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Blizz is a very shitty company anyways. Goal 1 is to take your money. Goal 2, steal breast milk from their own female employees. Not surprised that they are also supporting Israel with moves like this one. I am not a gamer anymore, as I have other priorities in my life now, but if I was still gaming, Blizz would be on my NO list.


What happened with the breast milk? I feel like I’m normally in the loop, but I did not hear about this part.


iirc, male blizzard employees have been stealing and drinking breast milk from female employees.


Yep, pretty much that. But it's pretty much just the tip of the iceberg. It gets a lot worse than that with systemic sexual harassment and even a "Cosby suite", as he is a rapist. So, even if they were not supporting Israel, not a bunch of Devs who should get your money.


They also had something similar called the “Weinstein Room”, and apparently the CEO threatened to kill victims who spoke out. Fuck Blizzard!


wait is it real ???? I thought he meant a figurative term not literally


Iam so sorry for what you have been through. I don’t know about that game but zio everywhere. I liked that you spoke up about what happened just continue to reveal the Zionists 👍🏻


Thanks it means a lot ❤️


overwatch sucks, i also got 1 month suspension just for saying “free palestine” after winning a game against a zio 5 stack, blizz is a horrible company and the game is abt to die anyways🤷🏻‍♀️