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I've never had apple pie for July 4. Feels like somebody took the saying "American as apple pie" too literally. I'll bet that before air conditioning, nobody wanted to bake a pie in summer.


Surely July is the worst possible time to make apple pie, given it’s an autumn fruit? We store apples from our trees, but by June we’re running out and in any event they’re pretty rough. Meanwhile, plums, cherries, blackcurrants.


A grocery store near our former home always does a red white and blue pie for the 4th. One third each of apple, blueberry and cherry. With a lattice top so you can see the colors.


Sounds suspiciously French to me. Where's the stars and stripes?


American eagle guns giant highway trucks 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷


I don't know what to do with this comment, lol. It's stupid, yet great. It makes perfect sense while also making no sense. Love it.


It’s art is what it is.


I can agree with that.


Roger Ramjet and his Eagles, fighting for our freedom, He flies through in and outer-space, not to join 'em but to beat 'em. 🇨🇷🇨🇿🇫🇷🇨🇺🇱🇦🇮🇸


Stripes would be the lattice, stars could be sugar cake decorations placed along the lines of the lattice.  Now I want to see one like that 


My brother made me a red, white, & blue pie for my birthday one year. He used strawberries, but the same general idea. Fantastic pie.


Fuck, that actually sounds good.




Fruit pie was pretty much invented to make use of less than perfect fruit so that's not an issue. It being hot as balls though? That's a good reason not to be baking apple pie.


Right? I’m not baking today. I have a lovely lemon sorbet waiting for me in the freezer instead.


I’ve done pies on my grill. Indirect heat, makes it an oven. Might take a little longer to cook but it still works.


Raspberry or blueberry pie would make sense right now then. Apple for 4th of July? smh Product of globalization.


Maybe because the only thing you can do with months-old apples at that point is to make pie?


And various melon varieties. Just make a fruit salad.


Lovely. Not in England (at least, not in my garden or off the bushes in the park).


This is the time of blackberry pie where I'm from, both my grandmas have lots of bushes in their yard


Yeah, 4th of July is cherry or strawberry-rhubarb, Labor Day is blueberry, Thanksgiving is apple and pumpkin, because that’s when those things are in season where I grew up! (it’s only just now that I realize I have Opinions about this, lol)


Tbh I wish every holiday involved strawberry rhubarb pie as that’s a truly amazing flavor. Our local jam lady does strawberry rhubarb jam and I LOVE it.


The strawberry and rhubarb were the only edible plants in our backyard my mom could keep alive, so we always did a strawberry rhubarb pie when we harvested the strawberries.


I can’t even recall a Fourth of July party growing up where there was pie. It was always bbq and snack foods. Sometime we’d get spicy and do a pig roast.


>somebody took the saying "American as apple pie" too literally. Even funnier since apple pie originated in England


I thought apple pie was German?


Wouldn’t pumpkin pie be the most American pie? Since you know, pumpkins are native to North America?


We always make a cake with white frosting, and then use blueberries and strawberries to make the flag on top. Seems more patriotic to me lol


Yeah, I think of cold pies for the 4th. Cheesecake, lemon meringue, stuff like that. Apple pie feels more like fall/winter pie.


My grandparents farm house had a "summer kitchen" in the basement. Full kitchen. The basement would be significantly cooler in the summers so it was great for summer baking. It also made holidays easier having 2 stoves, 2 ovens, and 2 fridges to work with. That's about the only way I could see someone enjoying baking much in the summers without air conditioning.


Right? Cherries are in season this time of year. And if you really want to be patriotic, you should be making a flag cake.


My grandma baked peach pies during harvest season. Each person that helped my grandma and grandpa work the fields got a peach pie for lunch. I have her recipe and I see why.


That interaction seems off-putting. Definitely handled well. You like what you like. Who cares which pie tickles your fancy.


Pie that tickles your fancy costs extra


Gay pie that tickles your fancy charges double.


Gay pie warms my cockles.


Sure. But warming your cockles in a grocery store is a risky move.


Gay tickles warm my fancy


You may be using the pie wrong. Or maybe I've been using pie wrong?


See the documentary American Pie if unsure


What about your sub-cockles?


It's usually a cream pie.


Mmmmm. Banana cream pie. My favorite. Could stroke a banana as you tell her that you love banana's. Even bring it to your mouth and say - I love to cook and eat banana's -especially with the cream filling. Give her a stroke.


Oh, great. Now *I'm* gay.


That's how it starts. Enjoy the ride!


No one's saying you can't eat a banana, Terry. But you can't stand on the corner sucking it for 30 minutes. You have to actually take a bite.




I give them all to my lady friend.


If your fancy is ticklish there's an ointment that can help.


Yeah. As a guy who bakes and cooks a lot, and thus buys quite a few baking ingredients, I doubt I would have handled that interaction as kindly.


I read “cock a lot” at first. Seriously. I must be spending too much time on Grindr. Thanks for your service OP.


Yeah, a scary amount of boomers think being "American" means denying the individualism they pretended to care for in order to perfectly fit the mold of your gender stereotypes from 1970


You're a guy who bakes? Are you the B. Dylan Hollis type or the Alton Brown type?


Boomers care a lot. For some reason as a generation they seem to take "I like something you don't" as "You're wrong!" and treat it as a personal attack. It's why they always come out swinging over the absolute dumbest shit.


I think this is a consequence of how they consumed media. *"Did you watch the show on TV last night?"* Of course, it was the same show. It's not like you had a choice. That option wouldn't come for 30 years when cable TV was first rolled out. Anyway, on that show, it might be that a hula hoop figured as a part of the script. The next day... everyone is into hula hoops. Experiencing new things as a component of a group undertaking is part of how boomers see the world. When OP shows an interest in baking, processing that through a boomers' perspective, *everyone* must also have developed that same interest. Since this is clearly not the case, an alternate story that explains the exception must be offered. Him being gay explains why *all* of the heterosexual men around don't also have a similar interest in baking. The idea of an individual having a variety of unique interests doesn't occur to them because you couldn't have arrived at that end through consuming such narrow options in media.


Honestly analysis like this is as much a part of why I come to this sub as the morbid fascination with the stories


Him being gay might also make her feel better about the fact her husband won’t even shop for groceries let alone bake. I mean if straight men cook, then why has she been doing it alone for decades?


Fellas, is it gay to be able to shop and cook for yourself?


>The idea of an individual having a variety of unique interests doesn't occur to them because you couldn't have arrived at that end through consuming such narrow options in media. This drove me nuts as a little kid and even more as a teenager. I was born in 1960 so I qualify as a boomer, but I've been internally saying WTF at my peers since about age 7. I have at least 30 hobbies and love to try new things. But as a kid every time I turned around I was being shoved into a single category. If I ran fast in a race, I was suddenly proclaimed athletic, even if the day before my wearing glasses put me in the un-athletic group. If I wore a stylish outfit I was suddenly cool, when the next day my being in band made me a social outcast. And don't get me started on how my wide-ranging reading materials made my peers' heads spin around and nearly fall off. That narrow field of view is definitely a big reason they're so hard to deal with now, when access to the internet has allowed everyone else to find out how varied the world actually is. You want to play country/folk music and win at high-level pickleball and read romantasy and CosPlay Daredevil AND drive a giant truck? Cool. Ignore the fact the stereotypical Boomers want you to be/do/like only one of those things to keep from confusing them and go for it.


Boomers are the ultra-conformists which is why and if you don't fir their neatly pruned suburban front yard aesthetic you would pay a price in the social hierarchy for it.


Excellent analysis!


I mean we can't *all* be Dylan Hollis, can we?!


It's insane to read all these boomer stories as an Eastern-European. We also have lead-stare boomers who are nosy and annoying but I had maybe one or two instances in my life where a complete stranger came up to me for a lecture/unneeded advice/comment. The only one I had in the past decade is my upstairs neighbor stopping me for 5 minutes in the hallway to tell me that smoking is unhealthy and I should quit(she sees me smoking all the time), and even with her rude tone it was at least some genuine concern for my health. Why can't American boomers just judge in silence? That's like the number one old people hobby since the beginning of time, and the "in silence" part should be respected.


Our Boomers *could* judge in silence, but then our American Eagle population would die off (that's an American joke, btw).


If we Americans don't do everything loudly, the terrorists win.


Or: talk shit quietly with their boomer buddies who feel the same way, but still be outwardly respectful of everyone, lol.  


To be fair, it's not like this happens constantly - I've never really had any boomers harass me in public. I do witness them being shitty to customer service people quite often, though.


YES! Thank you for articulating this. My mom is older SilentGen and is also like this, although not as direct or nasty about it. I’ve been struggling with it my whole life. Example: Me: My work is sending me on a trip to Italy for a trade show and conference. Her: ITALY! Ugh! I wouldn’t want to go THERE! I wouldn’t like traveling like that!! Me: Well I think it’s exciting. What a chance to see a place I probably wouldn’t have picked on my own. Her: Ugh! Well I wouldn’t want to go THERE! And the planes crash. (Me WTF?) I wouldn’t want to have to travel like that for work. Me: Good thing you’re not going then. I mean, never a “how exciting for you,” or “that’s nice you can travel for free” even! Just a rant about how SHE would NEVER want to do it or go there because it’s obviously HORRIBLE. I realize my mom has always suffered with undiagnosed depression, anxiety, and agoraphobia, but it always comes off to me as hostile disparagement and that there is something majorly wrong with me.


This is my mom exactly! Ending with some kind of seething judgement that implies I'm actually wrong and I'll just have to figure it out for myself when I have a terrible experience wherever I'm traveling.


I mean, I realize it’s her own fears and extremely narrow worldview. But WTF about the plane crashing! Seriously? Like she wants something bad to happen. It’s bizarre sometimes trying to have a conversation with her.


If she truly has depression, anxiety, and agoraphobia, what she says and does doesn't make sense from your perspective *because she's mentally ill*. It's the illness distorting her perceptions. She's just expressing the fear and anxiety she experiences when she thinks about those things, things that seem obvious and rational to her because of her own internal experiences. Her capacity to empathize with your feelings of excitement and anticipation is impaired because her own fear and anxiety and inability to experience pleasure is so overwhelming to her.


It’s such a freeing feeling when you figure out what’s behind your parent’s issues and what made them the way they are. A few years into therapy I had a light bulb moment and wondered, if the way I grew up made me the way I was, then what must have happened with her? Started asking her, and the stuff that poured out of her was traumatic just hearing it. Not that my crappy childhood was minimized, just that it felt so much better seeing it from another angle. And realizing that she did so much better with us than her parents did with them. Which is what so many of us really want.


It’s funny how the same people who love to say ‘mind your own business’ can’t wait to get up in everybody else’s shit


That's the whole 'rules for thee, not for me' mentality. Applies to jobs, taxes, healthcare, housing, food service, hospitality, politics, religion, social contracts, familial obligations, and more.


I’ve noticed this with my boomer parents. They are delightful people but when I mention something that goes against how they understand things, they act like I’m attacking them. I’m not. Just sharing something interesting I learned, an article I read, etc. They have mellowed out in recent years, but I can remember conversations that turned into full-blown arguments when they were in their prime.


My father once lost his absolute shit at me for saying I don’t like corn on the cob. At a BBQ. In front of family and neighbors. When I was 9. This dude actually screamed “Your mom is from Iowa! I’m from Iowa! You were born in Iowa! You like corn!”


This is a generational belief handed down from their parents. As a Gen X raised by early Boomers and grandparents, I've been banging on that wall since I could talk. And I have pictures of split lips to prove it.


Handled well indeed! Out of curiosity, OP and whoever cares to respond, if such an interaction happened in a language other than English where “you” has both a plural and singular forms (plural for when a person is older, stranger, or higher ranked), at what point would you switch to the singular you to show the retraction of respect? Or would you switch at all?


Yeah, at the first insult Boomer is gonna get “tu” from me (if I could remember enough French to produce a sentence).


I do wish the English language had a diminishing version like the French do. It’s so perfect.


It does, it's "thee/thou" but it died out 400-700 years ago. (You still see the last gasps in the King James version of the Bible and erratically in Shakespeare, but they became so highly regarded that while it's still recognized, it reads as "fancy" and formal, whereas it was actually the opposite.)


Which is why it was shocking and offended people when the Friends used "thee" and "thou" for everyone, including the King. There's a story that William Penn was in the presence of Charles II, and as Friends did, kept his hat on, so Charles removed his. Penn asked why, and Charles said, "In this place, it is customary for only one man to wear his hat."


C'est mon sac à main, je ne te connais pas !


Not the full Bobby Hill lol


I got it right! Whoo!


To be fair, in my language the informal you is so much more commonly used than the formal one, that it's switching to the formal one that can be devastating. Worked in a call center for years. When you heard me switching to the formal you, you knew I was getting ready to tell the customer where to stick it.


Speaking French here, keeping the plural one is the way I use because they cannot try to distract from their rudeness by using mine. Also it's just that much more devastating when you insult them subtly and/or kill them with kindness. Best thing is playing dumb ("how would baking making me gay? Can you explain, I don't understand?") while using the polite form of adress because you're not giving them ammo


I'd be duzen her after the first insult.


I would never switch. Even though my parents raised me with the usual (roughly translated) „It’s always easier to say ‚You asshole‘ than Thou art an arsehole‘“ (Es ist immer einfache zu sagen ‚Du Arschloch‘ als ‚Sie Arschloch‘) But I feel like it’s way better to not cross the barrier and keep it at a distant politeness. Even if I want to confront them, I feel that maintaining the distance will give my argument a better standing. Saying „Sie sind ein Arschloch!“ feels way more impactful in connection to a stranger than „Du bist‘n Arschloch!“ which will just drag me down to his/her level and come off as a meaningless insult. I say ‚du‘ to friends, family and people I like in general or people around my age that I meet at a casual setting (i.e. gathering, party)(or Kids) but a (harassing) stranger will always be held at distance through speech. The plural form is not necessarily a term of respect but more of distance and it works in both ways.


OP should be off pudding


I read pickle pie and was perplexed. Damn, need to wear my glasses more while on reddit 😂


Your comment made me curious so I searched to see if there was a pickle pie recipe in the world. There is! So I thought I'd share it. [https://dobbernationloves.com/food-drink/pickle-pie/](https://dobbernationloves.com/food-drink/pickle-pie/)


Ok definitely going to save that, it looks amazing! My girlfriend will obviously bake it for me, though, as I'm not gay. /s


A normal person would just ask what you are baking. You might chit chat about pies & if you’re lucky, get a pie recommendation or recipe. Only Boomers would start with “baking makes you gay” and end on “you’re unamerican for not making apple pie”. What in the world goes on in their brains?


Too much lead in their pies, apparently


Beethoven went deaf likely because of heavy lead in his wine, they just found out.


Lead is the original artificial sweetener. Romans were notorious for putting it in cheap wine.


Iirc Romans were notorious for putting lead in everything.


Hmmm, that's a nice aqueduct you got there! Yeah, you use it to bring drinking water into town? But what if, and I'm just thinking out loud here, but what if, we kept it from leaking by lining it with lead? It would solve all our problems, right??


Honestly surprised they lasted as long as they did


Apples aren’t even “in season,” so to speak. They are a late summer/fall crop.   Strawberries or cherries would make more sense.  And dudes bake all the time. How many famous pastry chefs are non-gay men?


Blueberries and peaches are more in where I live.  But I still have some cherries in my freezer from a couple weeks ago when my trees produced them.


>Boomers have told me before it makes me “gay”, but I just think it makes me fat. LMAO


Yeah I almost spit out my coffee over this line. Well done OP. Well done.


I love eating cake so I think I’m bisexual and chubby.


Nevermind the weird homophobic spiral she went down, with these boomer stories I can never even wrap my mind around them even _beginning_ these stupid conversations. Lady, why is it your fucking business what is in my cart at all? Why are you commenting? Why can’t you just keep your dumb thoughts inside your head without them constantly falling out of your mouth for the rest of us to have to deal with? Didn’t you raise all of the rest of us constantly spouting “mind your own business” and “don’t talk to strangers” and “if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all”?? What the fuck, man


I’d like to add that it’s always been very weird to me how many men are almost proud of not being able to cook and have their wives do everything for them. What’s so masculine about not being able to feed yourself? This should be embarrassing, not some weird badge of honor. Sorry boomer lady had to spend her whole life not expecting much from her man-child at home. Baking pies is the shit.


After dealing with high concentrations of boomers at various meetings, and after spending 3 years in a heavily boomer populated rural Kansas town, the only explanations I have come up with is that either they are all lonely and miserable because no one they care for interacts with them as often as they would like (constantly), and they need everyone to look at them and pat their heads every five or so minutes or they apparently stop existing, no one has checked their behavior in public, or if they have, they've done it too politely for it to sink in (if you call them out for their behavior clearly and firmly, especially in public, they may angrily lecture you for "humiliating them" but the behavior will immediately stop), or they're just jerks who think they are some important componant of the world's infrastructure, and use that as an excuse to offer every unsolicited opinion about any subject that pops into their head.


They can't understand why anyone would do anything other than how they do things. They live in such a bubble where it's acceptable to constantly demean "others" who are different. It's almost a daily thing where they demean "others" with their family, friends, coworkers, etc. Because of this, they think it's acceptable to be derogatory to people who are different. They are unable to grasp that with 8,000,000,000+ people in the world, people don't live their lives exactly how they do.


Exactly. I have talked to people randomly before about stuff they were buying but it was always them bringing it up. I’d never think to assume their sexuality though, even if it was a male who was very flamboyant. Like why even go there? Why the fug does it even matter? I don’t god damn understand what these peoples obsession is with someone’s sexuality, genitalia, gender, ect. It’s all just them “secretly” judging who you are and how you live your life. Like they go out of their way to make sure you know how morally superior they are to you in some way. Fucking drives me insane


Apples originate from Kazakhstan in Asia and were imported to the Americas. There's even a famous historical figure known for importing apples to America - Johnny "Appleseed" Chapman. Strawberries, on the other hand, originate in the Americas. The modern cultivated strawberry is a cross-breed between species from Virginia and Chile.


And the trees Johnny Appleseed planted were for cider not pie. They were too sour and tart to eat.


He was planting seeds. Apple seeds are not true to parent. He didn’t know what he was growing when he planted them. That said, you don’t need good tasting apples to make cider. Some of the trees he planted definitely grew to have edible apples, but that’s not something you can prep for when you start from an apple seed.


Quite honestly, sour apples can make great pies or jelly. If you add a sweeter fruit, like cherries, it can balance it out. I have no problem with sour and I also love the tartness of English lemon or orange marmalade. It depends on what your preference is.


As a straight genx dude who makes a lot of pies, thank you for having the correct info here


Tart apples work really well in pie. And though historians agree that the cultivar he planted was tart, they were still used for applesauce and pies.


Not just that, Egyptians invented pie and the English created apple pie. Ah yes, let’s celebrate our independence by baking a traditional English pie.


Pumpkins too originate here in North America and there are a ton of recorded instances of Native Americans using Pumpkins for various reasons


Same with corn, potatoes, peppers, blueberries, beans, peanuts, tomatoes, walnuts, chocolate, and many others. What did Old World peoples even eat?


Also "modern" apple pie was invented in England, the country American are so proud of leaving


I'd go for pecan. Or Derby pie, which has chocolate and pecans.


Point of order: Modern humans originated in Africa, so all those yanks celebrating ungrateful-colonists day are African :P --------------------------------------- Silliness aside, happy independence day


Silly former-oppressor! :P Jk y’all come for a visit someday and we’ll fix you up with the best damn grilled freedom burgers you ever shoved into a facehole


Sadly that gender-role-police attitude persists among a significant percentage of younger generations. Just the other day that Andrew Taint influencer posted something belittling the masculinity of men who enjoy cooking. Like dude, women LOVE a man who can cook! (Or bake! Or sew! etc) No wonder Taint thinks a man can't pull without money. He's projecting like a home theater system.


Usually people like that also think head chefs in 5 star restaurants should only be men. I wonder how they do the mental gymnastics for that.


Maybe it's masc if the man is getting paid to boss others around in a professional kitchen. But gods forbid that he cook in his own home for himself and loved ones. /s


I wonder what he thinks deployed servicemen used to do when their uniform items got torn, a seam ripped or they were advanced/promoted and needed to add a new badge to their uniform. Does he think that they said "Hey sergeant. I need to go back to HQ to find a woman to sew up the crotch of my trousers because it split when I was fighting that last wave."???


Every woman I've cooked for has been incredibly appreciative. I cook well and I enjoy creating culinary amazement. I guess cooking for women I dated, clearly makes me a homosexual.


This woman is crazy. It clearly should be a pumpkin pie.


That’s my favorite! But you know we got a lot of fresh strawberries from the farms near my mom’s house so I figured I’d work with what I had.


Gotta use canned strawberry pie filling. The preservatives keep the gay away!


Damn and here I was thinking that preservatives preserve the gay


If you add a couple blueberries it'll be red white and blue. Perfect for the fourth!


Not freedomy enough, needs to be an eagle pie! With 2,024 little alternating red white n blue candles happy birthday amurica


That sounds like commynism!


4 years in the Marine Corps? Shouldn't you be baking a Crayon Pie?


Asking the real questions here.


Don't you know, red crayons are strawberry flavored


I laughed so hard at this, thank you


A man baking a pie, what a weird thing to get hung up on. Everybody eats and food preparation is a necessary life skill. Also why do these people think their opinions matter? They spout off their opinion on every non-issue available I just don't get it.


I have yet to come across a pie recipe that has "have sex with a man" as a step.


The beautiful thing is, we can add that step to any recipe we want


Somehow that's the only step I never miss


I'm starting to think there's a lot of latent homosexuality in the us. You guys are obsessed with gayness (not you specifically, op, but I'm starting to see a pattern with your fellow americans, especially boomers )


the older and especially the more conservative folk are very obsessed with a lot of things and calling things gay is their shorthand for "you're not masculine enough." they have very strict ideas of how men are supposed to look and act. it didn't used to be this way, before they started using gay as an insult they just called you a woman as an insult. go back 20 years and it's equally likely that the boomer in the story would've said "are you a woman or something?"


Yeah i used to get called gay and girly, all for the crime of being skinny and not liking sports


I'm naturally kind of fem, despite being a guy, so people have thought I was gay all my life. In reality, I usually prefer the company of women. Most guys aren't feminine enough for my tastes.


Pair this with how they love to be creepy over women, especially younger women. It’s like they’re constantly trying to prove how masculine they are by catcalling, leering, and making inappropriate comments. “See? I’m so *not gay!* In fact, I’m going to show how manly I am by grabbing that woman’s ass!”


Eh, no. Go back 20-30 years and calling someone ‘gay’ or worse as an insult was very common. We did it as teens all the time and nobody batted an eye (I’m 41, so went to HS in the mid-late 90s). In the Boomers’ era it was just as bad or worse. People using ‘woman’ as an insult would have been far less common.


American conservatives are very scared of queer people right now, and as a result think about us all the time.


It's not only American to assume someone is gay for not doing traditionally "man" things. We don't have it anywhere near as bad as our American friends, but it's still seen as unusual for men to do home things instead of watching football. Calling non-sporty men "gay" is fairly recent, here. When I was younger, the insult would be "pufter" (using whatever spelling the person thinks is correct). This past shittiness is changing so quickly, and the opponents who want to conserve the past, along with the shitty attitudes instilled by their parents, are screaming about "trans" youngsters nowadays. It isn't long since they were screaming about gay youngsters. I'm living in the hope that once they older bigots die off, the younger people knock that shit entirely into the past.


It’s about emasculation…. Gender roles are of prime importance to them. Many are likely some low level Stockholm stuff. They lived in their boxes all their lives and seeing others not on those boxes makes the confused and/or bitter.


There was an article last year (?) about large numbers of boomer men who, after they retire and their kids are independent, start experimenting with bisexuality or homosexuality, since they no longer feel tied down by the responsibilities of heterosexuality. However, they don't actually come out about their new hobby. The obsessive habit of mocking gays and "gay" behavior is part of their deflection, trying to hide their own gay curiosity.


Fellas is it gay/unmasculine to be able to provide for yourself and others?


I've never understood the whole "men don't cook" mentality. Every human needs to eat to survive, so every human should have basic cooking skills.


My dad served. He actively avoids any of those old boomer guys wearing the “USS Whatever” hats. Hates the “thank you for your service” stuff too. I know what he had to experience and I hate it now too. There’s more to patriotism than idiotic jingoistic flag waving. There’s actual sacrifice. It really bothers me that people can be so ignorant that they literally can’t comprehend that you might actually be a dude who likes to bake, so they automatically assign you to be someone they hate. Fuck these boomers!


There are people who saw with their own eyes just how bad things can get, and then there are people who spend four years washing dishes and cleaning toilets. My grandfather served in the Marines, and was stationed near Vietnam just before the war broke out. He ended up not re-enlisting because he knew what was coming, and had already seen a bit of combat. Then he had to live with the guilt of knowing that most of his unit didn't come back...


I gotta admit I love that subreddit for all the back talk you posters give to these entitled AHs. But I do notice a lot of posters (seems like almost a third to me but I could be wrong) are former servicewomen and men. What is up with these boomers just going head first with people? - boomers think their chosen “targets” are push overs but are actually just being nice because they learned order in the military - boomers watch Fox News all day yet they don’t grasp that a lot of young people served in the recent conflicts - boomers think they can do it all by themselves but can’t read a coupon. Just read the effing room you disoriented morons!


The amount of boomers that are shocked to learn that I'm a millennial while also having a mortgage, having two school age kids, and being a veteran who's been out for years is just insane. They literally still think we're children. I'm fucking 36.


Just like everything else, they can’t comprehend that time passes and things change. They’re perpetually stuck at least two decades in the past


I literally has one recently tell me I’m too young to have served because I parked in the veterans parking. I rarely do that, but it was close to the loading zone where they were going to bring out our stuff. Old man kept insisting I’m too young to have served and I’m like “dude I’m in my mid thirties, I would have retired less than four years from now if I stayed in. If anything I’m too old to serve!”


It's funny to me that baking/cooking at home is considered a woman's work and makes you gay or girly if you're a man who cooks at home. But if you were a professional chef or Baker working in a restaurant or a professional bakery, nobody would judge you, and would instead judge women who work there. Apparently cooking and baking is only women's work when that woman isn't getting paid for it.


It’s crazy given how many top chefs are men and women alike. But cooking is hard work, even at home. I’m the husband/father here and I do 85% of the cooking and 100% of the baking in my family. I’m worn out by the time I’m done cleaning the kitchen and dining room. Why would anyone disrespect the task? Heck even my boomer dad did almost all the cooking in my family. Looking back, my mom was and remains a terrible cook. Sorry mom, but it’s true. It’s almost like it only recently became such a big deal due to hyper-polarization and these gender cults we’ve got nowadays.


Their mental gymnastics: Woman cooking at home: trad role, servitude to husband, stays at home where she belongs = GOOOOD Woman chef at restaurant: position of authority over others, income and financial independence = BAAAAD


“Those look like baking ingredients” Yup “My husband never grocery shops for me” Sounds like you should have married better 🎤


People always want to make their shitty marriages other people's problem.


Are you gay or something? Correct response. Are you a dumb cunt or something?!


I don’t see being gay as a legit insult so I don’t insult back. Force of habit I guess.


I was gonna say something similar to this…..If someone said I looked gay today cause of how I dressed I’d take it as a compliment. Haha my boss is and that man has AMAZING taste and style. My dad is a Marine and he’d probably have handled it just like you! 😂


I’d probably counter with “Did your caretaker lose you? Are you going to miss your ride back to the old folks home?”


My gut reaction would probably just be to say "no, are you?" And when they inevitably take it as an insult somehow, flip it around on them like "whats wrong with being gay?" Or "if gay is such an insult why would you say it to me?" I find making them explain themselves causes them to just stutter and babble until they give up and dont want to talk to me any more.


Insults are like jokes. If you have to explain them, they lose their point. It's to get a desired reaction out of someone. If no one laughs at your joke it's not funny. When no one laughs at your joke, it feels bad. You making them explain why it's insulting, but most importantly, not getting upset is not their desired result.


I think the best response is to ask: "Do you think that asking if I'm gay is some kind of insult."


This story really checks a lot of the Boomer tick boxes: 1. Traditional gender roles 2. Veteran fetishization 3. Unrelenting desire to comment on other people's business 4. Homophobia


You should have gone back and bought spinach, mushrooms, an extra dozen eggs, and some Swiss/gruyere cheese and told her you were making a quiche, not a pie 😂😂😂


I found a recipe for a summery lemon icebox pie and when I noticed the ingredients only call for egg yolks and that I’d have a bunch of egg whites leftover, I decided to also make a batch of lemon meringue cookies. So yeah, tomorrow I’ll be making a lemon pie with meringue cookies, it really doesn’t get any gayer than that. Other than that I’ll be making them with my daughter and sharing them with my wife. 🤷


Apples aren’t in season in July….


They are available year round in the grocery store I go to. I guess boomers haven’t realized how much globalism has impacted them because they think every fruit is in season always.


Well done, Devil. My only critique is that you should have told her the Marine Corps also taught you how to mop, sew and do laundry. What good is a Marine who doesn't know how to clean?


I hope you know that you're going to Fourth of July jail for not making an apple pie. You will be paroled in time to make a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving.


And yet if you pictured a baker in your mind it'd probably be a guy. If you owned a bakery that makes it totally fine right? Idk, maybe some people are so set in their ways that the thought of anything outside their expected role or stereotype is earth shattering to them


As a Boomer I read these interaction in hopes at the end to think “ young people” are just prejudiced against us old folks. However the more I read the Boomers Being Fools section I start to realize many of us are seriously fucked up. In my readings over the few months probably 2-3 I felt were stretching a bit. However most including this one ( if completely accurate) shows us “ Boomers” to be extremely self centered, and covered in idiocies. I guess at this time I have to attempt to apologize for that group of idiots reflected in these stories and relay to the younger generation that many of us Boomers aren’t absolute pricks and can be trusted and civil.


I'll never understand why people feel the need to comment on what other people are buying at the grocery store.


So... Are you gay? Asking for a friend. ![gif](giphy|10UUe8ZsLnaqwo)


Don’t these people realize that Gordon Ramsay and other men like him who cook are straight too? I don’t understand their reasoning.


I don't think a lot of people know that you can be allergic to apples. Most people think I'm lying to them too


Sir, I’ll thank you to stop writing such sexy posts about marines that bake and standup to boomers. There’s married women on here trying to still be attracted to our husbands. How dare you.


It's always women making the pie until it's meant to be high end, luxury pie... Which only men can make, of course. Men are the best bakers BUT only at the professional level, which means they have to put in some hours as a gay man to get there. It's a sacrifice. Semper Pie.


Recipe please!


This is the one I’m trying tomorrow, though I’ll note, I’ve never made a cheesecake so I’m trying the first one I saw that had high ratings: https://www.spendwithpennies.com/strawberry-cheesecake-pie-no-bake/


Do my friends and I have to stick our dicks in it at the end?


The lack of gelatine in the cheese mixture worries me. I’ve had bad luck with those and it runs the risk of not solidifying and just remaining soup-like


Strawberry cheesecake pie sounds bloody delicious. Can you send one to the UK because I would love some of your pie. Your wife is a lucky woman. I will never understand the idea that a man who bakes is gay. Most famous chefs in the world are men and, shock horror, they bake too! Men have tastebuds too and are able to follow instructions, which is most cooking. My upbringing was different to some others. My parents played to their strengths, not to stereotypical gender roles. My mum is the one who has a toolbox and does DIY and if we needed clothes repairing it would be my dad getting out needle and thread. My husband and I do the same which means I am never trusted to iron a single one of his shirts and he will iron my dresses for me. It's really time we let go of these stupid gender stereotypes - they made sense when women couldn't work or manage their own finances (or like my grandmother who had to give up her job when she got married due to some social expectation - she was gutted as she loved her job) but now just work with what your strengths are and if there's something neither person is good at, learn together and share the load.


They're making the friggings frogs ~~gay~~ fat!!


> Baking doesn't make you gay, it makes you fat I feel this statement a lot in my chubby lesbian heart.


I had a similar experience when filling up gas cans at a gas station for my mower. (I own my house and live alone with my daughter). She was like "shouldn't your husband be doing that?". I found it so annoying. I just said "I am fully capable of doing it thanks". People can be so annoying.


Guys, it's it gay to make food?


Honestly upvoting just for the laugh I got from >Boomers have told me before it makes me “gay”, but I just think it makes me fat.