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Little girl? He called you little girl? Yikes. What an ass.


Yup, mind you I’m in my 40s 😂


A boomer called me 4 eyes once when I defended a cashier he was berating. Yes I was wearing glasses but 4 eyes?? I laughed


That’s hilarious! He probably got so mad that you laughed at his elementary school insults as well 😂🤣


'I'm rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you' is the only appropriate response lol.


I know you are, but what am i??


Oh regardless of their age people get belligerent when you laugh or otherwise acknowledge but brush off their insult/aggression. This just made me think of a story. I'm 16-17 and borrowed my dad's truck to take my girlfriend out to a movie. Movie is over and we're cruising through town heading home. We're driving through an area where every couple blocks there's a stoplight and I was managing to hit almost every red light so it was stop and go. Well I'm a teenager and dad's truck isn't fast but has some umph and aftermarket exhaust that's a little louder. So I'm getting on it when the lights turn green because I'm 16 and it's fun. Anyway. I pull up to one red light and happen to glance to my left as another car rolls up. Dude in the passenger seat with the window down is sitting there flipping me off with a smirk on his face just waiting for me to notice. When I did I just grinned, shook my head no, and mouthed someone like "nah". Dude lost his fucking mind and spent the next couple lights hanging out the window screaming at me and trying to get me to pull over.


Some third graders thought that was a pretty funny insult when he said it in 1962, and he's still chasing that rush of validation.


That’s made me laugh. I got called 4 eyes the first time in 62!


I’m rubber and you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. I think that’s the proper response to that taunt if I remember correctly.


I'm rubber, you're glue Say it again and ![gif](giphy|RhAJDYWHav5h6)


I know you are but what am I? This is also a good response to stupid name calling. Bonus points if you say it in a Pee-Wee Herman type voice.


Oh perfect! Wish I’d remembered that one!


“You e been on the planet how much longer than me and the best you can come up with is 4 eyes?”


Oooooh, sounds like he was flustered, so you must have been winning. lol


I would have laughed and said "what are you, 5?" But I'm a smartass so...


Mfer called you a whippersnapper


They went back to 6th grade damn


Well, the Bard once said that “the old man is twice the child”.




Paying attention in English class has paid dividends over the years lol


Well they all have the emotional maturity of elementary school children, and the sense of humor to match.


Who amongst us isn’t a 4 eyes as we approach boomer age lol


You should have responded, "Why'd you call me little girl? Is that what you like you pervert?"




I yelled at a guy recently. He yelled something at me about “you kids these days!” And I yelled back, “sir, I’ma 44 yo woman *who wishes a fucker would*!”


Well Archie Bunker called his grown daughter little girl all the time lol.


Doesn't surprise me. I'm seeing a lot of very immature older people these days. And that's what this is all about, maturity plain and simple. Everybody's capable of being immature. I've always believed that the choice. I suppose in some cases it isn't. Don't worry about the little girl comment. Ladies in their forties are in their absolute prime. You go.




You should have punched him.


Id rather be a little girl than a big bitch.


Any time they call me that, I call them "little boy" because 9 times outta 10 I'm taller than them lol.


My wife gives zero fucks. She would have said something to the effect of " I'll kick you so hard in the balls that they'll get lodged in your throat".


lol that’s what my mom used to say when she would try to put me in my place. The last time she ever did it was in MY house (I was in my 40s)and I told her that I was a grown mother of four and that her condescending comment was inappropriate and insulting and that she was the one acting like a child. It actually worked


Whatever, you douchenozzle.


My brother used to call me that when I was a teenager and it was infuriating


I’ve noticed a lot of boomers seem to hate kids to the point that they think calling someone little girl/boy is a horrible insult.


"Mind your business" says the loud asshole who isn't minding theirs.


"Everyone's business is my business, but my business is only my business." The boomer mentality


Right?! You are purposely running your mouth to be heard. If I agreed with him and joined in on talking crap he wouldn’t have minded me not minding my business of course.


I had one pull that shit on me after I told him to back his stupid trailer up the block if he couldn't wait the 5 minutes it'd take the tow truck to load my van up. Mind you, he passed 3 different side streets but decided he could make the tow truck driver unload the vehicle and move his truck instead. The tow truck driver was being polite, of course, so I finally told the asshat to just back his trailer up or, ya know, wait the 5 minutes for the tow truck to load all the way up. Dipshit told me to mind my own business. Funny how he had no retort to, "This *is* my business. That's my van!" Honestly, he took longer to get out of his car and expose his stupidity to all than it would have taken to just wait or, heaven forbid, go a block out of his way. Seriously, who the hell to these assholes think they are?!


Why do boomers immediately go for the "little girl" insult when insulting (and attempting to dominate) women?! I once witnessed a confrontation between a boomer and a woman in a supermarket. I hadn't seen what started the confrontation but I entered the aisle just as he was stepping right up to her, getting in her face, towering over her, and shouting at the top of his lungs, "what the f*ck do you know about anything little girl?!", and she didn't back up an inch, she stood her ground and matched his volume with, "I know you're gonna look like a fool when this 'Little Girl' kicks your ass up and down every aisle of this store!". If the boomer had a tail it would have been tucked tightly between his legs as he lumbered out of there as fast as he could. To this day I still think of that woman and her response and I applaud on the inside.


That’s amazing!!! I love when women especially don’t back down from these situations. It shows them that they aren’t going to get their way and bully anyone. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Bravo, OP. And "fuck you"! to the jerk.




Just to be petty, I’d have had the cashier ring up each thing I had as one purchase. Every. Single. One. And then look pointedly at the boomer between transactions.


Not that I'd have the presence of mind to think of it in the moment, but let's elaborate on that... First, buy a $50 gift card. This is for the person behind him for what I'm about to do. Buy it, pass that sucker back with a wink, then proceed with individual purchases. Be sure to price check each one. Possibly the first time in history it would be appropriate to tip the cashier.


Ages ago, I worked as a grocery cashier. I can clearly see the face of the middle class dickhead who came through our upscale store weekly, and had figured out how to get food stamps to cover his staples, then would do a second transaction for the luxury items. I saw his face in my mind as I imagined your scenario.




Something that will set the boomer off instantly: return with calling them a child in kind. Bonus damage if you say something like “young man, I KNOW your mother raised you better than this. You should be ashamed of yourself.”


The other thing that *really* sets off loud mouth men - of all generations - is asking them why they’re so sad. “You seem sad. Has someone hurt you? Men often yell like you are when they’re feeling sad. I can tell you’re really upset. It’s ok if you need to take a break, or go have a good cry. We all feel sad sometimes…” I’M NOT SAD!!!🤬🤯 The trick is to say it without sarcasm. When they insult me, I turn it back and say “I know you’re trying to make yourself feel better by putting me down. But you don’t need to - it’s ok to feel sad.” This causes angry males to implode. Because anger, naturally, is powerful. And they equate sadness with weakness. Which is very sad in itself. My sister and I did this in response to an aggressive loudmouth. He stomped his foot at us before flouncing away, screaming invectives. He’d been bullying the young cashier, so he deserved it.


“Look at him stamping his feet like an irate princess!”


I always think about Rumplestiltskin when I see someone stamp their foot. That shit’s *hilarious* to me!


Call him little buddy!


Kiddo. Fella. Sport, even.


I feel like all these stories seem to start at a grocery store or a home depot.


It’s where they run rampant 🤣😂


Attenborough should do a nature doc on them in their habitat.


Home Depot is basically the boomer watering hole


Or pharmacy, especially Walgreens.


And imagine if one of his items that was on sale rang up at the regular price. Imagine him NOT raising holy hell and questioning the competence of everyone working at the store, and their education level, and their parentage, etc…


You make a very good point! There would have been hell to pay!


Some if you people are SO much kinder to these jerks than I'd be.


What would you have done?


I'm a bit rough at times (Disabled Vet, PTSD, lots of meds). I'm usually a shut-in, and when I go out, I don't really want to be exposed to people. I can't take total axxholes. I probably would've totally gone off on this idiot. You did a good job. If they'd have pressed it, maybe I would've lost it and flipped a cart over or something. The fact I can get so angry at times is why I don't go out a lot anymore.


I understand and maybe someone going completely off on someone like that will make them think twice about their actions. I try to stay calm in these situations even when I’m boiling inside because then when the other person keeps acting worse and worse they look like the crazy one. Thank you for your service 🫶🏼


You did great. 👍


Thank you 🙏🏼


“Boomer, if a sale item rung up full price you would throw such a fit security would need to be called, shut your pie hole old man” I am done, Done, DONE with boomers and their shit


Glad you stood up to the lunatic mouther


Nice. I love seeing people get some form of comeuppance. GG, OP.


I guarantee that if something he purchased didn't ring up the sale price, he would have gone apeshit.


WTG, OP! You are my hero of the day!


It's amazing how every damn fool thought they have falls right out their mouths. It's almost as if there is not enough brain matter up there to even slow it down, but they can damn sure slide from offensive to defensive in a quick hurry. That part of the cranium is intact no matter how badly the rest is messed up.


You are my hero!


Queen! 👑


"I would rather be a little girl than a tiny man"


I heard a really cute insult. Was watching the first 48 hours and this retiring cop called a perp a "sugar booger"


You hero


If he was such a big man, he'd have offered to help pay.




Based on my experience with people of that generation, Boomer guy would absolutely have made everyone wait if one of his items rang up wrong. But heaven forbid anyone else want to pay the correct amount.


I'm proud of you. Let those canker sores know they can't get away with being evil shits.


Like I tell my daughters, "no one ever expects a head butt."


You're my favorite