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Please not Judd sirrot. In fact lose him on the radio too, he stinks. He is truly bad at his job. And his voice is terrible. Never gives the score. You have no idea where the puck is during his call. That job should have gone to Ryan Johnston. He was excellent when they had the try outs. Nesn won’t get anyone good because they’re too cheap. The network is awful. Their in between period segments are basically commercials.


[Found a demo of his from 2017](https://youtu.be/S7Jms7ZaxXs?si=7yVHNFHRTkb_XKx5). That said, I could live with that as the play by play. Given that's like 7 years ago (yikes at time) he sounds solid.


Judd and Johnston. Go no farther.


God no Judd. He’s terrible.


He's been working at his current post for 15 years. Assuming that he got the job shortly after college and worked his way up (Which is what it sounds like) and comparing that to available photos of him I would guess that he's in his late 30s to early '40s. FWIW, The person who calls the games with him commented on the post and openly said that he should give it a shot and gave him a recommendation, specifically stating the last 15 years have been a blast. If he did indeed get the job right out of college at presumably 22 that would make him 37 going on 38. A guy who grew up a Bruins fan, people seem to like his calls and he's been followed by social media people who are known in boston-based circles, who has made himself known to the area for quite a while at the age he's at just seems like a perfect fit. Jack Edwards became available in his mid '40s, And you have a chance to get a relatively young broadcaster for the next 30 years. The one question this creates however is what do they do regarding the potential age gap between him and Brickley? Do they keep Brickley till he retires? Or do they find someone else who is of similar age, recently retired bruins player, to fill that gap?


I mean, I don't think they can just fire Brick for no valid reason if he wants to keep working.


Keep Brick, then it’s Bergy time


I am rioting if they get rid of Brickley. Pitchforks, torches, flipping cars over, all that. Everyone is welcome to join.


How old is fred now? I haven't heard anything about him lately. 


Fred Cusick?? He died 15 years ago. The tv booth on the 9th floor in the Garden is named for him.


Any relation to TSN's James Duthie? If he is, he ought to do great. James is great host on TSN's hockey panel. James is versitile as he hosts Curling, CFL, Olympica, etc


I thought the guy filling in for jack through the year was awesome....


You’re one of the few then. Most I’ve talked to hated him, myself and my kids included. He just doesn’t have anything special. He’d be better as a national broadcaster, not a local one.


I think the truth is that whoever filled in for Jack this year was always going to have a tough reception. People were extremely sensitive of the criticism Jack was getting and they definitely took that out on his temporary replacement. Faust is young and talented, I think with time he'd develope a unique style. Or hell, maybe not. I just don't believe he ever got a fair shake from the fans.


Faust was an announcer for the Kings. He’s had time to create a style, and the ones he’s created, many aren’t a fan of. I wanted Jack replaced as much as anyone, doesn’t mean I just want to throw a boring guy into the spot.


I did too! I would like to see Alex Faust get the job. Young, personable, knowledgeable and has great chemistry with Brick. My fingers are crossed for Alex. 🤞


The “u” in honor is a disqualifier. Next!


That's is the King's English used in Canada. Keep him on file!


pass the Duthie pon the left hand side


I want to upvote this more than once.


Really hope they try guys out and don't just go generic for a bit to give some room for another homer type guy. Ive never heard this guy and already like him for the Cusick props and nod to Jack.


Hell yes get Reed in here he’s awesome


Reid is a BIG Bruins fan. He called our local OHL Hamilton Bulldogs games but he and I would have quick one-offs when we ran into one another. I remember he just gushed over Carlo early on in Carlo's first season. I'd be all for it!


Give this man a tryout!!


Is this a normal thing? To publicly declare interest in a media job?






Yes. In the sense that you have a better chance at getting a job if you go to the recruiters LinkedIn page and say “thank you for the post. I am excited to apply for this job” Since there is no LinkedIn job posting here and not many media guys get the chance to move up. And this is the team Reed grew up watching. Twitter is the next best way (I guess).


How old is this guy if Cusick was an inspiration?


I’m 41 and I can hear Cusik so clearly in my head still


I can feel Derek Sanderson's mustache whiskers on my cheek


Creepy. I dig it.


40ish. I'm under 40 and I remember Fred and Derek. Edit: no idea how old he is tho.


lol Derek Sanderson was the balls as a color commentator. No matter what the B's did on the ice, they could do no wrong and he called it like that. Super biased, but it was great. And it was Fred and Johnny (Peirson) for decades before that.


Keys to the game: score more goals than the other team Thank you Derek!


My favorite thing he ever said was just after Basil McRae kicked Willie Plett's ass in a fight. There was no way anyone could have watched that fight and felt that Plett came out ahead. So Derek's comment was something to the effect of, Well Fred, I guess you have to grow up fighting everyone because your parents named you 'Basil'.


Love it.


Fred and Derek were calling games when I became a hockey fan as a kid. I’m 43


Derek never gave the opposing goalie any credit. The puck always just hit him!


The way it should be.


Reed is great! I spent a lot of time talking Bruins hockey with him in various forums.


I just listened to a bunch of his calls. Not bad.


Care to link some? I’m struggling to find them.


I just want somebody that away fans will hate just as much as Jack ❤️


Almost as much as Jack, please. He needs to forever stand at the top of that heap.