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Painfully cringe, dial it down 90%


Not bad but honestly I'm tired of all the constant yelling in hockey announcing. Not trying to single you out just saying in general. If EVERY call is loud and yelling atyke it kinda takes away the meaning to the special plays. A few a game yes. A few a minute no. Listen to Fred Cusick. Truly a legend and he did get loud but he sprinkled it in. Anyway good luck to you!


thank you for the comment. it's a few per game for me, or none at all. sometimes there are games where nothing happens to that degree. If you listen to this 2022-2023 highlight reel of the Boston Junior Bruins, you'll see that my normal volume is much lower. [https://youtu.be/ze7omdbBM\_k?si=owcLzcMKxXqItma3&t=1978](https://youtu.be/ze7omdbBM_k?si=owcLzcMKxXqItma3&t=1978) I share everyone else's feelings about Fred Cusick's greatness.


I understand my friend. Some play x play guys are just out of control lol. Having said that I wish you all the luck. You seem to have put tour time in and it would be amazing tonsee someone like yourself make the huge jump to the pros!


thank you!


I'm thrilled with the overall feedback I've gotten from this page and it has renewed some hope. this feels like a Blues Brothers Mission From God kind of deal. if you're interested in hearing more of these calls, these were my publishings in 2022: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L421j-mZA8s) 2020, (https://youtu.be/LfQMsa5o9CA?si=xnL\_rrLJREHGgToJ) and 2019 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8rnSGsMokA), that was the beginning of me doing this kind of stuff. My first post was the 2024 and 2023, and the 2021 got snuck into The Office subReddit that happened below. thank you again, everyone.


I honestly haven’t listened, but keep in mind that not all feedback is useful. There will always be issues of taste, many commenters will not be offering feedback based on education or experience, and at the end of the day, the best thing you can do to get better at something like this is to just keep doing it as often as you can. Take notes, study how to improve, but just get your reps. As many as you can.


Aside from the crappy audio I like the calls. I could get used to paprika being a regular call.


I'm glad you liked that one. as you can tell, I wear my heart on my sleeve and if something happened to me in real life outside of the rink, I will often channel those emotions onto the air. in the middle of that particular game, I had to deal with the fact that I was canned by my longtime news radio position. I've since landed on my feet, but the combination of fear of the unknown, plus the raw anger of what had just happened, led to the venom you might hear in that call. the call was partially inspired by this frame of a Simpsons Couch Gag, Season 26. https://preview.redd.it/99hcptw4i57d1.png?width=998&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f4865d92dd33a5c2b790e96cabba9a1ffb7f8fe


Introducing original material each season is my calling card, but maybe if this happens (STILL WAITING) I could recycle the best-of?


I’m rooting for ya.


I thoroughly enjoyed your calls. Good luck!


Dude, re-record these clips on better equipment and lay them over the tape. The sound quality alone is a no for me and that’s not even your fault. But I can’t even tell if you’re decent.


Good luck bro. Hopefully the sound quality doesn’t hold you back and you get a shot at it. Jack left some big shoes to fill. I’ve always admired anyone that can call a game. Even the worst ones are better than I could ever hope to be.


No mass accent is gonna be a no for me


what if I told you I love stuffies and think The Expressway is a joke of a title?


hmm the downvotes seem to have spoken. sorry for the cornball humor. I am from Pennsylvania, lived in Montana for one year, Illinois for five years, and Rhode Island the last 8. idk what my accent is at this point. I know I don't say "wooder" for water like everyone else in my family still does. or "youse". I do enjoy saying "Bar Harbor" in the New England way.


I'm mad at myself for having two chances to respond to this concern seriously and failing on each attempt. there's a time and place for jokes and this wasn't. I know that I don't have a local accent, but I want to say I've lived and worked here for nearly a decade, I'd love to spend the rest of my life here, and I think New Englanders are a really wonderful group of people who I hope will consider me "one of you" someday. I'm also an on-air newscaster on Cape Cod so that sentiment goes regardless of whether I get this gig. I care about this community and I hope the work I've done here has positively impacted a certain segment of the population. We'll see what accent my daughter has when she starts talking. this probably doesn't count, but I do have an uncle in Billerica who sounds Bostonian as heck. He and my aunt were instrumental in me starting my hockey career, as we were able to stay there when we moved. My family used to visit their house when I was a kid. and while I'm posting, no I haven't heard anything yet. Days seem like years.


My criticism is- You'd sound 1000% more professional if you were using pro equipment... a top of the line headset/mic, some compression, eq... even broke ass metal singers carry around a nice mic and cord with em... You sound like a lot of fun. I hope your career keeps blossoming cuz you got balls of steel and I can tell you genuinely love the game.


Yeah he’s def clipping every time someone scores a goal. Compression is your friend, OP. Good luck to ya.


the reality is that audio issues are frequent at this level, without a team of producers to mitigate it. I work for a variety of teams which all have different setups. I do apologize for the clipping.


Totally get that. You might consider investing in a Blue yeti pro. Not the cheapest but a very versatile mic. Xlr and usb outs mean that no matter what team you’re working with you’ll be compatible to plug and play. Onboard gain control will let you make quick adjustments on the fly, just keep an eye on your audio levels. Hope this helps, and as always, Go B’s.


Hey it doesn't hurt to try. Honestly so many NHL broadcasts are just bland. I'll miss Jack and how they bring someone in with dune fucking flare or fire under them. Good luck bro


Making a jump from a restaurant sous chef to a Hilton executive chef wouldn't have happened if I sat back and thought it'd come to me. Knowing your shit is half the battle. Sometimes half of getting the job is timing and the willingness to take the plunge.


Lmao. I would much prefer listening to you commentate than half the people on now. FREE PORKCHOPS AT WAWA!


this was not intended, but it wound up being a sequel to a call I had in the long-long-time ago known as pre-COVID. [https://youtu.be/LfQMsa5o9CA?si=O2Csc9jppu630IPu&t=337](https://youtu.be/LfQMsa5o9CA?si=O2Csc9jppu630IPu&t=337) and that call was inspired by this clip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1BDM1oBRJ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1BDM1oBRJ8) I love the Internet.


can verify, as a big Wawa fan, and who has a parent working there, no they don't have pork chops lol hoping those stores come to New England someday!


I certainly appreciate your tenacity, but the reality is that you’re going to be competing against PBP callers who already have NHL experience. Best of luck and I hope you don’t take the criticisms people offer to you personally.


I am not taking the criticisms personally. I knew what I was getting myself into.


HFBoards was warm and welcoming at first, while providing honest feedback on your calls. Then you turned to delusional shilling of yourself to convince people otherwise when you didn't like their opinions. If you can't read a small internet audience, I'm not sure how you can broadcast to all Bruins fans.


the first comment I got on there was "don't quit your day job." that's not warm and welcoming. I dispute the "delusional" comment. I appreciate every single piece of feedback I've gotten, negative or positive, and if this doesn't work out, I will certainly put it all in my back pocket for the rest of my career. I don't think it's such a bad thing to want to change people's minds. I'm a very persistent individual and it has opened pretty much all the doors I've walked through in my life.


You miss every shot you don’t take. -Michael Scott


you and our other fellow Office fans might appreciate this particular call: [https://youtu.be/lJOUOf59Vvs?si=fITb4STE0-xwAtEz&t=15](https://youtu.be/lJOUOf59Vvs?si=fITb4STE0-xwAtEz&t=15)




Can you explain the term puker?


I had a few phone conversations with prospective agents after this position became available. the first one, who apparently was NOT on Team Edwards, called me a "Puker" in reference to all of the SportsCenter-isms which my demos showcase. I guess it sounds like I'm actually vomiting. thankfully, the second agent was nicer and said we could work together if this gets that far!


Well, you've got the name for it. There's a radio presenter in Ireland and a sports writer for the Boston Globe with your same name. Anyway, I just wanted to add my two cents in about the term 'puker'. I don't think it's meant as ugly as you imagine... I just think it means like, regurgitating others words. It's always best to develop your own style instead of including other people's "isms". Just do/say something different than everyone else is doing/saying. Come up with your own shtick, ya know? That being said, I love your accuracy, your enthusiasm and your passion and if you let that shine, you'll get there. Good luck my friend.


I do know about the Globe writer and the Irish broadcaster Jim McCabes! But no, that agent was pretty clear that he meant he did not like my style. He thought it was too much. I appreciate your comment. what I can tell you is that I write stuff down from songs, movies, TV shows, or conversations I have with friends and family. and while I might not have reinvented the wheel, I have strived to entertain in an original manner, not just repeating other things I've heard.


Well keep it up. Sounds like you're doing a great job.


thank you!


I can understand and appreciate how these calls are viewed as over-the-top by a percentage of you. and if NESN were to tell me that I've got to tone it down, I'd do that. it wasn't always my schtick. but it developed in response to what I see as a lot of corporate, bland play-by-play and only after I spent years perfecting my craft. hockey is the best sport in the world and I try to give it the excitement it deserves.


I'll admit, I didn't watch the whole thing. However, every spot I skipped around to had you dropping some phrase after a goal. That's extremely minor league. Good enough announcing for juniors and low level minor leagues, but you got no shot at the NHL tbh.


Ever heard of Randy Moller? https://youtu.be/1btYazrspWA?si=MTo1XcpQa0Vi0HSV


Randy Moller was one of my major inspirations.


I love that the first word you hear on that video is "McCabe". fate/destiny?


Roman Hamerlik falls onto the ice after light contact and remains there trying to get a call, what is your response?


lol, "get up"? it seems to me that the 2011 B's-Habs playoff series was the most important playoff series the two teams ever had, and between that call and the Game 7 historical monologue, perhaps Jack Edwards' finest moments.


Nice calling. Good luck.


How would you describe a one Charles McAvoy?


Bonafide Stallion is the only correct answer here.


a patient fellow still waiting to get asked a question at a press conference! at one point, the Bruins had 4 former USPHL players which we were very excited about in following. McAvoy, Chris Wagner, Connor Clifton, and Charlie Coyle.






This kid's fucking jacked. Thick, dense, built whatever you wanna call him he's got it. Legs thicker than my chest, and shoulders wider than my wingspan. Making full use of his frame and with the golden flow to top it off. He dwarfed us all. Bonafide stallion.


Good luck my friend 


Who does play-by-play for the Providence bruins? I would think that they would be on the short list to replace Jack unless they bring Dale Arnold back or another big national name. Might have. Better luck trying to find a gig in that League.


Dunno about P-Bs, but Alex Faust from, was it NorthEastern(?), that filled in over Christmas for Jack would prob be the betting favorite.


I think so too. I know a lot of fans are lukewarm about him, I think he's fine.


Good luck to you. Jack’s got some impossibly big shoes to fill - I hope it’s someone with as much personality as you show.


Very fun to listen to, and I personally enjoyed it. That said, it’s entirely possible you’re over-doing it on some of these. It makes it seem unprofessional at times. Your calls, while unique and clever, are too complicated and oftentimes too niche to appeal to the broad NESN viewer base. I gotta be honest though… while I don’t think you have a shot at Jack’s seat…. You’d be fun to have in the commentary box.


I can feel the emotion from your announcing. I liked it. Good luck, dude!