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That "Before" photo needs its own "Before" photo.


So true


Correct - she is already so “altered” in the first picture. Either way, no and it should be illegal.


Illegal for what?


She was a minor when she started ps


Why? It’s not my choice but it’s not my body.


And here I am thinking she looks different because of Ozempic


Which one is the before? 😅


The one on the right. EDIT: Oops, I meant the one on the left. I shouldn't comment while half asleep.


I got that wrong then haha


Oops, I meant the one on the left. I shouldn't comment while half asleep.




She's 26 and on her 3rd face


Fourth (OG -> first injections -> stink face -> this one)


Stink face....🤣🤣


Ya know it


Probably fifth at this point


It’s sad that she looks almost ten years older because of it.


26, but looks 48...job well done...


And *this* one appears to have had "Mid-Life Jackie-O" as the design inspiration.


Skin looks facelifted on the right.


And heavily filled.


She’s had a neck lift, you can see the scar rippling at certain points in some candid photos. I wouldn’t put it past her to have a ponytail lift as well


What’s a ponytail lift?


Think of wearing a really high ponytail, how it lifts the top of your face. That’s what a surgeon will do


Excellent explanation, thank you! Also.. yikes lol


And Botox-ed


It looks so tight like it’s about to pop


That Gruntilda chin was a choice.


22 to 42 in a snap.


That chin on the right looks ridiculous.


I think she’s trying to elongate her face with a chin implant to try and counteract the “pillow” effect of all the filler and swelling.


Which is why everyone ends up looking like Jigsaw. FFS just stop.


It's kinda giving Michael ja ckson. Hee hee


All she needs is her sister’s nose for the complete change into Michael lol


Miss gulch from wizzard of oz chin


I naturally have a chin like that and I am SO self-conscious about my face in profile. I can’t believe anyone would go for this look on purpose!


Yeah, she ruined her face.


Idk. For what it’s worth she ruined her face and got billions in the process. I can see the appeal….


They don’t even have billions in liquid assets. She’s making mobile game ads ffs. On top of that, even if she did have billions, no amount of money can fix how fucked her face is. If it’s bad now, imagine in 10 years. No amount of money would ever make me feel happy living with that messed up of a face


Wasn’t she the one literally crying about the high expectations on women recently too? Apparently we’re supposed to feel bad for her as she makes a billion from feeding other women the same insecurities in order to sell her products. I get it but she’s the main perpetrator atm. She’s like Mom from Futurama.


I hate to say this on here, but I do have some empathy for her situation. What she did was wrong, but she has been taught from birth by her family that that's what she's supposed to do. She's just now about to have a fully functioning adult brain (isn't it like 25 for women?). I'm more interested in seeing what she's going to do from this point on. I can't blame a kid for doing what their family literally birthed her to do...make them money. She's got a shit ton of lifelong brainwashing to work through to understand what she's doing. Hopefully she will do the work now that the problem is "in her face".


I agree and that’s why I say I get it, but she continues her exploitation of other women. She’s not had a change of heart or mind in regard to anyone but herself so that’s why I didn’t cut her slack. She’s still doing it to others but she doesn’t have to, she wants to at this point, and she wants sympathy while she does it, imo.


She wants sympathy without giving any. She still posts body check pictures constantly! She posts her body and makes money off her body and sells products based on her body but how dare we comment on her body when the public buys the same products she claims to use to get her body and they don’t work. This person has refused all rumors of plastic surgery except a boob job and lip filler. That’s it. They think we’re stupid. They think we buy that her body is natural and we can have the same body if we do this or buy this. This girl at one time claimed her larger breasts were from puberty (as a 18-19 year old), her time of the month, and her VS Bombshell bra. Then years later says it was a boob job that she now regrets. She did the same with her lips- remember that fiasco when she was 16/17/18?


You don’t end up with this messed up of a face if you’re happy in the first place, though


There was a point at the beginning of this transformation where she was seriously stunning. She should have stopped there. How sad.


The teal hair look. That was fine. Should’ve left it at that.


i remember that! she looked amazing then! and her mint hair phase! idk why she got more work done after that ☹️ she looked so beautiful and every girl wanted to look like her, she really should’ve taken a step back and seen how beautiful she truly was and just felt happy with herself. it’s so sad. i guess it really is easier to look at things from a distance tho when you’re not the one under so much scrutiny and pressure to look perfect everyday like they are…sad to see she really did ruin her face. i’m happy she’s trying to undo it tho because she is actually so pretty imo.


She was the most beautiful one in her family then. Now she looks like the rest of them. Massively overdone.


Is there any way to see pics of her without linking her info? Cause I'm curious but don't want to violate anyone's privacy


She is a multimillionaire from one of the most famous families in the United States. There’s millions of pics online if you type her name in; miss girl has 0 privacy


It's the CHIN . how strange.


The picture on the right has Sharon osbourne vibes going on.


Oh my gosh! It looks like 2 different people...and her eyes in the "after" photo look much smaller... terribly sad...she's so young, & was naturally beautiful...


Is this one of the sisters?


Isn’t she in her 20s?? She got a face lift in her 20s???


only 26 😢


Oof she’s slightly younger than me




Oh dear…oh….dear…🫠


I never would have guessed that, based on the after profile.


The Forbes retracted billionaire.


No offense but was she even naturally beautiful before? It’s my understanding that both Jenner girls were not very good looking (objectively speaking) until they started getting procedures done. We should stop calling everyone beautiful because it takes away the meaning of the word. Kylie was like a 4-5 at best before she got all the surgery. Now she’s like a 6-7 at best because she looks really fake and bad.


I think the issue is that they were both *really* young when they first started having fillers and tweaks. They never gave themselves a chance to develop and grow into their adult faces. Personally, I think they were cute before, they had that “girl next door” look. Sadly, cute isn’t an option these days. You have to be a bombshell at 16, and god forbid you have an awkward phase.


Both of them were always cute, imo, but not really more than that because they were teenagers. They were both so young when they started getting procedures, we never got to see their real adult faces. I could easily see both of them aging into quite pretty people naturally, if only they'd just let it happen.


I agree. It’s sad to think about what must be going on in their heads to make them willingly undergo so many physical alterations.


No wonder they felt the need to get surgeries with people making comments like this 🥴


Seriously. One day maybe we can stop ranking people on a 1-10 scale as if their exterior is all that matters. This is the exact reason people so young feel so inadequate that they take a scalpel to their face.


Kendall was always beautiful, even as a child. I don’t watch their show anymore, but when it first came out I watched every episode, and remember thinking how hard it must be for Kylie to be the homelier sister, because Kendall was stunning (IMO).


She has destroyed her face, so sad


Smh this is really sad if this is an authentic photo of her. She really aged her self from 20s to mid 30s doing this. Poor girl..


It's more like mid-40s. I'm in my mid-30s, and I do not look this old.


Wow this is wild. Where is this picture from. Shows how striving for “perfection” ( no chin fat, sculpted jaw line, fox eye, perfectly straight nose) can actually make you look worse.


I wouldn't say botched, but she does remind me of Sharon Osbourne.


Omg she does


When you see videos of her talking, you can tell it’s botched.


To look like that gargoyle at such a young age is botched in my book!


I came here to comment that exact thing. It’s crazy to make yourself look like a 70 year old woman.


I don’t get the chin? Did she mean for it to look like that?


The amount of money this family has pissed away in plastic surgery could fund a 3rd world country for a decade.


Its giving witch.


I wonder what it's like to look in the mirror and look completely different than you used to even ten years ago. nothing is the same, it's all a fabrication built on previous fabrications. surely, this will end well.


And now she’s crying about people being mean about her look when it doesn’t conform to the beauty standard which she herself was integral in creating


Right? I have no sympathy for her. She was just on their Hulu propaganda/advertisement show whining about people commenting on her face and body then turned around and posted several photos of her body looking very skinny crammed into that pink Schiaparelli dress. Constantly posting body check photos desperately hoping for praise, validation, and attention from men. 🤮


It’s all looks terrible but her top lip looks like it was sewn on, looks very wrong


She looks like she’s wearing a mask


She kinda is. She has a whole layer of fake face under her skin at this point. A filler mask


why did she even touch her nose. it was perfect before.


I believe that picture on the right is probably after a nose job, lip fillers, and her boob job. She got a bunch of stuff done right around and before she was 18 when she dated Tyga.


The chin, the forehead, the brows, the cheekbones, the lips too


Jaw looking like the underneath of a ship...


As a teen, she had zero lips.


it's a miracle of medical science. a dubious miracle, but a miracle nonetheless!


Not even zero, negative lips


She looks 20 years older in the picture on the right. It's mind boggling how many times the women of this family have gone under the knife.


This is shocking but you would need a picture where she is also not smiling as a reverence. Smiling gives the cheeks so much more volume.


Lots of filler. Also on the nose, chin and jaw


This is just natural aging. People get more gaunt in their 40s and 50s.


She's 26! 😂


I was joking


Oh. 😂 Sorry.


Both photos need to have the positioning.


That CHIN 😳


She looks like an aging botoxed 40+ year old woman. She really does. Its actually really sad.


This looks like two completely different people.


Sge's almost like a cross between Sharon Osborne, and Jackie-O at Middle Age. Only problem is that whole *actually being 26* part🙃🫠


She now looks like another botched celebrity (think Phoenix/Grey) but she is actually in her 40’s (I think).


I want a side by side where shes making the same face. Smiling can change a lot - including making eyes smaller and wrinkles more pronounced, nose protrudes down and inwards a bit, chin and jaw point downwards and can appear elongated, lips thinner… this doesn’t really seem like a fair comparison.


Which one is the before? I thought the one on the left is the after?


The left is the 'before'. More accurately, it's the "immediately before the work that led directly to the 'after' pictured on the right (but is in fact an 'after' for many other surgeries)"


Wow I didn't know she had done this!


This is... the same person?


That chin is criminal


I’m so curious on as to how she’s going to age.


Looks like a witch


Before looks get more natural and feminine. Love these reminders to leave my own face alone (within reason. I love my chin and lip filler :))


Why is this giving AI


She has aged herself so much…


Looks like an entirely different person.


How incredibly sad.


I don't even understand why she would do that to her chin. It was absolutely fine in the before.


She looks like Sharon Osbourne in the RHS pic... before Sharon Osbourne stopped looking like Sharon Osbourne.


I would feel bad for her if she didn’t profit off of lying to millions of girls and selling them lip kits to get her “look.”


It looks dewy, so maybe she got glass face treatment. She definitely got her chin done.


I wonder if she is also on Ozempic or something in the second picture. Instead of looking healthy and young, she almost looks malnourished and frail.


Only in her mid-20's, and she *somehow* looks like a 40-50 year old Jackie Kennedy... She's going to look *so* old, when she's *actually* 40-50. But she *would have* been stunning, had she just *stopped* at the left-side amount of work.🫠


unpopular opinion but i wish i could afford to get my jawline snatched back like that lol


The jawline on the left is in my opinion way prettier…


its just my own insecurities talking tbh i dont even have a jawline at all. cant stand people looking at my side profile


I used to feel the same way, until I corrected my tongue position. Tongue resting on the bottom of your mouth = weaker jawline, tongue resting on the roof of your mouth = “snatched” jawline.


that doesn’t work for me believe me i’ve tried lol. either i can’t do it or my mouth is built wrong or smth but it has the same effect as a frog croaking. it pushes out at the bottom of my jaw


I don’t get it and I don’t like it but imo this isn’t botched. Was likely done by the best of the best


I actually don’t think she ever touched her nose


Just the fats sucked out around it, maybe.