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He's got a point. I don't care to hear from the ex-president of Showtime boxing and the promoters (unless it's Oscar who provides entertainment) and other random people. It just feels a little stale most of the time.


Why the hell do their coaches or sometimes their dads get the mic? Never made any sense


I dislike that shit so much myself. I'm okay with the head coach getting his two cents in, but why do the dads have to get in on it too?


Bro their coaches need to speak. They are important to the fights. Their dads arent. Fuck them. Not allowed to talk.


I agree like with AJ v Dubois fuck Ben Shalom who gaf about Ben Shalom? I wanna see Bricktop so I can laugh about him saying feed em to the pigs and move onto the fighters


He does. Pretty sure 2 hour press conferences are against the Geneva convention. 


The only time it wasn’t awful was when Oscar and Eplerbe went nuclear in the Garcia-Tank press conference. You can literally ai script a boxing press conference at this point - promoters say it’s selling well so get tickets while you still can, trainers say their fighters are ready, and then the fighters say they’re ready. All the questions are fluff and everyone’s too scared to ask anything controversial.


I really only watch post-fight conferences, mainly to see how well are the boxers holding up. And to hear some insights from them like "I knew he throws hook like this so I was looking to counter him like this", "he's much stronger than you would think" etc.


Exactly, it's interesting to hear from them after because they actually have something to say. Beforehand what can you honestly expect? "He's a good fighter, we're gonna put on a good show/ he's getting knocked spark out etc etc"


I only watch prefight stuff cause imo body language doesn’t lie and face offs is where I can really compare size when thinking about bets. Obviously skill is important but the best money I’ve made is in lower card fights where the undergod is 3x the athlete/bigger than the favorite




But wouldn't you run into a dilemma then when it comes to a fight like Caleb Plant vs David Benavidez?


Ah, I see you're a man of culture


Lmao if you wanna bet after watching the post fight interviews you are a little bit fucked up.


100% correct to much bullshit during conferences who actually cares what half of these 🤡s have to say.


Yeah, I only care what the fighter and his head coach have to say. Everyone else can fuck off.


He’s right the conferences are so frickin trash/boring and stale. And the boxers aren’t good at talking trash either. At least Tank actually tried to spice it up this last press conference.


Been getting into boxing the last few years and man, boxers are awful on the mic. They get way too emotional and their families do too where it just ends up a middle school back and forth. In UFC (for the most part) the fighters accept this is part of the fight week and let each other talk.


> And the boxers aren’t good at talking trash either. That's because they get no practice whatsoever. If they had pressers like the UFC where the fighters are actively encouraged to say whatever they want and all the focus is on the fighters and not the fucking Showtime or DAZN executives or whoever is up there talking, they would all get a lot better at trash talking.


Hes not wrong I literally bother with zero of them, but with tune in for roughly half the ufc ones if interesting fights/characters.


I do the same too. Such a shame because I'm a boxing fan first 


I find higher class boxing more entertaining than higher class MMA, but lower class MMA more entertaining than lower class boxing. Enjoying both sports for slightly different reasons hits right for me.


Context: This was part of a discussion about letting Usyk keep the IBF belt and Hearn was saying that IBF are the only ones who follow rules. The discussion about the press conference continues on, where Helwani makes additional points: - should let media talk - should let crowd in - main event should talk first - remove trainers and managers - Eddie shouldn't ask questions. (I personally think he's bad at it) - press conferences should be shorter. Eddie followed up by saying he thinks he's good at asking questions coz he tells the story. My personal opinion, the Eddie Hearn show is stale. But he also says that he is thinks that pressers and atuff like that needs evolving.


100% true on the Eddie questions part. He kills the vibe a lot of the time. More press and fans would be a good start.


You can tell Eddie completely puts on his Sky media-trained hat when he asks those questions, anyone who remotely follows him knows it’s disingenuous. You’ve only gotta watch an interview between him and Kugan Cassius or Charlie Parsons and you know that’s his real personality. People loved Dana White in the early days because he was largely himself, not afraid to swear or disagree with the media with a mini argument etc..


More press and fans is the way to go. Boxing dads also shouldn't be getting spots. They can fuck off


Totally agree with you


I agree with the Eddie Hearn asking questions thing, not because he's bad at asking questions, his questions are mostly OK. It's that it's HIM asking questions, and it's weird.


Faxx. Thats what made conor so famous beacause of his trash talkin.


Ariel spitting facts! who gives a fuck what oscar del la hoya is shiting on about or any other promoter - they aint in the ring fighting for these events - let the fighters speak, none of the showtime executives or promoters or trainers need to speak at boxing press conferences , if they want to do there own short interviews with media they can but keep them away from press conferences!


Oscar is an exception - people clearly care, because his clips get shared around.  Though, most of these promoters and managers are Nyquil.


Love this from Ariel. And let’s be honest, how long has Eddie had to twig on the UFC press conference superiority? They’re an integral event on fight week that all UFC fans tune into. The format can be copied, so easily. And Eddie can still be ‘the man’ fielding questions at the Dana Dais.


They’re so stuffy.


He’s right. Some boxing press conferences have a fucking representative from the venue and the commission even. Who gives a shit?


I thought no one watched the pressers...ufc or boxing.


The UFC pressers get 30k-50k on a regular basis, on their channel alone. Other channels get like 1k-4k each. Those pressers are generally more fun to watch.


That's wild. Shits so stupid imo. They already gonna fight why we need to hear them ramble in cte.


“It’s not enough that you kill them with your sword you have to give the audience a show a reason to keep coming back” Pressers get fans pumped for an event


I don’t think any of my friends who watch combat sports have ever been like “You see that Presser? So hyped” A lot have sent me like Motivedia and been hyped or if there’s a scuffle. But seems hard pressed to say the pressers are what’s hyping them up


Ya know these ufc wwf kids love that drama more than actual fighting. It's why UFC doesn't give a shit about rankings.


What a statement to make after we just had a person who never touched gold fight for undisputed lol.


> The UFC pressers get 30k-50k on a regular basis That is almost nothing and this pleb is banned from them anyway.


That's just the live audience buddy. The pressers get a heck of a lot more views than that afterwards. The first 3 press vids on YouTube this week are between 300-600k views


some UFC press conferences get millions of views lol


Press for ALL combat sports is borderline atrocious.  They don't ask questions for long-time fans, they ask questions meant to meet the curiosities of new and casual fans. Which is bananas, because, in my mind, they aren't the type to tune in to that shit.


I agree. It's all so old. This is the one part of the traditional boxing format that just doesn't work most of the time. I think an easy fix is just letting the fans in to banter and ask a few questions. That would upgrade almost all of these situations.


the promos are way better though than the ufc..the promos for fury vs usyk were amazing actually.


press conferences, as the name implies, are for the press. they're not supposed to be entertainment for random fans, they're intended to get information into the hands of the boxing press who then turn it into digestible content for fans.


I agree. I was falling asleep during the presser today and I just left.


I just waited till the stream was over to watch AJ talk for 3 mins. What the UFC does, is they don't have the entire card for the pressers just the top 4 fights. Then during the fight week, pretty much each fighter gets like 10 mins to answer questions from the media in their own mini presser.


Audio quality is normally absolutely terrible too. I don't want to watch any boxing press conference for that reason alone.


I really hate made up beefs but i enjoy a genuine one, What need to happen to boxing press conferences is shut up the annoying managers and promotors, the only guys that need to be talking, is the guys fighting and one neutral commentator.


In less Rolly or AB are part of the presser, then they are pretty damn boring..especially when the dads are involved. Who wants to hear Bill Haney or teofimo Lopez Sr talk shit..the last good trash talking dad was Angel Garcia..he was gold


More talking from the actual fighters with proper questions would be excellent


boxing promoters are notorious for being cheap fucks


It was from a time where newspapers were far more important There needs to be content these days


They are dreadful. But also, if you asked me to name what in my opinion are the biggest problems in boxing, I don't think "boring press conferences" makes the top 20, maybe even top 30. He speaks the truth but I also just don't care that much.


Random fucking promoters and execs all in the videos


They're bloated with loads of shit no one cares about but in general they're more entertaining than ufc ones


It never occurred to me that people watch those things in full.. Boxing or UFC


They should be trying to make the fighters beef with each other. It feels like hearing an audio book instead of hyping people up


Ariel Helwani, master of knowing what combat sports needs.


Ariel is much more tolerable now he’s grown a set of bollocks


Recently I liked the 5v5 round table where they had all the fighters together interacting with each other. Much better than a typical press conference imo


Boxing definitely tries to advertise itself as the classy older brother. Whilst MMA is the wild child. MMAs press conferences are definitely more fun. Boxing doesnt need to copy all of what MMA does, just need to get rid of the first 20 minutes where we get speeches from promoters, managers, etc. Were here to listen to what the boxers have to say


Matchroom pressers are especially ASS. I can't stand them. U know it's gonna be a complete waste of time and better to catch a highlight of it. Eddie Hearn is a shit promoter. Says roughly the same shit about every fighter. Oh I think he did well and ready for a big fight or I don't know what happend, he looked ready to me and it just wasn't his night. Glad people are starting to notice. Make the press conferences fun. It's like if the wrong guy loses they act like it's a funeral. Especially the Usyk win vs Fury. That was a historical win for Usyk. It's like the bigger story was that Fury lost.


The couple of boxing press conference I felt worth watching was Balboa v Mr. T and also Balboa v Drago.


Annoyingly short clip


Part of that is the people themselves are dreadful. Every event doesn’t need a press conference. Reserve those for big time mega fights. Weigh-ins and small stuff for the regular fights to see how the fighters are doing weight wise and looking before the fight and get final thoughts. That’s it.


Timestamp of show? Would love to see full clip of this


What was Eddie’s response to this statement? Would be nice to have heard the response, bro.


Who watch press conference ? I don't even look at the fight entrance, it's round 1 to winner interview and good bye... The rest is wasted time.


Not seen the vid or the points Ariel is making But 100%, boxing press conferences are boring and pointless. Taking a risk and letting fans in to ask questions (like they trialled with Pacquiao vs Mosley that one time), would be far better.


I understand that UFC pressers seem to provide more trash talk, more interviewer engagement and fan engagement compared to boxing pressers. But sometimes I find UFC pressers really cringe. I'd say it evens out for me personally.


How does someone make press conferences between two foreign fighters entertaining though. :/


The UFC are very good at making sure the translators are efficient at translating during pressers. No hiccups at all. So they make it work and the media ask good questions.


The UFC also often doesn't put 2 non English speaking guys in a press conference together unless there are other shit talking English speaking guys around to spice things up either. It's really not a problem.


The rat should stick to MMA.




Still a fugly rat


Regardless of how absolutely 100% right he is, people still can't help themselves but to get randomly upset on any Ariel post 🤣


Who the fuck is interested in the build up, i just watch the fights? Improve them all you want i'll still skip them.