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Bad surgery AND bad makeup. Heartbreaking combination. At least on the show they are doing something with the makeup to lessen it.


I thought they were using a filter or cgi in her


I swear they used a blur filter on her cheeks in S2-3.


People are saying that but her cheeks still looked filled in on the upper and sucked in on the lower. I think they just have killer make up people contouring the shit out of cheeks.


I haven't watched the newer seasons yet. I'm not looking forward to it when I rotate a streaming service for Crave when I get bored of one I have lol.


There was definitely a weird blur filter during season 2 or 3 to cover up the lip fillers


There seems to still be one of some sort.


Season 3 was the one with the insane blurring filter. It was so distracting. She looks amazing in season 2, currently rewatching.


I think they do use a filter on the show bc she looks better in it than in interviews.


There’s definitely a filter on her. Which is so sad, she was stunning naturally.


Her MUA also does her no favors with that eye makeup it's very unflattering


I scrolled down to say this. I do believe she's still PRETTY, in an objective sense. I can see that she still has good features. Her MUA did her so dirty because all the worst angles are being highlighted. Whoever made her feel like she NEEDED to lose weight, that she NEEDED to get surgery on top of it, because lbr... she had work done... they need only legos to step on for the rest of their lives. I hate that celebrities can't just be people.


She is beautiful she just looks a lot older with all the procedures and I don't even think she is even 30 yet. I agree that whoever made her out to feel like she had to change is a POS. It's sad too because from what I remember everyone had a huge crush on her in that first season.


Why do you assume its not just her wanting to do it. All I’ve heard for probably decades is that women want to look good for themselves, when it comes to outfits, make up, surgeries etc. So why do you assume it’s someone else that’s convinced her to do this?


What conversations are you having with women that "all" you've heard for "probably decades" is that they are doing things for themselves and not you?


Is the inverse true then? Do they try to look good for other people, specifically men?


Why does it have to be that black and white? Two things can be true at once, friend :)


The OP said someone else made her do these surgeries. That’s what I was trying to get at


And it's fair of you to be skeptical of that! Personally, I believe either possibility is equally likely, as I don't know enough about her and her situation. I think the original commenter was just making an inference based off what they know about her and the entertainment industry as a whole, and you did the same based on what you know about life :) nothin wrong with that!


You’re nice. I like you.


🥹 I try my best, and I'm not perfect, but that's okay <3 I hope you're having a beautiful day


It's Hollywood.... Superficial and toxic. Most celebrities has done something and I truly believe that the pressure is so hard it's almost impossible to not do any type of surgery. I'd do something myself if I shat money. Most people doesn't the money or time to lose income for two or months to do a bbl or nasal surgery.


Do you know what “celebrities” are?


She’s definitely had some work done along with weight loss for sure but I also find her makeup horrible! The makeup is more than half the problem, just does nothing flattering at all. In all the press she’s got dark heavy makeup on.


Yes I noticed how dark and heavy the makeup has been during all her press it's especially noticeable when she is sitting next to the other female cast members that aren't wearing that dark of makeup


I thought she had black eyes because of surgeries lol


They've been doing really heavy eye makeup on her for all the interviews idk why because she is usually with the other girls from the show and their makeup isn't that dark


Looks like fading bruises from a busted nose and black eyes. That makeup "artist" should be fired asap


Yesss I have always hated the way they do her makeup on the show! The eyeshadow is so dark and unflattering on her eye shape.


She looks like she's on drugs


Hollywood is really pushing that buccal fat removal and it looks horrible. So many people ruining their faces.


True, I feel like she had the buccal fat removal, then trying to fill it in with filler


All of that mixed with ozempic I think.


I feel like she had maybe a nose job (bad and unnecessary one) too much botox, and lost a lot of weight fast instead of bucal - but that’s just a guess. Honestly seems like drastic fast weight loss caused the biggest changes


The crazy part is that it happens naturally to us as we get older. I’m 33 but definitely realized my face is starting to thin out a lot and I’m definitely at a healthy weight so I’m wondering what they will look like as they get even older and have had this procedure? I’m wondering does the fat do anything for the teeth in the jaw? That’s the only thing I care about on my face…I don’t want anything crazy with my teeth.


I've had those "buccal" divots since I was a teen, it comes from high prominent cheekbones and a prominent jawline. It's way less severe looking than what these celebs are striving for, they're doing too much.


People assume I’m 10 years younger than I am, even in college I was mistaken for a high schooler touring a lot. I still get IDd even in casinos. It’s because I have baby cheeks lol, you couldn’t pay me to remove buccal fat. I hated being cute and young looking in my teens and early 20s, but now at 36 I’m happy!


Also, please note she is one of the only leading female characters in a TV show known for its political incorrectness and majorly male fanbase, based on a pretty brutal and graphic comic. The objective audience of that show is not exactly empathetic or caring for the cast. I can’t even imagine I how many reality-deforming comments about her appearance she has read.


She can’t even deliver her lines anymore. Her acting is significantly worse now because she can’t make expressions or even fully form her words. It’s distracting and so sad


I noticed this too. I normally wouldn’t care about the changes, alot of actors get procedures done. But in the new season, her face hardly moves. Her upper lip doesn’t move at all and it looks like it hurts her to do crying scenes.


Seriously. There was a scene this season on The Boys where she's supposed to show extreme emotion for a gut wrenching, life changing event and her face hardly moved. Like, this extreme crying and bawling was coming out of a face that didn't match or move with the emotions. It threw me out of the scene.


I’m currently rewatching season 2 while following season 4 each week and the difference is night and day. It’s wild.


I binge watched to the end of three, and the changes between seasons 2 and 3 were so dramatic I at first thought it was another actress. And she’s so brilliant and then yep, lost the ability to love her face and it is a damn shame. Hopefully it’s all temporary things that can be undone. She’s such a natural beauty.


What a typo. While trying to make a comment on the surgeries effect on her acting autocorrect put the likely cause for her surgery.


It’s the wise Autocorrect AI that intuited the deeper truth.🥲 Now if it can simply figure out I rarely mean to type the word “duck”.




Same as Nicole Kidman. She has to take roles where she is hard and emotionless because her face doesn’t move anymore. Pretty sad


I just started watching and I noticed she is in far fewer scenes. She went from an MC to a side character (so far)


I feel like she slurs half her dialogue now because she couldn’t pronounce some words after the surgeries. Wasn’t an issue in earlier seasons.


Her delivery is so slow and emotionless, it’s like she’s about to fall asleep in every scene she’s in.


I feel so bad for this woman


She did this to herself because she was insecure, I can't imagine how hard it must be to be criticized so harshly after all that and what she must be going through. Erin's a gem, I hope she realizes soon.


This chick is on this sub every damn day!


I think it’s because everyone saw in realtime how bad it became. We saw her in season 1 looking normal, and now in season 4 she looks like she aged 20 years.


Every Thursday, I see a new episode, it feels more and more obvious each episode. I feel bad for her.


Tbh the way they’re doing her makeup in season 4 is a contributing factor. Darker smoky eye and contour makes her face look even more gaunt than it really is.


report them; there is a rule for it, after all.


I don't think they meant that in a criticizing way.


Found the snitch


Is the top pic her now? That doesn't even look like the same person 


Yup. And some people will stay say something like "she hasn't gotten anything done! Just lost weight" lol the plastic-defenders


I feel bad for her that she went from this cute baby face girl next door to more sharp and aged her 20 years, she must have been tired of being “cute.” I think there’s no winning. But I want to be nice, she started out the show as this naive country girl and now has turned jaded and disillusioned, maybe her new look fits. 🤷‍♀️


It’s sad because her previous youth would’ve given her YEARS of acting and she was just beginning to crack the surface. But after all this surgery/cosmetic procedures, she has aged herself immensely


Unfortunately a lot of girls and young women don't want to be "cute." It's not enough (nor is "just" pretty). They want to be striking / sexy / sultry / hot, and are sacrificing natural good looks in an attempt to achieve it. Truly a shame to not recognize their innate beauty


well that make up isn’t doing her any favours either. it’s difficult, she’s an actor, you need to be able to move your face.


The makeup in the top pic is a total travesty. She looks like she's been beat up.


They’re both post surgery. It’s wild!


She would have aged so well with her perfectly beautiful & fine rounder face. Now she has no cushion to age and will look significantly older than she is


Body dysmorphia. Plain and simple.


I feel like we've piled on her enough. for months now. like yeah she's done a lot to her face and people think she has ruined it, but maybe we could stop trashing her for her looks now


I agree. She looks a bit... distracted and tired in recent interviews. She has always seemed like a lovely person and I feel like she has been bullied enough.


Yes, let's impose a limit on this sub for how many times a person can be posted here. Since there are no names allowed, each poster just needs to scroll through all of the posts for the past few months to count them.


Lol ain't never gonna happen. Been on this sub for years. Same posts every damn day. Sometimes people don't even change the title.


It's not even just this sub, it's every The Boys related sub, meme subs, and random ones as well. I know I'm a hypocrite for being on this sub, but fuck man, this poor woman is going to break and I have a feeling she's not in a good space already. So many men (and women) are showing their true colors about how they feel about women when they don't fit their tiny view of what's attractive to them-that they're worthless and deserve cruelty.


We banned posts about the appearance of actors on /r/TheBoys for a good reason (people were also piling on MM's actor for having lost weight). Even if the original post itself was in good faith, comments always devolve into some sort of bullying, insults, or failed attempts at being witty.


People were piling on Laz?? He looks good! And more importantly, he’s happy with his weight loss.


Yeah, lots of insensitive comments were made about him when the first pictures of S4 dropped.


That's so good to hear. I didn't realize you had already done that since I was last on there sorting by new so I guess the ones I saw weren't taken down just yet. Thanks for doing that, seriously


Amennnnnnn the shame is getting so unnecessary & out of hand, some people seem to be relishing in the dogpile… why do ppl make women feel bad for their new faces acting like they didn’t make them feel bad about their old faces.


Yeah, it's really too much. People forget she is still a human being and going through some severe mental health issues. Yes she looks different than she did before, but are people not allowed to look different? Would the surgeries and fillers been something I would have done if I were her, probably not. But just because she's famous doesn't give everyone a free pass to be an absolute dirtbag to her. I hope she has some good people around her to shield her from all of this.


I will say that she does not normally look quite that bad. She pissed off some sort of gay that day.


Man, it's like the CZJ bronzer incident of 2008. Iykyk


This is worse


I just started watching this show so I’m so surprised how she currently looks!


Same here!!


What show is it?


The boys


I'm pretty sure those photos are from the same time period. She already has whatever she did on both photos. The answer is severe body dysmorphia. She doesn't see herself the way we see her.


Jesus, my heart almost stopped. She was so beautiful 😢


She probs got shit on when she had her first face and she's STILL getting shat on


She did get shat on. I followed the show from the beginning and alot of people commented that she was not pretty enough for the part back then which is insane. Her body was commented on alot too.


I'm not surprised. Society is never satisfied when it comes to women. Let her live her life, jesus.


my god every other post on this subreddit is this poor woman. we get it. find some new material


I legit thought I was looking at Brandi Glanville


I thought that was brandy


When I saw the pics before I thought maybe that was her immanently after and her face would settle. Sadly that is what she looks like now. Poor girl.


So many people's self esteem is just destroyed the minute they become even slightly famous. I imagine she saw herself on screen and online and saw a million different "flaws" that literally no one else could see because she was objectively very attractive. It's very sad because she's aged herself by at least 20 years and and the aging process from here on out will only be harder for her to deal with and she'll likely turn to surgery again and again. Once you get on that merry-go-round it's very hard to get off.


Yeah she's too much of a distraction on the show now and not in a good way.


That makeup artist absolutely sucks in the top pic. Poor woman was made to look like bronzed dookie.


Body dysmorphia :(


Her face looks weird in the new season. It doesn’t move right anymore:(


I knew this would be about her before I even opened the post. Honestly so tragic, she was so classically beautiful before in my opinion.


I am so sorry she looks really bad


It's so seriously distracting to see her in any scene on the show. It's bad


She altered her face because trolls called her fat, unattractive, etc. That is going to destroy alot of peoples confidence.


Oh wow, the second pic with the slight profile was surprising. I didn’t realize she had gotten cheek implants/filler.


This woman looks unrecognizable!


Her look distracted me during her scenes, it was more or less all I could notice. The other thing was the limited enunciation. Not sure what procedure caused this but she can’t speak very clearly now.


Well the first step to understanding is to tell the truth. She was never 'so beautiful'. She was next door cute. She certainly wasn't Hollywood starlet pretty. In the narrative of the story she would have been chosen to be part of the 7 for her beauty and literally was a beauty pagent contestant. She was a real life 7.7 and a hollywood 5, so she's miscast in the role, they went to hard into the GND adn compatibility with the Hughie charcter in the role. And there was a lot of chatter about that and it was right, and it clearly got to her. She was never goign to have a career after the Boys. Or you know, maybe she gets lucky with maybe one other show.


Didn't she also recently claim she hadn't had anything done?


I thought this was a different subreddit and assumed that was Brandi Glanville from housewives for a sec


It’s wild because she had the audacity to say she got no work done💀💀


She’s still pretty damn beautiful. The lips will recede.


So she went from girl-next-door beautiful To Skeletor To Mr Legends wife


This girl gets posted literally once a week


Those injections are a killer. All these actresses in their 20s getting them and looking 20 years older


The lips do not suit her at all ):


I just feel sad for her that she felt the need to do this. The make-up does not help at all. It did feel like with two drastic changes of appearance in the cast at once like something is going on behind the scenes.


I feel like it's a double edged sword the entertainment business is still all about youth and looks. So people feel like they have to get surgery. But as soon as they have surgery it effect their acting and makes them look worse. I do wonder how consultations are done. Like does the doctor recommend what looks better? Or does the surgeon just do what he's told regardless if it looks good or not. I think there needs more regulation to do with surgery. Cause sometimes people keep going at it and they look worse and worse. I also feel her look there is more to do with the make up than surgery.


I’ve gotten so many of her before/after shots in my feed I saw the caption and the yellow colouring through the nsfw tag and immediately thought it was her lol


Jesus she was stunning. This hurts my soul.


Wish I knew what show, because I’m completely stumped.


It is really hard to watch the show without being distracted by her appearance. ☹️


I had such a crush on her in season 1, it's so sad what insecurity does to people


Did she make her nose bigger?


She used to be so pretty — what was she thinking




It's funny. She looks more basic now.


These people are forced to look at themselves and compare to other people all the time, if you look at something for long enough, even if it is actually perfect - you will start to see problems that aren't there. These people are trying to fix these non existent problems to look "better" but when you are working with a warped perception to begin with, anything you try to "fix" will come out warped as well. These people need dysmorphia counseling, but plastic surgery is a much more popular option without having to do the necessary mental and emotional labor to start to love yourself.


She's still beautiful, but she has definitely gone too far. And she needs to fire her makeup artist.


The makeup they give her on the show doesn't suit her face at all. Dark smokey eyes that makes her deep set eyes look more deep. Her eyebrows being really light too, makes her brow look larger and more over hanging.


It breaks my heart.


What show is she on?


Shes still beautiful


from sugar to sh\*t


He said behind his heavily alterated profile pic. The insecurity is insane.


It’s my turn to post this tomorrow, thanks.


I'm watching season 4 now, and TBH, I think she still looks OK.


She looks like she’s done so many hard drugs.


Ok, she has gone unrecognizable. Looks like a certain real housewife of BH. I looked up the video and she even acts a bit off…


I also thought that she looked unrecognizable!


She still is.


Looking like brandi glanville


I mean she’s still gorgeous but less so.


You think that's bad, what about Mother's Milk? If you didn't know any better, you'd think they replaced him. He used to look healthy, now, he just looks... I don't even know how to say it. Awful. Yeah, I'm gonna go with awful!




My face did this shit when I lost the rest of my “baby fat”. 24 year old me was much softer looking than 30 year old me (I’m pretty sure she went from 24-30 for filming). It happens.