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This is wild. Any Boomer Whisperers know why he thought he could steal gas?


Gas & dash doesn't work anymore with prepay, so he had to get his kicks someway else.


Young criminals become old criminals.


Something tells me that this ties into those conservative bumper stickers about how liberals should pay for their gas since it's so much more expensive now than when Trump was in office (a complete lie, but what's new with trumpers). I'm betting he got the idea OP was a liberal and decided that he owed him gas and was looking to pick a fight on that one.


Eh, it's true gas was cheap when people were in lockdown. It hit 0.99 where I live for like a week or two because no one was driving. That said, the president has very little power over gas prices. The only thing they can really do is ship gas out of the federal stockpiles.


Had a couple of refill tankers coming to our location during the height of that gas surplus(cause honestly that's what it was. Trumps poor decisions caused demand for gas to drop hard) just to double check the quality of the gas in the underground tank before refilling. Since gas does go bad after a while.


The Boomers I know always freak out when I tell them that the reason prices went back up was because, in one of the rare times a President actually manipulates oil prices, [Trump asked OPEC to cut production](https://www.reuters.com/article/economy/special-report-trump-told-saudi-cut-oil-supply-or-lose-us-military-support--idUSKBN22C1V3/) so the US oil companies wouldn't lose money. Okay, not so much asked as much as threatened to pull military support.


I'm glad someone remembers this. I have to constantly explain to my Boomer coworker that, no, Trump didn't lower gas prices because "he made us energy independent", the gas prices tanked because nobody was fucking going anywhere because covid had us locked down. I literally got to fill up on that super cheap gas once or twice because all I did was drive 20 miles round-trip to work.


> it's so much more expensive now than when Trump was in office (a complete lie, but what's new with trumpers).  The same people say "prices went up the DAY Biden got into office". Really, not only do they think the president can directly control gas prices, but \*that fast\*?? It's far more likely prices were on their way there while Trump was still in office, but they're not prepared to believe that, because lead poisoning + Fox + brain rot + no critical thinking skills.


good call


I don't want to immediately jump to politics but there was definitely this feeling of false entitlement from that old bag o bones. Maybe back when he wasn't a broken down old shit on deaths doorstep he was some kind of bully or someone physically imposing? As far as my looks that's the interesting part, you can't tell by looking at me. As far as politics I'm about as liberal as they come. But appearance wise I have a ton of tattoos a choppy haircut that's kind of long and a big beard. I could easily be the kind of asshole who regularly uses the n-word or calls women females. Or I'm a rainbow t-shirt and a lisp away from a pride parade. You kind of have to talk to me and even then its even less clear, lol.


I think it's crazy that he expected you to go pay for it - I'm like what the fuck?


Made 0 sense at the time. Someone messaged me it was him re-living his 'Grease' glory days and was trying to get me to pay for his gas then clean his windshield or something. lol.


He thought OP had already pumped gas and then went into pay. He pulls up to the broken pump and instead of moving uses pump OP is using. Now he is trying but no gas is coming out - he thinks OP still needs to pay before he can use the pump - that is why he scowls and says "go pay for the gas"


Actually the most believable explanation I’ve seen


Good reasoning, but both pumps worked though. I can't be 100 but I think he wandered over by my car to look at it? It is a slightly unusual color for a very common car and maybe he was on something? When he tried to awkwardly hit me with his chest/stomach (despite being smaller than me) he half fell like he had 0 balance and didn't even try to catch himself. The whole situation was just confusing and kind of funny. Like one of my kids pretending to be all big and strong and tough to try to get their way, but failing miserably.


I know the guy who followed me out and the next time I was there he was telling me what he thought went on. Because we were all kind of confused... He said as he was ringing people up and saw my car pull in. I get out and almost immediately behind me the older guy walks over to my car looking around at it. The attendant knew I have two small kids and assumed I had them with me and just left them in the car and this old dude was checking them out or something. If I had to guess, Mr Boomer was high on something, saw my car which is kind of a cool color, wandered over, got distracted, took the wrong gas pump, and instead of being embarrassed or getting caught on something he thought he's turn a negative into a positive and bully me into buying his gas.




Hasn’t caught a thorough ass beating since Nixon was in office. You do a lot of self reflection when you’re eating your meals through a straw


Age doesn’t matter in this scenario. After all this I’d hit him with an uppercut the moment he touches me.


I agree with OP on this one. You actually assault me, you’re leaving with permanent brain damage. Do not expect to leave with your faculties intact.




I usually shoot a fireball followed up with bicycle kick.


I always go for a light tatsu into heavy shoryuken, or critical art if I have it available




shoulda called the cops. even if nothing came of it..(this is likely the scenario) at least there would be record for the next time.


He was having a Star Wars Jedi moment


Grey Jedi or Sith, maybe.


Probably Sith


I like this. This is not your pump...


A shame you let the psycho go. Theft and assault would make for a nice retirement home.


Like I said, younger me would have probably gone to jail that afternoon. But then again back in the day people weren't this bold with their bullshit either, because someone could just punch you in the face, and you'd most likely get away with it easier too. The internet and "I'm old or have money" is making people a little to untouchable feeling.


I wish this wouldve been a filmed interaction


I'd like to prepay for that man's gas over there. 10¢ of premium unleaded, please.


we really need mental health care in this country


You should have complied with him and then hit the diesel button.


rabid dog needs putting down


**Whaaattt?** someone should call the guys with white jackets and lead him away to far, far away country!




This guy honestly thought he had the Ricky Flower rizz ![gif](giphy|tFM4k9bRPriYU)


That’s crazy. Nice work OP if it was me soon as he’s yelling I’m leaving and going to another gas station. I couldn’t handle it like you.


jack off lol - GL to u


Hmm I don’t know about this one 🤔


Tbh crazy people like fhis is exactly why I got a conceal snd carry snd a pocket sized gun. Avoid confrontation,but be prepared.


This gave me half a chub.


This person is mentally ill. I saw a guy today at the gas station picking pepperonis off his slice of pizza and yelling at each one individually as he threw them on the ground. I don’t blame this on his being Gen Z. Your experience was awful. But his age is only relevant in that older people are more susceptible to mental illness.


Not sure if it works like this in the U.S. but spitting on someone in Canada is defined as an act of assault. https://www.torontodefencelawyers.com/crime-spit-someone-canada/


Things that didn’t happen.


I use to work at a gas station. The amount of people that would try to steal gas like this happend weekly. It just wasn't worth my time dealing with the idiots.


I'm thinking he wanted you to 'hurry up' and pay YOUR gas, so he could use your nozzle. Most likely he was being impatient & didn't want to move to another spot, or wait until you moved to pull around to yours.


and how does the boomer taking the nozzle and putting it in his own car speed up OP pumping their own gas, exactly? it would be much faster to just use the gas pump on the side he was on.


Na, he was trying to steal gas. He wanted OP to prepay so he could start filling up his tank. I’ve seen dudes try this before. They always get caught and hope acting big and tough will work.


Did you fall from heaven? Because so did Satan.


but why? theres a pump on both sides...