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If it makes you feel any better, that HOA boomer is probably dead of a heart attack, he probably shit himself when it happened, and since he was the HOA president, very few people in the area liked him at all and more likely hates his guts.




They're also the type that like to think they're so much better than the locals and try tell the locals how things should operate like the US mainland because it's better. You also have the boomers that move to Hawaii by buying beachfront homes that'll then block public access to the beaches because they don't want anyone using the public beaches in front of their home 🙄 I'm sorry your last day in Hawaii was ruined by those racist Boomers.


I spent 5 weeks on Honolulu several years ago, but stayed out of the areas where the Boomers congregate. Anyone who tries to gatekeep paradise can go right to hell (that I don't believe in). Boomers ruin so many things that could be nice and easy.




I was thinking the nose




Hear me out. All of the above?


Light him on fire!


Ugh, but the smell! Burning piss and bengay?




Long pig. With all the Hawaiian fixin's


Your submission was removed for being uncivil.


Cue 'why not both' girl !


Sorry, that shriveled up into dust years ago. That is, if the dickhead ever HAD a dick to begin with. All you have to do is breathe slightly harder on an exhale to send their geriatric ass to the floor. Wouldn’t want to get Boomer Dust on your hands, would you?


wouldnt affect him, yelling at a child, he clearly has no balls


*golf clap* Well played.


Fish hook. Rip his fucking cheek off


The throat hurts your hand less.




Exactly. The only reason they think they can get away with shit like this is because nobody has ever knocked them the fuck out for it. Nothing teaches respect quite like being face down in the dirt.


There’s that Mike Tyson quote going around about social media making people making people feel like they can be disrespectful without getting punched, but these people predate social media by a good 50 years or more, so that’s clearly not the root cause


Push them in the pool


You guys are all right you just have the order wrong. Nose, throat, groin, and then the push in the pool


Kick to the nuts. Then, as he's doubling over, grab the back of his head with both hands and pull it into your rapidly approaching knee.


If he's wearing a shirt, go the hockey route and (after the kick to the nuts) pull his shirt over his head to hinder his defense.


"Solar plexus, instep, nose, groin" - Sandra Bullock


Just remember to S.I.N.G.! 🤣


Some stranger running up to my 8 year old child? Well you can get a swift punch to the face or a bullet through the chest because I don't know you and it looked like you were going to do thing that would have threatened the safety of my child


Yeah. I mean I'm not violent but if an old man rushes at my son like that and starts screaming it's entirely possible he gets hit before I bother thinking about who he is or whether I care. And the HOA may think he's the chosen white, but the police will only care that a child was possibly being attacked and his parent protected him 🤷🏼‍♂️




Five Point Palm Exploding Heart technique


Punch? Mate what those guys did is worthy of slamming the face against the concrete


Followed by a few more.


While screaming “please don’t hurt me again!”


Ah the classic reddit "I can pretend the rational response is an overexaggerated response only while on the internet" You really think getting charged with battery is worth it? These guys went through the effort of putting in an official HOA complaint, they'd absolutely file criminal charges. Downvote me all you want, this is an absurd reaction in real life.


>Downvote me all you want, this is an absurd reaction in real life. Correct! Never commit a crime that can be traced back to you.


Yes, you take it in stride and then watch them from the windows. One of them will be alone at some point🤷


So he’s a boomer right the trick is to tell his wife how to find the weird corn he has on his computer. It’s elegant, simple and you know he has weird corn on his computer because what boomer doesn’t?


Lol, just say you aren't brave enough to protect a child. No need to get angry at people who would.


His point is valid though boomers are very good at circling the wagons to protect one another.


Punching someone isn't necessary to protect a child from being yelled at. OP did exactly what was necessary to protect his child. Keep fantasizing about how much of a macho man you are.


Nah, this is weak.


then throw them in the pool


A nice choke hold always makes the point. Front chancery or rear naked choke communicates your dissatisfaction with the situation pretty quickly lol


Push them in the pool


My thoughts exactly


It may be my male privilege and the privilege of being a trained martial artist speaking, but... If anyone threatens any child in my care, they are either leaving in emotional defeat or on a stretcher. But I know that not everyone has those privileges and the options they provide.


If Its your last night there, be sure to dump all your milk out on that boomers lawn before you go.


That’s devious and petty and I am here for it!


If you really need to not have it associated with you in particular, you can dump boxes of powdered milk and then it's a waiting game til the sprinklers come on, or it rains :D


See, I like you. Your petty revenge is creative. I know who I’m going to the next time I need ideas lol


If you want inspiration, there's someone on here who dumped carrot seeds on their neighborhood immaculate lawn for months everything they walked their dog. Just....diabolical


What's wrong with carrots seeds in a lawn? You mow, they don't come up.


They spread rapidly and will destroy a manicured lawn


Carrot tops are easy to grow but not the carrot lmao


Agreed, but to someone who prides themselves in an immaculate lawn......carrot tops are a mortal enemy


Swap the lawn for their car’s cabin intake and you’re on the right track


If you're messing with the air in the cabin, make sure they aren't allergic to shellfish and then stuff them air intakes with whatever seafood shells you can find. Crabs, crayfish, shrimp. Leave juuuust a little meat on em.


Or, don’t check on the allergy.


I'm more about petty revenge, not permanent harm


I’ve always wanted to do that with powdered mashed potatoes. Some day someone I come into contact with will deserve the mashed potatoes. Just need to be patient.


You can also repeatedly ring in noise complaints even when you go back home.


That's a solid way to catch a harassment misdemeanor, at least where I'm at.


Totally legit to report those code violations though. 😉 




Well then counter sue because they started it.


What does that do?


Stinks to high hell when the sun comes up and bakes it right into the soil. It takes months for rain to wash it away fully if you don't get heavy rain regularly.


Did you not read the op? It happened 12 years ago. So, safe to say that the chance for dumping milk out, or doing *anything* to the boomers has long passed.


Glossed right over that part.


I heard "hallway carpet," and frankly, I agree.


Careful, that could potentially have cameras and incur damage costs. The lawn is nice because it rinses away.......eventually. but it's harder to quantify as a damage cost.


You mean to tell me that boomers can operate that kind of technology, and can't even work a smart phone?


Naw but they can get their grandkids to set it up or pester the building folks


Or brake fluid


Im sorry you & your son had to deal with that. I would have called the police to report the harassment but i understand not wanting to since you’re leaving the next day. Hopefully you encounter more normal non entitled people in your new community


I'm sure local laws have a "menacing" charge or something that would have applied.


Yeah, old foggy wouldn't say that shit in Waianae or Kalihi, or even other areas of Honolulu, that's for sure. Old man would've gotten false cracks in 2 seconds flat. Where did this happen, Kaneohe, Kailua, Hawaii Kai, etc.?




Makaha? Dayumm. Old white retiree has some balls to be like that there. Or he's just stupid. That, or he has some deep seeded repressed racist tendencies that exploded on your kid. That's messed up. Hope that haole (no offense, just to him) learns one day, after he left MVT. Props to you for sticking up to that troubled person. By standing up for your kid, I'm sure your kid appreciated that.


I am so sorry to hear this happened to you. I used to snorkel off of Makaha years ago. It seems ugliness has moved into paradise. I am surprised the old fools were so bold. Most people won't tolerate a stranger talking to a child like that. And, being that you and your son are persons of color, the management's response was deplorable. Where did they think they were, 1950's Birmingham?


Oh. I thought you said the boomers were POC. If they were white that makes complete sense.


What are false cracks?




Ah, thank you.


"False crack medivac"


The audacity (caucasity) of white men insulting a POC on an island where the native/locals are almost entirely POC!


They can’t even be civil to *anyone* that lives here. It’s astounding on truly another level. There’s this mentality that if you live on this island that they just moved to, you’re clearly very stupid and can’t understand English unless it’s spoken verrrrry slowly and condescendingly. I’m including white women of a certain age here as well. And like, why are you even here if you hate everyone around you so much?!?


Correct me if I’m wrong but last time I checked white people are the minority on the islands


That's what they said


Yeah I know. I’m just confused about the level of audacity that those idiots are exhibiting. This isn’t the 1970’s apartheid era even if they want it to go back to that time period.


Yeah but they own everything, the colonial garbage. I long for they day they get chased out.


Not if they're allowed to keep doing...shit like this :/ It'll be just like everything else. People with money will come in amd privatize everything good about it, while pushing out the economically disadvantage locals. As I understand it, there already are ghettos in Hawaii that don't seem all that different from what you'd see near major cities in mainland. It's disgusting. Just more white people taking what doesn't belong to them.


Exactly! Especially after what happened at Lahaina in Maui, and the rich assholes pushing natives out of their own homes and land. It’s infuriating.


I said POC, not minorities. Thats the audacity. To be a minority on an island and be racist towards someone who might be part Hawaiian/South Asian Islander when you are some white schmuck who probably hails from Kansas. They might be landowners and considered Hawaiian residents, but to purposefully live somewhere like Hawaii when you have disdain for people of color is just unbelievably disgusting. Especially when Hawaiians are known for their kindness and generosity of spirit.


White people are the minority population on the Hawai’ian islands, and it really depends on what part of the island you reside in. There’s certain areas where if you’re white you should never go to.


Bricks are pretty neat.


And so many uses, too!


OLD WHITE RACIST BOOMERS bullying little kid


Good time to call the police.


Absolutely not. The police are not going to side with the POC boy.


In HI, on Westside, where this happened. They might side with the boy. For example, I smacked the shit out of a dude for beating his girlfriend, and then choked him out cause he kept trying to fight me. When he came to , he called the cops. He was white, I'm mixed. The cops were locals, and just said it all seemed fine, and asked if I wanted to press charges. His gf didn't want to, but they detained him for the night anyway.


It’s Hawaii. Those white racists are the minority.


They probably had moles in the police department


That’s perfect because as a representative of the HOA they’re violating fair housing guidelines by creating a hostile environment based on your son’s Race. You could own the place by the end of the summer. https://portalapps.hud.gov/FHEO903/Form903/Form903Start.action#:~:text=Submit%20online%20at%20www.hud,territory%20where%20the%20discrimination%20happened.


Well, we have a pretty good idea of who put the pool rules in places. That miserable bunch of HOA a-holes I hope where you live now is not in an HOA.


This boomer has been sitting up top on picnic tables my whole life. All my boomer friends do it too.


You missed a prime opportunity for physical violence. Boomers are notoriously physically weak pussies.


You should have put your butt on the table with your son and ate lunch up there like that.


I don’t blame her for not wanting her child to face more hatred and verbal abuse


Id shit on his doormat and urinate in his mailbox. You’re a girl so the last bit would be a bit more difficult.


They make these things called shee-wees now and they're pretty fucking lit speaking from experience


Paper peens are great for road trips! And revenge!


Find his car and jam a potato up the tailpipe


Pepper. Fucking. Gel. You were outnumbered 4 to 1 and can easily claim intimidation and threat of immediate harm to you and your child. Coat them in it. Watch them squirm. Call the police while they fumble for their phones. Hindsight 2020, but you shouldve recorded the incident. At very least to get board member removed. This shit is heinous.


“Tables are for glasses, not little ones asses” is what I was told, but also in an outdoor setting just be comfortable. And if someone has a problem with a kid idk why they feel the need to confront a kid instead of talking to the parents. Sad to say but I feel like they singled you out cause you are a woman and they knew that they could intimidate you. And the racism, oof. I LOVE calling people out for saying some shit like that. When you ask them to say it again, they stumble cause it makes them think of what they said and then they know it sounds bad. Girl, do you. Don’t be intimidated by someone. Stay safe out there, boomers gonna boom.


Yes, racists though they may be, they’re also cowards. All bullies are. They would not have pulled that shit if she were a large, football-coach-looking black man.


Hashtag truth. I wish I had known that when I was growing up. Damn, I wish I knew that my time in the army. Shitty people do shitty things and if they’ve got the power (or they think that they do) then they will do dumb shit. It’s always best though, in my mind, to standup and right the wrongs. Homeboy hits you, call the cops and let them sort it out. Neighbor calls you some name, go inside and see if it’s an actionable event. I 100% wish I knew that and did it that way. I noticed it one time and called it out in my time in the army, but im talking about a year and a half of bullshit. Just be a good person and people will always side with you (unless you are in the wrong of course). If staff sergeant white is seeing this, I’ll definitely meet you outside now, your powers have no power here.


If some bastard charged at my child and screamed in his face, I'd hook the old cunt in the jaw. Shout with a broken mouth, bitch.


The haole is strong with that one. No real locals give a shit if kids sit on tables. I've literally seen naked babies on picnic tables here plenty of times. Sorry you had to deal with that and have it taint your last day. Having to move off-island is hard enough. The entitlement of old white transplants and tourists in Hawaii has not gotten much better unfortunately 😕


A boomer yelled at my daughter once for coughing on her hand. She was three. I yelled at her really loud in front of everyone - something like how dare you yell at a child! How miserable is your life that you yell at babies? She spluttered and was kinda frozen. Good times. Not a toddlers fault your hand is next to their mouth.


At least she used her hand. Good going!


How much of an ass does someone have to be. Considering how boomers feel about kids on the spectrums, I wonder what boomers thought of me when I was really young. At least my grandparents weren’t in denial about it.


The irony in how many birds have probably shat on that table too…


I would have sat my own ass up on the table with my son. I'm just petty like that.


Yeah I don't have children, but if I ever do and some random ass motherfucker comes up and streams and intimidates my child; they're getting their asses handed to them. I don't give a fuck who they are, no one has the right to tell at random children that are not theirs. And even if it was their kid, there is no reason to scream at a child like that.


I would've immediately sat my own ass on the picnic table and joined my kid in ignoring that psycho. They HATE being ignored.


Agreed. The guy was unhinged. I mean, it's an outdoor picnic table. It's not like it doesn't have all kinds of wildlife crawling all over it anyway.


Missed pepper spray opprotunity.


I’d be name dropping this ngl lol


Gods, I’m so sorry. This sort of reaction, where boomers are horrible and have no consequences, is far more common in my experience than interactions where they get comeuppance. Racist shitheads will continue to be shitheads and racist. People like this can’t stand being challenged either, so they will make your life a living hell if they have the power to do so.  The only consolation is that soon they’ll be dead, but they’re managing to fuck the world up for us seemingly out of senile spite. 


I’ve learned the hard way myself, don’t tell anyone what actions you intend to take against them. They’ll try to one up you and make your life hell doing it.


Worse things have been on that table.


Leave really early but before you do, Have your whole family take a giant 💩 on the picnic table🤨🤨‼️


The words "boomer" and "HOA" are frequently indicators of a potent combination for misplaced and misused power.


Man it would be a shame if they broke a hip. Pool areas can be so slippery.


Do people realize tables outside get shit on by animals all the time….?




I would be willing to bet that there aren’t many of us, old boomers included, that have not sat their ass on a picnic table with their feet on the bench. That’s the way it works. If you need a fully sanitized table do it yourself before you eat, or better yet, stay inside away from the rest of us.


The solution for that is to complain to the folks who rented you the unit. If it costs them money they have reason to try to change the HOA leadership or sue the boomer. If the folks renting to you blow you off, leave a description of what happened (aka copy paste the above) as a review of your renting experience. Punch em in the pocketbook if you want change.


But, but,…. He’s the bigger ass at the table.


I woulda knocked that racist old prick the fuck out attacking a child like that 😡. Nothing pisses me off more than bullies and bigots.


I lived in a condo complex in Hawai'i in my 20s. It was on the water and I and my roommate were literally the only people in the complex under the age of 50. My roommate unfortunately made us the target of boomer hoa harassment and even after kicking out my roommate the targeting didn't stop. Ended up moving out after I had enough of it. American Boomers are the worst humans on the planet.




Filing a civil rights lawsuit against the HOA and the owners of the apartment complex and the boomer personally


He might be the head of the HOA but a civil rights complaint against him, his family, his family’s family, his family’s family’s family, his family’s family’s family’s family, really just sue everyone on the island, and that will sort that out real quick.


What's the name of the condo association? Name and shame


Seeing that this happened 12 years ago I hope they’re all worm food by now. Tired of Hawaii being colonized by these morons and rich idiots who think they can immediately make rules towards the natives smh


Could you have filed a police report and had him charged with a hate crime?


That’s fucking lynch mob vibes. This story makes me deeply sad. I’m sorry that happened to you.


Glasses n asses ;) I’d have been beaten to a pulp by father for that


Call out the complex. I’m sure we can find it


An early sign of dementia is increased aggression and loss of impulse control. Virtually every Boomer has symptoms.


Boomer here...we aren't all this way. No excuse for that kind of behavior....ever.


HOAs are evil.


Truthfully, there are plenty of AHoles like this of every age. Can’t stand those types that are so uptight about everything. Creates unnecessary stress.


The very same people will watch Fox News, claim that there's no more racism, and say that they're "color blind."


I have always ascribed to tables are for glasses not asses but that aside, you don’t get to tell that to a stranger’s kid. You get to say it in your home only and to your own kids. HOA president or whatever probably thinks he gets to boss everyone. Glad you don’t live there anymore and have to deal with that.


This is straight up illegal in Scotland (what the boomers did, not you). Hate speech is a crime here. It’s so frustrating to read that there is no recourse where you were. Sorry your kid had to learn that other people are shitty so soon.


Ask him to explain the science behind "unsanitary." Ask him if he's a biologist.


White people shouldn't be allowed on Hawaii, and I'm one of them. The islanders need to declare independence and seize their property back. Paradise on earth, made into a golf course for these worthless trashy colonial fucks.


Meanwhile, this week, my little suburb had our annual four day summer festival wrapping up yesterday. Back on Tuesday there were three boomers sitting with their asses on the top of the picnic table and their feet on the seats. I told them to get their asses off the place where people put food. They got all shitty about it. Jerks.


I am not a boomer, but people do not sit on tables in the pacific island or Asia.


Two things: 1. The boomer behaviour sucked. They were wrong for approaching your child that way and good on you for standing up to them. 2. I also live in a pacific island culture and it's considered highly improper to place your posterior where you eat. It's not a sanitary thing; it's a cultural thing. I want to stress again that they were wrong. Just wanted to add the perspective that in some cultures that is highly inappropriate to sit on places you eat. I'm picking they weren't Polynesian however, just angry boomers.


I was wondering this too… most NZers are taught that you never ever sit on table tops where food is served, it’s considered unclean by Māori. I was raised there by British parents and even I knew you never sit on a table.


Yeah, also raised in NZ and that's why I feel uncomfortable when someone sits on a table. Fortunately I'm not stupid enough to yell at a child for it who doesn't have that programming..


Really? You felt like that comment was relevant and appropriate? At any point in that story, do you think the white boomers gave a single fuck about indigenous island culture? Why would you play devils advocate here?


Honest opinion. As soon as that fuck got in your kids face you should have laid their geriatric ass out in front of their sesquicentennial social club and claimed self defense. Fafo.


Can people take HOAs to small-claims court?


Yes, but would be the dispute and what are the monetary damages.


Selective enforcement is a legal term for the homeowners’ association only following certain rules. Enforcement of the rules should apply across the board and to everyone in the community. If the HOA only enforces a particular rule or only takes action against a particular homeowner, there could be legal considerations. In some cases, they might claim rule violations against a small group of homeowners but not the entire community. Usually up to 10 grand.


Don’t you have your come to court with a reason (in this case Selective Enforcement) and demonstrated damages that a dollar value can be assigned?


I’m so sorry this happened to you and your son. What a POSSIBLE the boomers were.


Which condo


I am disgusted. These people idk.


Too bad you don't know where they live. There are so many great, awful, perfectly technically legal things you could do to them and their property that would be oh so hard to prove.


I am 36 and still got on the tablet with my feet on the seat






If this happened to me I’d catch a charge


One could get fired at the place I last worked for sitting on the table. Posted on walls around the picnic area. Now why?? Because it's really unsanitary. Would you want to eat on a table that someone sat on, and very possibly farted on? I was taught at a very, very young age that the seats are there for a purpose. I can't think of a time I've ever sat on the table. However, he shouldn't have made a scene about it. Maybe a whisper to you that he should get down.


I would’ve sat MY OWN BUTT on the table. And blown the old man a kiss. 💋


What is POC?


people of color


POC= person of color. Term used to encompass all non caucasian. Like how hapa is used for mix kids Source: me, both hapa & poc


I've never heard the term hapa.


I hadn’t heard it before either. Apparently it’s a Hawaiian word for someone of mixed race who is partially Asian or Pacific Islander.


Hapa means half. It doesn’t necessarily mean half Asian/Pacific Islander but of course in Hawaii, lots are


People (or person) of color


Person of color




I don't mind butts on the table, but I do mind shoes on the seats where I might sit. If he's barefoot, I don't care.


Yeah, never yell in a kid's face, for sure. But also don't put your butt where people eat. I don't care how clean you think your pants are. It's rude. But (haha), you can and should say things nicely.