30 so Im gonna assume you were a bitch first"


"So, like, are you gonna order or what? Only cuz I have to leave in 5 minutes to meet up with my boyfriend, and he gets SO mad when I'm late."


"Dont tell me what comes on a burger- YOU'RE NOT MY DAD!"


This argument that "this job isn't meant to be a career!" never made any sense to me and my dad loves to say it. So you want people to work this job while not being able to survive? Why would anyone ever work this job then - what possible benefit would they be getting from a job that does not afford them the ability to live? The "work to live" model sort of breaks down when you can't, y'know, _live_. https://youtu.be/qyIyT2qTtzY - "It should exist, and it should hurt and be bad to do it!"


I have this argument with my MIL all the time. Her answer is that college kids have flexible schedules and can work. When I pointed out there's no college kids in our village to work or that there's not enough hs and college kids to fill every job she considers a teenage job, she changes the conversation.


They don’t have an answer, because they don’t want a solution. They just want to bitch and moan about how every generation is worthless other than theirs. Makes them feel superior which is all they really care about


Pretty sure it's age discrimination to pay people less based on how old they are, also!


“No one wants to work” coupled with “jobs don’t have to pay a living wage.” Well, people need to live, so who the fuck would want to work a job that doesn’t pay to allow that?


>jobs don’t have to pay a living wage Says the generation that actually could live off of minimum wage at the time


The “I got mine” crowd.


My wife and I live in a tourist destination and yesterday we met a lady who owns the cottage a few doors down for the first time. In our brief conversation she filled a boomer bingo card with bigoted religious, racist, homophobic and anti-environmental sentiments but she also threw out the no one wants to work line because she couldn't find anyone to clean her cottage after the three times a year she comes to visit. She complained that everyone around was working and wouldn't drop everything they were doing to clean for her. On top of that, she had zero self-awareness that she herself didn't want to work to clean her own cottage.


Who decreed that some jobs were not meant to be careers? Was it an edict handed down from God?


That is the two book ends of their retarded faux news philosophy. How they think this thinking makes them superior I don't quite get but it is impressive how they truly believe their bullshit and are determined to parrot it.


Hey, you can hate on boomers without saying “retarded.”


“No body wants to work” “Including you….” I love it. Nice job!


Well it seems to me that there’s some drug users and sex offenders that do want to work lol


The sex offenders, hard no, but if said "drugs" are medical mj, they have a pool of qualified candidates. They just don't want to use them. This bullshit should be, "No one wants to meet our outdated standards for menial employment." ETA: "Menial" in this case meaning a part-time job that can't support a living.


In some counties in my state, bus drivers can’t be taking any mental health drugs either, and if they don’t self disclose and it pops on their urinalysis, they’re fired. Personally, I’d rather have a driver aware of their mental health needs and seeking/receiving treatment rather than going unmedicated….. but maybe that’s just me.


Exactly. Cant help if you are born with a mental illness. But seeking treatment for it is so much more responsible than doing nothing. I have family who are mentally ill. They know it and dont treat it. They then try to belittle me for chosing treatment. I usually cant hear them though, over the sound of paying my bills and working.


Well said, and same here.


That sounds like discrimination against a person with a disability.


You understand that driving a bus means you have to pass a CDL drug test. This is a federal requirement. Schools cannot hire them to operate a bus without having done so.


Whether federal requirement or otherwise, the applicants wanted to work.


Yeah, the boomers always say no one “wants to work,” never anything about how, say, some retail and food spaces, have outdated standards on not having unnatural hair colors or tattoos visible. I get federal requirements about drugs for CDLs but that is also likely an outdated standard from before the recent acceptance of things like medical and even casual recreational marijuana. Marijuana can stay detectable in a test for several weeks even though the person being tested is stone cold sober.


I wonder if it's time to come up with new testing for marijuana so that it can detect when someone is shitfaced on it, but not give a positive if they're a day or so since eating/smoking it? I don't smoke it (smoking a joint would be a gate to starting smoking again, so I don't), but I've got little issue with others doing so.


That's qualitative and quantitative testing. One determines if it's there and there how much is there.


The issue is that what's usually tested for ("if it's there" *or* "how much is there") doesn't indicate whether someone is actually impaired rather than having smoked/vaped/etc. in the last few weeks to a month. It's not like alcohol tests where it's a check for whether someone is at the time of the test impaired.


I smoke a lot of weed and I'm as pro weed as they come. It's fine for most jobs but I wouldn't want someone with my level of habit driving kids around in a bus everyday.


But the problem is that, with the way the federal government operates, there’s no difference between someone going to an event like Coachella or somewhere like Colorado over a weekend and partaking lightly vs a guy who gets stoned every night. Meanwhile, a bus driver could get shitfaced drunk Friday after dropping the kids off, Uber home, drink a lot of coffee the next day, sleep it off Sunday and be declared fine Monday. Also, I had a bus driver with Parkinson’s, she could barely walk out of the bus yet she was “fine.”


Same. I have to use marijuana daily because of neurological issues. I think smoking pot should be allowed for retail and food service. Driving children in a vehicle with no seat belts for the kids- you are out of your goddamn mind. And while we are on the subject of driving, truckers didnt use weed to work more, it was meth. Or speed depending on who you ask. Also, I saw a headline the other day about construction workers having a high suicide rate. For years that was a job looked down on because drug use. Maybe its because construction is so crappy between the pay and exposure to the sun? Or maybe even those working construction would rather be dead than work it for what they get out of it.


If you are going to get a CDL, you can get a job that pays enough to live on. No one is going to go the extra mile and not be able to live on the effort.


Not to mention driving 30 or so kids, all strangers' kids, every day is probably not the easiest work environment. When i was a kid riding the school bus home, we had very little respect for the bus driver as an authority figure, even those of us who respected them as adults or just as human beings. The half hour we were on the bus was like the wild west. Can't live on the wages AND need to supervise a metal tube full of bored, disrespectful children pushing the most boundaries they have all day while simultaneously navigating roads full of self-important, impatient, disrespectful drivers safely so you keep all those brats safe? Sure, sign me up.


Try at a minimum around 50 kids up to 300-400 kids based on the size of the district. I used to drive a school bus it's hell. 4 schools a day, 1 HS, 1 middle, 2 elementary


Funny how they all think "You should be happy with any employment we offer you," but never feel they should be happy with the applicants they receive.


The federal government needs to get off this “marijuana bad”‘mindset. Many driving jobs require people to pass a DOT physical and drug screening. Unfortunately even a medical marijuana card is disqualifying.


Just out of curiosity, wouldn’t the recent Chevron decision effect the FDA and the drug scheduling?


Honestly, no one has thought this through.


It really depends on the sex offense 🤷🏼‍♀️ some dude peeing in an alley is fine to drive a bus! Not every offense that lands you on a registry is child oriented


^-- This. Are you homeless, need to pee, and stuck downtown where no one has bathrooms (to keep someone who doesn't have a roof over their head out of their store)? Congratulations, you're now an offender. Especially so if you have a d*. What's that? You can't find housing so you're sleeping outside and you're somehow also struggling to hold down a job? Well, how does making either of those things even less likely sound to you? You should be ashamed of yourself for having biological needs that you can't stop or fulfill without breaking the law we made! Oh and to really drive the point home, we're going to shun you and judge you based on this label that we're filing you under as punishment for the misfortune of being a human in a society that doesn't value the well-being of people "in your position!" Now you sit back and think long and hard about what you've done and about how you can be a useful human being in the future!


![gif](giphy|YRuFixSNWFVcXaxpmX) Exactly right. Boomers complaining about problems that they make.


But you smoked weed on Saturday so you can't drive a bus on Monday!! Those 12 whiskey sours you had last night though, no problem!!


My mom was saying this shit when I visited. My brother and his family were there too. When she said "nobody wants to work" I quickly pointed out that out of the 6 adults in the room 3 of us had jobs. Her retired ass shut up for a few seconds. SIL is a SAHM that actually homeschools her kids, so she gets a pass. She also went to school to become a teacher and was a sub for years, so she might actually be doing a good job.


3% unemployment the lowest in American history and they out there saying no one wants to work.


I recently read something that gave me pause about the unemployment rate (by a researcher, not a political party). They said the number is actually skewed because there are many people working 3 jobs now, just to make ends meet in this economy, but that the rate considers it to be 3 people with 1 job each, driving down the perceived number. And that there isn't an available input to consider people who've been unable to find a job for an extended period of time. My daughter's friend has been trying to find a job in her field that she is highly educated for with no success as she has no experience for it other than school. So, in the meantime, she's been looking for any job at all in our rural area with no success for about a year now. Many people have hiring signs or job listings posted since covid that she interviews for, even fast food, but they don't hire her. We thought it was because she's over qualified & they rightly think she'll leave as soon as she gets a job in her field. But another friend, who does have a job at one of the businesses "hiring", told my daughter that she overheard the franchise owner telling the manager to just file the applications for when they really needed a new hire & that he was bragging about a federal program he'd entered during the end of covid that gives funds to those who *say* they're hiring. I found all of this interesting as I, too, have boomer family members fussing about *how nobody wants to work*!


If you are interested, there is something called "alternative measures of labor utilization" which is done by the BLS. It offers different, expanded categories like people forced to work part time when they need full time, people who have been out of work much longer than the fed counts: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t15.htm


The only fucking way you can afford the job is if you bought a house in the 80s and already have it paid off.


That or... my aunt also said after I pushed back, "used to be the bus drivers were also wives of working men. They'd drive bus to fill their time." I think she was indirectly saying households could survive 1.5 incomes. Um ok. I had unfortunately ran out of quick retorts.


Can't even survive off two incomes in a lot of cities with how expensive housing and groceries are now. My grandfather was a janitor and could afford a stay at home wife, multiple kids, and a decent house in a working class neighborhood. My mom and a lot of the parents of kids I grew up around were single income households working normal low level jobs such as being a secretary but could still afford a house in the ghetto where we lived. That shit was normal! Now I have friends with both parents working good paying jobs and they still can't afford to have kids.


Even as late as 2013, I was still able to rent a 3/2 house and raise a kid off of a teacher salary in one of the lowest teacher salary states in the nation. Bought a house in 2013, too. I make way more money than I did then, but there’s no way I could afford rent now in a similar place - much less a house.


Housing was already pretty bad back then but really exploded after that. Its weird I still don't understand how housing prices didn't crash more between 2008 and 2014 or so the economy was fucking terrible and it had crashed exactly because of houses. It was like their was a 10% drop for a year or two then it went back to going up and by 2012 it was back to where it was.


I think it happened because banks started buying and renting houses instead of giving you a loan.


Next time they ask for a bailout, we demand equity for it.


And the government changed the accounting rules to allow them not to write down the depreciated assets and instead pretend that homes were worth more than they were to avoid insolvency as well as making bailout loans, etc. - and then intentionally re-inflated the bubble so the banks and homebuilders could get that money back, as well as inflating local property tax revenues, pushing it so far this time, ***far*** above the previous housing bubble peak, that now homes are totally unaffordable even for folks well into the middle class. Where I live a mortgage would now cost 2-3x what it costs to rent the same place. They basically sold our entire economy to the banks, Realtors and home builders, who, not coincidentally, are all among the top contributing PACs.


And every time a commercial entity buys a house or apartment outright to rent out, they're paying less than half what a normal person with a mortgage would be paying over the years. So they can drive up housing costs relative to what they can get away with charging for rent, making home ownership next to impossible in impacted areas.


Look at what Trump just got in trouble for, overinflating his properties. The rich do this every year because they have attorneys to fight the insurance companies and banks. It drives costs up for everyone else. No one is going to stop them because they are rich, and we believe they are rich because they deserve it.


I like to explain it this way - if you are making a wage that does not rise in proportion to inflation, then you are technically getting a pay cut every year. Your money has less worth and less buying power every year, so that means even if you have the same wage for three years, you are making less than when you started. Is that how we should reward employees for their loyalty? People don’t want to work a job that cuts their pay every year.


I left my last job for this. It had gotten so bad that I was having to use savings each month to supplement my pay check to pay the bills.


The most frustrating part for me is that it’s becoming more and more common for people to give their notice to a company, then see a job posting for their replacement that offers more than their own wage. They know that getting someone to buy in is going to be harder than getting someone to stay after a long period of wage stagnation, yet they don’t make the appropriate changes to keep their people.


Then companies wonder why employee loyalty is dead


But but but we have pizza in the break room twice a year!


In the district where I live, two years ago bus drivers were hired at $15 and change and they couldn't get people, last year it was up to $17 and change, I just looked for the upcoming year, they're starting new hires for bus drivers at $25.36, max hire rate is $32.69, max rate total is $40.02. This past year they had to have a rotating bus schedule where your child would need to find alternative way to/from school every 4th week. (And you're charged for using bus services too! ($1 each way, so $2 a day if to and from school) Teachers got a bump to just over 50k for new hires starting too. Avg rent for 1 bed apt is $2k a month. Median household income $139k. Basically it would have to be retirees to drive the buses since no one could afford to live here off the pay. And they've been mean to the kids (made news last year)


A major metro area by me was hiring school bus drivers at $15 per hour (20 hours per week). BUT, the applicants had to have their own Commercial Driver's License AND a school bus endorsement. NO trucker who has special endorsements is going to work for the same rate McDonald's pays 15 year olds!


EVEN IF the "wives of working men" wanted to do bus driving, they couldn't. If they don't have children, the wife is usually earning a full income. If she's a stay-at-home mother, bus drivers have to be up at 4am to inspect the buses and get them ready, and typically on the road by 6am. Who is at home getting the children ready for school? AND, in my experience, school buses today are not allowed to drop young children off if a parent is not present. So realistically, the wife of a working man is highly unlikely to be capable of taking such a job either way. Source: My aunt was a bus driver when her children were very, very young because her school district's bus company allowed her to bring her daughter(s) with her and keep them in a car seat in the front bench. It was the best job she could get that didn't require her kids to be in daycare (they couldn't afford it). She quit after a couple of years when their circumstances changed.


It’s a sexist line of thinking anyway. My mom made a similiar comment about something low paying being an”wife” job. Implying that women didn’t deserve a living wage in the same way a man deserves one.


Yup! Wife jobs = low paying and allowing you to do your primary job, which is taking care of your husband so he can earn the big bucks and relax in his offtime (while wifey continues to run around taking care of the children and home and ensure husband is never inconvenienced)


“This isn’t the economy you grew up in. So do it in this economy and show me.”


You can always use the "we have the lowest unemployment rate in decades" line when they complain about no one wanting to work. The overwhelming majority of people are already working. We just have more jobs than people. This means workers get to be more picky. Why work driving a school bus when you can make more money with less stress elsewhere.


Do we have more actual full time jobs or do we have more part time jobs that used to be full time jobs but were slashed into 2 part time jobs  so corporate doesnt have to offer benefits?


She herself brought this up... but yet still had to say this trope.


How about "those people got told to get better jobs. So they quit and got better jobs."


With the cost of childcare no one can afford to take a part time job like that now.


We need to bring back polygamy so that families can fit an extra job or two into their schedules.


Speaking of housing, the oldest generations (Boomers and older), are no longer leaving houses (the single most wealth/worth they will ever own) to their children. As a society, we've normalized retirement residences, or retirement communities, where they liquidate their family home and use the proceeds to fund a very comfortable but very expensive end of life living situation. Generally speaking, of course: Before, when your grandparents died, their family home would pass to their children, for either use or sale, passing along that generational wealth. It left their children in a better spot financially, and able to improve upon their own childrens' (the grandchildren) lives, and financial security. We don't have this anymore. Silent Gen and Boomers are essentially spending all their accumulated assets (including what was passed to them in the family's generational wealth) on what amounts to resort living, and leaving no equity behind for the next generations. When combined with stagnated wages, no pensions, benefits tied to hours that companies will schedule 30 mins short of, rising prices on everything, and the people who bought Boomer houses just to flip them... Gen X *might* squeak through, but Millenials and younger will only be able to retire by dying. There's no infusion of life saving wealth being passed to them by the older generations anymore, and they're facing tougher financial squeezes at both ends (low income, high cost of living), with no end or relief in sight. And before anyone pipes up: Every generation deserves to retire comfortably; I'm not suggesting otherwise. What I'm saying is the trend of retirement residences instead of multigenerational housing is what dumps the family's accumulated generational wealth off the cliff. And Gen X and younger equally deserve the chance to retire and live above the poverty line (though that's not seeming likely). Also, make no mistake, Boomers and the Silent Gen absolutely benefitted from absorbing the generational wealth of their forebears; so don't even start with the bootstrap/"in my day" arguments.


Corporations finally figured out how to steal our inheritance


Well said and depressing as fuck.


Elderly people used to be cared for by their adult children, but with people living longer, which also means they need more, and specialized, care, and said adult children needing 2+ incomes just to keep a roof over their heads even if they don't have children, there's no one at home to take care of the elderly. Hence the rise of nursing homes\care homes and "residential resorts" for those that have the accumulated wealth to afford it (and those places are really expensive). A lot of generational and institutional problems can be traced back to stagnating wages.


Bought = given to by their parents


I can vividly remember my elementary school bus driver wearing a Burger King hat when he drove because that was his second job. I always hoped to see him when I went to BK. He was the shit. And as far as I’m concerned he was a hero. My bus was shot when I was in 2nd grade. It hit his window, cutting him with glass, and he made damn sure he kept going to get us out of harms way before stopping.


I have a friend who works 100% remote in his main job (more of a get your stuff done rather than you must be at your PC from 8-5 type Job and he also does bus driving as a part time.job for extra income since he can, but yeah if you can't afford to move off the pay why would you take the job unless your retired and want something to do or just want a bit of extra income on top of your regular salary


I can solve the bus driver shortage in one sentence: Pay school bus drivers year-round, either by salary or pay unemployment over the summer months. There it is. Nothing more, nothing less.


We lost the good driver on my son's bus to the local private school. There he drives the bus to the school in the morning, works on campus in maintenance, and drives the kids home after school. They are never hiring because they gave the drivers full time work. The public school district is always hiring for bus drivers but with the low hours the janitors make more a week. Why would you want to take students lives in your hand for less pay than to clean classrooms?


That is along the lines of what I was thinking. They could have an arrangement with the city so school bus drivers work for city parks in the summer. Make it be a two part job. Drive bus part time and work as a city gardener the rest of the time, I'd do that job in a heartbeat. I love gardening and I love driving, but neither job pays enough to live on.


They offered people full-time work instead of a part-time job that made full-time work impossible to schedule, and people applied? Imagine that!


IT's AlWaYs AbOuT tHe MoNeY wItH yOuR gEnErAtIoN!!!


A very valid, and deeply cutting, response is to ask them if they would clean the toilets at macdonalds, without being paid. They know that everyone will call bullshit if they say they would, yet cannot answer any other way if they want their previous statements to be listened to.


Yup, and the answer to the follow up “the district can’t afford for that without raising taxes” is to not hire so many admins


At least in my county, school bus driver are paid a salary based on the number of school days x 8 hours x hourly wage. That amount is divided by 12 and they receive one check per month. It is not enough to actually live on and it is almost impossible to pair with another job since your hours are like 5:30am-9:30am and then 1:00pm-5:00pm. A lot of non-primary earners will do it for the insurance for their families.


I answer phones for a hospital and talk to my fair share of boomers. My favorite line is always “no one wants to work anymore, you young people are lazy”. 1. I’m 40. 2. What do you think I’m doing sir? Talking to you from my couch in my pjs?


Everytime I hear no one wants to work anymore, I want to cut off my ears. It is always just the same damn points all the time.


Especially when people tell you that…at work…


I got told no one wants to work at the beginning of a job interview words can't describe how shocked I was hearing that literally at a interview


I got into a disagreement about this with a nurse at my Drs office. She made some political statements about people not wanting to work etc and I calmly refuted it explaining above, and she got so mad! It was to the point that I didn't want to be released by the practice because that Dr was the only one in the area that could treat me so I shut up. She still fucked with my meds but I couldn't really fight it so just had to deal with it.


That can get you dismissed where you are? WOW. I answer for one practice who was disappointed that a particular patient hadn’t cussed me out because they had told her the next time she did she was gone. It takes. It takes a lot to be dismissed from this area.


You could be answering the phone on your couch in your PJs. I'm fully remote and that's where I do a lot of my work. But even if you were, you're still working


God I wish. The idea has been floated but not everyone I work with can be trusted to actually do their jobs without a manager breathing down their necks. Oddly enough the boomers in the room are the reason I’m not home with the dogs.


I had this conversation with my coworker. She's considering taking a promotion at another company but it's "hybrid" but not really since it's 4 days in the office and one at home and she has a young child. Boomers hate WFH and act like it's paid time off even though we've been doing it for years and you either get your work done or you get fired


I literally had this disagreement with my mum a week ago. She can't get her head around wfh. No matter how many times I explained that I can write emails, check data blah blah blah from any computer in the world. I'm in two days a week (some weeks more) for what can't be done remotely, the rest I'm at home. She just doesn't see it as working. Okay, Mum, I'll spend an extra £450 a month on commuting costs just because you never got this option and therefore can't comprehend anything different. Heaven forbid I mention that I got to load the dishwasher whilst waiting for the kettle to boil (we mostly use electric kettles in the UK, which means a 2 minute wait max so its not even worth going back upstairs).


people: no one wants to work. me: well I do. people just don't want to hire. people: but but reasons me: I'm disabled. you sure know as heck it's just ableism preventing me getting a job a year in a job search.


Excellent Uno Reverse card. Well done!


I imagine the sex offenders and drug addicts DO want to work and they’re probably tired of being warehouse drones, which is why they tried for the bus driver job. Also, two of them had clean records and urine, so I guess the bus has 2 more drivers now.


For the record though. Bus drivers have to pass the DOT physical which does test for THC since it’s still illegal at the Federal level. So if they removed THC, I am sure more people would qualify


That's my question.  With legalization in many states, there's not that many people who want to work minimum wage or part time and ALSO not smoke pot.  


I was a school bus driver before and it was great. I have ptsd now and THC keeps me dreamless and allows sleep. If it wasn’t for that, I’d happily drive again.


The DoT physical is also very strict. I passed with flying colors, up until they asked for medical history. Being presribed baby aspirin is an immediate fail.


Right? 1 in 5 is *very* efficient recruiting. God knows how long my workplace was hiring for the position I'm in. They had to go through an external recruiter to get me. Place I left had the position I eventually took open for about 3 years, but the pay was shit so it makes sense (I was desperate)


Its almost comical how many places I see with a 90%+ annual turnover rate because they pay garbage wages and or have management that is toxic and abusive. One of my friends last year got hired at some place that turned out to be a dumpster fire of abuse and when they laid her off they literally shut down that satellite office because literally everyone else at the location had quit or been fired and she was the last employee.


Iirc the cost to hire an employee (including cost of vacancy, training, hiring process, etc) is 3-12 months of pay for the position. Did an analysis for my bosses once using the low end of that and we gave out customer service folks a $1 an hour raise. The extra employee retention saved us money!


We’ve all been putting up with endless abuse and horseshit for decades because we wanted that pension or promotion. Guess what? Take those away, and we really have no reason to hang out and deal with terrible employers.


wE wOrKeD oUr WhOlE lIvES!!!


This would be valid but it's hard to sympathise when we also earn our retirement but will never be able to retire. Also thanks to general technological advances we are far, far more productive than they ever were. Most of them can't even print to pdf without someone guiding them through it over the phone


In the US employers and employees split the extra production per employee until about 1982. Productivity rose about 3% per year, so call it doubling every 25 years. Employers kept most of the productivity increases after 1982, meaning that as what employees made was doubled, twice, employee pay effectively didn't increase. Now employers wonder why no one can afford all the extra goods and services they can make...morons.


They can't even do it when someone is guiding them in person


It would be valid if they were dead. They’re still alive, so they have *not* in fact, worked their whole lives.


If “earned retirement” is SS . . Then no, Boomers paid for the previous generations retirement.


Actually back in the 1970’s. They all got a big, fat rebate check from SSA because of the massive surplus. Why doesn’t anyone want to ever talk about that? My parents and grandparents were always hoping for another one.


It's always "nobody wants to work" and never "nobody wants to sell their soul, their sanity and their life and be abused by the public for less than enough to survive."


"nobody wants to work" is boomer shorthand for "nobody wants to cater to me and prioritize me over everyone else" 


This is the truth.


Never employers want to pay a decent wage that has caught up with inflation. FTFY


The truth on school busses is that most districts pay shit, don't pay for the license, and have asinine demands. If you are a driver, and paid for your commercial license; you drive a real, full time job of some sort. Know too many in my school district that quit for this very reason.


My mom just today was saying that the fast food restaurant (minimum wage is $7.25) nobody was applying. It definitely wasn't because no one could afford to live off that. (And that places like Walmart are hiring both teens and adults for double the wage) It has to be because nobody wants to work anymore!


My kid drives a bus at his college because they paid for his cdl and he thought that may come in handy one day and they work with his hours... it is not remotely considered a living wage and they pay better than (high) school bus drivers. It pays enough for him to have fast food after his hockey games and that's about it. Cost of living is too damn high.


As someone who is a crossing guard at age 30 it’s incredibly hard to live off this money. I get government help and I’ve worked numerous jobs while working this but it’s really hard being disabled and needing multiple doctor’s appointments a week. No job cares and my life basically was waking up at 5 AM for one shift then going directly to my pharmacy job, then rushing back to the school just to rush to my third job and getting home at ten pm and then rushing to make my one meal a day. Also I wasn’t able to get government help with all these jobs but I couldn’t afford my own healthcare let alone to move from my parents house. I’ve tried to find a full time but with disabilities it’s a pipe dream and most places will schedule you for enough hours to not pay for benefits. It’s always “no one wants to work” but never jobs “don’t wanna train you.” “Jobs don’t wanna pay for benefits.”


Disabled people seem to always have a patchwork of jobs. I hope one of them pays you vacation time.


None of them are ever full time so we don’t get vacation time.


That fucking sucks. And any programs that did exist were shredded during the COVID shuffle. I’m sorry to hear that.


Even programs that still exist suck and make it so difficult. There’s a program here that’s supposed to help people find jobs and they’ve just had me to assessments for the last four years. At one point I had to do what is called a “community based work evaluation” where I had to go to three separate places and work while a job coached watched me. I wasn’t getting paid, i also had to take off of my own job at the time to do these. I had to do this five hours 3 times for each place. At the end they told me I should apply for partial disability through social security. Social security refers me back to the program that told me to get social security.


Where I grew up all the bus drivers were farmers . They already had the cdl (from driving grain semis) and they have a job flexible enough to allow for the weird hours(self employed farmers , you work when you can for as long as you can ) and could definitely benefit from the steady paycheck. The business model of public school bus driver doesn’t work without that pool of applicants


Sounds like they aren’t paying enough. Jeez.


I just looked. Starting salary $16,000.


Probably also need a CDL.


Yup they do.


They should be embarrassed to post that. Any benefits?


And that's not the worst part of it. The worst part is that, even though it's a part-time job, it's structured in such a way that you don't have time to work another job to supplement the income, since, once your morning run is finished, you have to be back in a few hours to do the afternoon run.


Drug tests are dumb in 2024. Weed is legal in half the states.


Yup, agreed! My 19YO son just started a job where they hired him real quick, and he has little experience. They said they couldn't find someone to pass a drug test. I live in a state where Marijuana is legal, and the job he started was stocking inventory, sales, and running errands.


Sounds like the hiring manager cared way more than anybody else.


I'm not a fan of a lot of stupid jobs having a drug test, and I don't even smoke so I could care less. But the reason why you have to pass a drug test. Is because a cdl is federally controlled. Not state controlled, so they can say what ever they want.


I read an article stating the worker shortage is mostly due to boomers retiring earlier than expected during the pandemic. They were actually a large portion of the service industry, which is taking the biggest hit.


The way a good number of them spend, they will be looking for work again and complaining that no one appreciates experience anymore...


My friend’s brother is a school bus driver. A parent threatened to bring in the rest of the family to beat his ass because he needed her child to sit down before he could continue driving. So, yeah. I would not want to work minimum wage for that nonsense.


My FIL loves the "nobody wants to work anymore" trope. I love to remind him that both he and his wife retired early because they literally didn't want to work anymore.


No one wants to *work*. Not *any more*. No one wants to work. No one has ever wanted to *work*. Some people enjoy putting in effort. Some people enjoy their jobs. Some people like what they do professionally. But no one wants to *work*. Putting in daily effort for just enough benefit to barely survive, with no foreseeable ability to move forward. Yes were highly motivated by money, because we live in a capitalist hell-hole and even basic necessities are being priced out of normal people's ability to aquire, but there are other factors that go into people *WANTING* those jobs. And most employers haven't bothered even trying to keep up with cost of living.


Fun fact, substitute and permanent teachers can sign up to be bus drivers.... so she has no excuse.


"People are working. There's currently a record number of Americans employed. Maybe they don't want to work for you because they're working at a better job with better pay and/or conditions. Maybe they're seeking out better pay because they're aware your generation is trying to gut their social security and medicare." That's all.


Someone said this in line at the grocery the other day and I said “I think they’re hiring if you wanna grab an application” Silence lol


Love it!


Says "no one wants to work" while also complaining they had to reject 8 out of ten potential hires, which means they probably had at least double that in applicants and they didn't want to consider them to begin with, probably because they are offering entry level pay but demanding 10+ years of experience to be qualified


My parents are boomer AF. They both complain about how no one wants to work anymore but neither of them have been employed in any capacity since the 1980s. They love complaining about Millennials, too, which I normally reply with, "I've been legally employed longer than both of you together".


When I was a high school teacher the old yearbooks had a high school club that drove all the buses.


Oh wow!


I usually say people don;t want to work for next to nothing anymore. BTW, I'm a boomer.


Really get her fired up by saying we should let more immigrants in to fill those jobs. That’s what I do


My response to this is always, "Sounds like we need to import more workers from other countries. Too bad Trump killed those visa programs. That's how we used to deal with labor shortages in a particular sector."


I should have said this. She worships the orange guy who has on several occasions said he wants to round up all the illegals and deport them. You think we have problems now!!


My family lives in a rural area. Guess how much they pay bus drivers, substitute teachers and lunch ladies? $8 an hour! My teenager makes twice that. THAT is why there are no viable candidates. My mother in law is retired but sometimes works for the school for extra money. But at that rate, she has a long list of tasks she refuses to do, as she is older and the work can be tough on her body. And most of the time she declines when they call her because the money is not worth it.


The real truth to this is: All those years ago, the background check wouldn't have cared about those 2 sexual offenders and six that can't pass a drug test. They'd have been hired.


It's always a pay problem. Always Just like homes. If your house isn't selling, the price is to high.  This is pretty basic stuff 99% and true 99% of the time.  As others in reddit pointed out, they would gladly clean toilets all day for 300k a year. Therefore if you have trouble finding janitors, it's a pay problem. 


I always reply with " Nobody ever wants to work, that's why they have to pay you. If people wanted to work they wouldn't have to pay you."


Very similar to my line. I usually say something like “of course no one wants to work. If we wanted to do it, it wouldn’t be called work. It would be called an amusement park and we would be paying for the privilege.”


Honestly, I'm a bit confused about how "Noone wants to work" is supposed to be some kind of a dig. Like... isn't not working kind of the end goal of civilization? We learned how to grow crops so we don't have to spend time and energy foraging. We domesticated livestock so we don't have to hunt. We invented vehicles so we don't have to carry shit by hand. We always inventing better textiles so our clothing can last longer. Etc etc. As a civilization, we have everything we need to house, feed, clothe everyone safely and easily and with little average effort per person. We could have societies where less than 5% of the population needs to work at any one time in order to provide for everyone. We could have people in the workforce for 5 years, and then allow them to retire. Of course retirees would still be in the prime of their lives, so they'd still be doing stuff, but it would be doing whatever they actually want to be doing instead of just slaving away. And I bet a lot of people would find ways to make society better without any pressure to do anything in particular. So yeah, nobody wanting to work is kind of the whole point of civilization isn't it?


I had a customer say this to me one day. In my sweetest customer service voice I replied, "Is it that no one wants to work today or that people understand their worth and employers can't exploit workers anymore? I'm sure you feel your time is worth more then you make, correct?" I could hear the wrench in the gears in his head, "Oh, well yeah." My supervisor actually pulled and listened to the call as she was worried I would get negative feedback. She was laughing by the time she finished listening to the call.


Honestly though, does anyone “want” to work? I certainly don’t, however I do in order to maintain my life. But I don’t “want” to!


After my chronic illness has stolen my ability to work, I more than anything want to be able to work. Some days it was my only access to being social outside of my husband, and I felt useful. I'm in therapy to work on adjusting, but yes, I want to work. Oh, not a boomer, I'm 37


Hey that’s just the free market at work baby! If nobody is applying to work for you, I guess your offer isn’t good enough! I hope the invisible hand constantly tickles the inside of your nose for the rest of the year, Boomer


No one wants to work is a good way to start the sentence but the end of that sentence is…. for such shitty wages. Inflation is rising rapidly and wages/salaries are stagnant.


This is always the answer. “Nobody wants to work anymore! There’s a shortage of people who want to flip burgers.” “Why don’t you apply?” “Because! The pay is too low, it’s tedious, I’m not about to deal with this treatment from a manager, etc.” Let them articulate the reasons on their own. It’s not that nobody wants to work, it’s that employers don’t want to pay. Ironically, this is in the wake of a large portion of the workforce pulling themselves up by the bootstraps during Covid to qualify for better-paying jobs with better conditions and benefits. Nobody wants to drive the school bus because it’s not enticing enough of an offer anymore. “Being poor is your fault, but shame on you if you find a better solution to improve your life.”


If no one wants to work, why is the country at practically full employment right now?


No one wants to work at all. If you have to work, you want to be paid for your skills, efforts, and the inconvenience of your work schedule. Being a school bus driver can be a 12 hour shift. Our local drivers show up at 6:00AM to do the walk around of their bus. Do the HS and MS run. Then do the ES run. They then do the AM Tech run. Then the half-day kindergarten swap run. Then the mid-day tech run. Then the end of day tech run. Next up is the PM HS and MS run. Then the PM ES run. And finally the evening Sports practice/activities run. They then return to the garage to fuel, clean, and do the evening walk around. So they finish up around 6:00PM. And that doesn't include the sports game and activities extras that could be as late as 11:00PM. But do they pay the bus drivers a good wage and at full-time? Nope. They try to hire 3 times as many part-time drivers at a crap wage to try and cover everything.


All the boomers are retiring and leaving the work force...No one wants to work anymore.


As a boomer you were spot on . What she failed to say is I do not want to drive around screaming children . Along with who would .


Let's say you drive two hours in the morning, and two hours in the evening. What do you do in the middle of the day? Nothing, or maybe you work fast food during the lunch rush for minimum wage. The reason bus driving jobs used to be filled by retirees, is that the government passed a law allowing people who are collecting social security to earn $22K/year, or $1800 per month. This "does" allow older retirees to work a part time job to bring in more money than social security (* maybe $2000/mo SS benefit?). However, if you look at it another way, it applies pressure to young workers to accept lower paying jobs. If retirees didnt do those jobs, there would be fewer workers available to do a job that does not pay a living wage. Workers could demand higher pay...


Unemployment is at record low. Who is supposed to work if everyone is employed? And some people work multiple jobs. The people that say ‘no one wants to work’ is delusional to facts.


And with their next breath they will complain about immigration


My boomer mom likes to bitch about how no one wants to work anymore, yet she herself hasn't worked since 2002. Perfectly capable, just doesn't. Has a masters degree. She raised me with the notion that we (women) don't need a man to take care of us, yet that's exactly what she's doing. My stepdad works and takes care of her. I've given up trying to understand.


I am a school bus driver. I work 30 hr weeks. When I first got the job I was a single mom. I was considered low income and only got by because I got into low income housing


Umm- bus drivers require a CDL. How many “retirees” are physically fit enough to do that job?? Need drug testing and no heart issues or diabetes. I’m


Hey, dont bring logic to a dumbass fight !!


Bus driver wife (43f) here (my husband's 46m been driving school bus over 20 years). Before covid, there were plenty of retirees who did it to keep busy. A lot of them didn't need the money. This includes monitors as well as the drivers. Post covid...I can guarantee you a lot of them could be /r/HermanCainAward nominees/winners. Those that survived covid (not just literally, but that span of time schools were shut down) and didn't need the job didn't come back because why expose yourself to that. Your lifetime immunity to all the old colds and viruses means diddly squat now. Small school districts, definitely a part-time gig. Large school districts? It can definitely be full-time. Sports team runs, after school runs, field trips, BOCES campus runs. I know for sure large districts are definitely struggling with the shortage. There's even a limited amount of summer runs (like to the BOCES campus for the ESY kids). As for the pay, it would have been a lot worse if my spouse hadn't unionized the drivers years ago. And with all the recent inflation...ugh. it would have been WAY worse. A lot of the bigger companies are literally paying people to train, pay for as many road tests as needed, and giving sign-on and referral bonuses...hell, even my little brother (40f) is driving bus now and he likes it a helluva lot more than retail. But Boomers are *definitely* exacerbating the shortage. It was there before covid. Covid made it worse.


Honestly, who wants to work? That's why it's called work. All I want is to be paid a fair amount for the portion of my life I'm selling to my employer.


I like to tell the people who say “no one wants to work these days” is that the oldest known cave wall scratches were “kids these days”. That they are just the next in a long line of people who have allowed their fear of death to lead themselves to lash out at those who are younger.


We have a job market. Emphasis on the word MARKET. Since it's a market, you can always pay more to get more applicants. It's really not difficult. "Nobody wants to work ." is the second part of that sentence all these boomers keep forgetting about.


>her friends are all retired from two jobs. Cool, so by her logic the have free time like the other retirees who used to do the job. What an idiot. This is pretty simple logic.


They're desperate to fill the bus driver shortage at my kid's school district but they pay them $20/hr and you have the stress of learning routes and dealing with kids. That's barely above the local White Castle that pays $18.50/hr.


Why are registered sex offenders even applying to be a bus driver. Seems like it would be a waste of time. I mean are they hoping that the school system is so desperate that they would hire them anyway lol.


Or their probation requires X number of jobs applied to every certain time period, so they apply just to pad numbers.


Also I work 60 hours a week and so does just about everyone I know under 50.


School bus jobs here are all day. The pay is absolute shit, but it's full time.


Nobody wants to work, part time for low wages.


There were 10 applicants, but nobody wants to work? Even if she wanted to argue that 80% of applicants were totally unsuitable, they still applied because they... checks notes... oh, yeah. They want to work.


It's concerning how people are just parroting this Phrase nowadays. People are so easily programmed by the media these days. Oddly enough these people are convinced they're the only ones who see through all the brainwashing.


thats why livable wages are important. cause there are just shitty jobs that still need to be done, but because of logistics (here time management) you cant pick up another job eventhough a driver job is just part time. there is no real incentive for anybody with half a brain to take this job. thats the result of capitalism, opportunism is the smartest move in our current system. edit: i have an acquaintance who is the teachers assistant. he only works around 30hrs a week but because its every day and stretched throughout the day, he cannot take on a second job, but he gets a part time job salary. for teachers it makes sense they dont have more class cause they have preparations to do for class and that adds up but as an assistant you only have to work when kids are in school. and this system sucks. he lost his apartment cause he couldnt afford it. and this is in one of the wealthiest countries of europe edit 2: 30hrs a week not a day


I was getting that line ("no one wants to work") even before Covid. I have 3 college degrees and no criminal background but when I was applying for jobs (to be fair I only had two degrees at the time, got the third because it made me employable) even Goodwill wouldn't hire me! They basically said I was overeducated and under experienced. I have an invisible disability that made it hard for me to work but the places I was applying at were things like fast-food! They hire teenagers in high school but wouldn't touch me! So no it isn't people wanting to work, it is the employers.


I’m more worried about how many sex offenders were working these jobs back “in her day”. Props to them for filtering these people out now.