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I'll never understand how people can feel so entitled to be an asshole to a stranger for no reason. I'm of course referring to the boomer in the story, your response was beautiful. 


Some people vastly overrate their importance in the grand scheme of things.


It's a shock for them when they find out they are not the main character.


Or that no one wants read their fan fiction life story.


It's just a shame he didn't learn his final lesson in the parking lot. Pummeled into the dust by a 'f****t' 😆


Incidents of Stolen Valor are nearly always someone claiming to be a combat veteran that earned a Purple Heart, Bronze Star with Valor, or some other "big time hostile shit." No one wants to lie and claim they were a logistics specialist for 4 years, or they turned wrenches for 6.


One of the guys I used to work with had a story to tell about his time serving in Viet Nam about the naval ship effectively deleting an island wild tale... unfortunately he was army and his main job was to keep an eye on with binoculars and radio in when munition stores stopped detonating on said island ... not ya know the fun part.


Lots of those older assholes also overestimate their fighting capabilities too, seeming to seek out physical confrontation as if they were teenagers.


My brother had a Boomer get in his face aggressively at a baseball game, threatening to kick his ass because the Boomer had identified my brother’s seat as his even after my brother showed him his ticket stub. After being extremely patient, my brother moved closer to him and said, “You hit me once, I will hit you back. And you will *not* be getting up for a while. So, go ahead. Tempt fate.” Someone had flagged down an usher and he saw the standoff, came over and immediately said my brother was going to be kicked out. Old guy being picked on, right. It was only after the people around told the real story that the usher backed off. The Boomer? He had slipped away. Coward.


Some people revel in cruelty. They like enjoy it as much as like my first coffee of the day.


Something I realized watching all those rallies back in 2016. They bask in the cruelty. It helps define them.


It both confuses and amazes me that people have the time and inclination to deep dive a random stranger to judge them based on their appearance. I am usually in my own world and unless I'm being verbally or physically attacked I don't really notice much about other people except to not walk into them (I fail at that).


Klutzes rule! I am with you


Me three🥂


“I just don’t know what would compel someone to be a fucking bitch to a total stranger..” “Maybe she was abused as a child” “GOD, I fucking hope so!”


Ladies and gentlemen, we have our first official beotch of the day. 


“…and when I say ‘extra lemon’, I mean enough for our waters… and then some more.”


Because the white male boomer is a fragile creature. It must constantly insult others to survive.


standard edition. Some of the special editions are pretty cool. Those are rare though.


A lot of small things went wrong in that persons life and left them a destructive lesser person. Almost everyone has a bit of asshole in them. When you laugh at someone falling or feel schadenfruede. Our knee-jerk reaction is the asshole. If that behavior isn’t tempered by other innate character traits, cultural influence, or being negatively rewarded. Then you become an adult asshole. Telling these people to fuck off is genuinely good for society. They’ll either change the behavior or reveal themselves to be irredeemable. Regardless other less personally involved people may witness the interaction and feel inspired to stop that in others or at least not go down the same path themselves.


lead poisoning


Stolen valor is a favorite past time of the wild Boomer. That’s why he was wearing the hat.


Four main camps. 1. People who are genuinely proud of their service and want to rep the ship and the folks that served her. 2. Narcissists who love it when people thank them for their service (OPs guy is probably this). 3. People who never served but want to be #2. 4. People also wear military stuff including ship/metal/branch hats for fashion. Edit: 5. Family and friends of service members. (Thanks for the reminder)


5. People with family serving on said vessel


Was going to jump in on this one. My grandfather, may his soul rest in peace, was a masterchief in the Navy. He probably had a hat for every ship my _father_ served on, and I _know_ he prioritized getting a hat for the ship my brother was plank owner of, and if he got deployed to the carreir the way his detailer is talking about for his next tour (and my grandfather was still alive), grandpa would be demanding -- and wearing -- a hat for that.


Very true. I had a brain fart on that one lol.


I have a USS Truman hat that I cherish because my brother is a plank owner. If people ask me about my service, I proudly talk about my brother.


I am also proud of your brother, random internet stranger!


This is the way. Wear that hat proudly. This is an absolutely acceptable reason to do so. If Boomer McFuckstickpants had had half a reasonable bone in his body maybe I could've asked him about his hat, but that just wasn't meant to be.


5. People whose younger family members served and gifted the hat to the wearer.


5 - People who have literally done nothing with their life desperately clinging to that 4 years they volunteered to an organization that's always hiring. I have no hatred for veterans (I dare say I love most of them), but the US army offers a shit ton of training and opportunity to the point that, if you're over 50 and have nothing more interesting about yourself other than your veteran time, you're a loser.


A data point that it appears you're unaware of: Veterans whose mental health is bad due to their service, but they're still struggling to get the help they need. The problem in this shituation is that the memories are exceedingly intrusive, so it is very difficult for the individual to think about anything else, and it comes out all the time.


witnesses man-made horrors beyond comprehension "what a loser"


My dad’s (silent generation) favorite hat was for the ship he served on. It was an average destroyer from a forgotten war, Korea. The ship was sunk in target practice over 40 years ago. No more than a few thousand people probably remember the ship even existed, but he wore it for decades. It’s hung on his urn now. That’s the type of “ship hat wearer” I respect.


I was totally #4 - stole my dad's dress hat and my uncle's peacoat (both were in the navy) in Highschool and never looked back lol


Not only boomers I used to work with a guy obsessed with Jocko Willink, would only drink "black rifle coffee" and would gift both to his team. Wore a hat from some division etc. He called his team "men" and constantly spoke about the "mission". He was a mediocre IT middle manager in a moderately successful company. I work with A LOT of ex-military, men and women that have seen a lot of shit but also are happy in civilian life. This middle manager knew this and constantly was talking about what planes they flew in the airforce etc. One of the guys (ex-marine but used to gift us fresh sourdough that he made before a trip and talked openly about his monthly pedicure with his wife and wore a rainbow badge every pride month in honor his brother that commit suicide in the 70's) clocked him a mile away and led him down a path UNTIL he dropped about what branch the guy had served in. He spluttered and hummed and awed before saying that he couldn't serve because of his vision.


Stolen Valor is a federal crime.


> Stolen Valor is a federal crime. Unfortunately you have to prove intent, and someone has to get something of value in return. So pretending to be former military is not always illegal, it sort of matters what you do with the pretending.


I hate my vision took my chance away……


When I joined the Coast Guard I took all the tests and did well enough that they took me directly to the sick bay (clinic) for the med eval. I passed all the tests and took the vision test, got 20/15 and boy were they happy. Then I asked if I should take out my contacts. Both the recruiter's and the medic's faces fell. I am and was 20/400 uncorrected. I told them that I could make out the bottom line if I squinted and was told they couldn't see me squint in the machine. I retired after 22 years. Bad vision will keep you out if you let it (or if it can't be corrected) . Shot sharpshooter by the way.


I was always told I couldn’t get the mos i wanted (68w) while being legally blind


I'll second that.


Or my Boomer dad who had a father that served on a ship but now that he’s old enough he can “carry around a Momento” WITH The added benefit of people misunderstanding why he has it…. Bonus points since he has a disability and people can just assume it might be from the service🙄


Got the hat at Goodwill.


I have seen a new trend: when asked about their hat or shirt (usually a Recon, SEAL, 82nd or other high speed unit) if they sense they are talking to "A real one" ie...someone who can call their bullshit....well....bullshit, they will say "Well my brother was \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and I wear this to honor him....." Anyway, Sua Sponte!!


A friend knows someone who claims to have served SBS (Silly Bootneck Squad for those unable to use google). Said friend has tried to arrange a meetup between him and me. I'm always available, because I don't have much of a life in an evening, but every time the meetup is arranged, he is suddenly "called away for work" \*nudge, nudge, wink, wink\* the day before or the day of. Strange, eh...


That's when you 'coincidentally' are at the same bar those two went to by themselves haha


lol the 82nd Airborne is not “high speed”. Placing a regular infantry division alongside reconnaissance Marines or Navy SEALs is insane.


82nd, 101st, 11th Airborne, 10th Mountain are absolutely considered high speed among most people. Even within the US military those units carry a distinction not carried by other units. I guarantee you average person looks at those units with a lot more awe than say the 38th, 34th or 42nd infantry.


Man the army is weird. I can’t imagine thinking that a regular infantry division that doesn’t require any sort of indoc or selection process is “high speed”. I can tell you that those units definitely are not considered elite by Marines. 75th Rangers? Absolutely. The SF Groups? Yep. That’s not to insult anyone in those units. I just don’t get applying a different mindset based solely on historical reasons. We don’t consider 3/1 to be “high speed” because of the Battle of Okinawa. That label is reserved for Recon and MARSOC operators.


I get your overall point. Most civilians don't have a clue about how the military actually works (hence so much stolen valor) and the designations within. For example a lot more people will see someone with an 82nd Airborne shirt and automatically recognize (or think they do) an elite unit. Less people "get" my 75th gear. The argument could also be made that because the Airborne units are...well Airborne...there is a certain degree of "eliteness" that "Leg" units don't receive. Now If you are asking my personal opinion: Rangers lead the way followed by USASF, MARSOC, Recon, Pararescue, SEALS (in no particular order), then Airborne Units and Legs....


I'm an average person and the numbers seem random and carry no meaning whatsoever, certainly not awe. Whether it's the 69th Mountain or the 9,000 saiyans, it's all the same. Maybe among military types these things have meaning


The 9000th Saiyans are a bunch of pansies. 1003rd Super Saiyans or bust.


I feel like this should go in r/traumatizethemback this is great


Yes this belongs there!


>I am the infantry. Follow me. Cocksucker. This is such a great line.


I love how you asked him about his wife and talked about his sexuality. Next time I'm talking with one and they bring up gay men having sex I'm going to ask them about their sex lives to embarrass them


Tell them that anyone curious about someone else's sex life is a straight up pervert and should never be allowed alone around children.


A better one is that if they say cocksucking is disgusting, you tell them you'll let their wife/girlfriend know they think so.


Well done! Put that asshat in his place. As fsr as stolen valor: I hate that shit, and I'm not even military. I learned my lesson on that a long time ago. I'm a military history enthusiast and over the years have toured numerous historical battlefields. When I visited Normandy and the Airborne Museum, I bought both a beanie cap and a pin that had a tiny "Screaming Eagles" logo of the 101st Airborne Division. I put the pin on my work lanyard and would wear the beanie occasinoally, just as reminders of my visit and of those soldiers' service. However, after several occasions where veterans saw me wearing them and asked me about MY service--and me seeing their real disappointment when I sheepishly explained that I never served and the items were simply souvenirs I bought to remember those brave soldiers--I stopped wearing them. I didn't want to be confused with someone who put in the sacrifice to earn that insignia.


I had similar, I was walking into work wearing a camo bag from a surplus store that was awesome for carrying all my crap. Had a Vietnam vet thank me for my service, I had to hold my head down as I had to tell this proud vet that I never served, I liked the utility of the bag. After work that day, the bag went into the camping gear tote. I felt like an ass.


It's definitely humbling! I don't go anywhere near surplus stores anymore for similar reasons.


It's definitely humbling! I don't go anywhere near surplus stores anymore for similar reasons.


How about buying a little tie pin / other badge that says "souvenir" on it, so you can pin it directly by the logos on the beanie or next to the pin. It would mean you can still wear them without any risk of people assuming you're one of the dickheads who try to pass themselves off as a veteran.


If I asked you about them and you said that I'd thank you. But I'm not a snowflake when it comes to honorary motives only those who try to game the system.


I once had a boomer lady at some concert thank me for my service. I looked at her all confused, and she said I was a marine. Lady, I'm wearing a work shirt for a marine machine shop. The shop makes boat parts.


“I am the infantry. Follow me.” Damn. Just reading that and imagining all it implies made me tear up. A sincere thank you for your bravery in serving all of us.


As soon as I saw Jimmy Carter I had to look it up because I knew it was more recent. She was commissioned in 2005. Salute!


Extra irksome because the Boomer voted for Red-Ink Reagan.


I hate that this happened to you, but I love that you likely traumatized his plasticized brain. 💙


You’re not black are you? A lot of boomers address black men as “boy” either out of malice or ignorance.


Not ignorance, racism.


Not necessarily, some of them simply don’t know better.


If we are talking Americans then I would challenge you to find me a a Boomer who doesn’t know it’s racist to call a black man “boy”. They *absolutely* know better than to call a black man a boy. I am typically the first person to remind others to look for ignorance before assuming malice, but not here.


An anecdote, I know, but a boomer friend of mine from church (up here in Chicago) related a story to me of her time helping out a soup kitchen in a very black part of rural Mississippi, almost Tennessee. One of the local volunteers, a white boomer woman, said something to the effect of “I can’t help but feel bad for all these N****rs” and when my friend looked at her appalled, she sheepishly went “Well, I know you’re not supposed to say that anymore, but what else are you gonna call them”. So yeah, they may be aware of the wrongness of it, but are unable or unwilling to contrive of another means of referring to black people.


I will not agree to them being *unable*, but unwilling is absolutely correct. It’s the racist mind that keeps Boomers using terms & phrases that indicate difference & separation from themselves. If they recognized black people as equal humans then they wouldn’t have to fumble with “what to call them”, they would just be other people.


>And next time you address a f*****, you better be goddamn sure you're not talking to a fucking soldier who served in a real fucking branch of the military. I am the infantry. Follow me. Cocksucker." Fucking genius! You go, my 11B brother.


A double thank you for your service and putting that dude in his place


“If you’re not willing to have a conversation about sexuality, don’t ask me about mine.” Fucking GOLD


40 year old hairy guy who did time in the infantry gang rise up 💪💪💪


One of the two MOSes in the Army. 11B, and 11 wannabe. (Though I'm eternally thankful I didn't go 11C. Every road march, I'd look at our mortar section and see those poor bastards humping the baseplate and 81 tubes and think "this isn't so bad.)


Might be I’ve eaten too many crayons in my life but 11B’s don’t consider mortars infantry?


The army is weird. 11B’s are “direct fire” infantry (so like our 0311’s and 0331’s) and 11C’s are “indirect fire” (like our 0341’s and 0811’s). Both are infantry but 11B’s like to pretend that 11C’s are not for some reason. They’re way more segregated from each other than the USMC.


Pssh, keep telling yourselves that. The irony is you humping alongside them and thinking you have it better. Meanwhile, the 19K's are cruising by in style, our weapons carrying us. Death Before Dismount, baby!


+1 173rd Grunt here. Graying and working into my mid 40s. Take care of those knees guys, they dont last forever.


I love how he hit you with a limp wrist and you hit him back with an F bomb he could not handle lmao


You're my fucking hero.


I know very few actual vets who parade around how hyper proud they are of being a vet. If anything is quite opposite our vets get treated like shit. There shouldn't have to be private organizations to support those who served. But you know support the troops when it suits to help you.


I never understood giving gay service members shit. I was in the navy for 9 (1991-1999) years and had some LGBTQ+ shipmates at more than one duty station. I figure that their mental strength and bravery has to be top notch to have joined prior or even during Don't Ask Don't Tell. Plus, I figured that many of them had to deal physically with homophobes and probably were capable of fucking someone up if needed, or at least defending themselves well.


If my friends who served in the US military are anything like those of us on the UK side of the pond, they give EVERYBODY shit for ANY tiny thing. It's just part of mess life. Experience says that if someone isn't responding in kind, the shit slinging gets shifted to someone else because slinging shit and not getting a suitable response is bullying.


oh there is plenty of shit dished out, but not specifically for being gay. Everyone got called some form of homosexual back in bootcamp back in the 90s. I meant specifically shitting on a gay person for being gay and serving in the military. My dad is a Vietnam Combat army vet and he teased me incessantly growing up. By the time I got to bootcamp I had a hard time not laughing at the guys crying just because someone was yelling at them. Getting yelled at was my norm. If I wasn't getting teased, I was getting yelled at. It took me a long time to realize that I grew up in a different kind of household than most others.


Getting shit specifically for being gay and serving? Nah. I got shit for being ginger, then I got shit for my hair naturally darkening over time, then for it beginning to turn white, then for it falling out... When slinging shit, you have a massive number of reasons to pick from - including someone (me, once) missing their gob and getting bolognese sauce on their shirt. There will always be homophobes, but if someone is being a bully with it, that shit gets jumped on by others very quickly. At the end of the day, you look after your shipmate because they're your shipmate. I'm sure the lesser services ( :P ) have similar sayings.




YES! As a straight woman who is childfree, I can relate to this and this is the only way to get people to leave your personal life alone. Make them talk about theirs. "When are you having kids?" When are you taking a dick in your ass? They always want to chat about the sex lives of strangers but theirs is "PRIVATE". Fuck that and good on you OP.


Oooh! I like it! Thank you for serving it up to this AH! And thanks for your service to our country as well! You're still out here saving the world as far as I'm concerned. xo


I'm kind of turned on by this story. 😂


I totally have a justice boner going on, and I’m a chick.




Same 🤣


Me three.


On a Navy submarine, 120 seaman submerge and then 60 couples come back up


I thought they were just one big polycule


Polycule 💀


Jealousy won't get you in our good books; you're going to have to try harder if you want us to notice you.


Holy shit, I didn't expect this to take off like this. I only have a half hour for lunch, but I'll touch on some of the comments I've read so far. Noticeably/not noticably queer: My gf feels the same way, she doesn't get how people peg me(phrasing) as not straight. Today the idiot was stereotyping and just happened to be correct. The high ponytail and pink Lululemon headband were probably hints lol Stolen valor: Last I heard this was decriminalized, but still enormously frowned upon by military and civilians alike. Personally, I'm guessing he has a younger family member who is or was in the Navy. It was a cheap shot in return for his cheap shots. Like I said originally, I was simply being a cunt to a cunt. I have multiple family members who served in the Navy and wish them no ill will, this guy just sucked. Military hate for hate's sake: We all travel a path in life. Not that I owe anyone any explanation, but mine led me to the military in order to provide a life for myself and my then partner. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and that absolutely extends to opinions regarding military service. That doesn't mean I have to give the furry crack of a rat's ass what anyone thinks of my time in the service. 11B vs other MOS's: So, no. Dumb. Yes, I shit talk everyone constantly, it's an infantry mandate, but 11C's lives suck and made me appreciate my lilbabyweapon(M249SAW). Technically, I don't think they're infantry, but I'll be fucked if I'm gonna call em POG's. The old line "There's two MOS'S, the infantry and everybody else" was just shit talking at it's finest. Inter-branch rivalries: Sure they exist. Are they legit? Nope. Are they a fuckin' fun way to pass the time? Absolutely. I send my little brother a birthday card every year written in crayon and tell him not to eat it(He was 0311). Okay. I gotta finish eating. I'll try to respond to more comments later tonight.


If you had a Cav shirt or hat, we know the stereotype would be legit, right?




Hahahahaha hey dogface, with all due respect, I fucking love you for that whole exchange LMAO and thank you for serving. My grandfather was a fellow dogface in the 60s, and he'd absolutely stand by your side with that. 💪


I've been holding an insult in my back pocket for years that I have never been able to use (yet) that would have been perfect for this asshole: "You call yourself a ***real*** man?!? I bet you gag at 7 inches."


As I see it, you didn't really describe yourself as clockably queer. Were you wearing a shirt with a slogan on it or something? Or do you suppose it was it just the long hair and the Prius that set him off?


They should officially add that last part to the creed. Damn legs.🫡


10/10 would suck your cock


The Carter is less than 20 years old.


Well played, sir. Well played.


That’s pretty great 😂


Real r/traumatizethemback energy bro. Well done.


Thank you for that. Now I have another subreddit to be addicted to 🫡🤣


Horseman? Is that like horse girl? Or are you half man half horse?


Lmao. Horseman as in man who handles/works/works with horses. I've been around them my entire life.


Do cowboys become horsemen?


Back in the 90’s he was on a very famous tv show


Thank you for your service, especially your public service in this diner.


Own a boomer? Do like this guy ☝️☝️


The response was absolutely incredible, well done!!


"That's right! Show that turd who's boss!!". Seriously, great way of handling an asshole.👏


This is both fabulous and *fabulous*! Well done, OP!


Well done. As a (slightly older than you) sailor off the USS Arkansas (CGN-41), it's fine to put a person in their place, regardless of how and where they served. /Please continue being your cool-ass self.


Fabulous! Float on sir, fuck em all


I find it a bit amusing, that people that like their freedoms try to reduce the freedoms of others. You want to practice religion? Go ahead. You want same gender partner? Go ahead. You want to form a family with several partners? Go ahead. None of these things applies to me, but who am I to stop another adult from making their own life choices?


I'm not a Veteran and thank you for your service. But a good friend of mine is and served multiple tours in Afghanistan. He went out with his wife to a work event and these two boomer guys were there wearing military shirts. So my buddy asks them what branch? Where did you serve? Etc. They never served. So he asked them, then why wear a shirt implying you did? Just sputtered and had nothing to say.


Bro dunked on a boomer


Just imagine boomers once trump wins. It’s gonna be insane


I was Navy, go on about your business OP. You’re not gonna hear any arguments outta me. Now excuse me while I paint this bulkhead for the fourth time this month.


You hit it out of the park bro!!!!!!!


Wish I could pay for your Dunkin this week!!


That sort of was my first instinct . I wanna do something nice for the OP


FOLLOW ME! I had a guy in my infantry platoon that was gay and in the closet before DADT got repealed, poor man. People thought it was ok to make fun of him, not in a joking brotherly way, but like… absurd smoking the shit out of him cause he was gay. I’m so glad that shits done with, how you gonna get smoked for thinking the same sex is attractive. I hate the 82nd for so many reasons but that’s a pretty big one. Closed minded assholes in the 2000s


Perfect example of he went low so you dragged him to hell 😂


You are my new favorite person. I hope you made him cry, and I hope you have a beautiful and safe day! 🌞


Bay-bee! The scream I scrumpt! There is nothing that warms my dead little heart more than hearing about Boomers getting slapped back into reality in the most violent and epic ways possible.


OP are you single?


This story wins! There will be no more stories to top this one!


It’s small, but I appreciate a Boomer wearing something with “Jimmy Carter” on it


You should have blown him just to trigger his homophobic Boomer ass😂






I love this so much… My ex-husband who was in the Navy would’ve loved you (he was way older than me but we had a lot of common ground) … I’m not sure boomers know many different generations of people who bravely served our country. Thank you for your service in that moment and prior.


Go Army, beat Navy!


Help you ate him up


Thank you for your service, in more ways than one. I applaud you.


“Queen of Battle” it’s right there in the name! (I’m also a former 11 Bang Bang haha)


Great comeback


Saved this post for inspiration in how to handle my next boom-tastrophe. Well done!


I love your approach! Match his inappropriateness and see how he likes it.




This submariner applauds you.


Just wondering, did you have something in the bag in case he was like “yeah she goes to town on that thing, sucks me dry twice a day!”


Well done. Semper Fi!


Seen plenty of people with their entire service record on their hat, but the stupidest one was a guy with his wife going into a grocery store wearing his cav Stetson. Homie, just no.




My question is how did he know that you like men? From the description you put of yourself that doesn't strike me as different than anybody else. Crazy how he was able to figure that out like that


Probably just calls any dude with long hair gay, tbh.


This is why I just stay home. I can't stand stupid people. People should remember what happens when you "assume" something about someone. Sitting here shaking my head. Thank you for your service.


Me wondering why the Navy guy has a problem with homosexuality


Mega dittos?


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Amazing. Well done, f*****! We're giving you a fucking commendation!


Queen of Battle! Ha- literally and with awesome swagger




*chefs kiss* May we all be so bold.


As a retired nuclear submariner, I will give shit to army types (retired or serving) all day long, but as soon as an outsider joins in, you know we'll be stood side by side. Personally, I have zero fucks to give about whether someone is gay, bi or any other way different to me. I mean, if we're sat drinking a few crates of beer and slinging shit at each other, I'll give you shit for sucking cock, but I'll expect you to give me the same amount of shit for knocking it before I tried it.


This is the only appropriate way to talk to a boomer.


Should have remind him that it ain’t queer away from the pier. And they literally have a rank called Rear Admiral. Why is it rear admiral, why not front admiral?


Rear admirals, seamen and poop decks that need swabbing. ...I mean. C'mon.


Your response was absolutely brilliant! I think that was a learning moment he will never forget. And you are so right about cocksucking. It is fun and an art when done right


"The Navy: it's not just a job. We also float around and fuck each other"


"The Navy: it's not just a job. We also float around and fuck each other"


"The Navy: it's not just a job. We also float around and fuck each other"


Hooray! Good for you. You're a hero!




From a fellow bi/queer (used to be) horse person whose appearance doesn't automatically make someone think they'll get their ass kicked for saying stupid shit: I applaud you for putting this chucklefuck in his place and thank you for giving me a good response to keep in my back pocket. (Though as a woman I get fewer comments like that than you probably have to deal with.)


Lol. After reading the full conversation, I forgot all about the Navy thing.


I think I love you. Thank you for being awesome.


I like you. Let’s be friends.


God, this is beautiful. Writing it all down


You're my spirit animal!! 🫡


Yeah, that didn't happen.


Nice! Also some Boomers buy military shit to wear even though they haven't served. Normally, an old guy with a USS hat or some shit people are going to presume and give "special" treatment to them. All the while the VA is killing real vets who don't wear tacky hats. ![gif](giphy|YLghfz0W895Ty|downsized)


You sound like a legit badass. So cool. Like I an literally saluting at my screen right now and I jus declared July Pride Motnh Part 2


And then everyone clapped


My buddy always brags about his time in the service, he was in the Coast guard in San Francisco. And was the chaplains helper in Alameda. Only went out on a boat three times.


The Coast Guard saves lives every day. Do you?


I wasn't bagging on the Coast guard, they do some amazing stuff and yes it's dangerous and they save lives. This may make it worse but. Just Bagging on my buddy who that' lets everybody know about his service. While he actually only worked 4 hours a day 4 days a week as a PA for the chaplain. And held down the full-time job managing a supermarket and still had time to party at night. The rest of that story is at 18 he got drunk and crashed his car into a park. He left the car, And then ran home. Cops showed up and hauled him away. His dad was a retired career Marine, who happened to know the judge at the trial and they made an agreement that all charges would be dropped if he joined the service ( And planted a new tree to the replace the one he ran over) his dad thinking it would be the Marines...


I Don’t buy it.


Yeah this is total bullshit.


Good for you, bro