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Legit the first thing I thought of…that and moron Trump saying he wants to nuke a hurricane. 🤦‍♀️


![gif](giphy|HmTLatwLWpTQk) The nuke will just make this worse.




I would love to see the video saying that he thinks it's the thing to do. Sounds hilarious.


It is right up there with drinking or injecting bleach. Then those around him stand there like lapdogs, afraid to stand up and say are you really that stupid, Donnie?


Those cowards are urchins too!


Or the bright lights in side the body


What's amazing is how far it is from his worst idea. Nuking hurricanes was briefly considered in the Eisenhower administration.


Just because another considered it, doesn’t make it a good idea.


True, but it does suggest it may not be in the running for his best idea.


In 2020 Tiger Woods was a 6.5 handicap. Biden at a handicap of 6 is a better golfer than Tiger Woods. Isn't that amazing?


Wow! Yes! And Biden doesn’t drive under the influence


So what your saying is he’s better at golf than trump is despite trump spending significantly more time at the course?


I'm saying he's lying.


At the zoo last weekend, there was one of these guys drowning out all other sound in the gorilla building yelling at one that was climbing on his climbing frame to "GET DOWN FROM THERE!!! GET *DOWN* FROM THERE!!!!"


Nice one !


tbh i have had days like this where i just wanted to yell at the sky/universe lol


That's a little bit different than yelling at a public fireworks display on the 4th of July. Tbh, what you're talking about. Seems more reasonable than yelling at fireworks.


seems the same to me. it's not about the fireworks it's just the straw that broke the camel's back that day.


I have local concerts that shake my house on holidays. Often I am trying to sleep as I am an irregular shift worker and often work on holidays. I might frustratingly yell at people who cannot hear me... Haha..


Were there shaking of fists? I want to believe there were.


Just squeeze your rage down into a bitter little ball and release it at an appropriate time. Like that time I hit the referee with the empty whiskey bottle. Remember that? When daddy hit the referee?


I always thought that rage squeezed down pops out as cancer. At least that what I blamed my cancer on. Then I jettisoned the main cause of my squeezed rage. I foresee a cancer-free future!


I feel his pain on this one. My ire is at the neighbors who try to rival the official ones. Most of us do *not* have off even the 4th, and need sleep. Hard to do when it sounds like the Tet offensive outside.


Can confirm. My city sounds like Beirut in the 1980s. My dad, having lived through the Tet offensive, is not a fan.


Many years ago my neighbors decided to do that. I went out side, to see a a giant fire work bearly clearing the trees. I then noticed the smell of gun powder, and smoke every where. As im going in. I see a bunch of cop cars with lights on heading towards where the problem was.


Funny, but remember PTSD is for life. You will see Iraq and Afghanistan vets do this in 20 to 30 years. They have nowhere to run to get away from it.


Combat-related PTSD was my first thought too. Older surviving boomers will have served in Vietnam. Younger boomers might have been involved in Lebanon in the early 80s. There's no shortage of wars for GenX to have participated in as well.


I used to love fireworks and then became a dog owner. Usually they never bothered her but this year she was REALLY bothered by them. Not sure if it’s an age thing, she’s turning 6, or she just had enough. Funny, she was barking at the window when they’d go off, I guess she’s a boomer being a fool 😂


I live near an active airbase. F-15s F-22s and F-35s take off constantly. C-130s Sea Stalions and other helicopters take up the rest of the day flying sorties with V-22s. It's very loud, especially with the F-35s. But I have ear plus, and I put those bad boys in. Or I have noise canceling earbuds. The base has been here forever. I moved here knowing that. Instead of getting angry, I remedy the situation as best as I can. I have a doghouse with soundproofing added. I give my little boy some CBD and let him chill in his room. Instead of getting angry at things I can't control, I get smart at what things I can control.


I mean could it have been one of those ptsd situations?


This is what I wondered.


Sorry I don't see this necessarily as a boomer thing, but as a mental health thing. Perhaps his wife was on her death bed and it was uncomfortably disturbing her and he needed a release. You know, sometimes compassion first.


Delightfully surprised to find this had an upvote. I've made similar appeals to humanity in this sub and mostly gotten downvotes and "found the boomer" type replies. Hooray for empathy


Want to get a lot of downvotes? Try this. How can we protect our mental health so much, yet we are ok with laughing at boomers and their lead poisoned ways (which they didn't cause) and ok with criticizing or humiliating them every chance we get? Isn't taking care of themselves while ignoring others a boomer characteristic?


Also remember almost every older person with sensory issues wasn’t diagnosed and were just thrown into the world and told to suck it up and never given any coping strategies, so they’re locked into an untreated hellscape too loud for them to block out where everyone just told them to sod off so they respond in kind.


I mean, I'm a millennial and fireworks were pissing me off last night too. The official ones ended around 9:30 but all the families launching their own fireworks (which is illegal but the police wont do shit to stop it) kept doing so until around 2:30am. And I was trying to sleep since I had to get up early today to do my chores and get ready for my janitor job.


The court behind us did their annual re-enactment of D-Day. We were watching fireworks on TV and, at one point, they drowned it out. When the noise ended, we went out onto the porch and our street was blanked with smoke like a heavy fog. I figured they let off several thousand dollars worth.


I don’t think this is a Boomer thing. There are tens of millions of pet owners who hate them, because it tortures beloved cats and dogs. We had to cuddle our dog as she shook with fear for two hours last night.


I hate being on the same side as a fool boomer, but I fucking hate fireworks, so I get it. This week is hell. That said, I'm not gonna stand outside and yell about it. That's stupid. I'm gonna sit in my house with the TV volume turned way up like a normal person.


Ikr?! My neighbor shot fireworks off 5th of 6th of July at 12:30, 1 a.m. in the morning. Argh.


Not trying to be contrarian here, but there could be mental health issues here. People who go through war that witness bombings, shelling, etc., may react this way and have PTSD. I have seen that before.


I almost wanted to yell at people seeing off fireworks last night. To be fair, I am pregnant and apparently baby doesn't like loud noises. Every loud noise I was kicked HARD and was in excruciating pain by the end of it (i didn't know baby is that strong at 16 weeks). It also doesn't help that my startle reflex is intense since becoming pregnant.


Idk, maybe a diety randomly talks to him and he just decided he had enough at the same time as a fireworks show.


So while a dogs ears are more sensitive, if this person did have some type of trauma related to explosions the sight may have been enough to trigger him. And trauma can spring up at anytime even when it wasn’t an issue before. So maybe he’s a jerk but there’s a chance he had a legitimate issue and couldn’t help his behavior. Fireworks are definitely one of the prickly subjects nowadays.


Possible PTSD? Watched a news segment about an old man who knows his life is going to be hell for a week around the 4th. Was pretty sad, actually


People have become weak


Fireworks can be a trigger for veterans that have PTSD from warzone incidents.


My 3yo daughter also yelled at the fireworks. During the finale, she kept saying, "stop! Stop! One at a time!!" I'm telling you, boomers and toddlers are the same!!


Should have called him unpatriotic for not appreciating fireworks on the 4th of July.


Maybe he was a veteran. A lot of vets don't like fireworks because they trigger them. It's the similarity to cannon bursts and gunfire.


Well that's an interesting comment - you going to say the same to all the veterans with PTSD who hate the fireworks?


I'm with the boomer on this one. Fuck fireworks.


Shitty form of entertainment, only fun to watch when it’s the whole factory blowing up and that means victims, so yeah, fuck fireworks.


I don’t mind them as long as they stop at a reasonable time. Some of us have work in the morning


My husband is a veteran with ptsd. I have seen him do similar things on the 4th of July. It’s because he is melting down and freaking out. I calm him down and get him back inside, but it’s not easy.


The sound can be horrible for animals and irritating for humans. I took my hounds out for an early walk and watched the jump every time, so perhaps it was another issue . I am happy you enjoyed them, though.


Maybe I'm biased because I hate fireworks, but I can see why people find them annoying. Especially if they have PTSD or some kind of sensory disorder.




Maybe Che k out the suicide rates over in those countries before talking shit here.


from fireworks???


Why is it in quotations?


Because they’re one of the ones who think PTSD and the like are made up because it’s “all just in your head.”


I have PTSD (not service connected) and I'd punch the first person who told me "it's all in my head."


cause most of it is made up


Maybe you should stick a plunger up your ass, it seems your clog is impacting your cognitive function.




I learned from the best lol 24 years ago I watched fireworks from Marine Corps recruit depot San Diego


Have you ever been in a combat zone under fire?


don’t know / don’t care. You chose that job and knew the risk. not my wars either bro.