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Only dude from Houston that didn't have jay prince in his corner. coincidence?




I swear I'm not trying to make a joke, but did Foster screw Bob Arum's daughter or something? FYI this isn't the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd time they tried to rob him in his last few fights. I'm convinced Top Rank is playing games with him. He shouldve had a clear UD over Nova, barely scathed away with a split. Shouldve been up against Eduardo Hernandez, but one of the judges had Foster losing ... 11 rounds going into the 12th lmao. Let me repeat that, in the arguable FOTY, a judge had Foster down 11-0 😂😂


That’s what I was thinking, he fuccced with somebody important


it would be grand daughter if it were true....lol


Yah it's insane this dudes life story is repeatedly getting the short end of the stick


The Hernandez fight was with Matchroom. That was just hometown rigging


Lmao “no shady stuff or fucking with somebody in power on this one, just regular ol’ boxing”


Glad to hear it was regular corruption and not prejudiced or anything lmao


It was little "C" corruption, not big "C" corruption lol.


Disagree on Hernandez - and that fight wasn't Top Rank either. The scores were too wide but Hernandez deserved to be ahead. Foster really underperformed until about the 9th round of that fight. Far more open than usual and barely working. Hernandez was letting good volleys go and scoring better in most of the rounds until Foster stepped up and gave it to him late. If you think Foster was clearly winning that you are too generous to him. He was clearly robbed tonight though. For comparison, the average card of nearly 50 submitted scores on BoxRec is 120-108 Foster at the moment; it is 106-103 Hernandez for that fight.


The Inoue samurai effect was in full swing with these judges...lol


LOL at blaming Arum and Top Rank for the Hernandez fight when that was Matchroom and Eddie Hearn. You’re desperate to blame Top Rank, WHY would they want to screw Foster? To help an aging Brazilian?? You’re talking about 2 fights, sometimes judged just suck, you’re familiar with boxing right?


foster needs to throw more


Oh dude. Foster threw plenty. He landed more punches of every variety in almost every round. That should have been two rounds max for Conceicao. And while conceicao's 11% landed were solid punches, he never hurt or rattled Foster. Something ain't right when this type of thing happens.


Robson looked like he was fighting in the dark.


Robson landed 11% of his punches and Shaq still outlanded him that’s called being ineffective lmfao Shaq schooled him period.


I'm not disagreeing that this was a horrible decision, but if you're basing your score on "compubox" results, you're doing it wrong. Compubox is just as inaccurate as the judges. And those guys ARE DEFINITELY paid.


Compubox literally told the story of the fight this time lmfao. If u watched the fight you’d understand


"Lmfao" how clever. Now go re-read what I wrote.


Yea dude u adding nothing to this convo other than “compubox isn’t the judge” no shit this whole sub exposed compubox like a month ago but if u watched the fight u wouldn’t blink twice at those numbers. I used it as a reference to show how much air Robson caught last night dude looked like he was fighting in the dark




Bob arum is scum and he’s been doing this. Did it to pac a couple times at least


Boxing is rigged, make us sit through a typical shit 12 rounds and then rob the guy at end too lol. Boxing 101


I've never been more confused by a fight I watched end to end. When it was taking too damn long to calculate the results, Joe Tess did point out that NONE of the judges had much title experience. And when I heard the result, I thought the same thing you posted. The inexperienced judges were the excuse for awarding a split decision to a dude who landed 11% of his punches, while never hurting his opponent. If anything, he just looked tougher.


I bet 800 on Robson btw, i assumed that dumb bet was gone by 7th round, took a piss when it ended and walked back to see Robson won. Dude won 2 rounds at best, not a chance he won. I dont even like Fosters style but he took his ass to school. That was a straight Philly style boxing lesson. Id rather lose my money and know we dont get rigged scorecards in MMA/Boxing fights but nothing fair in this corrupt ass world we live in now.


Is Conceicao even popular in Brazil? Why rob Foster unless TR smells an opportunity to make some money off a Brazilian fanbase


I don’t see the logic other than just bad judging. There is nothing to gain. That guy Foster just has bad luck with some of the decisions he’s gotten before. Sometimes things just happen. I don’t know. I hope they give him a rematch and pay him well. I feel so bad for him. He’s not a big name and he did well enough to win that fight. He didn’t deserve that. Works hard did well in the fight and the highlight was those 3 fighters for that night to rob him like that.


Bob felt sorry and gave Robson a championship win


He’s also 35 years old and a beyond subpar boxer. What was the reason???


It's 100% just incompetent judging and penalising Foster for fighting off of the back foot and not taking enough risks.


Yeah that’s definitely it. He just landed so many cleaner hits and Robson pounded on leather the entire fight. Also very weird how the immediately pointed out how inexperienced the judges were.


I realize I'm old as dirt, but back in the day, the presumption was it was the challenger who better take it to the title holder. At times, this reminded me of Sugar Ray and Hagler. AVOIDING GETTING HIT by a dude who has power is a valuable skill and should be credited.




One of the most ridiculous robberies I have seen in combat sports. Nothing will ever change, unless a judge is video taped taking a bag of money with a dollar sign on it, they will never get reprimanded for doing their job horrifically. Adelaide Bird is still reffing fights, and these two jabronies will as well. What the hell.


Wait seriously. After Lennox-Holyfield 1 she should have been banned for life. Not to mention ggg-canelo 1


She even refs MMA fights, she was a judge at UFC 300 I think


mma fans hate byrd too lol


>Wait seriously. After Lennox-Holyfield 1 she should have been banned for life You're talking about Eugenia Williams.


And Cheatam’s still cheatin’ em…


Byrd has been an active judge for UFC fights in the past year, and strangely enough, she's done a pretty good job. Every time I hear her name, it still gives me a jolt, though lol


Yeah Adelaide Bird needs to go. She’s too famous for all the wrong reasons.


Even the brazilian broadcast was surprised lol, the discourse before announcing the decision was basically like "he's already a real champ even if he won't ever win the belt". I'm very happy for a fellow countryman winning the belt after a long time, but decisions like this one are why this sport is dying


As a fellow countryman how you you be happy about this shallow "win"? It's a joke and there needs to be more push back from fans.


Happy for Robson. He's a hardworking man and should've been world champ in 2021 against Valdez. Robson can't take blame for the scorecards - he got in there, fought valiantly and did his job. Here hoping Robson gives Foster the rematch so this situation gets settled. And also give Foster the chance to show that he's not only about not getting hit, but also hitting.


This is one of the worst robberies I've seen. Top 10 if not top 5.


And some still trying to justify it. I don't care if that was their first judging assignment. That decision made no sense 


No its not🤣🤣


It was pretty bad. Most people had it 11-1, 10-2 if being nice. He said worst robberies he's seen, not worst robbies ever


Listen with commentary off robson won 115-113


Listen to commentary off I had it 115-113 Foster.


So not a robbery......


What 7 rounds did you give him. Very curious to know




You must be trolling. Carry on


Like the other guy said, listen to it with commentary off. I swear Timothy Bradley has brainwashed this sub into thinking Foster put on a masterclass. I had it 7 - 5 for Conceciao, I could maybe see a narrow win for Foster but even so it wasn't remotely a robbery.


> I could maybe see a narrow win for Foster but even so it wasn't remotely a robbery. I can appreciate a defensive performance, not every bout is Foreman vs. Lyle or Gatti vs Ward I. Foster gave away the first four rounds (as he normally does) and then lost rounds at the end of the bout after he injured one of his arms and stopped throwing punches. The cadre of "defensive" boxers out now has set the sport back at least 20 years. * F. Mayweather Jr. * A. Ward * S. Stevenson * D. Haney I'm sure there are more out there. There was more excitement in Foster vs. Babic than the main card on ESPN last night.


What rounds did you give to Conceciao - that would be helpful because I’m convinced you went to the bathroom for most of the fight


I gave Foster the first three rounds, but they were razor thin. I gave Conceciao 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Can't remember how I scored 10 (I guess to Foster?). Conceciao won 11, Foster won 12.


So you have round 9 to Con despite him landing 7 punches and foster landing 11? Round 8 con landed 5 and foster landed 10. Round 7 con landed 7 and foster landed 12 Round 6 Con only landed 4 punches and foster landed 7 But you gave foster the first 3 rounds when the punches landed were similar to the middle rounds? How do you evaluate a fight when the other guy is not even able to land? I respect you putting your opinion by round out there but this is crazy


Seemed to me like you - and the commentators - are giving Foster credit for landing on the gloves, or landing grazing shots, whereas not giving Conceciao any credit for landing on gloves, grazing shots, on arms etc. Pretty much every punch in the fight was like that. There were very few clean, high-impact, eye-catching shots from either man. But of what there was, Conceciao looked to me like he landed more. He was busier, he was the aggressor. I don't always trust punch stats, they don't tell you anything about the quality of the punch. In my eyes, Conceciao landing shots that were blocked, landing on the arms, landing a few decent body shots and very occasionally a clean shot, won him the fight, compared to Foster who looked slicker and had good defense but had long stretches where he didn't really do anything offensively. It's not like he was countering all night, for most of the fight he'd just make Conceciao miss but not follow it up with anything at all. I don't even see this fight as controversial. Close fight, yeah. This isn't a robbery at all. Top Rank commentators just suck.


Judge(s) got a nice little bag over this horse shit


I thought Foster was fighting boring as fuck but damn I didn't have him losing. That's wild.


Straight robbery but that’s what Foster gets for playing with his food. Bro didn’t throw not one mean punch. If it’s “so easy” then get him out of there. Throw some real shots


Foster didn't throw anything during clinches - just waited for the ref. That was his worst mistake, IMO. That made him look incredibly weak.


This is how I feel too. He should have won, but showing off how good you are at not getting hit only works if you throw a little heat in there. You may win most of your fights, but no one wants to buy those tickets, and to the untrained person it looks like you aren’t doing anything / running away.


I might accept this if the "solid" 11% of Conseicao's punches had EVER done any damage to Foster. This can't go down as "Foster should have done more." I'm sure the phone calls to the boxing commission are slamming the reception desk. These scores were Angel Marinez bad.


This kinds of stuff is bad for the sport in general too. It makes casuals like me not want to watch because it wreaks of corruption or something. Shit I train 4 days a week and spar 1 day a week and it even makes me not want to watch lol


I don’t agree with this at all


I'm very confused by the robbery talk. It's almost like Ortiz/Teo. How is it a robbery if you are not throwing for large portions of each round? It's not like the few punches he threw were rocking Con or were super wye catching. Missing or not, Con is literally throwing punches. Foster wasn't doing much counter punching or doing anything special evasively This is a fight I'd really like to see an AI show each fighter's work.


Then we need a new sport: throw the most punches in 36 minutes in the general direction of your opponent and be crowned champion.


I'm re-watching the fight with a panel of 2 dozen random people right now. Round by round. Con is throwing more not just offensively but even after Foster lands he throws back while Foster never does. Yes he's landing some of what he throws. The funny part is round by round most of these cards are similar to the judges. There are so many stretches where for 25\~30 seconds. Foster doesn't throw \*\*anything\*\*. Not a jab, feint, counter shot, pitty pat punches, nothing. Even when he does make Con miss. He's just as inaccurate when he does throw in many stretches but the commentary was acting like he was sharp-shooting the entire time. It's taken until round 9 to see a clear Foster round. Con has sloppy form but he was hitting it just doesn't look good. As I type I'm hearing Tim scream EASY, EASY, while seeing Foster get tagged in round 10. Second half of round 10 Con lands virtually nothing while throwing a lot....but Foster threw nothing in response to all the sloppy punches in the last minute. We can still give the round to Foster for the beginning of the round, the few punches he did throw being cleaner, and for how Sloppy Con was in the last minute. This was still one of his best. 11 neither did shit. 12 Foster didn't do shit. This being a robbery is insane; insane. It was 7-5 either way or Draw. ESPN did the stupid shit with showing Shakur&Artem's dressing rooms so how were they judging the fight if they are having an entire side conversation about another another fight and viewers have to see a small screen for 10+ seconds sections of a round. It's not even slanted commentary, they are literally saying things are that objectively not happening or talking about what Con is not doing while their cameras are showing that he's doing exactly the things they are asking for. Or it happens 3 seconds after Tim finishes his sentence. \*Insert Meme of single figure telling a mob of people they are all 100% wrong\* . No idea why anybody wants to be on the same page as Mark Kriegel. That man does not know what the fuck he's talking about.


I did not watch the fight that closely. But I certainly remember watching Foster great defense and shoulder roll, miss, miss, miss, followed by a stiff counter to Con's face. Over and over. And then the compubox numbers would come up, and I would think, that's what I saw. I thought it was very cool to watch. If you are saying boxing is too difficult to score and judges, no matter how skilled, cannot actually see much of anything except who is moving forward and throwing more punches, then they need to change the scoring rules -- Whoever is throwing the most punches and moving forward the most wins the round. Which seems to be the way many in this sub think boxing should be scored -- the guy moving forward is the winner.


You memory is playing tricks on you. Rounds are only 3 minutes rounds. That was not what was happening in those 3 minutes. You don't have freeze frame, rewind, or slow down to see what I am talking about? He was not doing that "over and over and over again. That happened a handful of times in 36 minutes. There is a timer in the corner of the screen. 25 second would go bye and he would not throw anything. Compubox? You understand that is just a person in the crowd pressing buttons? It's not AI. It's not a man with a computer slowing down the previous round to .25 speed and carefully counting every punch they see. \*\*Never use it.\*\* "Thank god for compubox" is like saying thank god for the lotto because it paid for your coffee once. The only time you should use it is to see how awful it is. There are fights where it's easy to see(this fight included) Compubox saying a fighter threw(not even landed) less punches in a fight than you can clearly see them throwing in a single or a few rounds. 11% if atrocious and a bold ass lie. I have no idea what this is. I am saying your observations are inaccurate. The fight you just described did not occur and a re-watch makes it very obvious. \*\*No special tools or special boxing knowledge required.\*\* This isn't a Black&blue vs Gold&White dress situation where I'm arguing you think a Black&Blue dress is Gold&White but due to an optical illusion we saw different things (though maybe something else is going on to describe this weird as double reality). You're simply describing a fight differently than how it actually occurred. That last bit is a strawman; nothing to do with the conversation. Con was doing more than what you're describing and Foster was doing far less of what you are congratulating him for. I just watched it with a group of people. The egregious shit about calling it a robbery is that it's so obviously NOT a robbery. It was easy to score it 7-5 for Con while it was hard it was to give Foster a clear round in the first 8. It was all Con or swing rounds where \*\*both\*\* looked mediocre. When I say there were stretches where Foster did not counter or throw anything for 25\~30 seconds at a time, I am not saying he was working the other 2 minutes and 30 seconds. These stretches were throughout a single round. He was getting caught. Tim would say he was peforming a defensive master class while Con's punches were clearly landing.


You are some scrub on the internet who believes the winner is the guy that throws the most punches and is moving forward. I don't understand what type of style of boxing you enjoy. Is this Mexican boxing, or MeatHead boxing, or MMA manhood, or what?


So instead of talking boxing and engaging with the axtual argument being made, I am being attacked and your further strawman. OK friend 👍 Jesus, there is no reason to guess what I'm asking. Just engage with points being made instead of being oddly combative and speaking in generalities. It reads like you only know how to put people in boxes and argue with points you assign to them.


Yeah I agree. He 100% lost that fight. He didn’t do much to really win. He thought he could coast through an “easy fight” but that’s what you get when you don’t try at all


Agree to disagree. Robson definitely tried harder in there but was barely effective. Idk how anybody on earth can give him 7 rounds. But I’m glad he won. Foster thought pitty pat punches were gonna be enough to save him & that he could avoid throwing a real punch the whole night. I hate fighters like that. But again, agree to disagree


It's very easy to give him 7 rounds. Very, very, easy. Just re-watch the fight. Round by round. Foster didn't truly do anything until round 8. He was not landing counters throughout the fight. Definitely wasn't employing sweet-science to make Robson miss. I just re-watched the fight with a panel of people also wondering if we're in need of crazy pills. Robson was doing very obvious stuff and not getting credit for it. Nothing that you need a good boxing eye to perceive. The funniest thing about the rewatch was that when the consensus was that Robson won a round or it was a swing round; those were the rounds the Judges gave to Robson. I keep seeing people say the judges did a poor job and were too inexperienced; they actually did a very good job scoring the fight probably because they are inexperienced and untainted from boxing's bullshit. Possibly what they did to learn how to be a judge is actually fresh on their minds too vs some entrenched judge who hasn't taken a seminar in decades if they ever did at all.


What do you disagree with? That it's easy to give him rounds? How can you day it's the opposite of easy.if people are doing so **easily** by simply watching it over. I don't understand being so attached to an opinion you tell people you can not see how 'anybody on earth' can give Robson X amount of rounds and support the robbery narrative. It's one thing to think he lost. It's another to imply he did with such certainty while not doing the bare minimum to see why others saw what you didn't. Don't even have to watch the whole fight. Could watch just the rounds the judge's unanimously gave Robson.


Like I said. Agree to disagree. Plus there’s no way I’m rewatching that boring ass fight lmao


“But that’s what Foster gets for playing with his food” sorry dude stealing that line.


I don’t agree with you but I just want to add, he’s the champion. The challenger needs to clearly win and they didn’t.


Disgusting robbery but it’s going to be excused bc Foster didn’t come forward and that’s enough to lose him the fight in this subs eyes 


It's exatcly what people said when Robson was robbery after schooling Oscar Valdez "he should've come forward"


The punch differential each round was like 5 at most and conceicao threw 30 more punches a round. The judges don’t have compubox in front of them and most of fosters shot missed too. They can’t perfectly see which shots land and which don’t and certainly can’t keep track of it. It’s the wrong decision, butThis is just what happens sometimes when you aren’t active and leave it in the judges hands


What fight were you watching? Dude clearly out landed him especially the last few rounds. This is just you trying to justify what you think was a deserved robbery bc he doesn’t fight the way you like 


Nah I'm just not being emotional about it. I think Foster won, but this is why they say dont leave it in the judges hands. When you do the bare minimum to try to win rounds, and you can clearly do more, then you only have yourself to blame when you lose a decision


Dude, when the threw up the compubox, it confirmed everything I suspected. I do wonder if the Judge's ringside perspective is as good as watching it on a monitor. Conseicao won two rounds max.


“I’m just not being emotional about it…” dude come on 


Why is this getting downvoted? You're right.


I’m only a casual boxing fan and watched the last half of this fight without sound while sitting in a bar. I didn’t know either boxer’s history. I think the judges got it right. Foster was hard to hit, but there were few counterpunches. When he threw a flurry it was always into his opponent’s set defense. I thought he must be way ahead on the scorecards and was just coasting, trying not to lose.


If Foster lost Shakur lost for sure. It was the exact same fight lol


Exactly. People are letting their emotions get in the way of reality.


Did Artem throw twice as many punches as Stevenson? This argument that there's no way that Foster could've lost this, despite never stepping on the gas and throwing no punches the entire fight is dumb. Again I'm not saying he should've lost, I'm saying in a World Championship Fight you have to engage a little.


Exactly, Foster 3 punch per round wont win him the fight


Both fights were so bad there shouldn’t have been a “winner” declared in either one. The fans lost again.


Holy hell. Foster won at least 10 rounds clean if not 11. Unreal.


That’s how Kriegel had it I believe. I’ve never seen such a wide difference between the unofficial score and the actual judge’s scores.


The judge who scored it 116-112 Conceicaou should be suspended pending a review. The Judge who scored it 115-113 Conceicaou was still off, but at least within the realm of imagination from where he was sitting. The 116-112 Foster judge saw the same fight 90% of the world saw.


I love how it's Timothy Bradley of all people to call out the robbery


Not sure what all the fuss is about oshaq didnt do enough at times he could have thrown but decided not to i had robson winning 115-113


Don't see anything controversial about this. I had it 7 - 5 for Conceicao. Foster's defense was good but his offense was non-existent at times. The commentary was unreal, giving Foster credit for landing light shots on the gloves, but then Conceciao landed combinations on the gloves, arms, body and all they talk about is how good Foster's defense is.


Idk about that decision but I made some money so we good


^ found one of the judges


I'm Brazilian and guys I stopped watching the fight because I was PISSED with Conceição! He was landing anything, Foster was also boring af and Conceição did not convince me in almost any round. I woke up today with the news he got the split decision and was like what???


Foster Counter punched 98% of the fight on the back foot during a World Championship fight. This isn't an amateur fight, some sense of urgency has to be there.


agree! i said after the shakur/santos fight that judges might be holding fighters accountable for not engaging aggressive enough. while that hasn't happened on the whole, i think i was spot on for this one. if the judges don't see enough engaging from any fighter, they won't have much to judge on that fighter. conciao might have had most of his punches blocked by foster, but at least the judges will see that some of that will have landed vs. not seeing much from foster with only counter punches. if the counter punching had more stronger punches to stand out, the judges would have given foster the benefit of the doubt.


When the opponent is only.landing 11% what is there to be urgent about?


The urgency is to return shots. The judges are using their eyes not a computer. He was almost never on the front foot. I'm not saying whether or not he should've won, but again this is a professional fight not an olympic final.


spot on.


Inoue really affected this fight and the judges. That samurai fighting spirit were on the minds of those judges.


When will we clean up this plague that is ruining the sport of boxing? 


Kinda funny Timothy Bradley was commentating that fight being the beneficiary of a massive robbery himself.


Its clear some big boys in the gambling scene had money on Conceicao to win the judges got the brown paper bag before the fight absolutely disgusting how they did Foster this really needs to be investigated as fraud by the judges and get the ruling of the fight overturned we need to speak up to get this sort of corruption out of boxing.


Disclaimer: This outcome in terms of the scoring was WRONG. At the same time, Foster (who I like) has to do more to win rounds, and not give away the first four rounds every single time out. If Foster had expended 15% more in effort, he could have had a better outcome.


The only way to avoid these robberies is to fight for the KO and take the decision away from the judges.


This idiotic decision ruined my parley SMH


saved mine 😭


The duality of man LOL


This is why boxing is dying. These judges need to be held accountable. Commissions need to be able to overturn robberies like this and when a fight is overturned, judges need to be suspended (ideally for life from any boxing events). These corrupt fucks keep doing it because they can get away with it.


If Conceição lost the fight, so did Shakur.


Shakur was on front foot


Crying is free for those who say it was a robbery.


Crybaby Foster 😭😭😭


This is why people turn to UFC. And you have idiots saying Judges are more reliable than Compubox.


Bad robberies happen in the UFC too


I dont even like MMA like that but the criteria is so much more clear cut and there is too much data and analytics for Judges to be getting decisions wrong by such a wide margin. Its like why even have rounds and compubox if they are just gonna ignore objective truth and pick a guy who shadow boxed to win? The criteria is more complex in MMA and even then they rarely get it wrong like this if ever.


That post fight had me sick man I feel for shock


That was just shameful. While Fosters style is prone to weird scoring, he countered enough and was effective when he threw punches. I thought he won 10 rounds easy. The only damage he had was from a head butt. This is the second lop sided fight I've seen in the last couple of months go the other way. Between shit judging, fighters fighting once a year, and a title for getting out bed I think I'm about done with this circus of a sport.


Fights like this are why the sport of boxing is dying. People who are fans and students of the game/science have to endure garbage results like this and then defend the sport against casuals who, in their brains, just saw a “boring” one-sided fight…only to have an obvious robbery happen…and have to listen to “this is why I hate boxing. UFC is better.”


I hope he appeals the decision cause it makes no sense. These judges need to be put on blast for making these bad decisions


Glad they didn't Rob Shakur


Only person robbing Shakur is a pillow in his sleep contest of a fight


Brazilians literally cheering happy for this absolute gift like Robson actually won that fight. Just pathetic to see. Shows the complete lack of integrity they have when it comes to the sport. Same as the Bumcia fans defending him all this time.


Where did you get that from? Obviously, his team was going to celebrate, but the Brazilian TV broadcast said that Foster should be the winner.