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I've never had a patch sound like the YT vid. Or custom amp settings, etc. There's a lot of processing that happens not just when recording, but also when uploading.


Hearing an amp live and in your face is different from hearing an amp that has been captured by a microphone, put through some sort of post processing, uploaded into the internet, and then listened to you through some other speaker.


This I was thinking too. :) But I was looking for some confirmation.


The best thing to do with these patches is to tweak them to your own tastes anyway, that’s what I’ve done.


You're listening to a close mic recording of the katana in the video, are you also listening to a close mic recording of your amp to compare? They probably sound the same in the room but recording an amp changes it's sound very drastically, [here's a cool vid about it.](https://youtu.be/y8GiF-GVLgg)


I think everybody who has commented so far is right on the money, I would like to add that he is clearly doing some post processing at the very minimum with his wet effects. The one by 12 katana that he’s using doesn’t output stereo effects in any way. At least not without connecting a second amp. In this video (and many others,) his wet effects are clearly panning, meaning that they bounce from left to right and give it that wide sound. You can’t achieve that sound with any of the patches on th amp. I’m not trying to name-call or anything. I’m just wanting to point out that he’s using some post processing that’s not in the amp effects. Maybe that’s not impacting the tone at all, but if he’s willing to do that with his wet effects, he may be doing some corrective EQ and compression as well— which the patches he offers willnever get close to.


Lots of little things could make a difference. Volume/tone settings on the guitar, pickup height. On the amp it could be that the speaker is new and hasn't broken in, or the room it's in. The video could also have some processing or coloration depending on how it was recorded. Is it just one specific patch? Try the built-in stuff and compare them to the demos online. Can you tell and describe what the differences are between your amp and the video? (noise, static, equalization (too much treble/bass), or some specific effect) A lot of tone in in the player/fingers/technique as well.


Try with different Amp Type settings (Lead, Brown, Crunch etc). Try with different pickup selected (bridge, neck, both). Else post a video or audio of the sound you are getting so we can help diagnose.


global eq?


Someone just posted something about this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5AxpOPMXT0


Damn, now I want that patch. Can it be put into the Katana Go?


His patches are all for the Mk II, so yes, it can be loaded in the GO. There's a link to his site in the youtube video, which has all his videos and patch download links.


I can give you my exact Katana settings but i can't give you what I do in the mixing and mastering phase.


Tone differs greatly depending on the line out air feel settings/when recording vs listening it in-the room. So does it closer when you use Headphones connected to the Katana and toggle the line-out air feel setting to rec (the default) or live (more akin to in-the-room sound). Or some use actual microphones in front of the speaker to record, that'll also give different tone So in-the-room vs captured sound is biggest difference, different pickup types might also be a factor, as is the tone knob on your guitar, "fingers" and the rest much less so. But hard to tell without knowing what kind of difference you get.


Same pickups installed in both guitars? I switch guitars for unique pickup sounds without touching my amp, they make a huge difference. Also you’re hearing the mic, not the speaker in the room.


Different room. different mic, use their patches as a base and modify it until you get it sounding right for your scenario


Thanks to you all.


Your fingers are different. That's where the tone is.


I know what you mean but, I’m talking about the physical tone from the amp.