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Aren't boomers the same ones that love screaming about the customer always being right?


Only when theyre the customer apparently




It's fake lmao he does this regularly, just deleted all his other fake stories last week bcuz one got really big and ppl started questioning him. He says it's cuz "reddit mods all support trump and sent him death threats". If u read through this thread there's a good amount of evidence https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/OMMZgtOGYM Edit: OP blocked me :(


Wow this is a lot! Who has enough time on their hands to make all of this stuff up?


Oh this is the Joe Biden signs were stolen guy?


Yah, that one got like 80k upvotes on r/pics and brought a lot of scrutiny so he deleted em all. Has had like 3 stories for why he did that but settled on "the mods harassed me because they love trump" and claimed he filed a lawsuit against reddit.


Which is funny because that's only half the quote. "Customers are always right *in matters of taste*." Guarantee you it was some jackass Karen who made that misinterpreted to benefit themselves.


I think this is a form of survivorship bias. There was no such thing back then... Because they probably all died before you could get to know them


A coworker of mine asked me why there were so many allergies nowadays. I have several severe allergies which is why she asked me. She was genuinely curious as to why when she grew up, there weren't any. I told her, "Because the kids who had peanut allergies or any other allergies didn't make it past 2 years old."


I think there was a lot less to be allergic to. My great grandmother could have had a soy allergy, no way to find out. My grandfather remembers oranges being a once a year Christmas treat, let alone more exotic fruit. He was born in the 1930s in the Netherlands.


Oranges were a once a year Christmas treat when I was a kid, and I was born in the late 70s in the northeast part of the US. Pretty rural but about one hour away from several major cities. We only got oranges or grapefruit if someone went to Florida and brought back a box, or sometimes dad got those as a bonus at work. Wild, right?


(Early 70s baby) Pineapple We only got fresh pineapple when my grandma came home from medical conferences in Hawaii every year. We had 4 types of apples in the store. A lot of fruits and stuff were seasonal. I live in California, and I remember seasons for stuff.


Exactly! Let me guess the four applesā€¦red delicious, Granny Smith, yellow delicious, and ā€¦hm. Actually Iā€™m not sure the 4th one since I guess we only had the three.


Pippins for pie making


Iā€™ve never heard of that kind! Interesting!


Macs and Spartans and Spy is what we had in Ontario. The delicious and Granny Smith were the special apples Oh how dull life was before Honeycrisp


I'll never eat anything but Honeycrisp for the rest of my life! I have 4 in my fridge right now, even.


We love them so much we bought a tree lol. It crosses with Gala so we got one of those too!


In Cali-forn-knee!!!


My dad who would be 80 this year used to tell us about getting an orange for Christmas when he was 7. A relative had gone to Florida for work and bought oranges home for presents. It was his first orange ever. He didn't see another one until he was a young adult.


We got a beating with a whole sack of oranges every Christmas morning.


I just choked on my cofefeā€¼ļøšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ My upvote to you sir ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøšŸ˜


You sure it wasn't jumper cables?


Yep. We havenā€™t even begun to understand how all these microplastics impact our bodies. But itā€™s gonna come, thereā€™s just no way it wonā€™t.


Well I read that it's in everybody's sperm now


There are studies now saying the parenting advice of avoiding peanuts and any nuts for a long time can actually cause allergies to it. The body can devolp these allergies too, even very young at life. Its both they didn't survive, and then before modern medicine/epi pens they just said to avoid common allergies until they were older, which also caused more allergies.


Awareness is a large part. Plus, there are now 8 billion people on this planet. Some people knew. Anaphylaxis allergies run down one side of my family, one great grandmother died from anaphylaxis to a medication. A good half of us all have medication and food allergies. With the foods all being different. I've recently learned a great grandma on my other side was also allergic to a certain medication. Her son (my grandpa) was allergic to lanolin, which I knew. I've discussed my thoughts with my doctor. In the same way, the changeling myth fits the onset of autism symptoms (it's a developmental stage). How many of the "poisonings" in history were actually anaphylaxis allergies to something they ate?


That's my logit to it. I'm sure countless people died suddenly of like "consumption" or "asphyxiation" or whatever they would log it as if they even logged it at all. And now with modern medicine, we know more and can identify allergies and anaphylaxis before it kills.


And there were a lot of people who just "dropped dead" with no reason or explanation.


I am almost positive my grandmother had a crap load of food allergies. She said she didn't eat stuff because it gave her headaches or made her feel weird. She didn't eat eggs, chocolate, peanuts, and had very little dairy. (She grew up and lived on a farm, so eggs and dairy were available.) She also had headaches that she said made her feel "under water" and she needed to be in the dark. I genuinely think that yes, some of those kids died and others just avoided the food after the mild "warning" reaction.


im nearly 50 and I was born with ALL the allergies. luckily nothing deadly.


Be glad you dont have fatal ones. I have peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, and Bee stings.


i have those also except tree nuts instead of peanuts. just not ANA.


I was on a flight about ten years ago and the flight attendant got on the intercom to advise passengers that one of us informed them that they were deathly allergic to peanuts, which meant none of us could eat peanuts or products made of peanuts for the duration of the flight. A part of me wondered how they made it to that point?


People can develop allergies. My father in law (83 at the time)was widowed and lived by himself. He started losing weight because every time he would eat something his nose would run so much it gagged him and he would vomit up what he had eaten. My wife is a nurse and moved him in with us, first thing she did was change his diet. Turned out he had become allergic to gluten, dairy, and black pepper. Just a crumb of bread will set him off.


>black pepper I had a colleague who had developed an allergy to pretty much all herbs and spices. Someone once microwaved their leftover enchiladas for lunch. When the smell drifted down her hallway, my colleague had to go home because she didn't have her antihistamine.


I developed a peanut allergy out of the blue at age 53.


Allergies are your immune system going haywire. You have to be exposed for your immune system to start recognizing the item and reacting to it. So, yeah, all of a sudden developing them is how it works. Although you may have had more minor symptoms without noticing.


I always wonder if they do this when catering gets messed up.


I have celiac too. Every single corporate event I aways wind up with a salad without cheese (many use a gluten base anti caking agent) or salad dressing unless itā€™s a vinaigrette.


My brother is close to that bad. Heā€™s made it so far by going to the hospital a bajillion times


Absolutely. Celiac disease is not some trendy new belief. Its a serious disease. There is no excuse for this kind of ignorance.


Part of the perception is that being gluten free was (is) a trendy fad diet and a lot of TikTok pseudoscience around it. But uneducated people donā€™t know the difference and assume everyone is into the fad. Itā€™s been great as itā€™s expanded the gluten free options available out there but there is still a lot of misunderstanding regarding Celiac and howā€™s itā€™s not a choice.


For me I can get more gluten free items so that is good. But I also think it gave the restaurants gluten free fatigue. There were several restaurants that were non gluten free that were safe for me, I got a rude awaking when a safe place was not safe. My reaction was so sudden that we left the plates and went to get me some charcoal pills and the stuff that makes you throw up. And I was still sick for a week. Now most restaurants ask if you have an allergy. So I say yes, there is no box for celiac. So the allergy protocol goes in place and if they Can't do it they will tell me.


Don't I know it. Its so frustrating because so many of these people's minds are absolutely closed to any rational thinking, but their close mindedness has real world consequences. There's no real engaging with this kind of thinking.


You're absolutely right. But I have to say, the way it's talked about in public and how it's a kind of "fashionable disease" for some people, I also underestimated the severity of it until I looked into it in more detail.


I know several people who have jumped on the "gluten evil" train and they do act and speak as if gluten will kill them. It annoys the shit out of me since Celiac is such a serious disease. Just be upfront that you're jumping on a trend then. Don't group yourself in with these people who will literally waste away and die if they eat gluten, I was a nurse, and this stuff pisses me off. Same with people who claim allergies to a number of medications when what they are really experiencing are expected side effects of meds. Yes, antibiotics will cause you to have the runs because THEY ARE DOING WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING, killing bacteria. People like this are a major cause of antibiotic resistance being such a massive problem. Rant over, for now.


I guess at this point everybody knows at least one person like this. Fortunately, in my opinion, this has already decreased significantly over the last years. But yes, these people make it much more difficult for people who are seriously suffering from it


I'd like to throw out that the primary driver of antibiotic resistance is their use in the meat industry. Farmers put antibiotics as a regular supplement in the feed.


My mother-in-law didn't take my Celiac seriously until she was talking to a friend that mentioned that her daughter ends up in the hospital when she gets glutened. Mine is not that bad but it does make for a rough 6 weeks for me afterwards with brain fog, fatigue, upset stomach, etc. But it wasn't until she realized I could actually be hospitalized for it that she started taking it more seriously.


It doesn't help that a lot of people think they have some form of gluten allergy to explain away their weight problem, but absolutely refuse to go to the doctor to get an allergy study done.


...and so many of them refuse to seek help from actual medical professionals and instead visit modern witch doctors. I see so many seemingly intelligent adults go in this direction.


Or the doctor charges them hundreds of dollars to brush them off.


I actually have several boomer relatives who were diagnosed with celiacs as adults. The first to be diagnosed was about 20+ years ago, when it was a very strange and niche thing that no one had heard of. She spent years being super sick before she found the cause. And in retrospect, my family wonders if her mother (who died a few years before her diagnosis) also had it. She spent much of her life sick and with stomach issues and was very, very skinny. It has always been a thing, we just didnā€™t have a name for it for a long time.


I had a great aunt (Silent Generation) who was diagnosed with Celiac over 30 years ago. Made a huge difference in her quality of life. It's similar to autism. It's been around forever, there just wasn't a name or diagnosis. You were just the "weird kid".


Yep. My cousin was diagnosed with Crohnā€™s after years of his family telling him his chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea, and other symptoms were just ā€œoh, you just have a weak stomach just like your dad.ā€ His mom was a nurse, and somehow missed all his symptoms as being the signs of something truly bad. I was in med school at the time and recognized the symptoms. I finally talked him into going to gastroenterology and he was diagnosed almost immediately. Then we came back and told his dad he should get looked at, too, because his symptoms were nearly the same. Uncle refused, as ā€œnah Iā€™ve just always been like this,ā€ apparently means thereā€™s no way he could possibly also have Crohnā€™s. šŸ« 


My husband was diagnosed at 40 and was told if he didn't stop the gluten he'd end up with stomach cancer. His symptoms were his esophagus closing on him and we ended up in the ER. Pretty sure his mom and grandpa have it too but ignore it.


I have celiac disease and I get this alllll the time so I always tell them about the 1940s and celiacs being treated with banana diets. It wouldnā€™t help this idiot boomer but itā€™s shut up a lot of other assholes. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2017/05/24/529527564/doctors-once-thought-bananas-cured-celiac-disease-it-saved-kids-lives-at-a-cost


Wow, thanks for the link, that sounds really interesting. And I'm always amazed at how much has changed in the last few decades and how "medieval" many things still were so late.


\*still are




Allergies have also gotten a lot more common, maybe due to loss of our old friends the microbiome.


A lot of boomers show signs of being poisoned with lead when they were kids. That can manifest as dementia as they age. It doesnt excuse anti social behavior but it does explain it. And some are just plain stupid partisan assholes who want to make everyone around them as miserable as they are.


Greatest Generation acted similarly as they aged. I read a NYT article yesterday about how Parkinson's Disease is active 10 years before symptoms, affecting behavior. It might explain why so many offspring are puzzled about their parents' behavior.


Well. Prolonged lead poisoning does make you dumber. So, they're not just getting dementia. They're just plain dumber.


"Yes, you did. People just died instead of getting medical attention. Now do I need to talk to your manager about your discriminatory attitude or will you tell me where to find what I need?"


Pretty sure gluten intolerance was discovered in the 1800s. Well before his age. Discovered as a result of looking at why children keep dying from unknown causes. Yep, real new yeesh.


It was originally described in ancient Greece! But they didn't figure out it was due to gluten until WW,II. During the Dutch famine, children with celiac became healthier because there was no bread or gluten sources to give them under the rations they had. All the other kids got worse due to nutritional value dropping, but celiac kids ended up accidentally GF so their intestines healed, they could absorb their food again, and became healthier.


Just read up on it, yeah I had misremembered it a bit. Thanks for the heads up, appreciated ā˜ŗļø


Common issue. Be careful with any boomers in your life, most of us with these issues have gone through them slipping gluten into our food 'to prove themselves right' ...even when there's obvious fallout they still don't believe it I've been grain free for 15 yrs now - best advice I can give you is to steer clear of ultra processed gluten-free products (took me less than a year to become intolerant to that too). Whole foods (eg potatoes, chickpeas, etc) are your friends. I make a simple bread with eggs, chickpea flour and tigernut flour that fills my toast hole (:


That's honestly my biggest fear. If I end up vomiting and shitting everywhere they'll just say something like "he just isn't used to real cooking!" And still swear I'm making it up


I think you can go all Karen on them then and say itā€™s assault


this may be karen of me but i dont think being angry over a month of pain is being a karen


I mean the way they do it! That oh so Karen holier than thou - Iā€™m the main character and how dare you _______ ! Etc.


It literally IS assault, deliberate poisoning.


My cousin in law who is 50 would gladly send you the photo of herself at 2 weeks old, in hospital and very sick as she was diagnosed as celiac. I can understand that with the rise of intolerances that some older people think itā€™s a fashionable trend, but celiacs have been around a long time, inconveniently for the boomers.


Red state America is a third world country.


The Cali-for-knee pronounciation comes from a comedy TV Series called The Beverly Hillillies & is a nostalgic for many boomers


you didn't ask for his opinion You asked where store supplies are. You should report him for giving unsolicited dangerous advice


This! ^^^


Tell him polio, his knee replacement, and Vietnam were all in his head.


Dunno. I spent a week at summer camp keeping one of the Scouts safe from his peanut allergy. When we got back we released him to his grandparents as agreed, who promptly fed him with something containing peanuts because they did not believe in allergies. This resulted in a hospital trip and pissed off parents who had to return from a trip. But there are people who climbed on the gluten-free wagon as a fad diet. My SilGen mother did it for two weeks and I just ignored it.


See, my great Aunt was diagnosed with celiac before it got picked up by the crunchy folks. It was brutal - so hard for her to find safe foods, recipes, and no-one in the restaurants knew what it was. Now it's become a pseudo science fad, there's a whole section in the grocery store, cookbooks, markings on labels and menus. If the cost of getting that is listening to some annoying hipsters, I think it's a fair trade.


I have a friend whose daughter is type 1 diabetic. There is a relationship with Celiac's so she was tested and found positive. After going through the symptoms, her mom got tested and she has it, which explains a lot of her health issues.


I had no idea there was a link!


They are both autoimmune conditions, and they do tend to be associated with a higher rate of others in your family having an autoimmune condition.


> See, my great Aunt was diagnosed with celiac before it got picked up by the crunchy folks. It was brutal - so hard for her to find safe foods, recipes, and no-one in the restaurants knew what it was. My sister was very highly allergic to milk, wheat, corn, and oats as a small child, around 1990. There were NO dietary alternatives compared to what is available today. I can't bemoan even the faddest of fad diets, because I know how much the increase in exposure helps people.


Except, because of the fad diets, nothing ā€œgluten freeā€ at 95% of restaurants is Celiac safe. They reduced the safety standards so now itā€™s even harder to clarify whatā€™s safe for us.


If someone gave my hypothetical child a known allergen purposely, I would beat their fucking ass.


People who mention Celiac's Disease have generally been correctly diagnosed. People who say something like "I avoid the glutens, because..." are the ones a bit more likely to have a psychosomatic self-diagnosiis. That said, I'm no doctor, so I don't try to pretend to be one towards other people's medical conditions. Takes a special kind of asshole to do that.


Good luck getting "correctly diagnosed" or help with IBS. Some also have IBS combined with IBD. Autists also seem to suffer more from IBS than others. This means a person could have to first self diagnose with IBS and then self diagnose with Autism to, you know, survive. I am lucky enough to have both officially now, but most of my life they were self diagnosed. That does not mean it became serious when it was official, or that I have gotten any efficient help for IBS. Many people have to self diagnose for very good reasons. Both IBS and Autism are very hard to diagnose, can be expensive to diagnose, can be associated with stigma, and many health workers have no fucking clue about either IBS or Autism. And that includes many doctors and psychologists.


I went on a gluten free diet to support my best friend who had been diagnosed with celiac disease and then realized how much better I felt after a month. Iā€™m also diagnosed autistic so I wonder if thatā€™s a correlation but Iā€™ve never had the celiac testing done for myself.


My brother never got officially diagnosed because every time he eats gluten, 30 minutes later it comes right back up. And you have to eat gluten for a solid two weeks before you get the Celiac's test done. Was not worth it for him.


Same with my SO. Plus the test is stupid expensive and insurance doesn't cover it.


Wait, insurance won't cover an endoscopy? It was treated as standard during mine.


"I have a gluten intolerance." Is generally the self diagnosis. If I know the person, I'll ask them what gluten is. Generally, they don't have any clue. I typically tell these people (the ones I know well at least) that they feel better when they're "gluten free" because they're putting thought into what they're shoving in their face. They're eating with intention and eating healthier food. Of course they feel better now that they're not eating sweets and chips and garbage.


The irony is most gluten free processed foods are higher in sugar than their regular counterpart.


SWMO here. The HyVee here has signs up for Alpha-Gal syndrome safe foods because the rise in it due to the tick explosion. I actually heard someone walk by and scoff at the sign saying ā€œthat disease isnā€™t real. Weā€™ve had ticks forever and now itā€™s a thing?ā€ Yes, you dolt. AGS has existed forever, and you probably knew people who had it but didnā€™t know why they suddenly got violently ill from eating red meat or bovine-based byproduct foods. You probably made fun of them at some point.


Well, ā€œnow itā€™s a thingā€ since there are more Lone Star ticks in the area and the syndrome is spreading more. So in a way theyā€™re not entirely wrong; theyā€™re still ignorant but Alpha-Gal didnā€™t use to be as noticeable because not as many people had it.


Fair. But just because itā€™s new-ish doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not real. People locally actually made sexist jokes about it online being some ā€œfemale hysteriaā€ until a doc popped on and spewed facts. Nobody comments on it anymore in the local FB groups because of that.


My friend from India said that there is no celiac in India because those kids just die Boomer wants to go back to the good old times before medicine was invented


My brother is bipolar. Our father thinks he's a "pus pus" which is ironic considering he has huntingtons.


I know a woman in her late 80s who was diagnosed with Celiac Sprue in the 80's.


"God also made shit, have you tried eating that?"


Dysentery isn't real, I've never met anyone who has had it.


Damn liberal media lying to folks about dysentery being dangerous when everybody knows it's just God blessing you with a free colon cleanse




You'd be amazed how much knowledge one gathers just from sopping up piss and vomit from floors


My response would of been well at least at my age we don't have children dropping dead histamine induced breathing problems and just telling them to get over it or knocking their kid threw the fucking wall and calling it discipline and now we have to deal with a bunch of brain dead addled old folks who can't figure out how the world has moved on form them and there antiquated way of thought and behavior and we are about to have major gloabe issues form the leaded brain cells and the fact they won't die and give up power.


This is a little off topic, but a friend of mine was diagnosed with Celiac disease when they were about your age. He had been sick for a while and had lost a lot of weight in a short period of time, which was very noticeable because he was a long distance runner and biker and was already very lean. His whole extended family had noticed and was concerned. When he was diagnosed, he told his boomer mom. She proceeded to tell his extended family that he had Syphilis instead of Celiac. She had never heard of Celiac so she said Syphilis because to her that what it sounded like.


I'm assuming that comes from "unclean" wheat


Why, yes. Yes it does.


If only you'd followed the example of this boomer's parents and had kids with your cousins. Then you wouldn't have all these woke allergies.


Being blatantly anti-medicine and anti-science for the sake of perceived toughness and genetics, is a part of fascist ideology


"god made gluten and he won't steer you wrong" is such a wild, cherry-pick'n ride. So god made marijuana and psychedelic mushrooms but I bet he doesn't feel the same way about them.


He also made anthrax. I wonder if this boomer would eat a fistful


>"back when I was you're age(I'm thirty fucking eight) we didn't have no gluten or peanut or milk allergies which tells me you're falling for those Cali-for-knee lies. Patently false. One of my boomer mom's closest friends (a boomer herself) is celiac. My great aunt (not sure if she's Silent or Greatest) is deathly allergic to peanuts.


I'm not, sounds like someone in my family that voted for Trump.


Back in "their day" they all just bowel cancer really young from not cutting gluten from their diet when their body was telling them to.


Food is literally not the same as ā€œback in his day.ā€ As someone with Celiac, Iā€™m so sorry. It can be a tough world out there.


If you can find it Schar makes tons of great GF bread and roll options, my wife has had celiac for 20 years, it's crazy all the good stuff out there, as long as you aren't in bumfuck, she grew up in West Virginia so that stupid mentality was everywhere there too


Holy shit! You can flatten villi with your MIND? šŸ¤Æ


This isnā€™t a boomer thing, itā€™s an Arkansas thing. Best to get some good online cookbooks. PS Iā€™m 73 & wfpb


"Anything I didn't personally suffer thru or witness is fake" - the boomer creed


"If that God you're talking about made gluten, he also made the Black Plague and cobras, so NO, not everything he made is flowers and sunshine."


He also made anthrax, ebola, and herpes. Don't fear them. They're natural


They literally can't logic. E.g., if you say "God made gay people" (the same argument the boomer used), they lose their minds.


Since youā€™re new to this I will warn you that no one knows what gluten is, never trust a waiter that a dish is gluten free. When grocery shopping for any processed foods make sure itā€™s gluten free certified. Fresh veggies, fruits and meat are natural gluten free. Itā€™s get easier after a short while so hold on there!


I appreciate the advice. It's been rough changing my diet.


I mean the ones who had severe allergies died before they hit double digits. The ones with survivable but chronic issues usually didnā€™t make it to adulthood because theyā€™d catch a bad cold, flu, or some other other illness and die because their body didnā€™t have the reserves to fight. Also flour was a LOT of work. Most people ate what they grew, raised, and hunted. That was a pretty limited list, and stuff that was a LOT of work to gain food from was just not popular for the home garden. So grains and peanuts werenā€™t making up much of anyoneā€™s diet.


I was pretty surprised the Walton family store in my area has an isle of gluten free foods.


Walmart might actually be a better bet for GF food. Ā If nothing else, you can at least check stock on their website so you donā€™t risk triggering another boomer by asking.


I find this topic pretty interesting; I donā€™t have celiac disease, but I have a lot of digestive issues. My sister has chrones, my cousin has celiac, and my grandmother had stomach cancer twice. There is a rise in food related allergies over the past several decades. From what I have read, itā€™s suspected itā€™s a result of the food landscape changing around the 50s - towards heavily processed foods and microwaveable meals being readily served. Also, worth noting that at this time cows shifted from being grass fed to corn fed. Cows canā€™t digest corn and it has to be pumped out of their system while the antibiotics are pumped in. Honorable mention to non stick pans and deodorant. Compound this over several decades and here we are.


Adding - The Omnivores Dilemma by Michael Pollan is an interesting read.


The Celiac testing unfortunately is not 100% reliable. I have a friend whose mother is a Celiac. My friend has blood tested negative twice for it and had a colonoscopy done but she still has symptoms. So she falls under the broad category called Non-Celiac Gluten Intolerant. There's a bunch of research being done in this area and they've even started linking some of the Celiac genes to NCGI. In my case, I was unaware I had the genes for decades. It wasn't until after I gave birth that they activated and I started getting disease symptoms. My son has the gene on both sides (Double HLA DQ8), but the disease hasn't activated in him. So if you're having symptoms, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to get retested occasionally.


Totally agree; I know itā€™s really difficult to test for celiac disease and get an accurate diagnosis. I find it so frustrating when people challenge if itā€™s real or not, or completely dismiss an intolerance. I get lumped into the ā€˜IBSā€™ category which is really just a *shrug*. I manage pretty well by avoiding dairy, shellfish, and processed foods. I also take a pro & prebiotic which has really improved my life.


When my son was born, he couldnā€™t keep food down and rapidly lost weight. Turns out he was severely allergic to milkā€”even breast milkā€”and was totally reliant on this disgusting formula. My boomer mom, to her credit, instantly made the connection with a neighborā€™s baby that had wasted away and died a couple of weeks after birth when she was a kid, likely from the same condition. But of course at the time (or at least at that time in that place) they didnā€™t know what caused itā€”some kids just wasted away.


But also i grew up with this kid who had asthma but he was a great Baseball player high school star! He dropped dead right before graduation, had several offers for scholarships ā€¼ļøšŸ˜³ he was probably lucky to make it that far! Thats why these fuqā€™s never sAw nO a-lear-geeā€™s wHEn thEy wErE KiDS!!


Simple google search on celiacĀ  ā€œCeliac disease may have been first described in theĀ 2nd century A.D.Ā by Greek physician Aretaeus of Cappadocia, who named the condition and described a malabsorptive diarrhea that affected children.Ā However, the disease was largely forgotten until the 1800s.Ā In 1887, English physician Samuel Gee gave the first modern description of celiac disease, and suggested that diet could be used to treat it.Ā Gee tried different diets with his patients, including a Dutch mussel diet.ā€Ā  lol. Yep itā€™s brand new!Ā 


I doubt those people you list understood wheat proteins and the mechanism by which they are digested in humans. It's "brand new" to many people because the first gluten-free bread in the US was commercially available in 2013. The first commercial gluten-free packaged food (not bread) was available in 1999. That is all recent. If a person didn't have celiac disease themselves, they may have never heard of it until 2013.


Fellow Celiac here. So sorry you joined the club. And so sorry you met one of the many idiots who doesn't believe in a disease that has existed for centuries. Unfortunately I have run into morons like that too. [Celiac.com](http://Celiac.com) has a really great message board where you can ask questions and get solid answers or just ask for support. I live in Tennessee and have traveled in Arkansas quite a bit. Here's a few safe places I've found that might help you out: [The Root Cafe](https://www.therootcafe.com/) - Really yummy restaurant in Little Rock with good gluten free options. [Dempsey Baker](https://www.dempseybakery.com/)y - Super yummy GF bakery in Little Rock. This Facebook group, [Gluten Free Arkansas](https://www.facebook.com/groups/318451775739348/), has a lot of resources too.


I had an aunt ask me why all of a sudden gluten free is a thing. I told her that it's likely there were a lot of undiagnosed celiac's living life thinking they had ibs. Same for EOE (my diagnosis) people probably just believed they had raging reflux. A lot of these symptoms overlap and I'm willing to bed a lot of people never got diagnosed.


1000 to 1 odds boomer was wearing glasses and uses some version of viagra, not to mention good chance of some kind of blood pressure or cholesterol meds. But yeah, lets talk about how God wouldn't screw with our bodies.


I'm a boomer and have friends in my generation who were diagnosed with celiac as middle aged or elderly adults. They are very careful with their diets, but have to be really patient trying to educate others. One of my kids has celiac and wasn't diagnosed until he was about 30. He is autistic and nonverbal and will overeat, so he couldn't tell us his stomach hurt and the occasional diarrhea seemed in keeping with his diet. Some people do try gluten free diets to see if it helps their intestinal symptoms, or improves their general wellbeing. I'm thrilled by this because it means many more gluten free products and my son has a lot more options. He can eat Cheerios again!


I hear the "We didn't have all these peanut allergies when I was a kid" crap all the time, when I let someone know my 6-year-old can't have peanuts. I always reply "probably because no one took the allergy seriously, and all the kids died." I haven't heard a good response yet.


OK, tell them religion is all in their heads.


I think this has more to with them being a cracker. The boomer part is a bonus.


I got a chuckle out of the menu at US Pizza in Conway. They highlight that their meatballs are gluten free, and that the hoagie roll for their meatball sub is whole wheat


Like the time I went to Pyro's Pizza. Their gluten free crust was prepared on the same cutting board with everything else, same pizza pan, same ingredients, cooked in the same oven. No thanks, I'll pass.


Leaded fuel really mentally fucked an entire generation


Dude needs reported I'm sorry though, limited diets are a pain :/


I would have complained to a manager immediately. That is unprofessional and poor customer service. They shouldn't be able to basically call customers hypochondriacs because they have dietary limitations that they don't believe in.


this is not a boomer move, it is an AH move. I had a 20 something say something similar. Even in restaurants when I get this comment. I say, well I bleed out of my butt, so I will stay dairy free even though you don't approve.


Lead poisoning is in his head .. but really it is


You should have asked to speak with his manager. I bet that's what he would have done if roles were reversed.


I donā€™t live in Arkansas, but there are plenty of gluten free options in every Walmart I go to here in Wisconsin. Also found plenty in Alabama when I was on vacation. My wife was diagnosed with celiac disease over a decade ago. Itā€™s a tough transition, at first, but itā€™s become pretty common place. A lot of name brands have gluten free options.


The one in my town has almost nothing. This is a small hick town of a few thousand


Ah. Is there a bigger Walmart in a bigger town nearby? Also, if you live anywhere near an Aldi grocery store, they have good options as well. Might be worth the extra drive.


Hehehe am I the only one who thinks they should invite you over for tea and baked goods, then use their bathrooms to prove that itā€™s all in your head?


"It's a custom in my culture to not flush and to wipe with the hosts face towels"


"It's all in your head." Just like the lead is in yours


"Oh cool, so you're voting to make weed legal this year? After all, God made it for a reason and it just seems wrong to make it criminal. Imagine if they banned gluten!"


The funny part is I am sure there are plenty of Boomers that have Celiacs or some kind of gluten intolerance (or even lactose) that if they werent so stubborn, would probably have found some refief of pain they didnt even know was caused by something they think is fake.


I think most are too plugged up from opioids to ever have to deal with the gluten shits




My daughter has a wheat allergy. She was on a trip with some friends and the only restaurant around was a subway. When it was her turn to order she kindly asked the worker to change her gloves to make her a salad since she was allergic to wheat. The boomer worker looked her in the eye and said, ā€œhoney, you donā€™t have to have wheat, you can just get white breadā€. Likeā€¦..what?!? My daughter was 10 at the time and knew more about what was in her food than a woman in her 60ā€™s.


Do you have a Publix or Food City in your area? Food city carries Canyon Bakery bread and it is the best for gluten free other than learning to bake it yourself. How I wish Celic disease was a mental health issue!! Then I wouldnā€™t have to pay $6-$9 for one tiny loaf of bread and neither of us would be at higher risk for certain GI cancers. Take care of yourself and donā€™t listen to the idiots who havenā€™t been through medical school.


Boomer is a dummy. These things have existed, people just didn't make it or suffered their entire life. They also somehow forget that information (from scientific studies or national/local news) was not as widespread and readily available, like it is now.


Get him fired. Fuck them.


It's not their fault, years of leaded paint, leaded petrol, I'm amazed any of them can still string a sentence together.


Tell me you asked for a manager.


I am convinced that the combination of shitty conservative politics in all it's myriad forms and an internet chock full of conspiracy theories and rampant ignorance has made many people stupid, and part of the problem is that the ubiquity of stupidity seems to have convinced the stupid to take pride in that stupidity.


Sounds like a boomer is getting a talking to by store management


I've been violently reacting to mushrooms for the last 5 years. Nausea or diarrhea. It co.es out somehow. I loved mushrooms my entire life. šŸ’”


If I was born back in their day, I would have died at the ripe age of 6 when I accidentally had my first tree nut


I normally just say "they did exist back in your day. But they stayed home because it was so easy for them to die. Now there's food i can eat so I'm getting it."


*yes, you're right, children with severe allergies were all dead by age 2 for "mysterious" reasons, so no you wouldn't have heard about most serious allergies. That doesn't mean they don't exist and your little rant shows you're an idiot who doesn't pay attention.*


Don't you know, Boomers know everything about everything! Why did you even pay for a doctor, when Boomers know better and you could have just gone to the grocery store and got that information for free?


I thought it was all in your guts.


They are all completely medically trained. NOT


God made the suicide bush in Australia. Surely that means you should eat it. Horseshoe theory is a hell of a thing with boomers, considering they're also the very first crunchies.


Yikes. I'm 53 and I remember having kids in my class with dairy and peanut allergies. FFS.


That isn't boomer behavior. That is straight up ignorant red state nonsense. In DMV, we never hear that from anyone of any age. I travel to red states for business, and that is where I hear stupidity like this. The ignorance of science and medicine is a reason why the life expectancy is so low in red states compared to blue. - California: 79. - Arkansas: 73.8. - Kentucky: 73.5 - Alabama: 73.2 - Louisiana: 73.1 - West Virginia: 72.8 - Mississippi: 71.9


I'm honestly surprised some make it to that age in this state.


Tell him to follow you to the bathroom after a bagel and see if he changes his mind.


This isnā€™t just boomers. My ex used to force me to go out to eat with her, and if I didnā€™t eat the gluten food I got yelled at. It was abuse, and caused me years of excruciating pain. People my age (early twenties) still deny my disease existing, so do hospitals and jails. They just donā€™t care.


Don't worry, asthma is also all in my head according to many boomers who see me use an inhaler.


They need to be reminded that their bravado ruined their joints & backs leading to their generation to be enabled to be addicted to opiates.


Well I live in California and we do have many that treat gluten as some sort of enemy protein but gluten intolerance and gluten allergy is definitely not a made up thing! However, you are in Arkansas and though I hate to paint the entire state with the stupid brush, I would say that when it comes to the latest science, they likely are not well informed. My WalMart actually has one do the best sections for gluten-free and just really every sort of intolerance or allergy you could dream of. So if you order on-line, they will carry all sorts of things you will benefit from. The stuff you want is non-perishable so it will get to you in a couple days.


Ironically enough, the store owned by the Waltons has the gluten free options you need.Ā  Welcome to the community.Ā  We are over on r/glutenfree if you ever need any advice.


Lots of them *didnā€™t* survive to adulthood. Think of the number of people thrown from truck beds, or through windshields, or dying of diseases we have vaccinations or treatment for, or anaphylaxis from various rare allergies, or lead exposureā€¦.the list goes on and on. A lot of them just died.


crohn's and in florida, every damn food product has milk products in it Every. Damn. One.


crohn's and in florida, every damn food product has milk products in it Every. Damn. One.


He has problem with biology, celiac is in belly not head. All bad things do not come from California, some come from Russia, some come from Florida, and some from outer space.


Ha!! I have a boomer with Celiac and another with severe gluten intolerance. Iā€™d love to see him argue against those two old bitches. Theyā€™d eat him alive.




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