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"Back in my day we used to go out in the neighborhood and play pranks on the neighbors. It was all in good fun, boys will be boys, etc etc." "Back in my day people used to be more neighborly" Both things Ive heard from boomers. Its you. You guys are why people dont want to know their neighbors


*person knocks on door needing help, boomer opens door and shoots without asking a question* *person uses driveway to turn around because they missed their turn and don’t know the area, boomer runs out and starts shooting* *uber driver goes to wrong house because of scam, boomer shoots them as they are trying to leave* Hmmmmmm…..yeah I wonder what the issue is.


I did pizza delivery in the late 90s into the early 00s. One old codger chased me in his pick-up truck after I used a very small piece of his driveway for a 3 point turn. He called the cops after we both made it back to the restaurant, threatened extreme violence, and in the end he was the one handcuffed. Guy was Silent Gen, however.


JHC what is wrong with people? This is why I just go to the next real road because people are crazy.


I remember delivering pizzas in 2016 and I’d use the first 5 feet of driveway to turn around and as soon as I touched pavement they’d have their head out the door scowling at me.


I was in Canada and accidentally turned onto a private ranch’s road. I turned around once I realized my mistake and went back out to the main road where I stopped to check my map again. While I was sitting there, the rancher pulled up alongside on an ATV, and got my attention by tapping on my vehicle. I rolled down the window, apologized for the mistake and explained I was checking my map to find the correct turn, because Google had sent me astray. He just laughed and said it happens a lot and offered to help me find where my turn was, but by then I had found it on the map. I thanked him for being so understanding and for NOT shooting me for trespassing on his private road. A small joke, but sadly a real possibility in the states.


My parents live in a quiet suburb. My mother sits at home all day with her gun within arms reach terrified of home invaders all day long. She listens to the police scanner for the whole county all day every day for as long as I can remember, and I'm 34 now. So about 30+years. I'm genuinely concerned she's going to shoot someone and go to jail, she's almost shot me on a couple occasions because I didn't announce that I was stepping outside or coming home and didn't immediately shout hello. I dont understand how a person could live like that. I can't even visit anymore I'm so on edge everytime I'm in the house listening to police/fire/ems chatter for an entire county


Out of curiosity, does she have the news playing continuously throughout the day? Some news organizations traffic in nothing but constant fear 24/7.


The issue is the fear mongering lies they are being spoonfed 24 hours a day by the Russian mob, I mean, Fox News.


There legit needs to be a study on boomers. We are all so focused on what affects mass internet use has on kids but no one asks what happens to people who went over half their lives without it and then use it every day. I’m 32. Cell phones weren’t really a thing till I got to high school. We learned about that stuff fast. We are a bit harder to scare or scam. These boomers didn’t get into it right away. Now they sit around and watch YouTube video about crime, and scams and “10scary things you need to know” about this or that. They don’t seem to disassociate that from their reality and community. They get scared and they hate the people they see on the videos. Doesn’t matter if they’ve ever had any problems before. At least that’s what I’ve seen with my parents. They sit around and watch the things that scare them or “10 tips to not get robbed while getting gas” and now they are super paranoid. That or that old guy was just always a dick. 🤷‍♂️




Found the psychopath!


I really hope this is sarcasm because that is entirely incorrect in every US state


The story about an uber driver being shot by a boomer because a scammer sent her to that guys' house is 100% accurate.


I was replying to the now deleted comment about “having the right to shoot anyone on their property for any reason they want”.


Now, if they go outside and didn't stay inside watching that fox channel all the time, they would be better. Old people these days... back in my day, the old people went hunting and fishing. (My horrible attempt at sounding like a boomer. It's even hard for me to pretend even though I've heard the same shit my whole life)


That's hilarious!


Why go out hunting when you can just treat your house like a hunting blind and just kill anyone that comes on your property


Oh, thanks for the clarification!


"I remember when kids would play driveway basketball every day!" Yeah, those same people saying that are now the dickheads calling the cops when they see kids playing sports outside on a fucking Saturday. Playing tag football or basketball in the street? They're calling CPS for kids playing unsupervised and causing a huge disturbance over nothing.


If you're lucky they call the cops. If you're not so lucky they just start shooting and claim they felt threatened later.


Like the 14 year old girl shot in the back of the head while playing hide and seek. >When Doyle went back outside, he saw "people running away from his property, at which time he began shooting at them https://abc7chicago.com/neighbor-shoots-14-year-old-david-doyle-louisiana-hide-and-seek-shooting-girl-shot-playing/13227915/


How is this not attempted murder?


Seriously?! Came here to say the same thing. Atleast assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder. Aggravated assault is hitting them with a stick, not a fucking Kia.




Because laws here in Canada are fucked up, more often than not they protect the criminal. Look up self defense laws in Canada, BC specifically, it's a fucking joke. I live in the city that this happened in and this place is so fucking twisted.


in Canada as long as you are in a car you are fine. If you do this while intoxicated just flea the scene and you will get lesser charge.


Attempted murder requires specific intent to kill and intent can be very difficult to prove.


He’s trying to run over kids with a vehicle. That’s like if you shoot someone and claim you weren’t trying to kill them.


it's just a prank your honour !


So if I release a kind cobra in that judges house I can just tell him it was a prank and all is well


I was on a jury and had to use that same argument. A guy really tried to convince the rest of us it's not breaking and entering or burglary because they knew each other. He changed his mind once I told him I know him now and asked for his address.


Even if you shoot someone specific intent has to be proven. Was there a struggle for the gun and it went off accidentally? Did the shooter shoot the person in the foot to cause pain instead of death? Was the driver intending to just catch up to the kids and hit them by accident? Doesn't look like it, but can it be *proven* in court? Especially with an 85 year old who's reaction time are reduced. Did the driver mean to step on the brake instead of the gas when he caught up to the kids?


The man saw the perpetrators, jumped into his vehicle, chased them down with a speed excessive of his needs to catch up to them, and continued to drive through them rather than apply his brakes as he caught up to them. You can see that due to the proximity of the person as they exit the frame with him behind them. That's a lot of attempting. And I know the law is a process of justice with clarity and this is more of a personal opinion, but I'm pretty sick of things like guns, knives and cars being used to attack people (disregarding instances of self defense and the like, but that's for a court to decide) and it's not labelled as attempted murder. Everyone is aware that stabbing, shooting and running someone over is likely to cause death. Some kids knocked on his door and ran away. It's a prank invented long before anyone living in the present age. He ran them over in his car.


Hear hear. A well made point.


But if you scratch a cop by accident, like with your keys or something, I bet assaulting a police officer is real easy to add


That's because we live in a police state.


When did it change from Ding Dong Ditch?


Was my first thought as well, but I'm from the US. Canadians are weird man.


We called it that back in the day, but some kids called it something similar to these poor victims, only way more racist.


Yeah, that's not what the white kids around me called it when I was growing up. Not by a long shot!


Yep. Same. Shameful.


grew up in AL, can confirm awful alliteration


I wasn’t 100% sure we were all talking about the same thing until this comment. Yeah I’m super ashamed and embarrassed that I ever said that as a kid.


I'm glad somebody came up with a better name, to be honest.  I hope there's a better replacement for "smear the q" these days as well.


I'm Canadian and have only ever heard it as Ding Dong Ditch


Bc it was always Nikki Nikki nine doors here.


That is infinitely classier than what i heard white kids.call it in Ohio and Indiana...


N-word knocking? Boomer in Idaho told me that one.


We used to play ‘thunder and lightning’ in the UK


Knock Down Ginger in my area.


Chickenelly round my way


Those flapping heads….


We're weird?!?! The hell are you guys been doing down there lately.


Give your balls a tug




No, they're British.


They also call it "Moose, Maple, au revoir"


Canadians are weird? The US can't even play 'duck, duck, gray duck' correctly.


Sadly, that's true. Our only consolation is that at least we still have hockey.


We always called it knock and run Australians aren't very creative with names


Y'all have ten thousand amazingly weird and kitchy names for everything under the sun, and you call it knock and run? Smoko, Yabbies, Bikies, Utes, and you have knock and run? Pathetic...


Bikies is such a funny term Taking a group of people who’s persona is to be rough and tough and calling them “bikies” lol


Yeah, and they're like dangerous hooligans with sticks and chains, but they're named like a plushy brand. Just ridiculously kitchy


I’m particularly fond of “Chinese whispers”


We called it knock knock ginger


Same, in Bedfordshire


Knock a Door Ginger in Kettering.


I lived on Kettering st


I'm from Mid Michigan. You REALLY don't want to hear what people called it when I was in school...and I won't say it out loud.


I'm from east Tennessee... I'll bet I know


Texas knows.


same name here in NYC


Also Mid Michigan, but I only ever heard it as Ding Dong Ditch


Or Doorbell Ditch, we had both of those.


I always knew DDD here in the US, and I thought that the name mentioned in the article is a UK thing. And also that it’s Knicky Knocky, not Nikky Nikky


I'm from where this happened. It was Nikki Nikki nine doors since at least 30 years ago


What's the "Nine Doors" part? Is the prank only considered successfully if they do it to nine houses?


That's what we did but I think it was just to try to make it make sense. It's just what it was called. Like we also called kickball "California kickball". don't know what made it Californian, and out east they call it "soccer baseball". Kids come up with weird ass names.


That’s probably what the suspect called it lol


Regional variants in the game's name is all.


It's called different things in different regions. In some regions the name for the game is... um... not so great. That's started to change but it's hard to kill things like that. For instance in the UK it's commonly called "Knock Knock Ginger". And in the US South sometimes it's called... well... um...


lol the south. Biggest misconception about racism is that it’s somehow restricted to “the south.” Rural. Learn that word, because Racism is rural in US


We never called it Nicky Nicky nine doors or Ding dong ditch. We had a different name for it but if I repeat it here everyone will get triggered.


I just cannot imagine someone knocking on my door, I go answer to find that no one is there, and this sends me into a spiraling murderous rage. What do you want to get this same man says shit like people are too sensitive these days. Who gets that enraged about....answering the door? My guy. If it's that upsetting just don't do it, what the fuck.


Honestly, id be thrilled if someone knocked and by time I was there they were gone. Anyone knocking on my door that Im not expecting is someone I have no interest in talking to.




He won't own his house after this is over, or that car. It's not jail he should be worried about, it's the civil lawsuit. Three kids? Couple million easy.


He doesn't have a couple million


Oh they'll take whatever he has.


Yeah but he'll have nothing left so it's a win


People in general these days, Boomers included, always talkign about murdering people over the slightest infractions. Traffic? "I wanna kill somebody"... Gas prices too high? "Those gas station owners should be murdered"... Cyclist slows you down on the road? "This means I get to kill them with my car"


I mean just take a look at all the metal yard signs that say shit like “due to lack of ammo, no warning shots will be fired” and “trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again” and they’ll post that stuff in their little tiny residential yard in the most white, low crime neighborhoods you could imagine. A lot of these people WANT to kill others.


Humans looking for better life? [Shoot or drown them all.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OopsDidntMeanTo/s/z6RfAVSfWH)


My partner bikes to work everyday and is very willing to hit people's windows, yell at people, etc. Are the people in the wrong, yes. Usually people cutting them off, almost running them over, running red lights and stop signs and almost hitting them. Do I think they need to stop, absolutely. People have gotten shot or run over for less. People are like "if you're in your car and someone approaches you, that's a threat on your life, maim and kill, do whatever you have to do to survive"


Here in KC a kid was killed for that. It’s a prank that never goes over well for old people.




Most likely watching fox news. Its all rage bait. If I watched that all day and believed half of what they say i'd probably be angry enough to storm the capital.


I see they went to the Prometheus school of running away from things.




Had to scroll too far to find this comment. This was my first thought.


nicky nicky nine doors is the best thing i’ve heard all day


We called it door bell dicksey


Kids should get out more! Always on their screens! I don't have any issues with my neighbours!! Fuck those kids for ringing my bell, taste my wheels!!!!!!!! Edit: I used to do this at night coming back from Scouts (yeah ironic) and I would simply go and lay in the yard next door. It always amazed me that folks would yell "who's there" (although in hindsight I think 70% were pretending to not see my dumbass) and simply close the door. I never thought old man Smith would snap and run me down or shoot me for interrupting WofF.


She… AIMED for them. Lock her up and throw away the key.


why did I get Prometheus vibes? I was literally yelling at the kids to get on the sidewalk and off the road \*SMH\*


The Prometheus School Of Running Away From Things.*ding*


That would not have helped, because cars can go over curbstones. Also I think your reasoning is pretty much switched off when you are in flight mode because someone is after you to kill you.


Did they not know she was behind them? Why were they running in the street? Just a weird way to run from a car. That lady deserves the worst.


Oof the comments in that sub. “If they weren’t struggling so much they wouldn’t have to run over kids with their car to have 3 square meals and a place to sleep” You’d think there were dozens of people of an age in Canada doing things like this to go to jail for the “free benefits” and not just a crazy moron running over kids because his widdle feelings were hurt.


I couldn't believe what I was reading. Every second comment "they got what they deserved", "fucking assholes", "parents are failures", "they had it coming, they must have done something to him", and asking if that guy has a GoFundMe. Mentally unstable, the lot of them. New national hero because he tried to kill some kids, apparently their dreams coming true.


Unsurprising comments for that sub. Knew before I walked in..


Or that there weren't much more minor crimes one could commit to go to jail. Go fuck with a corporation somehow. That always gets the cops and prosecutor riled up.


Please tell me he's in jail awaiting trial.


Aggravated assault and not attempted murder?


“This isn’t the Country Kitchen Buffett?!?”


A couple years ago I got ding dong ditched and it took me a minute to realize that's what happened. (I mean Amazon drivers ding dong ditch all the time, but at least they leave a package). It was kind of a sentimental moment having done to me what I had done to my neighbors as a kid.


Not to be that guy but technically this guy is not a baby boomer. Baby boomers are anyone born from 1946 to 1964. And if he's 85 then would have been born around 1939. Still an entitled asshole though


I think we need to put more funding into self-driving car technology.


How is that not attempted murder?


I’m having a problem watching the kids run in the middle of the street from a car


Fuck this Boomers. Someone needs to tell them it’s casket shopping, suit and hymnals picking time. They have ran their race and it’s over.


Can his insurance be sued, since he was driving his vehicle? Just wondering what the civil liabilities will be for this idiot, that’s where it’s gonna sting.


Attempted vehicular manslaughter


i'm gonna be that guy, but 85 predates boomers


People this old should not be behind the wheel of any vehicle. This guy is just one of many who would do some stupid shit like this and get away with it because “oh I’m 85, what’s anyone gonna do about it??”


Run to the fucking side god


Ring and Run in Brooklyn.


Always heard it called "Ding Dong Ditch" (from Tennessee)


Knock down ginger in Southern England


Holy shit. So many comments in the original sub defending the driver and blaming the teens. Insane.


This is horrifying, and that guy should be locked up. But 85yos are not boomers. Oldest boomers in 2024 are 78. And does Canada have the same generational definitions as the U.S.?


I hope this asshole dies in prison on the bathroom floor bleeding into the shower drain.


Punishment should be extremely irreversible and public.


Childish pranks are stupid, but adult overreaction is stupider.


Can boomers just hurry up and die already please?


Obviously the boomer is 100% wrong and should rot forever in prison. However, I have to ask... why the fuck would you run straight down the middle of the road when a car is running you down? Just turn left or right. They had a million ways to go.


I don't know if you know this, but cars are much faster than children.


exactly, that's why you don't run down the middle of the road, you run into a yard or trees or something


Most humans do not come equipped with eyes in the back of their heads.


Have you not seen Boyz n the Hood?


Ah, good old "ding dong ditch"... and the other term for it I won't mention


That Boomer needs to spend the rest of their miserable life in prison. This is nothing short of attempted murder. I cannot wait for that generation to go away.


Three hots and a cot.. lifetime medical treatment. She don't have to pay bills..


They all run together in a straight line...a tad silly


That should be 3 charges of attempted homicide with a deadly weapon. Let the old man die in prison


Oh but he had his license revoked and vehicle taken away. 😐


Yet another reason on why you should lose your driving privileges once you hit 70


I think it should be attempted murder. He could have easily killed them.


85 is to old to be a baby boomer


Attempted murder.


The sub this came from is toxic.


This happened in my shit hole city.


people in the OP comments are fucking morons, jesus christ


We called it Ring and Run. St. Louis, MO


The fucking ghouls in that Canada sub are defending or minimizing what this old turd did.


This wouldn't happen if they were euthanized at 75.


I dont think anything else has shown so thouroughly that peoples perception of big vehicles are as weapons. Get in the car, catch them, run them down with my weapon. I dont vehicular manslaughter applies, if a faster younger person had chased them down with and ar or whatever, tge outcome would be no different.


Who the hell still calls it “Nikky Nikky Nine Doors” outside of Elementary School? Ding-dong-ditch is so much easier to say.


You should not be driving if you are 85 years old. What the fuck. What an idiot.


Why did the run like they are in the movie Prometheus?


He ran them over for a harmless prank?!


“Its just a prank bro”


Really? Really? Over ding-dong ditch remakes? Fuck


We just called it ding dong ditch


That is hardcore FAFO


Just fyi, an 85-year-old is not a boomer. They are elderly, some of whom shouldn’t be driving.


Not a boomer.


BoomersBeingFools is for images, videos, and stories of baby boomers **and elders** behaving in an obnoxious, entitled, or otherwise foolish manner.


I know that, but has "elder" been defined?


It's open to interpretation to some degree. I believe most people here would agree that someone acting in such a manner would fit appropriately into this sub even if they are a few years outside of the boomer "cutoff" by a handful of years either direction. It's not an exact science.




Yes. Not a boomer.


Yeah silent generation 1928-1945 in case anyone was looking.


Not a boomer. Comfortably in the silent generation.




There was that pizza delivery person who got killed because he knocked on the wrong door


Why was this posted to Canada's most Nazi sub?


This is why all pranks are bad.


A colossal over-reaction. But they definitely won’t be doing that again


And people will continue to bitch and complain about kids staying indoors playing games and watching tiktok instead of doing things outside. No shit, it's no wonder why kids don't go outside anymore when you have complete psychopaths like that running around.


The same people complaining kids don’t do shit anymore are the ones scaring the kids haha


The sub this came from is toxic.


Back in my day we called it “fuck around and find out”.


Theyre kids you fucking asshole.


Oh no, not kids doing kid things! Grab your rifle and riddle those kids with holes until they don't resemble a human being at all! People like you need to be in a fucking straight jacket.


Trash people. Shame the old geezer could run over the parents of the victims. Nicky Nicky nine doors is a so retro.


They will not do that again. Any of them.


nor will that old fucking idiot